const express = require('express') const Path = require('path') const Logger = require('../Logger') const SocketAuthority = require('../SocketAuthority') const fs = require('../libs/fsExtra') class HlsRouter { constructor(db, auth, playbackSessionManager) { this.db = db this.auth = auth this.playbackSessionManager = playbackSessionManager this.router = express() this.router.disable('x-powered-by') this.init() } init() { this.router.get('/:stream/:file', this.streamFileRequest.bind(this)) } parseSegmentFilename(filename) { var basename = Path.basename(filename, Path.extname(filename)) var num_part = basename.split('-')[1] return Number(num_part) } async streamFileRequest(req, res) { var streamId = var fullFilePath = Path.join(this.playbackSessionManager.StreamsPath, streamId, req.params.file) var exists = await fs.pathExists(fullFilePath) if (!exists) { Logger.warn('File path does not exist', fullFilePath) var fileExt = Path.extname(req.params.file) if (fileExt === '.ts' || fileExt === '.m4s') { var segNum = this.parseSegmentFilename(req.params.file) var stream = this.playbackSessionManager.getStream(streamId) if (!stream) { Logger.error(`[HlsRouter] Stream ${streamId} does not exist`) return res.sendStatus(500) } if (stream.isResetting) {`[HlsRouter] Stream ${streamId} is currently resetting`) return res.sendStatus(404) } else { var startTimeForReset = await stream.checkSegmentNumberRequest(segNum) if (startTimeForReset) { // HLS.js will restart the stream at the new time`[HlsRouter] Resetting Stream - notify client @${startTimeForReset}s`) SocketAuthority.emitter('stream_reset', { startTime: startTimeForReset, streamId: }) return res.sendStatus(500) } } } } //'Sending file', fullFilePath) res.sendFile(fullFilePath) } } module.exports = HlsRouter