const fs = require('../libs/fsExtra')
const Path = require('path')
const Logger = require('../Logger')
const SocketAuthority = require('../SocketAuthority')

// Utils
const { groupFilesIntoLibraryItemPaths, getLibraryItemFileData, scanFolder } = require('../utils/scandir')
const { comparePaths } = require('../utils/index')
const { getIno } = require('../utils/fileUtils')
const { ScanResult, LogLevel } = require('../utils/constants')
const { findMatchingEpisodesInFeed, getPodcastFeed } = require('../utils/podcastUtils')

const MediaFileScanner = require('./MediaFileScanner')
const BookFinder = require('../finders/BookFinder')
const PodcastFinder = require('../finders/PodcastFinder')
const LibraryItem = require('../objects/LibraryItem')
const LibraryScan = require('./LibraryScan')
const ScanOptions = require('./ScanOptions')

const Author = require('../objects/entities/Author')
const Series = require('../objects/entities/Series')

class Scanner {
  constructor(db, coverManager) {
    this.ScanLogPath = Path.posix.join(global.MetadataPath, 'logs', 'scans')

    this.db = db
    this.coverManager = coverManager

    this.cancelLibraryScan = {}
    this.librariesScanning = []

    // Watcher file update scan vars
    this.pendingFileUpdatesToScan = []
    this.scanningFilesChanged = false

    this.bookFinder = new BookFinder()
    this.podcastFinder = new PodcastFinder()

  isLibraryScanning(libraryId) {
    return this.librariesScanning.find(ls => === libraryId)

  setCancelLibraryScan(libraryId) {
    var libraryScanning = this.librariesScanning.find(ls => === libraryId)
    if (!libraryScanning) return
    this.cancelLibraryScan[libraryId] = true

  async scanLibraryItemById(libraryItemId) {
    var libraryItem = this.db.libraryItems.find(li => === libraryItemId)
    if (!libraryItem) {
      Logger.error(`[Scanner] Scan libraryItem by id not found ${libraryItemId}`)
      return ScanResult.NOTHING
    const library = this.db.libraries.find(lib => === libraryItem.libraryId)
    if (!library) {
      Logger.error(`[Scanner] Scan libraryItem by id library not found "${libraryItem.libraryId}"`)
      return ScanResult.NOTHING
    const folder = library.folders.find(f => === libraryItem.folderId)
    if (!folder) {
      Logger.error(`[Scanner] Scan libraryItem by id folder not found "${libraryItem.folderId}" in library "${}"`)
      return ScanResult.NOTHING
    }`[Scanner] Scanning Library Item "${}"`)
    return this.scanLibraryItem(library.mediaType, folder, libraryItem)

  async scanLibraryItem(libraryMediaType, folder, libraryItem) {
    // TODO: Support for single media item
    var libraryItemData = await getLibraryItemFileData(libraryMediaType, folder, libraryItem.path, false, this.db.serverSettings)
    if (!libraryItemData) {
      return ScanResult.NOTHING
    var hasUpdated = false

    var checkRes = libraryItem.checkScanData(libraryItemData)
    if (checkRes.updated) hasUpdated = true

    // Sync other files first so that local images are used as cover art
    if (await libraryItem.syncFiles(this.db.serverSettings.scannerPreferOpfMetadata)) {
      hasUpdated = true

    // Scan all audio files
    if (libraryItem.hasAudioFiles) {
      var libraryAudioFiles = libraryItem.libraryFiles.filter(lf => lf.fileType === 'audio')
      if (await MediaFileScanner.scanMediaFiles(libraryAudioFiles, libraryItemData, libraryItem, this.db.serverSettings.scannerPreferAudioMetadata, this.db.serverSettings.scannerPreferOverdriveMediaMarker)) {
        hasUpdated = true

      // Extract embedded cover art if cover is not already in directory
      if ( && ! {
        var coverPath = await this.coverManager.saveEmbeddedCoverArt(libraryItem)
        if (coverPath) {
          Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Saved embedded cover art "${coverPath}"`)
          hasUpdated = true

    await this.createNewAuthorsAndSeries(libraryItem)

    // Library Item is invalid - (a book has no audio files or ebook files)
    if (!libraryItem.hasMediaEntities && libraryItem.mediaType !== 'podcast') {
      hasUpdated = true
    } else if (libraryItem.isInvalid) {
      libraryItem.isInvalid = false
      hasUpdated = true

    if (hasUpdated) {
      SocketAuthority.emitter('item_updated', libraryItem.toJSONExpanded())
      await this.db.updateLibraryItem(libraryItem)
      return ScanResult.UPDATED
    return ScanResult.UPTODATE

  async scan(library, options = {}) {
    if (this.isLibraryScanning( {
      Logger.error(`[Scanner] Already scanning ${}`)

    if (!library.folders.length) {
      Logger.warn(`[Scanner] Library has no folders to scan "${}"`)

    var scanOptions = new ScanOptions()
    scanOptions.setData(options, this.db.serverSettings)

    var libraryScan = new LibraryScan()
    libraryScan.setData(library, scanOptions)
    libraryScan.verbose = false

    SocketAuthority.emitter('scan_start', libraryScan.getScanEmitData)`[Scanner] Starting library scan ${} for ${libraryScan.libraryName}`)

    var canceled = await this.scanLibrary(libraryScan)

    if (canceled) {`[Scanner] Library scan canceled for "${libraryScan.libraryName}"`)
      delete this.cancelLibraryScan[libraryScan.libraryId]

    libraryScan.setComplete()`[Scanner] Library scan ${} completed in ${libraryScan.elapsedTimestamp} | ${libraryScan.resultStats}`)
    this.librariesScanning = this.librariesScanning.filter(ls => !==

    if (canceled && !libraryScan.totalResults) {
      var emitData = libraryScan.getScanEmitData
      emitData.results = null
      SocketAuthority.emitter('scan_complete', emitData)

    SocketAuthority.emitter('scan_complete', libraryScan.getScanEmitData)

    if (libraryScan.totalResults) {

  async scanLibrary(libraryScan) {
    var libraryItemDataFound = []

    // Scan each library
    for (let i = 0; i < libraryScan.folders.length; i++) {
      var folder = libraryScan.folders[i]
      var itemDataFoundInFolder = await scanFolder(libraryScan.libraryMediaType, folder, this.db.serverSettings)
      libraryScan.addLog(LogLevel.INFO, `${itemDataFoundInFolder.length} item data found in folder "${folder.fullPath}"`)
      libraryItemDataFound = libraryItemDataFound.concat(itemDataFoundInFolder)

    if (this.cancelLibraryScan[libraryScan.libraryId]) return true

    // Remove items with no inode
    libraryItemDataFound = libraryItemDataFound.filter(lid => lid.ino)
    var libraryItemsInLibrary = this.db.libraryItems.filter(li => li.libraryId === libraryScan.libraryId)

    const MaxSizePerChunk = 2.5e9
    const itemDataToRescanChunks = []
    const newItemDataToScanChunks = []
    var itemsToUpdate = []
    var itemDataToRescan = []
    var itemDataToRescanSize = 0
    var newItemDataToScan = []
    var newItemDataToScanSize = 0
    var itemsToFindCovers = []

    // Check for existing & removed library items
    for (let i = 0; i < libraryItemsInLibrary.length; i++) {
      var libraryItem = libraryItemsInLibrary[i]
      // Find library item folder with matching inode or matching path
      var dataFound = libraryItemDataFound.find(lid => lid.ino === libraryItem.ino || comparePaths(lid.relPath, libraryItem.relPath))
      if (!dataFound) {
        libraryScan.addLog(LogLevel.WARN, `Library Item "${}" is missing`)
      } else {
        var checkRes = libraryItem.checkScanData(dataFound)
        if (checkRes.newLibraryFiles.length || libraryScan.scanOptions.forceRescan) { // Item has new files
          checkRes.libraryItem = libraryItem
          checkRes.scanData = dataFound

          if (global.ServerSettings.scannerUseSingleThreadedProber) {
            // If this item will go over max size then push current chunk
            if (libraryItem.audioFileTotalSize + itemDataToRescanSize > MaxSizePerChunk && itemDataToRescan.length > 0) {
              itemDataToRescanSize = 0
              itemDataToRescan = []

            itemDataToRescanSize += libraryItem.audioFileTotalSize
            if (itemDataToRescanSize >= MaxSizePerChunk) {
              itemDataToRescanSize = 0
              itemDataToRescan = []
          } else {

        } else if (libraryScan.findCovers && { // Search cover
        } else if (checkRes.updated) { // Updated but no scan required
        libraryItemDataFound = libraryItemDataFound.filter(lid => lid.ino !== dataFound.ino)
    if (itemDataToRescan.length) itemDataToRescanChunks.push(itemDataToRescan)

    // Potential NEW Library Items
    for (let i = 0; i < libraryItemDataFound.length; i++) {
      var dataFound = libraryItemDataFound[i]

      var hasMediaFile = dataFound.libraryFiles.some(lf => lf.isMediaFile)
      if (!hasMediaFile) {
        libraryScan.addLog(LogLevel.WARN, `Item found "${libraryItemDataFound.path}" has no media files`)
      } else {
        if (global.ServerSettings.scannerUseSingleThreadedProber) {
          // If this item will go over max size then push current chunk
          var mediaFileSize = 0
          dataFound.libraryFiles.filter(lf => lf.fileType === 'audio' || lf.fileType === 'video').forEach(lf => mediaFileSize += lf.metadata.size)
          if (mediaFileSize + newItemDataToScanSize > MaxSizePerChunk && newItemDataToScan.length > 0) {
            newItemDataToScanSize = 0
            newItemDataToScan = []

          newItemDataToScanSize += mediaFileSize

          if (newItemDataToScanSize >= MaxSizePerChunk) {
            newItemDataToScanSize = 0
            newItemDataToScan = []
        } else { // Chunking is not necessary for new scanner
    if (newItemDataToScan.length) newItemDataToScanChunks.push(newItemDataToScan)

    // Library Items not requiring a scan but require a search for cover
    for (let i = 0; i < itemsToFindCovers.length; i++) {
      var libraryItem = itemsToFindCovers[i]
      var updatedCover = await this.searchForCover(libraryItem, libraryScan)

    if (itemsToUpdate.length) {
      await this.updateLibraryItemChunk(itemsToUpdate)
      if (this.cancelLibraryScan[libraryScan.libraryId]) return true

    // Chunking will be removed when legacy single threaded scanner is removed
    for (let i = 0; i < itemDataToRescanChunks.length; i++) {
      await this.rescanLibraryItemDataChunk(itemDataToRescanChunks[i], libraryScan)
      if (this.cancelLibraryScan[libraryScan.libraryId]) return true
    for (let i = 0; i < newItemDataToScanChunks.length; i++) {
      await this.scanNewLibraryItemDataChunk(newItemDataToScanChunks[i], libraryScan)
      if (this.cancelLibraryScan[libraryScan.libraryId]) return true

  async updateLibraryItemChunk(itemsToUpdate) {
    await this.db.updateLibraryItems(itemsToUpdate)
    SocketAuthority.emitter('items_updated', => li.toJSONExpanded()))

  async rescanLibraryItemDataChunk(itemDataToRescan, libraryScan) {
    var itemsUpdated = await Promise.all( => {
      return this.rescanLibraryItem(lid, libraryScan)

    itemsUpdated = itemsUpdated.filter(li => li) // Filter out nulls

    for (const libraryItem of itemsUpdated) {
      // Temp authors & series are inserted - create them if found
      await this.createNewAuthorsAndSeries(libraryItem)

    if (itemsUpdated.length) {
      libraryScan.resultsUpdated += itemsUpdated.length
      await this.db.updateLibraryItems(itemsUpdated)
      SocketAuthority.emitter('items_updated', => li.toJSONExpanded()))

  async scanNewLibraryItemDataChunk(newLibraryItemsData, libraryScan) {
    var newLibraryItems = await Promise.all( => {
      return this.scanNewLibraryItem(lid, libraryScan.libraryMediaType, libraryScan.preferAudioMetadata, libraryScan.preferOpfMetadata, libraryScan.findCovers, libraryScan.preferOverdriveMediaMarker, libraryScan)
    newLibraryItems = newLibraryItems.filter(li => li) // Filter out nulls

    for (const libraryItem of newLibraryItems) {
      // Temp authors & series are inserted - create them if found
      await this.createNewAuthorsAndSeries(libraryItem)

    libraryScan.resultsAdded += newLibraryItems.length
    await this.db.insertLibraryItems(newLibraryItems)
    SocketAuthority.emitter('items_added', => li.toJSONExpanded()))

  async rescanLibraryItem(libraryItemCheckData, libraryScan) {
    const { newLibraryFiles, filesRemoved, existingLibraryFiles, libraryItem, scanData, updated } = libraryItemCheckData
    libraryScan.addLog(LogLevel.DEBUG, `Library "${libraryScan.libraryName}" Re-scanning "${libraryItem.path}"`)
    var hasUpdated = updated

    // Sync other files first to use local images as cover before extracting audio file cover
    if (await libraryItem.syncFiles(libraryScan.preferOpfMetadata)) {
      hasUpdated = true

    // forceRescan all existing audio files - will probe and update ID3 tag metadata
    var existingAudioFiles = existingLibraryFiles.filter(lf => lf.fileType === 'audio')
    if (libraryScan.scanOptions.forceRescan && existingAudioFiles.length) {
      if (await MediaFileScanner.scanMediaFiles(existingAudioFiles, scanData, libraryItem, libraryScan.preferAudioMetadata, libraryScan.preferOverdriveMediaMarker, libraryScan)) {
        hasUpdated = true
    // Scan new audio files
    var newAudioFiles = newLibraryFiles.filter(lf => lf.fileType === 'audio')
    var removedAudioFiles = filesRemoved.filter(lf => lf.fileType === 'audio')
    if (newAudioFiles.length || removedAudioFiles.length) {
      if (await MediaFileScanner.scanMediaFiles(newAudioFiles, scanData, libraryItem, libraryScan.preferAudioMetadata, libraryScan.preferOverdriveMediaMarker, libraryScan)) {
        hasUpdated = true
    // If an audio file has embedded cover art and no cover is set yet, extract & use it
    if (newAudioFiles.length || libraryScan.scanOptions.forceRescan) {
      if ( && ! {
        var savedCoverPath = await this.coverManager.saveEmbeddedCoverArt(libraryItem)
        if (savedCoverPath) {
          hasUpdated = true
          libraryScan.addLog(LogLevel.DEBUG, `Saved embedded cover art "${savedCoverPath}"`)

    // Library Item is invalid - (a book has no audio files or ebook files)
    if (!libraryItem.hasMediaEntities && libraryItem.mediaType !== 'podcast') {
      hasUpdated = true
    } else if (libraryItem.isInvalid) {
      libraryItem.isInvalid = false
      hasUpdated = true

    // Scan for cover if enabled and has no cover (and author or title has changed OR has been 7 days since last lookup)
    if (libraryScan.findCovers && ! && {
      var updatedCover = await this.searchForCover(libraryItem, libraryScan)
      hasUpdated = true

    return hasUpdated ? libraryItem : null

  async scanNewLibraryItem(libraryItemData, libraryMediaType, preferAudioMetadata, preferOpfMetadata, findCovers, preferOverdriveMediaMarker, libraryScan = null) {
    if (libraryScan) libraryScan.addLog(LogLevel.DEBUG, `Scanning new library item "${libraryItemData.path}"`)
    else Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Scanning new item "${libraryItemData.path}"`)

    var libraryItem = new LibraryItem()
    libraryItem.setData(libraryMediaType, libraryItemData)

    var mediaFiles = libraryItemData.libraryFiles.filter(lf => lf.fileType === 'audio' || lf.fileType === 'video')
    if (mediaFiles.length) {
      await MediaFileScanner.scanMediaFiles(mediaFiles, libraryItemData, libraryItem, preferAudioMetadata, preferOverdriveMediaMarker, libraryScan)

    await libraryItem.syncFiles(preferOpfMetadata)

    if (!libraryItem.hasMediaEntities) {
      Logger.warn(`[Scanner] Library item has no media files "${libraryItemData.path}"`)
      return null

    // Extract embedded cover art if cover is not already in directory
    if ( && ! {
      var coverPath = await this.coverManager.saveEmbeddedCoverArt(libraryItem)
      if (coverPath) {
        if (libraryScan) libraryScan.addLog(LogLevel.DEBUG, `Saved embedded cover art "${coverPath}"`)
        else Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Saved embedded cover art "${coverPath}"`)

    // Scan for cover if enabled and has no cover
    if (libraryMediaType === 'book') {
      if (libraryItem && findCovers && ! && {
        var updatedCover = await this.searchForCover(libraryItem, libraryScan)

    return libraryItem

  // Any series or author object on library item with an id starting with "new"
  //   will create a new author/series OR find a matching author/series
  async createNewAuthorsAndSeries(libraryItem) {
    if (libraryItem.mediaType !== 'book') return

    // Create or match all new authors and series
    if ( =>'new'))) {
      var newAuthors = [] = => {
        var _author = this.db.authors.find(au => au.checkNameEquals(
        if (!_author) _author = newAuthors.find(au => au.checkNameEquals( // Check new unsaved authors
        if (!_author) { // Must create new author
          _author = new Author()

        return {
      if (newAuthors.length) {
        await this.db.insertEntities('author', newAuthors)
        SocketAuthority.emitter('authors_added', => au.toJSON()))
    if ( =>'new'))) {
      var newSeries = [] = => {
        var _series = this.db.series.find(se => se.checkNameEquals(
        if (!_series) _series = newSeries.find(se => se.checkNameEquals( // Check new unsaved series
        if (!_series) { // Must create new series
          _series = new Series()
        return {
          sequence: tempMinSeries.sequence
      if (newSeries.length) {
        await this.db.insertEntities('series', newSeries)
        SocketAuthority.emitter('series_added', => se.toJSON()))

  getFileUpdatesGrouped(fileUpdates) {
    var folderGroups = {}
    fileUpdates.forEach((file) => {
      if (folderGroups[file.folderId]) {
      } else {
        folderGroups[file.folderId] = {
          libraryId: file.libraryId,
          folderId: file.folderId,
          fileUpdates: [file]
    return folderGroups

  async scanFilesChanged(fileUpdates) {
    if (!fileUpdates || !fileUpdates.length) return

    // If already scanning files from watcher then add these updates to queue
    if (this.scanningFilesChanged) {
      Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Already scanning files from watcher - file updates pushed to queue (size ${this.pendingFileUpdatesToScan.length})`)
    this.scanningFilesChanged = true

    // files grouped by folder
    var folderGroups = this.getFileUpdatesGrouped(fileUpdates)

    for (const folderId in folderGroups) {
      var libraryId = folderGroups[folderId].libraryId
      var library = this.db.libraries.find(lib => === libraryId)
      if (!library) {
        Logger.error(`[Scanner] Library not found in files changed ${libraryId}`)
      var folder = library.getFolderById(folderId)
      if (!folder) {
        Logger.error(`[Scanner] Folder is not in library in files changed "${folderId}", Library "${}"`)
      var relFilePaths = folderGroups[folderId] => fileUpdate.relPath)
      var fileUpdateGroup = groupFilesIntoLibraryItemPaths(library.mediaType, relFilePaths)

      if (!Object.keys(fileUpdateGroup).length) {`[Scanner] No important changes to scan for in folder "${folderId}"`)
      var folderScanResults = await this.scanFolderUpdates(library, folder, fileUpdateGroup)
      Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Folder scan results`, folderScanResults)

    this.scanningFilesChanged = false

    if (this.pendingFileUpdatesToScan.length) {
      Logger.debug(`[Scanner] File updates finished scanning with more updates in queue (${this.pendingFileUpdatesToScan.length})`)

  async scanFolderUpdates(library, folder, fileUpdateGroup) {
    Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Scanning file update groups in folder "${}" of library "${}"`)
    Logger.debug(`[Scanner] scanFolderUpdates fileUpdateGroup`, fileUpdateGroup)

    // First pass - Remove files in parent dirs of items and remap the fileupdate group
    //    Test Case: Moving audio files from library item folder to author folder should trigger a re-scan of the item
    var updateGroup = { ...fileUpdateGroup }
    for (const itemDir in updateGroup) {
      if (itemDir == fileUpdateGroup[itemDir]) continue; // Media in root path

      var itemDirNestedFiles = fileUpdateGroup[itemDir].filter(b => b.includes('/'))
      if (!itemDirNestedFiles.length) continue;

      var firstNest = itemDirNestedFiles[0].split('/').shift()
      var altDir = `${itemDir}/${firstNest}`

      var fullPath = Path.posix.join(folder.fullPath.replace(/\\/g, '/'), itemDir)
      var childLibraryItem = this.db.libraryItems.find(li => li.path !== fullPath && li.path.startsWith(fullPath))
      if (!childLibraryItem) {
      var altFullPath = Path.posix.join(folder.fullPath.replace(/\\/g, '/'), altDir)
      var altChildLibraryItem = this.db.libraryItems.find(li => li.path !== altFullPath && li.path.startsWith(altFullPath))
      if (altChildLibraryItem) {

      delete fileUpdateGroup[itemDir]
      fileUpdateGroup[altDir] = => f.split('/').slice(1).join('/'))
      Logger.warn(`[Scanner] Some files were modified in a parent directory of a library item "${childLibraryItem.title}" - ignoring`)

    // Second pass: Check for new/updated/removed items
    var itemGroupingResults = {}
    for (const itemDir in fileUpdateGroup) {
      var fullPath = Path.posix.join(folder.fullPath.replace(/\\/g, '/'), itemDir)
      const dirIno = await getIno(fullPath)

      // Check if book dir group is already an item
      var existingLibraryItem = this.db.libraryItems.find(li => fullPath.startsWith(li.path))
      if (!existingLibraryItem) {
        existingLibraryItem = this.db.libraryItems.find(li => li.ino === dirIno)
        if (existingLibraryItem) {
          Logger.debug(`[Scanner] scanFolderUpdates: Library item found by inode value "${existingLibraryItem.relPath} => ${itemDir}"`)
          // Update library item paths for scan and all library item paths will get updated in LibraryItem.checkScanData
          existingLibraryItem.path = fullPath
          existingLibraryItem.relPath = itemDir
      if (existingLibraryItem) {
        // Is the item exactly - check if was deleted
        if (existingLibraryItem.path === fullPath) {
          var exists = await fs.pathExists(fullPath)
          if (!exists) {
  `[Scanner] Scanning file update group and library item was deleted "${}" - marking as missing`)
            await this.db.updateLibraryItem(existingLibraryItem)
            SocketAuthority.emitter('item_updated', existingLibraryItem.toJSONExpanded())

            itemGroupingResults[itemDir] = ScanResult.REMOVED

        // Scan library item for updates
        Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Folder update for relative path "${itemDir}" is in library item "${}" - scan for updates`)
        itemGroupingResults[itemDir] = await this.scanLibraryItem(library.mediaType, folder, existingLibraryItem)

      // Check if a library item is a subdirectory of this dir
      var childItem = this.db.libraryItems.find(li => li.path.startsWith(fullPath))
      if (childItem) {
        Logger.warn(`[Scanner] Files were modified in a parent directory of a library item "${}" - ignoring`)
        itemGroupingResults[itemDir] = ScanResult.NOTHING

      Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Folder update group must be a new item "${itemDir}" in library "${}"`)
      var isSingleMediaItem = itemDir === fileUpdateGroup[itemDir]
      var newLibraryItem = await this.scanPotentialNewLibraryItem(library.mediaType, folder, fullPath, isSingleMediaItem)
      if (newLibraryItem) {
        await this.createNewAuthorsAndSeries(newLibraryItem)
        await this.db.insertLibraryItem(newLibraryItem)
        SocketAuthority.emitter('item_added', newLibraryItem.toJSONExpanded())
      itemGroupingResults[itemDir] = newLibraryItem ? ScanResult.ADDED : ScanResult.NOTHING

    return itemGroupingResults

  async scanPotentialNewLibraryItem(libraryMediaType, folder, fullPath, isSingleMediaItem = false) {
    var libraryItemData = await getLibraryItemFileData(libraryMediaType, folder, fullPath, isSingleMediaItem, this.db.serverSettings)
    if (!libraryItemData) return null
    var serverSettings = this.db.serverSettings
    return this.scanNewLibraryItem(libraryItemData, libraryMediaType, serverSettings.scannerPreferAudioMetadata, serverSettings.scannerPreferOpfMetadata, serverSettings.scannerFindCovers, serverSettings.scannerPreferOverdriveMediaMarker)

  async searchForCover(libraryItem, libraryScan = null) {
    var options = {
      titleDistance: 2,
      authorDistance: 2
    var scannerCoverProvider = this.db.serverSettings.scannerCoverProvider
    var results = await this.bookFinder.findCovers(scannerCoverProvider,,, options)
    if (results.length) {
      if (libraryScan) libraryScan.addLog(LogLevel.DEBUG, `Found best cover for "${}"`)
      else Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Found best cover for "${}"`)

      // If the first cover result fails, attempt to download the second
      for (let i = 0; i < results.length && i < 2; i++) {

        // Downloads and updates the book cover
        var result = await this.coverManager.downloadCoverFromUrl(libraryItem, results[i])

        if (result.error) {
          Logger.error(`[Scanner] Failed to download cover from url "${results[i]}" | Attempt ${i + 1}`, result.error)
        } else {
          return true
    return false

  async quickMatchLibraryItem(libraryItem, options = {}) {
    var provider = options.provider || 'google'
    var searchTitle = options.title ||
    var searchAuthor = ||
    var overrideDefaults = options.overrideDefaults || false

    // Set to override existing metadata if scannerPreferMatchedMetadata setting is true and 
    // the overrideDefaults option is not set or set to false.
    if ((overrideDefaults == false) && (this.db.serverSettings.scannerPreferMatchedMetadata)) {
      options.overrideCover = true
      options.overrideDetails = true

    var updatePayload = {}
    var hasUpdated = false

    if (libraryItem.isBook) {
      var searchISBN = options.isbn ||
      var searchASIN = options.asin ||

      var results = await, searchTitle, searchAuthor, searchISBN, searchASIN)
      if (!results.length) {
        return {
          warning: `No ${provider} match found`
      var matchData = results[0]

      // Update cover if not set OR overrideCover flag
      if (matchData.cover && (! || options.overrideCover)) {
        Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Updating cover "${matchData.cover}"`)
        var coverResult = await this.coverManager.downloadCoverFromUrl(libraryItem, matchData.cover)
        if (!coverResult || coverResult.error || !coverResult.cover) {
          Logger.warn(`[Scanner] Match cover "${matchData.cover}" failed to use: ${coverResult ? coverResult.error : 'Unknown Error'}`)
        } else {
          hasUpdated = true

      updatePayload = await this.quickMatchBookBuildUpdatePayload(libraryItem, matchData, options)
    } else if (libraryItem.isPodcast) { // Podcast quick match
      var results = await
      if (!results.length) {
        return {
          warning: `No ${provider} match found`
      var matchData = results[0]

      // Update cover if not set OR overrideCover flag
      if (matchData.cover && (! || options.overrideCover)) {
        Logger.debug(`[Scanner] Updating cover "${matchData.cover}"`)
        var coverResult = await this.coverManager.downloadCoverFromUrl(libraryItem, matchData.cover)
        if (!coverResult || coverResult.error || !coverResult.cover) {
          Logger.warn(`[Scanner] Match cover "${matchData.cover}" failed to use: ${coverResult ? coverResult.error : 'Unknown Error'}`)
        } else {
          hasUpdated = true

      updatePayload = this.quickMatchPodcastBuildUpdatePayload(libraryItem, matchData, options)

    if (Object.keys(updatePayload).length) {
      Logger.debug('[Scanner] Updating details', updatePayload)
      if ( {
        hasUpdated = true

    if (hasUpdated) {
      if (libraryItem.isPodcast && { // Quick match all unmatched podcast episodes
        await this.quickMatchPodcastEpisodes(libraryItem, options)

      await this.db.updateLibraryItem(libraryItem)
      SocketAuthority.emitter('item_updated', libraryItem.toJSONExpanded())

    return {
      updated: hasUpdated,
      libraryItem: libraryItem.toJSONExpanded()

  quickMatchPodcastBuildUpdatePayload(libraryItem, matchData, options) {
    const updatePayload = {}
    updatePayload.metadata = {}

    const matchDataTransformed = {
      title: matchData.title || null,
      author: matchData.artistName || null,
      genres: matchData.genres || [],
      itunesId: || null,
      itunesPageUrl: matchData.pageUrl || null,
      itunesArtistId: matchData.artistId || null,
      releaseDate: matchData.releaseDate || null,
      imageUrl: matchData.cover || null,
      feedUrl: matchData.feedUrl || null,
      description: matchData.descriptionPlain || null

    for (const key in matchDataTransformed) {
      if (matchDataTransformed[key]) {
        if (key === 'genres') {
          if ((! || options.overrideDetails)) {
            var genresArray = []
            if (Array.isArray(matchDataTransformed[key])) genresArray = [...matchDataTransformed[key]]
            else { // Genres should always be passed in as an array but just incase handle a string
              Logger.warn(`[Scanner] quickMatch genres is not an array ${matchDataTransformed[key]}`)
              genresArray = matchDataTransformed[key].split(',').map(v => v.trim()).filter(v => !!v)
            updatePayload.metadata[key] = genresArray
        } else if ([key] !== matchDataTransformed[key] && (![key] || options.overrideDetails)) {
          updatePayload.metadata[key] = matchDataTransformed[key]

    if (!Object.keys(updatePayload.metadata).length) {
      delete updatePayload.metadata

    return updatePayload

  async quickMatchBookBuildUpdatePayload(libraryItem, matchData, options) {
    // Update media metadata if not set OR overrideDetails flag
    const detailKeysToUpdate = ['title', 'subtitle', 'description', 'narrator', 'publisher', 'publishedYear', 'genres', 'tags', 'language', 'explicit', 'asin', 'isbn']
    const updatePayload = {}
    updatePayload.metadata = {}

    for (const key in matchData) {
      if (matchData[key] && detailKeysToUpdate.includes(key)) {
        if (key === 'narrator') {
          if ((! || options.overrideDetails)) {
            updatePayload.metadata.narrators = matchData[key].split(',').map(v => v.trim()).filter(v => !!v)
        } else if (key === 'genres') {
          if ((! || options.overrideDetails)) {
            var genresArray = []
            if (Array.isArray(matchData[key])) genresArray = [...matchData[key]]
            else { // Genres should always be passed in as an array but just incase handle a string
              Logger.warn(`[Scanner] quickMatch genres is not an array ${matchData[key]}`)
              genresArray = matchData[key].split(',').map(v => v.trim()).filter(v => !!v)
            updatePayload.metadata[key] = genresArray
        } else if (key === 'tags') {
          if ((! || options.overrideDetails)) {
            var tagsArray = []
            if (Array.isArray(matchData[key])) tagsArray = [...matchData[key]]
            else tagsArray = matchData[key].split(',').map(v => v.trim()).filter(v => !!v)
            updatePayload[key] = tagsArray
        } else if ((![key] || options.overrideDetails)) {
          updatePayload.metadata[key] = matchData[key]

    // Add or set author if not set
    if ( && (! || options.overrideDetails)) {
      if (!Array.isArray( { =',').map(au => au.trim()).filter(au => !!au)
      const authorPayload = []
      for (let index = 0; index <; index++) {
        const authorName =[index]
        var author = this.db.authors.find(au => au.checkNameEquals(authorName))
        if (!author) {
          author = new Author()
          author.setData({ name: authorName })
          await this.db.insertEntity('author', author)
          SocketAuthority.emitter('author_added', author)
      updatePayload.metadata.authors = authorPayload

    // Add or set series if not set
    if (matchData.series && (! || options.overrideDetails)) {
      if (!Array.isArray(matchData.series)) matchData.series = [{ series: matchData.series, sequence: matchData.sequence }]
      const seriesPayload = []
      for (let index = 0; index < matchData.series.length; index++) {
        const seriesMatchItem = matchData.series[index]
        var seriesItem = this.db.series.find(au => au.checkNameEquals(seriesMatchItem.series))
        if (!seriesItem) {
          seriesItem = new Series()
          seriesItem.setData({ name: seriesMatchItem.series })
          await this.db.insertEntity('series', seriesItem)
          SocketAuthority.emitter('series_added', seriesItem)
      updatePayload.metadata.series = seriesPayload

    if (!Object.keys(updatePayload.metadata).length) {
      delete updatePayload.metadata

    return updatePayload

  async quickMatchPodcastEpisodes(libraryItem, options = {}) {
    const episodesToQuickMatch = => !ep.enclosureUrl) // Only quick match episodes without enclosure
    if (!episodesToQuickMatch.length) return false

    const feed = await getPodcastFeed(
    if (!feed) {
      Logger.error(`[Scanner] quickMatchPodcastEpisodes: Unable to quick match episodes feed not found for "${}"`)
      return false

    var episodesWereUpdated = false
    for (const episode of episodesToQuickMatch) {
      const episodeMatches = findMatchingEpisodesInFeed(feed, episode.title)
      if (episodeMatches && episodeMatches.length) {
        const wasUpdated = this.updateEpisodeWithMatch(libraryItem, episode, episodeMatches[0].episode, options)
        if (wasUpdated) episodesWereUpdated = true
    return episodesWereUpdated

  updateEpisodeWithMatch(libraryItem, episode, episodeToMatch, options = {}) {
    Logger.debug(`[Scanner] quickMatchPodcastEpisodes: Found episode match for "${episode.title}" => ${episodeToMatch.title}`)
    const matchDataTransformed = {
      title: episodeToMatch.title || '',
      subtitle: episodeToMatch.subtitle || '',
      description: episodeToMatch.description || '',
      enclosure: episodeToMatch.enclosure || null,
      episode: episodeToMatch.episode || '',
      episodeType: episodeToMatch.episodeType || '',
      season: episodeToMatch.season || '',
      pubDate: episodeToMatch.pubDate || '',
      publishedAt: episodeToMatch.publishedAt
    const updatePayload = {}
    for (const key in matchDataTransformed) {
      if (matchDataTransformed[key]) {
        if (key === 'enclosure') {
          if (!episode.enclosure || JSON.stringify(episode.enclosure) !== JSON.stringify(matchDataTransformed.enclosure)) {
            updatePayload[key] = {
        } else if (episode[key] !== matchDataTransformed[key] && (!episode[key] || options.overrideDetails)) {
          updatePayload[key] = matchDataTransformed[key]

    if (Object.keys(updatePayload).length) {
      return, updatePayload)
    return false

  async matchLibraryItems(library) {
    if (library.mediaType === 'podcast') {
      Logger.error(`[Scanner] matchLibraryItems: Match all not supported for podcasts yet`)

    if (this.isLibraryScanning( {
      Logger.error(`[Scanner] matchLibraryItems: Already scanning ${}`)

    var itemsInLibrary = this.db.getLibraryItemsInLibrary(
    if (!itemsInLibrary.length) {
      Logger.error(`[Scanner] matchLibraryItems: Library has no items ${}`)

    const provider = library.provider

    var libraryScan = new LibraryScan()
    libraryScan.setData(library, null, 'match')
    SocketAuthority.emitter('scan_start', libraryScan.getScanEmitData)`[Scanner] matchLibraryItems: Starting library match scan ${} for ${libraryScan.libraryName}`)

    for (let i = 0; i < itemsInLibrary.length; i++) {
      var libraryItem = itemsInLibrary[i]

      if ( && library.settings.skipMatchingMediaWithAsin) {
        Logger.debug(`[Scanner] matchLibraryItems: Skipping "${
          }" because it already has an ASIN (${i + 1} of ${itemsInLibrary.length})`)

      if ( && library.settings.skipMatchingMediaWithIsbn) {
        Logger.debug(`[Scanner] matchLibraryItems: Skipping "${
          }" because it already has an ISBN (${i + 1} of ${itemsInLibrary.length})`)

      Logger.debug(`[Scanner] matchLibraryItems: Quick matching "${}" (${i + 1} of ${itemsInLibrary.length})`)
      var result = await this.quickMatchLibraryItem(libraryItem, { provider })
      if (result.warning) {
        Logger.warn(`[Scanner] matchLibraryItems: Match warning ${result.warning} for library item "${}"`)
      } else if (result.updated) {

      if (this.cancelLibraryScan[libraryScan.libraryId]) {`[Scanner] matchLibraryItems: Library match scan canceled for "${libraryScan.libraryName}"`)
        delete this.cancelLibraryScan[libraryScan.libraryId]
        var scanData = libraryScan.getScanEmitData
        scanData.results = false
        SocketAuthority.emitter('scan_complete', scanData)
        this.librariesScanning = this.librariesScanning.filter(ls => !==

    this.librariesScanning = this.librariesScanning.filter(ls => !==
    SocketAuthority.emitter('scan_complete', libraryScan.getScanEmitData)

  probeAudioFileWithTone(audioFile) {
    return MediaFileScanner.probeAudioFileWithTone(audioFile)
module.exports = Scanner