import LazySeriesCard from "./LazySeriesCard.vue" import GroupCover from "../covers/GroupCover.vue" describe("LazySeriesCard", () => { const series = { id: 1, name: "The Lord of the Rings", nameIgnorePrefix: "Lord of the Rings", books: [ { id: 1, updatedAt: /* 04/14/2024 */ 1713099600000, addedAt: 1713099600000, media: { coverPath: "cover1.jpg" }, title: "The Fellowship of the Ring" }, { id: 2, updatedAt: /* 04/15/2024 */ 1713186000000, addedAt: 1713186000000, media: { coverPath: "cover2.jpg" }, title: "The Two Towers" }, { id: 3, updatedAt: /* 04/16/2024 */ 1713272400000, addedAt: 1713272400000, media: { coverPath: "cover3.jpg" }, title: "The Return of the King" } ], addedAt: /* 04/17/2024 */ 1713358800000, totalDuration: /* 7h 30m */ 3600 * 7 + 60 * 30, rssFeed: "" } const propsData = { index: 0, width: 192 * 2, height: 192, sizeMultiplier: 1, bookCoverAspectRatio: 1, bookshelfView: 1, isCategorized: false, seriesMount: series, sortingIgnorePrefix: false, orderBy: "addedAt", } const stubs = { "covers-group-cover": GroupCover } const mocks = { $store: { getters: { "user/getUserCanUpdate": true, "user/getUserMediaProgress": (id) => null, "libraries/getLibraryProvider": () => "", "globals/getLibraryItemCoverSrc": () => "/book_placeholder.jpg" }, state: { libraries: { currentLibraryId: "library-123" }, serverSettings: { dateFormat: "MM/dd/yyyy" } } } } before(() => { cy.intercept("GET", "/book_placeholder.jpg", { fixture: "images/book_placeholder.jpg" }) }) it("renders the component", () => { cy.mount(LazySeriesCard, { propsData, stubs, mocks }) cy.get('#series-card-0').should(($el) => { const width = $el.width() const height = $el.height() expect(width), 0.01) expect(height), 0.01) }) cy.get("#seriesLengthMarker").should("be.visible").and("have.text", propsData.seriesMount.books.length) cy.get("#seriesProgressBar").should("not.exist") cy.get("#HoveringDisplayTitle").should("be.hidden") cy.get("#rssFeedMarker").should("be.visible") cy.get("#standardBottomDisplayTitle").should("not.exist") cy.get("#detailBottomDisplayTitle").should("be.visible") cy.get("#detailBottomDisplayTitle").should("have.text", "The Lord of the Rings") cy.get("#detailBottomSortLine").should("have.text", "Added 04/17/2024") }) it("shows series name and hides rss feed marker on mouseover", () => { cy.mount(LazySeriesCard, { propsData, stubs, mocks }) cy.get("#series-card-0").trigger("mouseover") cy.get("#HoveringDisplayTitle").should("be.visible").should("have.text", "The Lord of the Rings") cy.get("#rssFeedMarker").should("not.exist") }) it("routes properly when clicked", () => { const updatedMocks = { ...mocks, $router: { push: cy.stub().as("routerPush") } } cy.mount(LazySeriesCard, { propsData, stubs, mocks: updatedMocks}) cy.get("#series-card-0").click() cy.get("@routerPush").should("have.been.calledOnceWithExactly", "/library/library-123/series/1") }) it("shows progress bar when progress is available", () => { const updatedMocks = { ...mocks, $store: { ...mocks.$store, getters: { ...mocks.$store.getters, "user/getUserMediaProgress": (id) => { switch (id) { case 1: return { isFinished: true } case 2: return { progress: 0.5 } default: return null } } } } } cy.mount(LazySeriesCard, { propsData, stubs, mocks: updatedMocks }) cy.get("#seriesProgressBar") .should("be.visible") .and("have.class", "bg-yellow-400") .and(($el) => { const width = $el.width() expect(width) * propsData.width, 0.01) }) }) it("shows full green progress bar when all books are finished", () => { const updatedMocks = { ...mocks, $store: { ...mocks.$store, getters: { ...mocks.$store.getters, "user/getUserMediaProgress": (id) => { return { isFinished: true } } } } } cy.mount(LazySeriesCard, { propsData, stubs, mocks: updatedMocks }) cy.get("#seriesProgressBar") .should("be.visible") .and("have.class", "bg-success") .and(($el) => { const width = $el.width() expect(width).to.equal(propsData.width) }) }) it("hides the rss feed marker when there is no rss feed", () => { const updatedPropsData = { ...propsData, seriesMount: { ...series, rssFeed: null } } cy.mount(LazySeriesCard, { propsData: updatedPropsData, stubs, mocks }) cy.get("#rssFeedMarker").should("not.exist") }) it("shows the standard bottom display when bookshelf view is 0", () => { const updatedPropsData = { ...propsData, bookshelfView: 0 } cy.mount(LazySeriesCard, { propsData: updatedPropsData, stubs, mocks }) cy.get("#standardBottomDisplayTitle").should("be.visible") cy.get("#detailBottomDisplayTitle").should("not.exist") }) it("shows total duration in sort line when orderBy is totalDuration", () => { const updatedPropsData = { ...propsData, orderBy: "totalDuration" } cy.mount(LazySeriesCard, { propsData: updatedPropsData, stubs, mocks }) cy.get("#detailBottomSortLine").should("have.text", "Duration 7h 30m") }) it("shows last book updated date in sort line when orderBy is lastBookUpdated", () => { const updatedPropsData = { ...propsData, orderBy: "lastBookUpdated" } cy.mount(LazySeriesCard, { propsData: updatedPropsData, stubs, mocks }) cy.get("#detailBottomSortLine").should("have.text", "Last Book Updated 04/16/2024") }) it("shows last book added date in sort line when orderBy is lastBookAdded", () => { const updatedPropsData = { ...propsData, orderBy: "lastBookAdded" } cy.mount(LazySeriesCard, { propsData: updatedPropsData, stubs, mocks }) cy.get("#detailBottomSortLine").should("have.text", "Last Book Added 04/16/2024") }) it("shows nameIgnorePrefix when sortingIgnorePrefix is true", () => { const updatedPropsData = { ...propsData, sortingIgnorePrefix: true } cy.mount(LazySeriesCard, { propsData: updatedPropsData, stubs, mocks }) cy.get("#detailBottomDisplayTitle").should("have.text", "Lord of the Rings") }) })