const fs = require('fs-extra')
const Path = require('path')
const Logger = require('../Logger')

// Modified from:

// If a party has r, add x
// so that dirs are listable
const dirMode = mode => {
  if (mode & 0o400)
    mode |= 0o100
  if (mode & 0o40)
    mode |= 0o10
  if (mode & 0o4)
    mode |= 0o1
  return mode

const chmodrKid = (p, child, mode, uid, gid, cb) => {
  if (typeof child === 'string')
    return fs.lstat(Path.resolve(p, child), (er, stats) => {
      if (er)
        return cb(er) = child
      chmodrKid(p, stats, mode, uid, gid, cb)

  if (child.isDirectory()) {
    chmodr(Path.resolve(p,, mode, uid, gid, er => {
      if (er)
        return cb(er)

      var _path = Path.resolve(p,
      fs.chmod(_path, dirMode(mode)).then(() => {
        fs.chown(_path, uid, gid, cb)
  } else {
    var _path = Path.resolve(p,
    fs.chmod(_path, mode).then(() => {
      fs.chown(_path, uid, gid, cb)

const chmodr = (p, mode, uid, gid, cb) => {
  fs.readdir(p, { withFileTypes: true }, (er, children) => {
    // any error other than ENOTDIR means it's not readable, or
    // doesn't exist.  give up.
    if (er && er.code !== 'ENOTDIR') return cb(er)
    if (er) {
      return fs.chmod(p, mode).then(() => {
        fs.chown(p, uid, gid, cb)
    if (!children.length) {
      return fs.chmod(p, dirMode(mode)).then(() => {
        fs.chown(p, uid, gid, cb)

    let len = children.length
    let errState = null
    const then = er => {
      if (errState) return
      if (er) return cb(errState = er)
      if (--len === 0) {
        return fs.chmod(p, dirMode(mode)).then(() => {
          fs.chown(p, uid, gid, cb)

    children.forEach(child => chmodrKid(p, child, mode, uid, gid, then))

module.exports = (p, mode, uid, gid) => {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    Logger.debug(`[FilePerms] Setting permission "${mode}" for uid ${uid} and gid ${gid} | "${p}"`)
    chmodr(p, mode, uid, gid, resolve)