const Path = require('path') const { filePathToPOSIX } = require('./fileUtils') const globals = require('./globals') const LibraryFile = require('../objects/files/LibraryFile') const parseNameString = require('./parsers/parseNameString') /** * @typedef LibraryItemFilenameMetadata * @property {string} title * @property {string} subtitle Book mediaType only * @property {string} asin Book mediaType only * @property {string[]} authors Book mediaType only * @property {string[]} narrators Book mediaType only * @property {string} seriesName Book mediaType only * @property {string} seriesSequence Book mediaType only * @property {string} publishedYear Book mediaType only */ function isMediaFile(mediaType, ext, audiobooksOnly = false) { if (!ext) return false const extclean = ext.slice(1).toLowerCase() if (mediaType === 'podcast') return globals.SupportedAudioTypes.includes(extclean) else if (audiobooksOnly) return globals.SupportedAudioTypes.includes(extclean) return globals.SupportedAudioTypes.includes(extclean) || globals.SupportedEbookTypes.includes(extclean) } function checkFilepathIsAudioFile(filepath) { const ext = Path.extname(filepath) if (!ext) return false const extclean = ext.slice(1).toLowerCase() return globals.SupportedAudioTypes.includes(extclean) } module.exports.checkFilepathIsAudioFile = checkFilepathIsAudioFile /** * @param {string} mediaType * @param {import('./fileUtils').FilePathItem[]} fileItems * @param {boolean} [audiobooksOnly=false] * @returns {Record<string,string[]>} map of files grouped into potential libarary item dirs */ function groupFileItemsIntoLibraryItemDirs(mediaType, fileItems, audiobooksOnly = false) { // Step 1: Filter out non-book-media files in root dir (with depth of 0) const itemsFiltered = fileItems.filter((i) => { return i.deep > 0 || (mediaType === 'book' && isMediaFile(mediaType, i.extension, audiobooksOnly)) }) // Step 2: Seperate media files and other files // - Directories without a media file will not be included /** @type {import('./fileUtils').FilePathItem[]} */ const mediaFileItems = [] /** @type {import('./fileUtils').FilePathItem[]} */ const otherFileItems = [] itemsFiltered.forEach((item) => { if (isMediaFile(mediaType, item.extension, audiobooksOnly)) mediaFileItems.push(item) else otherFileItems.push(item) }) // Step 3: Group audio files in library items const libraryItemGroup = {} mediaFileItems.forEach((item) => { const dirparts = item.reldirpath.split('/').filter((p) => !!p) const numparts = dirparts.length let _path = '' if (!dirparts.length) { // Media file in root libraryItemGroup[] = } else { // Iterate over directories in path for (let i = 0; i < numparts; i++) { const dirpart = dirparts.shift() _path = Path.posix.join(_path, dirpart) if (libraryItemGroup[_path]) { // Directory already has files, add file const relpath = Path.posix.join(dirparts.join('/'), libraryItemGroup[_path].push(relpath) return } else if (!dirparts.length) { // This is the last directory, create group libraryItemGroup[_path] = [] return } else if (dirparts.length === 1 && /^(cd|dis[ck])\s*\d{1,3}$/i.test(dirparts[0])) { // Next directory is the last and is a CD dir, create group libraryItemGroup[_path] = [Path.posix.join(dirparts[0],] return } } } }) // Step 4: Add other files into library item groups otherFileItems.forEach((item) => { const dirparts = item.reldirpath.split('/') const numparts = dirparts.length let _path = '' // Iterate over directories in path for (let i = 0; i < numparts; i++) { const dirpart = dirparts.shift() _path = Path.posix.join(_path, dirpart) if (libraryItemGroup[_path]) { // Directory is audiobook group const relpath = Path.posix.join(dirparts.join('/'), libraryItemGroup[_path].push(relpath) return } } }) return libraryItemGroup } module.exports.groupFileItemsIntoLibraryItemDirs = groupFileItemsIntoLibraryItemDirs /** * Get LibraryFile from filepath * @param {string} libraryItemPath * @param {string[]} files * @returns {import('../objects/files/LibraryFile')} */ function buildLibraryFile(libraryItemPath, files) { return Promise.all( (file) => { const filePath = Path.posix.join(libraryItemPath, file) const newLibraryFile = new LibraryFile() await newLibraryFile.setDataFromPath(filePath, file) return newLibraryFile }) ) } module.exports.buildLibraryFile = buildLibraryFile /** * Get details parsed from filenames * * @param {string} relPath * @param {boolean} parseSubtitle * @returns {LibraryItemFilenameMetadata} */ function getBookDataFromDir(relPath, parseSubtitle = false) { const splitDir = relPath.split('/') var folder = splitDir.pop() // Audio files will always be in the directory named for the title series = splitDir.length > 1 ? splitDir.pop() : null // If there are at least 2 more directories, next furthest will be the series author = splitDir.length > 0 ? splitDir.pop() : null // There could be many more directories, but only the top 3 are used for naming /author/series/title/ // The may contain various other pieces of metadata, these functions extract it. var [folder, asin] = getASIN(folder) var [folder, narrators] = getNarrator(folder) var [folder, sequence] = series ? getSequence(folder) : [folder, null] var [folder, publishedYear] = getPublishedYear(folder) var [title, subtitle] = parseSubtitle ? getSubtitle(folder) : [folder, null] return { title, subtitle, asin, authors: parseNameString.parse(author)?.names || [], narrators: parseNameString.parse(narrators)?.names || [], seriesName: series, seriesSequence: sequence, publishedYear } } module.exports.getBookDataFromDir = getBookDataFromDir /** * Extract narrator from folder name * * @param {string} folder * @returns {[string, string]} [folder, narrator] */ function getNarrator(folder) { let pattern = /^(?<title>.*) \{(?<narrators>.*)\}$/ let match = folder.match(pattern) return match ? [match.groups.title, match.groups.narrators] : [folder, null] } /** * Extract series sequence from folder name * * @example * 'Book 2 - Title - Subtitle' * 'Title - Subtitle - Vol 12' * 'Title - volume 9 - Subtitle' * 'Vol. 3 Title Here - Subtitle' * '1980 - Book 2 - Title' * 'Volume 12. Title - Subtitle' * '100 - Book Title' * '6. Title' * '0.5 - Book Title' * * @param {string} folder * @returns {[string, string]} [folder, sequence] */ function getSequence(folder) { // Matches a valid volume string. Also matches a book whose title starts with a 1 to 3 digit number. Will handle that later. let pattern = /^(?<volumeLabel>vol\.? |volume |book )?(?<sequence>\d{0,3}(?:\.\d{1,2})?)(?<trailingDot>\.?)(?: (?<suffix>.*))?$/i let volumeNumber = null let parts = folder.split(' - ') for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { let match = parts[i].match(pattern) // This excludes '101 Dalmations' but includes '101. Dalmations' if (match && !(match.groups.suffix && !(match.groups.volumeLabel || match.groups.trailingDot))) { volumeNumber = isNaN(match.groups.sequence) ? match.groups.sequence : Number(match.groups.sequence).toString() parts[i] = match.groups.suffix if (!parts[i]) { parts.splice(i, 1) } break } } folder = parts.join(' - ') return [folder, volumeNumber] } /** * Extract published year from folder name * * @param {string} folder * @returns {[string, string]} [folder, publishedYear] */ function getPublishedYear(folder) { var publishedYear = null pattern = /^ *\(?([0-9]{4})\)? * - *(.+)/ //Matches #### - title or (####) - title var match = folder.match(pattern) if (match) { publishedYear = match[1] folder = match[2] } return [folder, publishedYear] } /** * Extract subtitle from folder name * * @param {string} folder * @returns {[string, string]} [folder, subtitle] */ function getSubtitle(folder) { // Subtitle is everything after " - " var splitTitle = folder.split(' - ') return [splitTitle.shift(), splitTitle.join(' - ')] } /** * Extract asin from folder name * * @param {string} folder * @returns {[string, string]} [folder, asin] */ function getASIN(folder) { let asin = null let pattern = /(?: |^)\[([A-Z0-9]{10})](?= |$)/ // Matches "[B0015T963C]" const match = folder.match(pattern) if (match) { asin = match[1] folder = folder.replace(match[0], '') } return [folder.trim(), asin] } /** * * @param {string} relPath * @returns {LibraryItemFilenameMetadata} */ function getPodcastDataFromDir(relPath) { const splitDir = relPath.split('/') // Audio files will always be in the directory named for the title const title = splitDir.pop() return { title } } /** * * @param {string} libraryMediaType * @param {string} folderPath * @param {string} relPath * @returns {{ mediaMetadata: LibraryItemFilenameMetadata, relPath: string, path: string}} */ function getDataFromMediaDir(libraryMediaType, folderPath, relPath) { relPath = filePathToPOSIX(relPath) let fullPath = Path.posix.join(folderPath, relPath) let mediaMetadata = null if (libraryMediaType === 'podcast') { mediaMetadata = getPodcastDataFromDir(relPath) } else { // book mediaMetadata = getBookDataFromDir(relPath, !!global.ServerSettings.scannerParseSubtitle) } return { mediaMetadata, relPath, path: fullPath } } module.exports.getDataFromMediaDir = getDataFromMediaDir