const Path = require('path') const { DataTypes, Model } = require('sequelize') const uuidv4 = require('uuid').v4 const Logger = require('../Logger') const date = require('../libs/dateAndTime') const { secondsToTimestamp } = require('../utils') class FeedEpisode extends Model { constructor(values, options) { super(values, options) /** @type {UUIDV4} */ /** @type {string} */ this.title /** @type {string} */ /** @type {string} */ this.description /** @type {string} */ this.siteURL /** @type {string} */ this.enclosureURL /** @type {string} */ this.enclosureType /** @type {BigInt} */ this.enclosureSize /** @type {string} */ this.pubDate /** @type {string} */ this.season /** @type {string} */ this.episode /** @type {string} */ this.episodeType /** @type {number} */ this.duration /** @type {string} */ this.filePath /** @type {boolean} */ this.explicit /** @type {UUIDV4} */ this.feedId /** @type {Date} */ this.createdAt /** @type {Date} */ this.updatedAt } /** * * @param {import('./LibraryItem').LibraryItemExpanded} libraryItemExpanded * @param {import('./Feed')} feed * @param {string} slug * @param {import('./PodcastEpisode')} episode * @param {string} [existingEpisodeId] */ static getFeedEpisodeObjFromPodcastEpisode(libraryItemExpanded, feed, slug, episode, existingEpisodeId = null) { const episodeId = existingEpisodeId || uuidv4() return { id: episodeId, title: episode.title, author:, description: episode.description, siteURL: feed.siteURL, enclosureURL: `/feed/${slug}/item/${episodeId}/media${Path.extname(episode.audioFile.metadata.filename)}`, enclosureType: episode.audioFile.mimeType, enclosureSize: episode.audioFile.metadata.size, pubDate: episode.pubDate, season: episode.season, episode: episode.episode, episodeType: episode.episodeType, duration: episode.audioFile.duration, filePath: episode.audioFile.metadata.path, explicit:, feedId: } } /** * * @param {import('./LibraryItem').LibraryItemExpanded} libraryItemExpanded * @param {import('./Feed')} feed * @param {string} slug * @param {import('sequelize').Transaction} transaction * @returns {Promise<FeedEpisode[]>} */ static async createFromPodcastEpisodes(libraryItemExpanded, feed, slug, transaction) { const feedEpisodeObjs = [] // Sort podcastEpisodes by pubDate. episodic is newest to oldest. serial is oldest to newest. if (feed.podcastType === 'episodic') {, b) => new Date(b.pubDate) - new Date(a.pubDate)) } else {, b) => new Date(a.pubDate) - new Date(b.pubDate)) } let numExisting = 0 for (const episode of { // Check for existing episode by filepath const existingEpisode = feed.feedEpisodes?.find((feedEpisode) => { return feedEpisode.filePath === episode.audioFile.metadata.path }) numExisting = existingEpisode ? numExisting + 1 : numExisting feedEpisodeObjs.push(this.getFeedEpisodeObjFromPodcastEpisode(libraryItemExpanded, feed, slug, episode, existingEpisode?.id)) }`[FeedEpisode] Upserting ${feedEpisodeObjs.length} episodes for feed ${} (${numExisting} existing)`) return this.bulkCreate(feedEpisodeObjs, { transaction, updateOnDuplicate: ['title', 'author', 'description', 'siteURL', 'enclosureURL', 'enclosureType', 'enclosureSize', 'pubDate', 'season', 'episode', 'episodeType', 'duration', 'filePath', 'explicit'] }) } /** * If chapters for an audiobook match the audio tracks then use chapter titles instead of audio file names * * @param {import('./Book').AudioTrack[]} trackList * @param {import('./Book')} book * @returns {boolean} */ static checkUseChapterTitlesForEpisodes(trackList, book) { const chapters = book.chapters || [] if (trackList.length !== chapters.length) return false for (let i = 0; i < trackList.length; i++) { if (Math.abs(chapters[i].start - trackList[i].startOffset) >= 1) { return false } } return true } /** * * @param {import('./Book')} book * @param {Date} pubDateStart * @param {import('./Feed')} feed * @param {string} slug * @param {import('./Book').AudioFileObject} audioTrack * @param {boolean} useChapterTitles * @param {string} [existingEpisodeId] */ static getFeedEpisodeObjFromAudiobookTrack(book, pubDateStart, feed, slug, audioTrack, useChapterTitles, existingEpisodeId = null) { // Example: <pubDate>Fri, 04 Feb 2015 00:00:00 GMT</pubDate> // Offset pubdate in 1 minute intervals to ensure correct order let timeOffset = isNaN(audioTrack.index) ? 0 : Number(audioTrack.index) * 60000 let episodeId = existingEpisodeId || uuidv4() // e.g. Track 1 will have a pub date before Track 2 const audiobookPubDate = date.format(new Date(pubDateStart.valueOf() + timeOffset), 'ddd, DD MMM YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]') const contentUrl = `/feed/${slug}/item/${episodeId}/media${Path.extname(audioTrack.metadata.filename)}` let title = Path.basename(audioTrack.metadata.filename, Path.extname(audioTrack.metadata.filename)) if (book.includedAudioFiles.length == 1) { // If audiobook is a single file, use book title instead of chapter/file title title = book.title } else { if (useChapterTitles) { // If audio track start and chapter start are within 1 seconds of eachother then use the chapter title const matchingChapter = book.chapters.find((ch) => Math.abs(ch.start - audioTrack.startOffset) < 1) if (matchingChapter?.title) title = matchingChapter.title } } return { id: episodeId, title, author:, description: book.description || '', siteURL: feed.siteURL, enclosureURL: contentUrl, enclosureType: audioTrack.mimeType, enclosureSize: audioTrack.metadata.size, pubDate: audiobookPubDate, duration: audioTrack.duration, filePath: audioTrack.metadata.path, explicit: book.explicit, feedId: } } /** * * @param {import('./LibraryItem').LibraryItemExpanded} libraryItemExpanded * @param {import('./Feed')} feed * @param {string} slug * @param {import('sequelize').Transaction} transaction * @returns {Promise<FeedEpisode[]>} */ static async createFromAudiobookTracks(libraryItemExpanded, feed, slug, transaction) { const trackList = libraryItemExpanded.getTrackList() const useChapterTitles = this.checkUseChapterTitlesForEpisodes(trackList, const feedEpisodeObjs = [] let numExisting = 0 for (const track of trackList) { // Check for existing episode by filepath const existingEpisode = feed.feedEpisodes?.find((episode) => { return episode.filePath === track.metadata.path }) numExisting = existingEpisode ? numExisting + 1 : numExisting feedEpisodeObjs.push(this.getFeedEpisodeObjFromAudiobookTrack(, libraryItemExpanded.createdAt, feed, slug, track, useChapterTitles, existingEpisode?.id)) }`[FeedEpisode] Upserting ${feedEpisodeObjs.length} episodes for feed ${} (${numExisting} existing)`) return this.bulkCreate(feedEpisodeObjs, { transaction, updateOnDuplicate: ['title', 'author', 'description', 'siteURL', 'enclosureURL', 'enclosureType', 'enclosureSize', 'pubDate', 'season', 'episode', 'episodeType', 'duration', 'filePath', 'explicit'] }) } /** * * @param {import('./Book').BookExpandedWithLibraryItem[]} books * @param {import('./Feed')} feed * @param {string} slug * @param {import('sequelize').Transaction} transaction * @returns {Promise<FeedEpisode[]>} */ static async createFromBooks(books, feed, slug, transaction) { const earliestLibraryItemCreatedAt = books.reduce((earliest, book) => { return book.libraryItem.createdAt < earliest.libraryItem.createdAt ? book : earliest }).libraryItem.createdAt const feedEpisodeObjs = [] let numExisting = 0 for (const book of books) { const trackList = book.getTracklist( const useChapterTitles = this.checkUseChapterTitlesForEpisodes(trackList, book) for (const track of trackList) { // Check for existing episode by filepath const existingEpisode = feed.feedEpisodes?.find((episode) => { return episode.filePath === track.metadata.path }) numExisting = existingEpisode ? numExisting + 1 : numExisting feedEpisodeObjs.push(this.getFeedEpisodeObjFromAudiobookTrack(book, earliestLibraryItemCreatedAt, feed, slug, track, useChapterTitles, existingEpisode?.id)) } }`[FeedEpisode] Upserting ${feedEpisodeObjs.length} episodes for feed ${} (${numExisting} existing)`) return this.bulkCreate(feedEpisodeObjs, { transaction, updateOnDuplicate: ['title', 'author', 'description', 'siteURL', 'enclosureURL', 'enclosureType', 'enclosureSize', 'pubDate', 'season', 'episode', 'episodeType', 'duration', 'filePath', 'explicit'] }) } /** * Initialize model * @param {import('../Database').sequelize} sequelize */ static init(sequelize) { super.init( { id: { type: DataTypes.UUID, defaultValue: DataTypes.UUIDV4, primaryKey: true }, title: DataTypes.STRING, author: DataTypes.STRING, description: DataTypes.TEXT, siteURL: DataTypes.STRING, enclosureURL: DataTypes.STRING, enclosureType: DataTypes.STRING, enclosureSize: DataTypes.BIGINT, pubDate: DataTypes.STRING, season: DataTypes.STRING, episode: DataTypes.STRING, episodeType: DataTypes.STRING, duration: DataTypes.FLOAT, filePath: DataTypes.STRING, explicit: DataTypes.BOOLEAN }, { sequelize, modelName: 'feedEpisode' } ) const { feed } = sequelize.models feed.hasMany(FeedEpisode, { onDelete: 'CASCADE' }) FeedEpisode.belongsTo(feed) } getOldEpisode() { const enclosure = { url: this.enclosureURL, size: this.enclosureSize, type: this.enclosureType } return { id:, title: this.title, description: this.description, enclosure, pubDate: this.pubDate, link: this.siteURL, author:, explicit: this.explicit, duration: this.duration, season: this.season, episode: this.episode, episodeType: this.episodeType, fullPath: this.filePath } } /** * * @param {string} hostPrefix */ getRSSData(hostPrefix) { const customElements = [ { 'itunes:author': || null }, { 'itunes:duration': Math.round(Number(this.duration)) }, { 'itunes:explicit': !!this.explicit }, { 'itunes:episodeType': this.episodeType || null }, { 'itunes:season': this.season || null }, { 'itunes:episode': this.episode || null } ].filter((element) => { // Remove empty custom elements return Object.values(element)[0] !== null }) if (this.description) { customElements.push({ 'itunes:summary': { _cdata: this.description } }) } return { title: this.title, description: this.description || '', url: `${hostPrefix}${this.siteURL}`, guid: `${hostPrefix}${this.enclosureURL}`, author:, date: this.pubDate, enclosure: { url: `${hostPrefix}${this.enclosureURL}`, type: this.enclosureType, size: this.enclosureSize }, custom_elements: customElements } } } module.exports = FeedEpisode