import Vue from 'vue' import LazyBookCard from '@/components/cards/LazyBookCard' import LazySeriesCard from '@/components/cards/LazySeriesCard' import LazyCollectionCard from '@/components/cards/LazyCollectionCard' import LazyPlaylistCard from '@/components/cards/LazyPlaylistCard' import LazyAlbumCard from '@/components/cards/LazyAlbumCard' import AuthorCard from '@/components/cards/AuthorCard' export default { data() { return { cardsHelpers: { mountEntityCard: this.mountEntityCard, setCardSize: this.setCardSize } } }, methods: { getComponentClass() { if (this.entityName === 'series') return Vue.extend(LazySeriesCard) if (this.entityName === 'collections') return Vue.extend(LazyCollectionCard) if (this.entityName === 'playlists') return Vue.extend(LazyPlaylistCard) if (this.entityName === 'albums') return Vue.extend(LazyAlbumCard) if (this.entityName === 'authors') return Vue.extend(AuthorCard) return Vue.extend(LazyBookCard) }, getComponentName() { if (this.entityName === 'series') return 'cards-lazy-series-card' if (this.entityName === 'collections') return 'cards-lazy-collection-card' if (this.entityName === 'playlists') return 'cards-lazy-playlist-card' if (this.entityName === 'albums') return 'cards-lazy-album-card' if (this.entityName === 'authors') return 'cards-author-card' return 'cards-lazy-book-card' }, async setCardSize() { this.cardWidth = 0 this.cardHeight = 0 // load a dummy card to get the its width and height const ComponentClass = this.getComponentClass() const props = { index: -1, bookshelfView: this.bookshelfView, sortingIgnorePrefix: !!this.sortingIgnorePrefix } if (this.entityName === 'items') { props.filterBy = this.filterBy props.orderBy = this.orderBy } else if (this.entityName === 'series') { props.orderBy = this.seriesSortBy } const instance = new ComponentClass({ propsData: props, parent: this }) instance.$mount() this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => { for (let entry of entries) { this.cardWidth = entry.borderBoxSize[0].inlineSize this.cardHeight = entry.borderBoxSize[0].blockSize } this.coverHeight = instance.coverHeight this.resizeObserver.disconnect() this.$refs.bookshelf.removeChild(instance.$el) }) instance.$ = 'hidden' instance.$ = 'absolute' this.$refs.bookshelf.appendChild(instance.$el) this.resizeObserver.observe(instance.$el) const timeBefore = await new Promise((resolve) => { const unwatch = this.$watch('cardWidth', (value) => { if (value) { unwatch() resolve() } }) }) const timeAfter = }, mountEntityCard(index) { var shelf = Math.floor(index / this.entitiesPerShelf) var shelfEl = document.getElementById(`shelf-${shelf}`) if (!shelfEl) { console.error('invalid shelf', shelf, 'book index', index) return } this.entityIndexesMounted.push(index) if (this.entityComponentRefs[index]) { const bookComponent = this.entityComponentRefs[index] shelfEl.appendChild(bookComponent.$el) if (this.isSelectionMode) { bookComponent.setSelectionMode(true) if (this.selectedMediaItems.some((i) => === bookComponent.libraryItemId) || this.isSelectAll) { bookComponent.selected = true } else { bookComponent.selected = false } } else { bookComponent.setSelectionMode(false) } bookComponent.isHovering = false return } const ComponentClass = this.getComponentClass() const props = { index, bookshelfView: this.bookshelfView, sortingIgnorePrefix: !!this.sortingIgnorePrefix } if (this.entityName === 'items') { props.filterBy = this.filterBy props.orderBy = this.orderBy } else if (this.entityName === 'series') { props.orderBy = this.seriesSortBy } const _this = this const instance = new ComponentClass({ propsData: props, parent: this, created() { this.$on('edit', (entity) => { if (_this.editEntity) _this.editEntity(entity) }) this.$on('select', ({ entity, shiftKey }) => { if (_this.selectEntity) _this.selectEntity(entity, shiftKey) }) } }) this.entityComponentRefs[index] = instance instance.$mount() const shelfOffsetY = this.shelfPaddingHeight * this.sizeMultiplier const row = index % this.entitiesPerShelf const shelfOffsetX = row * this.totalEntityCardWidth + this.bookshelfMarginLeft instance.$ = `translate3d(${shelfOffsetX}px, ${shelfOffsetY}px, 0px)` instance.$el.classList.add('absolute', 'top-0', 'left-0') shelfEl.appendChild(instance.$el) if (this.entities[index]) { instance.setEntity(this.entities[index]) } if (this.isSelectionMode) { instance.setSelectionMode(true) if ((instance.libraryItemId && this.selectedMediaItems.some((i) => === instance.libraryItemId)) || this.isSelectAll) { instance.selected = true } } } } }