const Path = require('path') const { DataTypes, Model } = require('sequelize') const Logger = require('../Logger') const RSS = require('../libs/rss') /** * @typedef FeedOptions * @property {boolean} preventIndexing * @property {string} ownerName * @property {string} ownerEmail */ /** * @typedef FeedExpandedProperties * @property {import('./FeedEpisode')} feedEpisodes * * @typedef {Feed & FeedExpandedProperties} FeedExpanded */ class Feed extends Model { constructor(values, options) { super(values, options) /** @type {UUIDV4} */ /** @type {string} */ this.slug /** @type {string} */ this.entityType /** @type {UUIDV4} */ this.entityId /** @type {Date} */ this.entityUpdatedAt /** @type {string} */ this.serverAddress /** @type {string} */ this.feedURL /** @type {string} */ this.imageURL /** @type {string} */ this.siteURL /** @type {string} */ this.title /** @type {string} */ this.description /** @type {string} */ /** @type {string} */ this.podcastType /** @type {string} */ this.language /** @type {string} */ this.ownerName /** @type {string} */ this.ownerEmail /** @type {boolean} */ this.explicit /** @type {boolean} */ this.preventIndexing /** @type {string} */ this.coverPath /** @type {UUIDV4} */ this.userId /** @type {Date} */ this.createdAt /** @type {Date} */ this.updatedAt // Expanded properties /** @type {import('./FeedEpisode')[]} - only set if expanded */ this.feedEpisodes } /** * @param {string} feedId * @returns {Promise} - true if feed was removed */ static async removeById(feedId) { return ( (await this.destroy({ where: { id: feedId } })) > 0 ) } /** * * @param {string} userId * @param {import('./LibraryItem').LibraryItemExpanded} libraryItem * @param {string} slug * @param {string} serverAddress * @param {FeedOptions} [feedOptions=null] * * @returns {Feed} */ static getFeedObjForLibraryItem(userId, libraryItem, slug, serverAddress, feedOptions = null) { const media = let entityUpdatedAt = libraryItem.updatedAt // Podcast feeds should use the most recent episode updatedAt if more recent if (libraryItem.mediaType === 'podcast') { entityUpdatedAt =, episode) => { return episode.updatedAt > mostRecent ? episode.updatedAt : mostRecent }, entityUpdatedAt) } else if ( > entityUpdatedAt) { // Book feeds will use Book.updatedAt if more recent entityUpdatedAt = } const feedObj = { slug, entityType: 'libraryItem', entityId:, entityUpdatedAt, serverAddress, feedURL: `/feed/${slug}`, imageURL: media.coverPath ? `/feed/${slug}/cover${Path.extname(media.coverPath)}` : `/Logo.png`, siteURL: `/item/${}`, title: media.title, description: media.description, author: libraryItem.mediaType === 'podcast' ? : media.authorName, podcastType: libraryItem.mediaType === 'podcast' ? media.podcastType : 'serial', language: media.language, explicit: media.explicit, coverPath: media.coverPath, userId } if (feedOptions) { feedObj.preventIndexing = feedOptions.preventIndexing feedObj.ownerName = feedOptions.ownerName feedObj.ownerEmail = feedOptions.ownerEmail } return feedObj } /** * * @param {string} userId * @param {import('./LibraryItem').LibraryItemExpanded} libraryItem * @param {string} slug * @param {string} serverAddress * @param {FeedOptions} feedOptions * * @returns {Promise} */ static async createFeedForLibraryItem(userId, libraryItem, slug, serverAddress, feedOptions) { const feedObj = this.getFeedObjForLibraryItem(userId, libraryItem, slug, serverAddress, feedOptions) /** @type {typeof import('./FeedEpisode')} */ const feedEpisodeModel = this.sequelize.models.feedEpisode const transaction = await this.sequelize.transaction() try { const feed = await this.create(feedObj, { transaction }) if (libraryItem.mediaType === 'podcast') { feed.feedEpisodes = await feedEpisodeModel.createFromPodcastEpisodes(libraryItem, feed, slug, transaction) } else { feed.feedEpisodes = await feedEpisodeModel.createFromAudiobookTracks(libraryItem, feed, slug, transaction) } await transaction.commit() return feed } catch (error) { Logger.error(`[Feed] Error creating feed for library item ${}`, error) await transaction.rollback() return null } } /** * * @param {string} userId * @param {import('./Collection')} collectionExpanded * @param {string} slug * @param {string} serverAddress * @param {FeedOptions} [feedOptions=null] * * @returns {{ feedObj: Feed, booksWithTracks: import('./Book').BookExpandedWithLibraryItem[] }} */ static getFeedObjForCollection(userId, collectionExpanded, slug, serverAddress, feedOptions = null) { const booksWithTracks = collectionExpanded.books.filter((book) => book.includedAudioFiles.length) const entityUpdatedAt = booksWithTracks.reduce((mostRecent, book) => { const updatedAt = book.libraryItem.updatedAt > book.updatedAt ? book.libraryItem.updatedAt : book.updatedAt return updatedAt > mostRecent ? updatedAt : mostRecent }, collectionExpanded.updatedAt) const firstBookWithCover = booksWithTracks.find((book) => book.coverPath) const allBookAuthorNames = booksWithTracks.reduce((authorNames, book) => { const bookAuthorsToAdd = book.authors.filter((author) => !authorNames.includes( => return authorNames.concat(bookAuthorsToAdd) }, []) let author = allBookAuthorNames.slice(0, 3).join(', ') if (allBookAuthorNames.length > 3) { author += ' & more' } const feedObj = { slug, entityType: 'collection', entityId:, entityUpdatedAt, serverAddress, feedURL: `/feed/${slug}`, imageURL: firstBookWithCover?.coverPath ? `/feed/${slug}/cover${Path.extname(firstBookWithCover.coverPath)}` : `/Logo.png`, siteURL: `/collection/${}`, title:, description: collectionExpanded.description || '', author, podcastType: 'serial', explicit: booksWithTracks.some((book) => book.explicit), // If any book is explicit, the feed is explicit coverPath: firstBookWithCover?.coverPath || null, userId } if (feedOptions) { feedObj.preventIndexing = feedOptions.preventIndexing feedObj.ownerName = feedOptions.ownerName feedObj.ownerEmail = feedOptions.ownerEmail } return { feedObj, booksWithTracks } } /** * * @param {string} userId * @param {import('./Collection')} collectionExpanded * @param {string} slug * @param {string} serverAddress * @param {FeedOptions} feedOptions * * @returns {Promise} */ static async createFeedForCollection(userId, collectionExpanded, slug, serverAddress, feedOptions) { const { feedObj, booksWithTracks } = this.getFeedObjForCollection(userId, collectionExpanded, slug, serverAddress, feedOptions) /** @type {typeof import('./FeedEpisode')} */ const feedEpisodeModel = this.sequelize.models.feedEpisode const transaction = await this.sequelize.transaction() try { const feed = await this.create(feedObj, { transaction }) feed.feedEpisodes = await feedEpisodeModel.createFromBooks(booksWithTracks, feed, slug, transaction) await transaction.commit() return feed } catch (error) { Logger.error(`[Feed] Error creating feed for collection ${}`, error) await transaction.rollback() return null } } /** * * @param {string} userId * @param {import('./Series')} seriesExpanded * @param {string} slug * @param {string} serverAddress * @param {FeedOptions} [feedOptions=null] * * @returns {{ feedObj: Feed, booksWithTracks: import('./Book').BookExpandedWithLibraryItem[] }} */ static getFeedObjForSeries(userId, seriesExpanded, slug, serverAddress, feedOptions = null) { const booksWithTracks = seriesExpanded.books.filter((book) => book.includedAudioFiles.length) const entityUpdatedAt = booksWithTracks.reduce((mostRecent, book) => { const updatedAt = book.libraryItem.updatedAt > book.updatedAt ? book.libraryItem.updatedAt : book.updatedAt return updatedAt > mostRecent ? updatedAt : mostRecent }, seriesExpanded.updatedAt) const firstBookWithCover = booksWithTracks.find((book) => book.coverPath) const allBookAuthorNames = booksWithTracks.reduce((authorNames, book) => { const bookAuthorsToAdd = book.authors.filter((author) => !authorNames.includes( => return authorNames.concat(bookAuthorsToAdd) }, []) let author = allBookAuthorNames.slice(0, 3).join(', ') if (allBookAuthorNames.length > 3) { author += ' & more' } const feedObj = { slug, entityType: 'series', entityId:, entityUpdatedAt, serverAddress, feedURL: `/feed/${slug}`, imageURL: firstBookWithCover?.coverPath ? `/feed/${slug}/cover${Path.extname(firstBookWithCover.coverPath)}` : `/Logo.png`, siteURL: `/library/${booksWithTracks[0].libraryItem.libraryId}/series/${}`, title:, description: seriesExpanded.description || '', author, podcastType: 'serial', explicit: booksWithTracks.some((book) => book.explicit), // If any book is explicit, the feed is explicit coverPath: firstBookWithCover?.coverPath || null, userId } if (feedOptions) { feedObj.preventIndexing = feedOptions.preventIndexing feedObj.ownerName = feedOptions.ownerName feedObj.ownerEmail = feedOptions.ownerEmail } return { feedObj, booksWithTracks } } /** * * @param {string} userId * @param {import('./Series')} seriesExpanded * @param {string} slug * @param {string} serverAddress * @param {FeedOptions} feedOptions * * @returns {Promise} */ static async createFeedForSeries(userId, seriesExpanded, slug, serverAddress, feedOptions) { const { feedObj, booksWithTracks } = this.getFeedObjForSeries(userId, seriesExpanded, slug, serverAddress, feedOptions) /** @type {typeof import('./FeedEpisode')} */ const feedEpisodeModel = this.sequelize.models.feedEpisode const transaction = await this.sequelize.transaction() try { const feed = await this.create(feedObj, { transaction }) feed.feedEpisodes = await feedEpisodeModel.createFromBooks(booksWithTracks, feed, slug, transaction) await transaction.commit() return feed } catch (error) { Logger.error(`[Feed] Error creating feed for series ${}`, error) await transaction.rollback() return null } } /** * Initialize model * * Polymorphic association: Feeds can be created from LibraryItem, Collection, Playlist or Series * @see * * @param {import('../Database').sequelize} sequelize */ static init(sequelize) { super.init( { id: { type: DataTypes.UUID, defaultValue: DataTypes.UUIDV4, primaryKey: true }, slug: DataTypes.STRING, entityType: DataTypes.STRING, entityId: DataTypes.UUID, entityUpdatedAt: DataTypes.DATE, serverAddress: DataTypes.STRING, feedURL: DataTypes.STRING, imageURL: DataTypes.STRING, siteURL: DataTypes.STRING, title: DataTypes.STRING, description: DataTypes.TEXT, author: DataTypes.STRING, podcastType: DataTypes.STRING, language: DataTypes.STRING, ownerName: DataTypes.STRING, ownerEmail: DataTypes.STRING, explicit: DataTypes.BOOLEAN, preventIndexing: DataTypes.BOOLEAN, coverPath: DataTypes.STRING }, { sequelize, modelName: 'feed' } ) const { user, libraryItem, collection, series, playlist } = sequelize.models user.hasMany(Feed) Feed.belongsTo(user) libraryItem.hasMany(Feed, { foreignKey: 'entityId', constraints: false, scope: { entityType: 'libraryItem' } }) Feed.belongsTo(libraryItem, { foreignKey: 'entityId', constraints: false }) collection.hasMany(Feed, { foreignKey: 'entityId', constraints: false, scope: { entityType: 'collection' } }) Feed.belongsTo(collection, { foreignKey: 'entityId', constraints: false }) series.hasMany(Feed, { foreignKey: 'entityId', constraints: false, scope: { entityType: 'series' } }) Feed.belongsTo(series, { foreignKey: 'entityId', constraints: false }) playlist.hasMany(Feed, { foreignKey: 'entityId', constraints: false, scope: { entityType: 'playlist' } }) Feed.belongsTo(playlist, { foreignKey: 'entityId', constraints: false }) Feed.addHook('afterFind', (findResult) => { if (!findResult) return if (!Array.isArray(findResult)) findResult = [findResult] for (const instance of findResult) { if (instance.entityType === 'libraryItem' && instance.libraryItem !== undefined) { instance.entity = instance.libraryItem instance.dataValues.entity = instance.dataValues.libraryItem } else if (instance.entityType === 'collection' && instance.collection !== undefined) { instance.entity = instance.collection instance.dataValues.entity = instance.dataValues.collection } else if (instance.entityType === 'series' && instance.series !== undefined) { instance.entity = instance.series instance.dataValues.entity = instance.dataValues.series } else if (instance.entityType === 'playlist' && instance.playlist !== undefined) { instance.entity = instance.playlist instance.dataValues.entity = instance.dataValues.playlist } // To prevent mistakes: delete instance.libraryItem delete instance.dataValues.libraryItem delete instance.collection delete instance.dataValues.collection delete instance.series delete instance.dataValues.series delete instance.playlist delete instance.dataValues.playlist } }) } /** * * @returns {Promise} */ async updateFeedForEntity() { /** @type {typeof import('./FeedEpisode')} */ const feedEpisodeModel = this.sequelize.models.feedEpisode let feedObj = null let feedEpisodeCreateFunc = null let feedEpisodeCreateFuncEntity = null if (this.entityType === 'libraryItem') { /** @type {typeof import('./LibraryItem')} */ const libraryItemModel = this.sequelize.models.libraryItem const itemExpanded = await libraryItemModel.getExpandedById(this.entityId) feedObj = Feed.getFeedObjForLibraryItem(this.userId, itemExpanded, this.slug, this.serverAddress) feedEpisodeCreateFuncEntity = itemExpanded if (itemExpanded.mediaType === 'podcast') { feedEpisodeCreateFunc = feedEpisodeModel.createFromPodcastEpisodes.bind(feedEpisodeModel) } else { feedEpisodeCreateFunc = feedEpisodeModel.createFromAudiobookTracks.bind(feedEpisodeModel) } } else if (this.entityType === 'collection') { /** @type {typeof import('./Collection')} */ const collectionModel = this.sequelize.models.collection const collectionExpanded = await collectionModel.getExpandedById(this.entityId) const feedObjData = Feed.getFeedObjForCollection(this.userId, collectionExpanded, this.slug, this.serverAddress) feedObj = feedObjData.feedObj feedEpisodeCreateFuncEntity = feedObjData.booksWithTracks feedEpisodeCreateFunc = feedEpisodeModel.createFromBooks.bind(feedEpisodeModel) } else if (this.entityType === 'series') { /** @type {typeof import('./Series')} */ const seriesModel = this.sequelize.models.series const seriesExpanded = await seriesModel.getExpandedById(this.entityId) const feedObjData = Feed.getFeedObjForSeries(this.userId, seriesExpanded, this.slug, this.serverAddress) feedObj = feedObjData.feedObj feedEpisodeCreateFuncEntity = feedObjData.booksWithTracks feedEpisodeCreateFunc = feedEpisodeModel.createFromBooks.bind(feedEpisodeModel) } else { Logger.error(`[Feed] Invalid entity type ${this.entityType} for feed ${}`) return null } const transaction = await this.sequelize.transaction() try { const updatedFeed = await this.update(feedObj, { transaction }) const existingFeedEpisodeIds = => // Create new feed episodes updatedFeed.feedEpisodes = await feedEpisodeCreateFunc(feedEpisodeCreateFuncEntity, updatedFeed, this.slug, transaction) const newFeedEpisodeIds = => const feedEpisodeIdsToRemove = existingFeedEpisodeIds.filter((epid) => !newFeedEpisodeIds.includes(epid)) if (feedEpisodeIdsToRemove.length) {`[Feed] Removing ${feedEpisodeIdsToRemove.length} episodes from feed ${}`) await feedEpisodeModel.destroy({ where: { id: feedEpisodeIdsToRemove }, transaction }) } await transaction.commit() return updatedFeed } catch (error) { Logger.error(`[Feed] Error updating feed ${this.entityId}`, error) await transaction.rollback() return null } } getEntity(options) { if (!this.entityType) return Promise.resolve(null) const mixinMethodName = `get${this.sequelize.uppercaseFirst(this.entityType)}` return this[mixinMethodName](options) } /** * * @param {string} hostPrefix */ buildXml(hostPrefix) { const customElements = [ { language: this.language || 'en' }, { author: || 'advplyr' }, { 'itunes:author': || 'advplyr' }, { 'itunes:type': this.podcastType || 'serial' }, { 'itunes:image': { _attr: { href: `${hostPrefix}${this.imageURL}` } } }, { 'itunes:explicit': !!this.explicit } ] if (this.description) { customElements.push({ 'itunes:summary': { _cdata: this.description } }) } const itunesOwnersData = [] if (this.ownerName || { itunesOwnersData.push({ 'itunes:name': this.ownerName || }) } if (this.ownerEmail) { itunesOwnersData.push({ 'itunes:email': this.ownerEmail }) } if (itunesOwnersData.length) { customElements.push({ 'itunes:owner': itunesOwnersData }) } if (this.preventIndexing) { customElements.push({ 'itunes:block': 'yes' }, { 'googleplay:block': 'yes' }) } const rssData = { title: this.title, description: this.description || '', generator: 'Audiobookshelf', feed_url: `${hostPrefix}${this.feedURL}`, site_url: `${hostPrefix}${this.siteURL}`, image_url: `${hostPrefix}${this.imageURL}`, custom_namespaces: { itunes: '', podcast: '', googleplay: '' }, custom_elements: customElements } const rssfeed = new RSS(rssData) this.feedEpisodes.forEach((ep) => { rssfeed.item(ep.getRSSData(hostPrefix)) }) return rssfeed.xml() } /** * * @param {string} id * @returns {string} */ getEpisodePath(id) { const episode = this.feedEpisodes.find((ep) => === id) if (!episode) return null return episode.filePath } toOldJSON() { const episodes = this.feedEpisodes?.map((feedEpisode) => feedEpisode.getOldEpisode()) return { id:, slug: this.slug, userId: this.userId, entityType: this.entityType, entityId: this.entityId, entityUpdatedAt: this.entityUpdatedAt?.valueOf() || null, coverPath: this.coverPath || null, meta: { title: this.title, description: this.description, author:, imageUrl: this.imageURL, feedUrl: this.feedURL, link: this.siteURL, explicit: this.explicit, type: this.podcastType, language: this.language, preventIndexing: this.preventIndexing, ownerName: this.ownerName, ownerEmail: this.ownerEmail }, serverAddress: this.serverAddress, feedUrl: this.feedURL, episodes: episodes || [], createdAt: this.createdAt.valueOf(), updatedAt: this.updatedAt.valueOf() } } toOldJSONMinified() { return { id:, entityType: this.entityType, entityId: this.entityId, feedUrl: this.feedURL, meta: { title: this.title, description: this.description, preventIndexing: this.preventIndexing, ownerName: this.ownerName, ownerEmail: this.ownerEmail } } } } module.exports = Feed