{{ bookSubtitle }}
by {{ podcastAuthor || 'Unknown' }}
by Unknown
Book has no audio tracks but has an ebook. The experimental e-reader can be enabled in config.
Book has no audio tracks but has an ebook. The experimental e-reader must be enabled by a server admin.
{{ $getString('MessageEpisodesQueuedForDownload', [episodeDownloadsQueued.length]) }}
{{ $strings.MessageDownloadingEpisode }} "{{ episode.episodeDisplayTitle }}"
{{ $strings.LabelYourProgress }}: {{ Math.round(progressPercent * 100) }}%
{{ $strings.LabelFinished }} {{ $formatDate(userProgressFinishedAt, dateFormat) }}
{{ $getString('LabelTimeRemaining', [$elapsedPretty(userTimeRemaining)]) }}
{{ $strings.LabelStarted }} {{ $formatDate(userProgressStartedAt, dateFormat) }}
{{ description }}
Invalid audio files
- {{ audioFile.metadata.filename }} ({{ audioFile.error }})