const os = require('os') const path = require('path') const axios = require('axios') const fse = require('../fsExtra') const async = require('../async') const StreamZip = require('../nodeStreamZip') var API_URL = '' var LOCAL_CACHE_DIR = path.join(os.homedir() + '/.ffbinaries-cache') var RUNTIME_CACHE = {} var errorMsgs = { connectionIssues: 'Couldn\'t connect to API. Check your Internet connection.', parsingVersionData: 'Couldn\'t parse retrieved version data. Try "ffbinaries clearcache".', parsingVersionList: 'Couldn\'t parse the list of available versions. Try "ffbinaries clearcache".', notFound: 'Requested data not found.', incorrectVersionParam: '"version" parameter must be a string.' } function ensureDirSync(dir) { try { fse.accessSync(dir) } catch (e) { fse.mkdirSync(dir) } } ensureDirSync(LOCAL_CACHE_DIR) /** * Resolves the platform key based on input string */ function resolvePlatform(input) { var rtn = null switch (input) { case 'mac': case 'osx': case 'mac-64': case 'osx-64': rtn = 'osx-64' break case 'linux': case 'linux-32': rtn = 'linux-32' break case 'linux-64': rtn = 'linux-64' break case 'linux-arm': case 'linux-armel': rtn = 'linux-armel' break case 'linux-armhf': rtn = 'linux-armhf' break case 'win': case 'win-32': case 'windows': case 'windows-32': rtn = 'windows-32' break case 'win-64': case 'windows-64': rtn = 'windows-64' break default: rtn = null } return rtn } /** * Detects the platform of the machine the script is executed on. * Object can be provided to detect platform from info derived elsewhere. * * @param {object} osinfo Contains "type" and "arch" properties */ function detectPlatform(osinfo) { var inputIsValid = typeof osinfo === 'object' && typeof osinfo.type === 'string' && typeof osinfo.arch === 'string' var type = (inputIsValid ? osinfo.type : os.type()).toLowerCase() var arch = (inputIsValid ? osinfo.arch : os.arch()).toLowerCase() if (type === 'darwin') { return 'osx-64' } if (type === 'windows_nt') { return arch === 'x64' ? 'windows-64' : 'windows-32' } if (type === 'linux') { if (arch === 'arm' || arch === 'arm64') { return 'linux-armel' } return arch === 'x64' ? 'linux-64' : 'linux-32' } return null } /** * Gets the binary filename (appends exe in Windows) * * @param {string} component "ffmpeg", "ffplay", "ffprobe" or "ffserver" * @param {platform} platform "ffmpeg", "ffplay", "ffprobe" or "ffserver" */ function getBinaryFilename(component, platform) { var platformCode = resolvePlatform(platform) if (platformCode === 'windows-32' || platformCode === 'windows-64') { return component + '.exe' } return component } function listPlatforms() { return ['osx-64', 'linux-32', 'linux-64', 'linux-armel', 'linux-armhf', 'windows-32', 'windows-64'] } /** * * @returns {Promise} array of version strings */ function listVersions() { if (RUNTIME_CACHE.versionsAll) { return RUNTIME_CACHE.versionsAll } return axios.get(API_URL).then((res) => { if (! || !Object.keys( { throw new Error(errorMsgs.parsingVersionList) } const versionKeys = Object.keys( RUNTIME_CACHE.versionsAll = versionKeys return versionKeys }) } /** * Gets full data set from */ function getVersionData(version) { if (RUNTIME_CACHE[version]) { return RUNTIME_CACHE[version] } if (version && typeof version !== 'string') { throw new Error(errorMsgs.incorrectVersionParam) } var url = version ? '/version/' + version : '/latest' return axios.get(`${API_URL}${url}`).then((res) => { RUNTIME_CACHE[version] = return }).catch((error) => { if (error.response?.status == 404) { throw new Error(errorMsgs.notFound) } else { throw new Error(errorMsgs.connectionIssues) } }) } /** * Download file(s) and save them in the specified directory */ function downloadUrls(components, urls, opts, callback) { var destinationDir = opts.destination var results = [] const remappedUrls = [] if (components && !Array.isArray(components)) { components = [components] } else if (!components || !Array.isArray(components)) { components = [] } // returns an array of objects like this: {component: 'ffmpeg', url: 'https://...'} if (typeof urls === 'object') { for (const key in urls) { if (components.includes(key) && urls[key]) { remappedUrls.push({ component: key, url: urls[key] }) } } } async function extractZipToDestination(zipFilename, cb) { var oldpath = path.join(LOCAL_CACHE_DIR, zipFilename) const zip = new StreamZip.async({ file: oldpath }) const count = await zip.extract(null, destinationDir) console.log(`Extracted ${count} entries`) await zip.close() cb() } async.each(remappedUrls, function (urlObject, cb) { if (!urlObject?.url || !urlObject?.component) { return cb() } var url = urlObject.url var zipFilename = url.split('/').pop() var binFilenameBase = urlObject.component var binFilename = getBinaryFilename(binFilenameBase, opts.platform || detectPlatform()) var runningTotal = 0 var totalFilesize var interval if (typeof opts.tickerFn === 'function') { opts.tickerInterval = parseInt(opts.tickerInterval, 10) var tickerInterval = (!Number.isNaN(opts.tickerInterval)) ? opts.tickerInterval : 1000 var tickData = { filename: zipFilename, progress: 0 } // Schedule next ticks interval = setInterval(function () { if (totalFilesize && runningTotal == totalFilesize) { return clearInterval(interval) } tickData.progress = totalFilesize > -1 ? runningTotal / totalFilesize : 0 opts.tickerFn(tickData) }, tickerInterval) } try { if (opts.force) { throw new Error('Force mode specified - will overwrite existing binaries in target location') } // Check if file already exists in target directory var binPath = path.join(destinationDir, binFilename) fse.accessSync(binPath) // if the accessSync method doesn't throw we know the binary already exists results.push({ filename: binFilename, path: destinationDir, status: 'File exists', code: 'FILE_EXISTS' }) clearInterval(interval) return cb() } catch (errBinExists) { var zipPath = path.join(LOCAL_CACHE_DIR, zipFilename) // If there's no binary then check if the zip file is already in cache try { fse.accessSync(zipPath) results.push({ filename: binFilename, path: destinationDir, status: 'File extracted to destination (archive found in cache)', code: 'DONE_FROM_CACHE' }) clearInterval(interval) return extractZipToDestination(zipFilename, cb) } catch (errZipExists) { // If zip is not cached then download it and store in cache if (opts.quiet) clearInterval(interval) var cacheFileTempName = zipPath + '.part' var cacheFileFinalName = zipPath axios({ url, method: 'GET', responseType: 'stream' }).then((response) => { totalFilesize = response.headers?.['content-length'] || [] // Write to filepath const writer = fse.createWriteStream(cacheFileTempName) writer.on('finish', () => { results.push({ filename: binFilename, path: destinationDir, size: Math.floor(totalFilesize / 1024 / 1024 * 1000) / 1000 + 'MB', status: 'File extracted to destination (downloaded from "' + url + '")', code: 'DONE_CLEAN' }) fse.renameSync(cacheFileTempName, cacheFileFinalName) extractZipToDestination(zipFilename, cb) }) writer.on('error', (err) => { // TODO: Handle writer err throw new Error(err) }) }).catch((err) => { // TODO: Handle error console.error(`Failed to download file "${zipFilename}"`, err) cb() }) } } }, function () { return callback(null, results) }) } /** * Gets binaries for the platform * It will get the data from ffbinaries, pick the correct files * and save it to the specified directory * * @param {Array} components * @param {Object} [opts] */ async function downloadBinaries(components, opts = {}) { var platform = resolvePlatform(opts.platform) || detectPlatform() opts.destination = path.resolve(opts.destination || '.') ensureDirSync(opts.destination) const versionData = await getVersionData(opts.version) const urls = versionData?.bin?.[platform] if (!urls) { throw new Error('No URLs!') } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { downloadUrls(components, urls, opts, (err, data) => { if (err) reject(err) else resolve(data) }) }) } function clearCache() { fse.emptyDirSync(LOCAL_CACHE_DIR) } module.exports = { downloadBinaries: downloadBinaries, getVersionData: getVersionData, listVersions: listVersions, listPlatforms: listPlatforms, detectPlatform: detectPlatform, resolvePlatform: resolvePlatform, getBinaryFilename: getBinaryFilename, clearCache: clearCache }