<template> <div v-if="show" id="reader" :data-theme="ereaderTheme" class="group absolute top-0 left-0 w-full z-60 data-[theme=dark]:bg-primary data-[theme=dark]:text-white data-[theme=light]:bg-white data-[theme=light]:text-black" :class="{ 'reader-player-open': !!streamLibraryItem }"> <div class="absolute top-4 left-4 z-20 flex items-center"> <button v-if="isEpub" @click="toggleToC" type="button" aria-label="Table of contents menu" class="inline-flex opacity-80 hover:opacity-100"> <span class="material-icons text-2xl">menu</span> </button> <button v-if="hasSettings" @click="openSettings" type="button" aria-label="Ereader settings" class="mx-4 inline-flex opacity-80 hover:opacity-100"> <span class="material-icons text-1.5xl">settings</span> </button> </div> <div class="absolute top-4 left-1/2 transform -translate-x-1/2"> <h1 :data-type="ebookType" class="text-lg sm:text-xl md:text-2xl mb-1 data-[type=comic]:hidden" style="line-height: 1.15; font-weight: 100"> <span style="font-weight: 600">{{ abTitle }}</span> <span v-if="abAuthor" class="hidden md:inline"> – </span> <span v-if="abAuthor" class="hidden md:inline">{{ abAuthor }}</span> </h1> </div> <div class="absolute top-4 right-4 z-20"> <button @click="close" type="button" aria-label="Close ereader" class="inline-flex opacity-80 hover:opacity-100"> <span class="material-icons text-2xl">close</span> </button> </div> <component v-if="componentName" ref="readerComponent" :is="componentName" :library-item="selectedLibraryItem" :player-open="!!streamLibraryItem" :keep-progress="keepProgress" :file-id="ebookFileId" @touchstart="touchstart" @touchend="touchend" @hook:mounted="readerMounted" /> <!-- TOC side nav --> <div v-if="tocOpen" class="w-full h-full overflow-y-scroll absolute inset-0 bg-black/20 z-20" @click.stop.prevent="toggleToC"></div> <div v-if="isEpub" class="w-96 h-full max-h-full absolute top-0 left-0 shadow-xl transition-transform z-30 group-data-[theme=dark]:bg-primary group-data-[theme=dark]:text-white group-data-[theme=light]:bg-white group-data-[theme=light]:text-black" :class="tocOpen ? 'translate-x-0' : '-translate-x-96'" @click.stop.prevent> <div class="flex flex-col p-4 h-full"> <div class="flex items-center mb-2"> <button @click.stop.prevent="toggleToC" type="button" aria-label="Close table of contents" class="inline-flex opacity-80 hover:opacity-100"> <span class="material-icons text-2xl">arrow_back</span> </button> <p class="text-lg font-semibold ml-2">{{ $strings.HeaderTableOfContents }}</p> </div> <form @submit.prevent="searchBook" @click.stop.prevent> <ui-text-input clearable ref="input" @clear="searchBook" v-model="searchQuery" :placeholder="$strings.PlaceholderSearch" class="h-8 w-full text-sm flex mb-2" /> </form> <div class="overflow-y-auto"> <div v-if="isSearching && !this.searchResults.length" class="w-full h-40 justify-center"> <p class="text-center text-xl py-4">{{ $strings.MessageNoResults }}</p> </div> <ul> <li v-for="chapter in isSearching ? this.searchResults : chapters" :key="chapter.id" class="py-1"> <a :href="chapter.href" class="opacity-80 hover:opacity-100" @click.prevent="goToChapter(chapter.href)">{{ chapter.title }}</a> <div v-for="searchResults in chapter.searchResults" :key="searchResults.cfi" class="text-sm py-1 pl-4"> <a :href="searchResults.cfi" class="opacity-50 hover:opacity-100" @click.prevent="goToChapter(searchResults.cfi)">{{ searchResults.excerpt }}</a> </div> <ul v-if="chapter.subitems.length"> <li v-for="subchapter in chapter.subitems" :key="subchapter.id" class="py-1 pl-4"> <a :href="subchapter.href" class="opacity-80 hover:opacity-100" @click.prevent="goToChapter(subchapter.href)">{{ subchapter.title }}</a> <div v-for="subChapterSearchResults in subchapter.searchResults" :key="subChapterSearchResults.cfi" class="text-sm py-1 pl-4"> <a :href="subChapterSearchResults.cfi" class="opacity-50 hover:opacity-100" @click.prevent="goToChapter(subChapterSearchResults.cfi)">{{ subChapterSearchResults.excerpt }}</a> </div> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- ereader settings modal --> <modals-modal v-model="showSettings" name="ereader-settings-modal" :width="500" :height="'unset'" :processing="false"> <template #outer> <div class="absolute top-0 left-0 p-5 w-3/4 overflow-hidden"> <p class="text-xl md:text-3xl text-white truncate">{{ $strings.HeaderEreaderSettings }}</p> </div> </template> <div class="px-2 py-4 md:p-8 w-full text-base rounded-lg bg-bg shadow-lg border border-black-300 relative overflow-x-hidden overflow-y-auto" style="max-height: 80vh"> <div class="flex items-center mb-4"> <div class="w-40"> <p class="text-lg">{{ $strings.LabelTheme }}:</p> </div> <ui-toggle-btns v-model="ereaderSettings.theme" :items="themeItems.theme" @input="settingsUpdated" /> </div> <div class="flex items-center mb-4"> <div class="w-40"> <p class="text-lg">{{ $strings.LabelFontFamily }}:</p> </div> <ui-toggle-btns v-model="ereaderSettings.font" :items="themeItems.font" @input="settingsUpdated" /> </div> <div class="flex items-center mb-4"> <div class="w-40"> <p class="text-lg">{{ $strings.LabelFontScale }}:</p> </div> <ui-range-input v-model="ereaderSettings.fontScale" :min="5" :max="300" :step="5" @input="settingsUpdated" /> </div> <div class="flex items-center mb-4"> <div class="w-40"> <p class="text-lg">{{ $strings.LabelLineSpacing }}:</p> </div> <ui-range-input v-model="ereaderSettings.lineSpacing" :min="100" :max="300" :step="5" @input="settingsUpdated" /> </div> <div class="flex items-center mb-4"> <div class="w-40"> <p class="text-lg">{{ $strings.LabelFontBoldness }}:</p> </div> <ui-range-input v-model="ereaderSettings.textStroke" :min="0" :max="300" :step="5" @input="settingsUpdated" /> </div> <div class="flex items-center"> <div class="w-40"> <p class="text-lg">{{ $strings.LabelLayout }}:</p> </div> <ui-toggle-btns v-model="ereaderSettings.spread" :items="spreadItems" @input="settingsUpdated" /> </div> </div> </modals-modal> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { touchstartX: 0, touchstartY: 0, touchendX: 0, touchendY: 0, touchstartTime: 0, touchIdentifier: null, chapters: [], isSearching: false, searchResults: [], searchQuery: '', tocOpen: false, showSettings: false, ereaderSettings: { theme: 'dark', font: 'serif', fontScale: 100, lineSpacing: 115, fontBoldness: 100, spread: 'auto', textStroke: 0 } } }, watch: { show(newVal) { if (newVal) { this.init() } } }, computed: { show: { get() { return this.$store.state.showEReader }, set(val) { this.$store.commit('setShowEReader', val) } }, ereaderTheme() { if (this.isEpub) return this.ereaderSettings.theme return 'dark' }, spreadItems() { return [ { text: this.$strings.LabelLayoutSinglePage, value: 'none' }, { text: this.$strings.LabelLayoutSplitPage, value: 'auto' } ] }, themeItems() { return { theme: [ { text: this.$strings.LabelThemeDark, value: 'dark' }, { text: this.$strings.LabelThemeLight, value: 'light' } ], font: [ { text: 'Sans', value: 'sans-serif' }, { text: 'Serif', value: 'serif' } ] } }, componentName() { if (this.ebookType === 'epub') return 'readers-epub-reader' else if (this.ebookType === 'mobi') return 'readers-mobi-reader' else if (this.ebookType === 'pdf') return 'readers-pdf-reader' else if (this.ebookType === 'comic') return 'readers-comic-reader' return null }, streamLibraryItem() { return this.$store.state.streamLibraryItem }, hasSettings() { return this.isEpub }, abTitle() { return this.mediaMetadata.title }, abAuthor() { return this.mediaMetadata.authorName }, selectedLibraryItem() { return this.$store.state.selectedLibraryItem || {} }, media() { return this.selectedLibraryItem.media || {} }, mediaMetadata() { return this.media.metadata || {} }, libraryId() { return this.selectedLibraryItem.libraryId }, folderId() { return this.selectedLibraryItem.folderId }, ebookFile() { // ebook file id is passed when reading a supplementary ebook if (this.ebookFileId) { return this.selectedLibraryItem.libraryFiles.find((lf) => lf.ino === this.ebookFileId) } return this.media.ebookFile }, ebookFormat() { if (!this.ebookFile) return null // Use file extension for supplementary ebook if (!this.ebookFile.ebookFormat) { return this.ebookFile.metadata.ext.toLowerCase().slice(1) } return this.ebookFile.ebookFormat }, ebookType() { if (this.isMobi) return 'mobi' else if (this.isEpub) return 'epub' else if (this.isPdf) return 'pdf' else if (this.isComic) return 'comic' return null }, isEpub() { return this.ebookFormat == 'epub' }, isMobi() { return this.ebookFormat == 'mobi' || this.ebookFormat == 'azw3' }, isPdf() { return this.ebookFormat == 'pdf' }, isComic() { return this.ebookFormat == 'cbz' || this.ebookFormat == 'cbr' }, userToken() { return this.$store.getters['user/getToken'] }, keepProgress() { return this.$store.state.ereaderKeepProgress }, ebookFileId() { return this.$store.state.ereaderFileId }, isDarkTheme() { return this.ereaderSettings.theme === 'dark' } }, methods: { goToChapter(uri) { this.toggleToC() this.$refs.readerComponent.goToChapter(uri) }, readerMounted() { if (this.isEpub) { this.loadEreaderSettings() } }, settingsUpdated() { this.$refs.readerComponent?.updateSettings?.(this.ereaderSettings) localStorage.setItem('ereaderSettings', JSON.stringify(this.ereaderSettings)) }, toggleToC() { this.tocOpen = !this.tocOpen this.chapters = this.$refs.readerComponent.chapters }, openSettings() { this.showSettings = true }, hotkey(action) { if (!this.$refs.readerComponent) return if (action === this.$hotkeys.EReader.NEXT_PAGE) { this.next() } else if (action === this.$hotkeys.EReader.PREV_PAGE) { this.prev() } else if (action === this.$hotkeys.EReader.CLOSE) { this.close() } }, async searchBook() { if (this.searchQuery.length > 1) { this.searchResults = await this.$refs.readerComponent.searchBook(this.searchQuery) this.isSearching = true } else { this.isSearching = false this.searchResults = [] } }, next() { if (this.$refs.readerComponent?.next) this.$refs.readerComponent.next() }, prev() { if (this.$refs.readerComponent?.prev) this.$refs.readerComponent.prev() }, handleGesture() { // Touch must be less than 1s. Must be > 60px drag and X distance > Y distance const touchTimeMs = Date.now() - this.touchstartTime if (touchTimeMs >= 1000) { console.log('Touch too long', touchTimeMs) return } const touchDistanceX = Math.abs(this.touchendX - this.touchstartX) const touchDistanceY = Math.abs(this.touchendY - this.touchstartY) const touchDistance = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.touchstartX - this.touchendX, 2) + Math.pow(this.touchstartY - this.touchendY, 2)) if (touchDistance < 60) { return } if (touchDistanceX < 60 || touchDistanceY > touchDistanceX) { return } if (this.touchendX < this.touchstartX) { this.next() } if (this.touchendX > this.touchstartX) { this.prev() } }, touchstart(e) { // Ignore rapid touch if (this.touchstartTime && Date.now() - this.touchstartTime < 250) { return } this.touchstartX = e.touches[0].screenX this.touchstartY = e.touches[0].screenY this.touchstartTime = Date.now() this.touchIdentifier = e.touches[0].identifier }, touchend(e) { if (this.touchIdentifier !== e.changedTouches[0].identifier) { return } this.touchendX = e.changedTouches[0].screenX this.touchendY = e.changedTouches[0].screenY this.handleGesture() }, registerListeners() { this.$eventBus.$on('reader-hotkey', this.hotkey) document.body.addEventListener('touchstart', this.touchstart) document.body.addEventListener('touchend', this.touchend) }, unregisterListeners() { this.$eventBus.$off('reader-hotkey', this.hotkey) document.body.removeEventListener('touchstart', this.touchstart) document.body.removeEventListener('touchend', this.touchend) }, loadEreaderSettings() { try { const settings = localStorage.getItem('ereaderSettings') if (settings) { const _ereaderSettings = JSON.parse(settings) for (const key in this.ereaderSettings) { if (_ereaderSettings[key] !== undefined) { this.ereaderSettings[key] = _ereaderSettings[key] } } this.settingsUpdated() } } catch (error) { console.error('Failed to load ereader settings', error) } }, init() { this.registerListeners() }, close() { this.unregisterListeners() this.isSearching = false this.searchQuery = '' this.show = false } }, mounted() { if (this.show) this.init() }, beforeDestroy() { this.unregisterListeners() } } </script> <style> #reader { height: 100%; } #reader.reader-player-open { height: calc(100% - 164px); } @media (max-height: 400px) { #reader.reader-player-open { height: 100%; } } </style>