// Import the necessary dependencies import AuthorCard from './AuthorCard.vue' import AuthorImage from '../covers/AuthorImage.vue' import Tooltip from '../ui/Tooltip.vue' import LoadingSpinner from '../widgets/LoadingSpinner.vue' describe('AuthorCard', () => { const author = { id: 1, name: 'John Doe', numBooks: 5 } const propsData = { author, width: 192 * 0.8, height: 192, sizeMultiplier: 1, nameBelow: false } const mocks = { $strings: { LabelBooks: 'Books', ButtonQuickMatch: 'Quick Match' }, $store : { getters: { 'user/getUserCanUpdate': true, 'libraries/getLibraryProvider': () => 'audible.us' }, state: { libraries: { currentLibraryId: 'library-123' } } }, $eventBus: { $on: () => {}, $off: () => {}, }, } const stubs = { 'covers-author-image': AuthorImage, 'ui-tooltip': Tooltip, 'widgets-loading-spinner': LoadingSpinner } const mountOptions = { propsData, mocks, stubs } it('renders the component', () => { cy.mount(AuthorCard, mountOptions) cy.get('#textInline').should('be.visible') cy.get('#match').should('be.hidden') cy.get('#edit').should('be.hidden') cy.get('#nameBelow').should('be.hidden') cy.get('#card').should(($el) => { const width = $el.width() const height = $el.height() expect(width).to.be.closeTo(propsData.width, 0.01) expect(height).to.be.closeTo(propsData.height, 0.01) }) }) it('renders the component with the author name below', () => { const updatedPropsData = { ...propsData, nameBelow: true } cy.mount(AuthorCard, { ...mountOptions, propsData: updatedPropsData } ) cy.get('#textInline').should('be.hidden') cy.get('#match').should('be.hidden') cy.get('#edit').should('be.hidden') let nameBelowHeight cy.get('#nameBelow') .should('be.visible') .and('have.text', 'John Doe') .and(($el) => { const height = $el.height() const width = $el.width() const sizeMultiplier = propsData.sizeMultiplier const defaultFontSize = 16 const defaultLineHeight = 1.5 const fontSizeMultiplier = 0.75 const px2 = 16 expect(height).to.be.closeTo(defaultFontSize * fontSizeMultiplier * sizeMultiplier * defaultLineHeight, 0.01) nameBelowHeight = height expect(width).to.be.closeTo(propsData.width - px2, 0.01) }) cy.get('#card').should(($el) => { const width = $el.width() const height = $el.height() const py1 = 8 expect(width).to.be.closeTo(propsData.width, 0.01) expect(height).to.be.closeTo(propsData.height + nameBelowHeight + py1, 0.01) }) }) it('renders quick-match and edit buttons on mouse hover', () => { cy.mount(AuthorCard, mountOptions ) // before mouseover cy.get('#match').should('be.hidden') cy.get('#edit').should('be.hidden') // after mouseover cy.get('#card').trigger('mouseover') cy.get('#match').should('be.visible') cy.get('#edit').should('be.visible') // after mouseleave cy.get('#card').trigger('mouseleave') cy.get('#match').should('be.hidden') cy.get('#edit').should('be.hidden') }) it('renders the component with spinner while searching', () => { const data = () => { return { searching: true, isHovering: false } } cy.mount(AuthorCard, { ...mountOptions, data } ) cy.get('#textInline').should('be.hidden') cy.get('#match').should('be.hidden') cy.get('#edit').should('be.hidden') cy.get('#spinner').should('be.visible') }) it ('toasts after quick match with no updates', () => { const updatedMocks = { ...mocks, $axios: { $post: cy.stub().resolves({ updated: false, author: { name: 'John Doe' } }) }, $toast: { success: cy.spy().as('success'), error: cy.spy().as('error'), info: cy.spy().as('info') } } cy.mount(AuthorCard, { ...mountOptions, mocks: updatedMocks } ) cy.get('#card').trigger('mouseover') cy.get('#match').click() cy.get("#spinner").should('be.hidden') cy.get('@success').should('not.have.been.called') cy.get('@error').should('not.have.been.called') cy.get('@info').should('have.been.called') }) it ('toasts after quick match with updates and no image', () => { const updatedMocks = { ...mocks, $axios: { $post: cy.stub().resolves({ updated: true, author: { name: 'John Doe' } }) }, $toast: { success: cy.stub().withArgs('Author John Doe was updated (no image found)').as('success'), error: cy.spy().as('error'), info: cy.spy().as('info') } } cy.mount(AuthorCard, { ...mountOptions, mocks: updatedMocks } ) cy.get('#card').trigger('mouseover') cy.get('#match').click() cy.get("#spinner").should('be.hidden') cy.get('@success').should('have.been.called') cy.get('@error').should('not.have.been.called') cy.get('@info').should('not.have.been.called') }) it ('toasts after quick match with updates including image', () => { const updatedMocks = { ...mocks, $axios: { $post: cy.stub().resolves({ updated: true, author: { name: 'John Doe', imagePath: "path/to/image" } }) }, $toast: { success: cy.stub().withArgs('Author John Doe was updated').as('success'), error: cy.spy().as('error'), info: cy.spy().as('info') } } cy.mount(AuthorCard, { ...mountOptions, mocks: updatedMocks } ) cy.get('#card').trigger('mouseover') cy.get('#match').click() cy.get("#spinner").should('be.hidden') cy.get('@success').should('have.been.called') cy.get('@error').should('not.have.been.called') cy.get('@info').should('not.have.been.called') }) })