const { once } = require('events') const { createInterface } = require('readline') const Path = require('path') const Logger = require('../../Logger') const fs = require('../../libs/fsExtra') const archiver = require('../../libs/archiver') const StreamZip = require('../../libs/nodeStreamZip') async function processDbFile(filepath) { if (!fs.pathExistsSync(filepath)) { Logger.error(`[oldDbFiles] Db file does not exist at "${filepath}"`) return [] } const entities = [] try { const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(filepath) const rl = createInterface({ input: fileStream, crlfDelay: Infinity, }) rl.on('line', (line) => { if (line && line.trim()) { try { const entity = JSON.parse(line) if (entity && Object.keys(entity).length) entities.push(entity) } catch (jsonParseError) { Logger.error(`[oldDbFiles] Failed to parse line "${line}" in db file "${filepath}"`, jsonParseError) } } }) await once(rl, 'close') console.log(`[oldDbFiles] Db file "${filepath}" processed`) return entities } catch (error) { Logger.error(`[oldDbFiles] Failed to read db file "${filepath}"`, error) return [] } } async function loadDbData(dbpath) { try {`[oldDbFiles] Loading db data at "${dbpath}"`) const files = await fs.readdir(dbpath) const entities = [] for (const filename of files) { if (Path.extname(filename).toLowerCase() !== '.json') { Logger.warn(`[oldDbFiles] Ignoring filename "${filename}" in db folder "${dbpath}"`) continue } const filepath = Path.join(dbpath, filename)`[oldDbFiles] Loading db data file "${filepath}"`) const someEntities = await processDbFile(filepath)`[oldDbFiles] Processed db data file with ${someEntities.length} entities`) entities.push(...someEntities) }`[oldDbFiles] Finished loading db data with ${entities.length} entities`) return entities } catch (error) { Logger.error(`[oldDbFiles] Failed to load db data "${dbpath}"`, error) return null } } module.exports.loadOldData = async (dbName) => { const dbPath = Path.join(global.ConfigPath, dbName, 'data') const dbData = await loadDbData(dbPath) || []`[oldDbFiles] ${dbData.length} ${dbName} loaded`) return dbData } module.exports.zipWrapOldDb = async () => { const dbs = { libraryItems: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'libraryItems'), users: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'users'), sessions: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'sessions'), libraries: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'libraries'), settings: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'settings'), collections: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'collections'), playlists: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'playlists'), authors: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'authors'), series: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'series'), feeds: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'feeds') } return new Promise((resolve) => { const oldDbPath = Path.join(global.ConfigPath, '') const output = fs.createWriteStream(oldDbPath) const archive = archiver('zip', { zlib: { level: 9 } // Sets the compression level. }) // listen for all archive data to be written // 'close' event is fired only when a file descriptor is involved output.on('close', async () => {`[oldDbFiles] Old db files have been zipped in ${oldDbPath}. ${archive.pointer()} total bytes`) // Remove old db folders have successful zip for (const db in dbs) { await fs.remove(dbs[db]) } resolve(true) }) // This event is fired when the data source is drained no matter what was the data source. // It is not part of this library but rather from the NodeJS Stream API. // @see: output.on('end', () => { Logger.debug('[oldDbFiles] Data has been drained') }) // good practice to catch this error explicitly archive.on('error', (err) => { Logger.error(`[oldDbFiles] Failed to zip old db folders`, err) resolve(false) }) // pipe archive data to the file archive.pipe(output) for (const db in dbs) {[db], db) } // finalize the archive (ie we are done appending files but streams have to finish yet) // 'close', 'end' or 'finish' may be fired right after calling this method so register to them beforehand archive.finalize() }) } module.exports.checkHasOldDb = async () => { const dbs = { libraryItems: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'libraryItems'), users: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'users'), sessions: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'sessions'), libraries: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'libraries'), settings: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'settings'), collections: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'collections'), playlists: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'playlists'), authors: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'authors'), series: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'series'), feeds: Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'feeds') } for (const db in dbs) { if (await fs.pathExists(dbs[db])) { return true } } return false } module.exports.checkHasOldDbZip = async () => { const oldDbPath = Path.join(global.ConfigPath, '') if (!await fs.pathExists(oldDbPath)) { return false } // Extract const zip = new StreamZip.async({ file: oldDbPath }) await zip.extract(null, global.ConfigPath) await zip.close() return this.checkHasOldDb() } /** * Used for migration from 2.3.0 -> 2.3.1 * @returns {boolean} true if extracted */ module.exports.checkExtractItemsUsersAndLibraries = async () => { const oldDbPath = Path.join(global.ConfigPath, '') const zip = new StreamZip.async({ file: oldDbPath }) const libraryItemsPath = Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'libraryItems') await zip.extract('libraryItems/', libraryItemsPath) if (!await fs.pathExists(libraryItemsPath)) { Logger.error(`[oldDbFiles] Failed to extract old libraryItems from`) return false } const usersPath = Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'users') await zip.extract('users/', usersPath) if (!await fs.pathExists(usersPath)) { Logger.error(`[oldDbFiles] Failed to extract old users from`) await fs.remove(libraryItemsPath) // Remove old library items folder return false } const librariesPath = Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'libraries') await zip.extract('libraries/', librariesPath) if (!await fs.pathExists(librariesPath)) { Logger.error(`[oldDbFiles] Failed to extract old libraries from`) await fs.remove(usersPath) // Remove old users folder await fs.remove(libraryItemsPath) // Remove old library items folder return false } await zip.close() return true } /** * Used for migration from 2.3.0 -> 2.3.1 */ module.exports.removeOldItemsUsersAndLibrariesFolders = async () => { const libraryItemsPath = Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'libraryItems') const usersPath = Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'users') const librariesPath = Path.join(global.ConfigPath, 'libraries') await fs.remove(libraryItemsPath) await fs.remove(usersPath) await fs.remove(librariesPath) }