const Ffmpeg = require('fluent-ffmpeg') const EventEmitter = require('events') const Path = require('path') const fs = require('fs-extra') const Logger = require('../Logger') const { secondsToTimestamp } = require('../utils/fileUtils') const { writeConcatFile } = require('../utils/ffmpegHelpers') const hlsPlaylistGenerator = require('../utils/hlsPlaylistGenerator') const UserListeningSession = require('./UserListeningSession') class Stream extends EventEmitter { constructor(streamPath, client, audiobook, transcodeOptions = {}) { super() = ( + Math.trunc(Math.random() * 1000)).toString(36) this.client = client this.audiobook = audiobook this.transcodeOptions = transcodeOptions this.segmentLength = 6 this.maxSeekBackTime = 30 this.streamPath = Path.join(streamPath, this.concatFilesPath = Path.join(this.streamPath, 'files.txt') this.playlistPath = Path.join(this.streamPath, 'output.m3u8') this.finalPlaylistPath = Path.join(this.streamPath, 'final-output.m3u8') this.startTime = 0 this.ffmpeg = null this.loop = null this.isResetting = false this.isClientInitialized = false this.isTranscodeComplete = false this.segmentsCreated = new Set() this.furthestSegmentCreated = 0 this.clientCurrentTime = 0 this.listeningSession = new UserListeningSession() this.listeningSession.setData(audiobook, client.user) this.init() } get socket() { return this.client ? this.client.socket || null : null } get audiobookId() { return } get audiobookTitle() { return this.audiobook ? this.audiobook.title : null } get totalDuration() { return this.audiobook.totalDuration } get tracksAudioFileType() { if (!this.tracks.length) return null return this.tracks[0].ext.toLowerCase().slice(1) } get hlsSegmentType() { var hasFlac = this.tracks.find(t => t.ext.toLowerCase() === '.flac') return hasFlac ? 'fmp4' : 'mpegts' } get segmentBasename() { if (this.hlsSegmentType === 'fmp4') return 'output-%d.m4s' return 'output-%d.ts' } get segmentStartNumber() { if (!this.startTime) return 0 return Math.floor(Math.max(this.startTime - this.maxSeekBackTime, 0) / this.segmentLength) } get numSegments() { var numSegs = Math.floor(this.totalDuration / this.segmentLength) if (this.totalDuration - (numSegs * this.segmentLength) > 0) { numSegs++ } return numSegs } get tracks() { return this.audiobook.tracks } get clientUser() { return this.client ? this.client.user || {} : null } get clientUserAudiobooks() { return this.client ? this.clientUser.audiobooks || {} : null } get clientUserAudiobookData() { return this.client ? this.clientUserAudiobooks[this.audiobookId] : null } get clientPlaylistUri() { return `/hls/${}/output.m3u8` } get clientProgress() { if (!this.clientCurrentTime) return 0 var prog = Math.min(1, this.clientCurrentTime / this.totalDuration) return Number(prog.toFixed(3)) } get isAACEncodable() { return ['mp4', 'm4a', 'm4b'].includes(this.tracksAudioFileType) } get transcodeForceAAC() { return !!this.transcodeOptions.forceAAC } toJSON() { return { id:, clientId:, userId:, audiobook: this.audiobook.toJSONMinified(), segmentLength: this.segmentLength, playlistPath: this.playlistPath, clientPlaylistUri: this.clientPlaylistUri, clientCurrentTime: this.clientCurrentTime, startTime: this.startTime, segmentStartNumber: this.segmentStartNumber, isTranscodeComplete: this.isTranscodeComplete, lastUpdate: this.clientUserAudiobookData ? this.clientUserAudiobookData.lastUpdate : 0 } } init() { if (this.clientUserAudiobookData) { var timeRemaining = this.totalDuration - this.clientUserAudiobookData.currentTime'[STREAM] User has progress for audiobook', this.clientUserAudiobookData.progress, `Time Remaining: ${timeRemaining}s`) if (timeRemaining > 15) { this.startTime = this.clientUserAudiobookData.currentTime this.clientCurrentTime = this.startTime } } } async checkSegmentNumberRequest(segNum) { var segStartTime = segNum * this.segmentLength if (this.startTime > segStartTime) { Logger.warn(`[STREAM] Segment #${segNum} Request @${secondsToTimestamp(segStartTime)} is before start time (${secondsToTimestamp(this.startTime)}) - Reset Transcode`) await this.reset(segStartTime - (this.segmentLength * 2)) return segStartTime } else if (this.isTranscodeComplete) { return false } var distanceFromFurthestSegment = segNum - this.furthestSegmentCreated if (distanceFromFurthestSegment > 10) {`Segment #${segNum} requested is ${distanceFromFurthestSegment} segments from latest (${secondsToTimestamp(segStartTime)}) - Reset Transcode`) await this.reset(segStartTime - (this.segmentLength * 2)) return segStartTime } return false } updateClientCurrentTime(currentTime) { Logger.debug('[Stream] Updated client current time', secondsToTimestamp(currentTime)) this.clientCurrentTime = currentTime } syncStream({ timeListened, currentTime }) { var syncLog = '' if (currentTime !== null && !isNaN(currentTime)) { syncLog = `Update client current time ${secondsToTimestamp(currentTime)}` this.clientCurrentTime = currentTime } var saveListeningSession = false if (timeListened && !isNaN(timeListened)) { // Check if listening session should roll to next day if (this.listeningSession.checkDateRollover()) { if (!this.clientUser) { Logger.error(`[Stream] Sync stream invalid client user`) return null } this.listeningSession = new UserListeningSession() this.listeningSession.setData(this.audiobook, this.clientUser) Logger.debug(`[Stream] Listening session rolled to next day`) } this.listeningSession.addListeningTime(timeListened) if (syncLog) syncLog += ' | ' syncLog += `Add listening time ${timeListened}s, Total time listened ${this.listeningSession.timeListening}s` saveListeningSession = true } Logger.debug('[Stream]', syncLog) return saveListeningSession ? this.listeningSession : null } async generatePlaylist() { fs.ensureDirSync(this.streamPath) await hlsPlaylistGenerator(this.playlistPath, 'output', this.totalDuration, this.segmentLength, this.hlsSegmentType) return this.clientPlaylistUri } async checkFiles() { try { var files = await fs.readdir(this.streamPath) files.forEach((file) => { var extname = Path.extname(file) if (extname === '.ts' || extname === '.m4s') { var basename = Path.basename(file, extname) var num_part = basename.split('-')[1] var part_num = Number(num_part) this.segmentsCreated.add(part_num) } }) if (!this.segmentsCreated.size) { Logger.warn('No Segments') return } if (this.segmentsCreated.size > 6 && !this.isClientInitialized) { this.isClientInitialized = true if (this.socket) {`[STREAM] ${} notifying client that stream is ready`) this.socket.emit('stream_open', this.toJSON()) } } var chunks = [] var current_chunk = [] var last_seg_in_chunk = -1 var segments = Array.from(this.segmentsCreated).sort((a, b) => a - b); var lastSegment = segments[segments.length - 1] if (lastSegment > this.furthestSegmentCreated) { this.furthestSegmentCreated = lastSegment } segments.forEach((seg) => { if (!current_chunk.length || last_seg_in_chunk + 1 === seg) { last_seg_in_chunk = seg current_chunk.push(seg) } else { if (current_chunk.length === 1) chunks.push(current_chunk[0]) else chunks.push(`${current_chunk[0]}-${current_chunk[current_chunk.length - 1]}`) last_seg_in_chunk = seg current_chunk = [seg] } }) if (current_chunk.length) { if (current_chunk.length === 1) chunks.push(current_chunk[0]) else chunks.push(`${current_chunk[0]}-${current_chunk[current_chunk.length - 1]}`) } var perc = (this.segmentsCreated.size * 100 / this.numSegments).toFixed(2) + '%''[STREAM-CHECK] Check Files', this.segmentsCreated.size, 'of', this.numSegments, perc, `Furthest Segment: ${this.furthestSegmentCreated}`) // Logger.debug('[STREAM-CHECK] Chunks', chunks.join(', ')) if (this.socket) { this.socket.emit('stream_progress', { stream:, percent: perc, chunks, numSegments: this.numSegments }) } } catch (error) { Logger.error('Failed checking files', error) } } startLoop() { //`[Stream] ${this.audiobookTitle} (${}) Start Loop`) if (this.socket) { this.socket.emit('stream_progress', { stream:, chunks: [], numSegments: 0, percent: '0%' }) } clearInterval(this.loop) var intervalId = setInterval(() => { if (!this.isTranscodeComplete) { this.checkFiles() } else { if (this.socket) {`[Stream] ${this.audiobookTitle} sending stream_ready`) this.socket.emit('stream_ready') } clearInterval(intervalId) } }, 2000) this.loop = intervalId } async start() {`[STREAM] START STREAM - Num Segments: ${this.numSegments}`) this.ffmpeg = Ffmpeg() var adjustedStartTime = Math.max(this.startTime - this.maxSeekBackTime, 0) var trackStartTime = await writeConcatFile(this.tracks, this.concatFilesPath, adjustedStartTime) this.ffmpeg.addInput(this.concatFilesPath) // seek_timestamp : // the argument to the -ss option is considered an actual timestamp, and is not offset by the start time of the file // fixes this.ffmpeg.inputOption('-seek_timestamp 1') this.ffmpeg.inputFormat('concat') this.ffmpeg.inputOption('-safe 0') if (adjustedStartTime > 0) { const shiftedStartTime = adjustedStartTime - trackStartTime // Issues using exact fractional seconds i.e. 29.49814 - changing to 29.5s var startTimeS = Math.round(shiftedStartTime * 10) / 10 + 's'`[STREAM] Starting Stream at startTime ${secondsToTimestamp(adjustedStartTime)} (User startTime ${secondsToTimestamp(this.startTime)}) and Segment #${this.segmentStartNumber}`) this.ffmpeg.inputOption(`-ss ${startTimeS}`) this.ffmpeg.inputOption('-noaccurate_seek') } const logLevel = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'error' : 'warning' const audioCodec = (this.hlsSegmentType === 'fmp4' || this.tracksAudioFileType === 'opus' || this.transcodeForceAAC) ? 'aac' : 'copy' this.ffmpeg.addOption([ `-loglevel ${logLevel}`, '-map 0:a', `-c:a ${audioCodec}` ]) const hlsOptions = [ '-f hls', "-copyts", "-avoid_negative_ts make_non_negative", "-max_delay 5000000", "-max_muxing_queue_size 2048", `-hls_time 6`, `-hls_segment_type ${this.hlsSegmentType}`, `-start_number ${this.segmentStartNumber}`, "-hls_playlist_type vod", "-hls_list_size 0", "-hls_allow_cache 0" ] if (this.hlsSegmentType === 'fmp4') { hlsOptions.push('-strict -2') // var fmp4InitFilename = Path.join(this.streamPath, 'init.mp4') var fmp4InitFilename = 'init.mp4' hlsOptions.push(`-hls_fmp4_init_filename ${fmp4InitFilename}`) } this.ffmpeg.addOption(hlsOptions) var segmentFilename = Path.join(this.streamPath, this.segmentBasename) this.ffmpeg.addOption(`-hls_segment_filename ${segmentFilename}`) this.ffmpeg.output(this.finalPlaylistPath) this.ffmpeg.on('start', (command) => {'[INFO] FFMPEG transcoding started with command: ' + command)'') if (this.isResetting) { // AAC encode is much slower const clearIsResettingTime = this.transcodeForceAAC ? 3000 : 500 setTimeout(() => {'[STREAM] Clearing isResetting') this.isResetting = false this.startLoop() }, clearIsResettingTime) } else { this.startLoop() } }) this.ffmpeg.on('stderr', (stdErrline) => { }) this.ffmpeg.on('error', (err, stdout, stderr) => { if (err.message && err.message.includes('SIGKILL')) { // This is an intentional SIGKILL'[FFMPEG] Transcode Killed') this.ffmpeg = null clearInterval(this.loop) } else { Logger.error('Ffmpeg Err', '"' + err.message + '"') // Temporary workaround for const aacErrorMsg = 'ffmpeg exited with code 1: Could not write header for output file #0 (incorrect codec parameters ?)' if (audioCodec === 'copy' && this.isAACEncodable && err.message && err.message.startsWith(aacErrorMsg)) {`[Stream] Re-attempting stream with AAC encode`) this.transcodeOptions.forceAAC = true this.reset(this.startTime) } else { // Close stream show error this.close(err.message) } } }) this.ffmpeg.on('end', (stdout, stderr) => {'[FFMPEG] Transcoding ended') // For very small fast load if (!this.isClientInitialized) { this.isClientInitialized = true if (this.socket) {`[STREAM] ${} notifying client that stream is ready`) this.socket.emit('stream_open', this.toJSON()) } } this.isTranscodeComplete = true this.ffmpeg = null clearInterval(this.loop) }) } async close(errorMessage = null) { clearInterval(this.loop)'Closing Stream', if (this.ffmpeg) { this.ffmpeg.kill('SIGKILL') } await fs.remove(this.streamPath).then(() => {'Deleted session data', this.streamPath) }).catch((err) => { Logger.error('Failed to delete session data', err) }) if (this.socket) { if (errorMessage) this.socket.emit('stream_error', { id:, error: (errorMessage || '').trim() }) else this.socket.emit('stream_closed', } this.emit('closed') } cancelTranscode() { clearInterval(this.loop) if (this.ffmpeg) { this.ffmpeg.kill('SIGKILL') } } async waitCancelTranscode() { for (let i = 0; i < 20; i++) { if (!this.ffmpeg) return true await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 500)) } Logger.error('[STREAM] Transcode never closed...') return false } async reset(time) { if (this.isResetting) { return`[STREAM] Stream ${} already resetting`) } time = Math.max(0, time) this.isResetting = true if (this.ffmpeg) { this.cancelTranscode() await this.waitCancelTranscode() } this.isTranscodeComplete = false this.startTime = time this.clientCurrentTime = this.startTime`Stream Reset New Start Time ${secondsToTimestamp(this.startTime)}`) this.start() } } module.exports = Stream