Make M4B Audiobook File *
Generate a .M4B audiobook file with embedded metadata, cover image, and chapters.
* Does not delete existing audio files.
Download Failed
Download Ready!
Download Expired
Size: {{ $bytesPretty(abmergeDownload.size) }}
Split M4B to MP3's
Generate multiple MP3's split by chapters with embedded metadata, cover image, and chapters.
* Does not delete existing audio files.
Download Failed
Download Ready!
Download Expired
Size: {{ $bytesPretty(abmergeDownload.size) }}
Embed Metadata
Embed metadata into audio files including cover image and chapters.
* Modifies audio files.
* Experimental - M4b merge can take several minutes and will be stored in /metadata/downloads. After the download is ready, it will remain available for 60 minutes, then be deleted. Download will timeout after 20 minutes.
No audio tracks to merge
Download.... {{ downloadPercent }}%
{{ downloadAmount }}