// Ported from https://github.com/mafintosh/end-of-stream with // permission from the author, Mathias Buus (@mafintosh). 'use strict' const { AbortError, codes } = require('../../ours/errors') const { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE } = codes const { once } = require('../../ours/util') const { validateAbortSignal, validateFunction, validateObject } = require('../validators') const { Promise } = require('../../ours/primordials') const { isClosed, isReadable, isReadableNodeStream, isReadableFinished, isReadableErrored, isWritable, isWritableNodeStream, isWritableFinished, isWritableErrored, isNodeStream, willEmitClose: _willEmitClose } = require('./utils') function isRequest(stream) { return stream.setHeader && typeof stream.abort === 'function' } const nop = () => {} function eos(stream, options, callback) { var _options$readable, _options$writable if (arguments.length === 2) { callback = options options = {} } else if (options == null) { options = {} } else { validateObject(options, 'options') } validateFunction(callback, 'callback') validateAbortSignal(options.signal, 'options.signal') callback = once(callback) const readable = (_options$readable = options.readable) !== null && _options$readable !== undefined ? _options$readable : isReadableNodeStream(stream) const writable = (_options$writable = options.writable) !== null && _options$writable !== undefined ? _options$writable : isWritableNodeStream(stream) if (!isNodeStream(stream)) { // TODO: Webstreams. throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE('stream', 'Stream', stream) } const wState = stream._writableState const rState = stream._readableState const onlegacyfinish = () => { if (!stream.writable) { onfinish() } } // TODO (ronag): Improve soft detection to include core modules and // common ecosystem modules that do properly emit 'close' but fail // this generic check. let willEmitClose = _willEmitClose(stream) && isReadableNodeStream(stream) === readable && isWritableNodeStream(stream) === writable let writableFinished = isWritableFinished(stream, false) const onfinish = () => { writableFinished = true // Stream should not be destroyed here. If it is that // means that user space is doing something differently and // we cannot trust willEmitClose. if (stream.destroyed) { willEmitClose = false } if (willEmitClose && (!stream.readable || readable)) { return } if (!readable || readableFinished) { callback.call(stream) } } let readableFinished = isReadableFinished(stream, false) const onend = () => { readableFinished = true // Stream should not be destroyed here. If it is that // means that user space is doing something differently and // we cannot trust willEmitClose. if (stream.destroyed) { willEmitClose = false } if (willEmitClose && (!stream.writable || writable)) { return } if (!writable || writableFinished) { callback.call(stream) } } const onerror = (err) => { callback.call(stream, err) } let closed = isClosed(stream) const onclose = () => { closed = true const errored = isWritableErrored(stream) || isReadableErrored(stream) if (errored && typeof errored !== 'boolean') { return callback.call(stream, errored) } if (readable && !readableFinished && isReadableNodeStream(stream, true)) { if (!isReadableFinished(stream, false)) return callback.call(stream, new ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE()) } if (writable && !writableFinished) { if (!isWritableFinished(stream, false)) return callback.call(stream, new ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE()) } callback.call(stream) } const onrequest = () => { stream.req.on('finish', onfinish) } if (isRequest(stream)) { stream.on('complete', onfinish) if (!willEmitClose) { stream.on('abort', onclose) } if (stream.req) { onrequest() } else { stream.on('request', onrequest) } } else if (writable && !wState) { // legacy streams stream.on('end', onlegacyfinish) stream.on('close', onlegacyfinish) } // Not all streams will emit 'close' after 'aborted'. if (!willEmitClose && typeof stream.aborted === 'boolean') { stream.on('aborted', onclose) } stream.on('end', onend) stream.on('finish', onfinish) if (options.error !== false) { stream.on('error', onerror) } stream.on('close', onclose) if (closed) { process.nextTick(onclose) } else if ( (wState !== null && wState !== undefined && wState.errorEmitted) || (rState !== null && rState !== undefined && rState.errorEmitted) ) { if (!willEmitClose) { process.nextTick(onclose) } } else if ( !readable && (!willEmitClose || isReadable(stream)) && (writableFinished || isWritable(stream) === false) ) { process.nextTick(onclose) } else if ( !writable && (!willEmitClose || isWritable(stream)) && (readableFinished || isReadable(stream) === false) ) { process.nextTick(onclose) } else if (rState && stream.req && stream.aborted) { process.nextTick(onclose) } const cleanup = () => { callback = nop stream.removeListener('aborted', onclose) stream.removeListener('complete', onfinish) stream.removeListener('abort', onclose) stream.removeListener('request', onrequest) if (stream.req) stream.req.removeListener('finish', onfinish) stream.removeListener('end', onlegacyfinish) stream.removeListener('close', onlegacyfinish) stream.removeListener('finish', onfinish) stream.removeListener('end', onend) stream.removeListener('error', onerror) stream.removeListener('close', onclose) } if (options.signal && !closed) { const abort = () => { // Keep it because cleanup removes it. const endCallback = callback cleanup() endCallback.call( stream, new AbortError(undefined, { cause: options.signal.reason }) ) } if (options.signal.aborted) { process.nextTick(abort) } else { const originalCallback = callback callback = once((...args) => { options.signal.removeEventListener('abort', abort) originalCallback.apply(stream, args) }) options.signal.addEventListener('abort', abort) } } return cleanup } function finished(stream, opts) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { eos(stream, opts, (err) => { if (err) { reject(err) } else { resolve() } }) }) } module.exports = eos module.exports.finished = finished