  <div class="w-full px-2 py-2 overflow-hidden relative" @mouseover="mouseover" @mouseleave="mouseleave" :class="isHovering ? 'bg-white bg-opacity-5' : ''">
    <div v-if="book" class="flex h-20">
      <div class="w-16 max-w-16 h-full">
        <div class="flex h-full items-center justify-center">
          <span class="material-icons drag-handle text-xl">menu</span>
      <div class="h-full relative" :style="{ width: coverWidth + 'px' }">
        <covers-book-cover :audiobook="book" :width="coverWidth" :book-cover-aspect-ratio="bookCoverAspectRatio" />
        <div class="absolute top-0 left-0 bg-black bg-opacity-50 flex items-center justify-center h-full w-full z-10" v-show="isHovering && showPlayBtn">
          <div class="w-8 h-8 bg-white bg-opacity-20 rounded-full flex items-center justify-center hover:bg-opacity-40 cursor-pointer" @click="playClick">
            <span class="material-icons">play_arrow</span>
      <div class="w-80 h-full px-2 flex items-center">
          <nuxt-link :to="`/audiobook/${book.id}`" class="truncate hover:underline">{{ bookTitle }}</nuxt-link>
          <nuxt-link :to="`/library/${book.libraryId}/bookshelf?filter=authors.${$encode(bookAuthor)}`" class="truncate block text-gray-400 text-sm hover:underline">{{ bookAuthor }}</nuxt-link>
      <div class="flex-grow flex items-center">
        <p class="font-mono text-sm">{{ bookDuration }}</p>

      <!-- <div class="w-12 flex items-center justify-center">
        <span class="material-icons text-lg text-white text-opacity-70 hover:text-opacity-100 cursor-pointer">radio_button_unchecked</span>
      </div> -->
    <!-- <div class="absolute top-0 left-0 z-40 bg-red-500 w-full h-full">
      <div class="w-24 h-full absolute top-0 -right-24 transform transition-transform" :class="isHovering ? 'translate-x-0' : '-translate-x-24'">
        <span class="material-icons">edit</span>
    </div> -->
    <div class="w-40 absolute top-0 -right-24 h-full transform transition-transform" :class="!isHovering ? 'translate-x-0' : '-translate-x-24'">
      <div class="flex h-full items-center">
        <ui-tooltip :text="isRead ? 'Mark as Not Read' : 'Mark as Read'" direction="top">
          <ui-read-icon-btn :disabled="isProcessingReadUpdate" :is-read="isRead" borderless class="mx-1 mt-0.5" @click="toggleRead" />
        <div class="mx-1" :class="isHovering ? '' : 'ml-6'">
          <ui-icon-btn icon="edit" borderless @click="clickEdit" />
        <div class="mx-1">
          <ui-icon-btn icon="close" borderless @click="removeClick" />

export default {
  props: {
    collectionId: String,
    book: {
      type: Object,
      default: () => {}
    isDragging: Boolean,
    bookCoverAspectRatio: Number
  data() {
    return {
      isProcessingReadUpdate: false,
      processingRemove: false,
      isHovering: false
  watch: {
    userIsRead: {
      immediate: true,
      handler(newVal) {
        this.isRead = newVal
    isDragging: {
      handler(newVal) {
        if (newVal) {
          this.isHovering = false
  computed: {
    _book() {
      return this.book.book || {}
    bookTitle() {
      return this._book.title || ''
    bookAuthor() {
      return this._book.authorFL || ''
    bookDuration() {
      return this.$secondsToTimestamp(this.book.duration)
    isMissing() {
      return this.book.isMissing
    isInvalid() {
      return this.book.isInvalid
    numTracks() {
      return this.book.numTracks
    isStreaming() {
      return this.$store.getters['getAudiobookIdStreaming'] === this.book.id
    showPlayBtn() {
      return !this.isMissing && !this.isInvalid && !this.isStreaming && this.numTracks
    userAudiobooks() {
      return this.$store.state.user.user ? this.$store.state.user.user.audiobooks || {} : {}
    userAudiobook() {
      return this.userAudiobooks[this.book.id] || null
    userIsRead() {
      return this.userAudiobook ? !!this.userAudiobook.isRead : false
    coverWidth() {
      if (this.bookCoverAspectRatio === 1) return 50 * 1.6
      return 50
  methods: {
    mouseover() {
      if (this.isDragging) return
      this.isHovering = true
    mouseleave() {
      this.isHovering = false
    playClick() {
      this.$eventBus.$emit('play-audiobook', this.book.id)
    clickEdit() {
      this.$emit('edit', this.book)
    toggleRead() {
      var updatePayload = {
        isRead: !this.isRead
      this.isProcessingReadUpdate = true
        .$patch(`/api/me/audiobook/${this.book.id}`, updatePayload)
        .then(() => {
          this.isProcessingReadUpdate = false
          this.$toast.success(`"${this.bookTitle}" Marked as ${updatePayload.isRead ? 'Read' : 'Not Read'}`)
        .catch((error) => {
          console.error('Failed', error)
          this.isProcessingReadUpdate = false
          this.$toast.error(`Failed to mark as ${updatePayload.isRead ? 'Read' : 'Not Read'}`)
    removeClick() {
      this.processingRemove = true

        .then((updatedCollection) => {
          console.log(`Book removed from collection`, updatedCollection)
          this.$toast.success('Book removed from collection')
          this.processingRemove = false
        .catch((error) => {
          console.error('Failed to remove book from collection', error)
          this.$toast.error('Failed to remove book from collection')
          this.processingRemove = false
  mounted() {}