import Vue from "vue" import enUsStrings from '../strings/en-us.json' import { supplant } from './utils' const defaultCode = 'en-us' const languageCodeMap = { 'en-us': 'English', 'es': 'Español', 'it': 'Italiano', 'pl': 'Polski', 'zh-cn': '汉语 (简化字)' } Vue.prototype.$languageCodeOptions = Object.keys(languageCodeMap).map(code => { return { text: languageCodeMap[code], value: code } }) Vue.prototype.$languageCodes = { default: defaultCode, current: defaultCode, local: null, server: null } Vue.prototype.$strings = { ...enUsStrings } Vue.prototype.$getString = (key, subs) => { if (!Vue.prototype.$strings[key]) return '' if (subs && Array.isArray(subs) && subs.length) { return supplant(Vue.prototype.$strings[key], subs) } return Vue.prototype.$strings[key] } var translations = { [defaultCode]: enUsStrings } function loadTranslationStrings(code) { return new Promise((resolve) => { import(`../strings/${code}`).then((fileContents) => { resolve(fileContents.default) }).catch((error) => { console.error('Failed to load i18n strings', code, error) resolve(null) }) }) } async function loadi18n(code) { if (!code) return false if (Vue.prototype.$languageCodes.current == code) { // already set return false } const strings = translations[code] || await loadTranslationStrings(code) if (!strings) { console.warn(`Invalid lang code ${code}`) return false } translations[code] = strings Vue.prototype.$languageCodes.current = code localStorage.setItem('lang', code) for (const key in Vue.prototype.$strings) { Vue.prototype.$strings[key] = strings[key] || translations[defaultCode][key] } console.log('i18n strings=', Vue.prototype.$strings) return true } Vue.prototype.$setLanguageCode = loadi18n // Set the servers default language code, does not override users local language code Vue.prototype.$setServerLanguageCode = (code) => { if (!code) return if (!languageCodeMap[code]) { console.warn('invalid server language in', code) } else { Vue.prototype.$languageCodes.server = code if (!Vue.prototype.$languageCodes.local && code !== defaultCode) { loadi18n(code) } } } // Initialize with language code in localStorage if valid async function initialize() { const localLanguage = localStorage.getItem('lang') if (!localLanguage) return if (!languageCodeMap[localLanguage]) { console.warn('Invalid local language code', localLanguage) localStorage.setItem('lang', defaultCode) } else if (localLanguage !== defaultCode) { Vue.prototype.$languageCodes.local = localLanguage loadi18n(localLanguage) } } initialize()