<template> <div class="w-full h-full relative"> <div id="scheduleWrapper" class="w-full overflow-y-auto px-2 py-4 md:px-6 md:py-6"> <template v-if="!feedUrl"> <widgets-alert type="warning" class="text-base mb-4">No RSS feed URL is set for this podcast</widgets-alert> </template> <template v-if="feedUrl || autoDownloadEpisodes"> <div class="flex items-center justify-between mb-4"> <p class="text-base md:text-xl font-semibold">Schedule Automatic Episode Downloads</p> <ui-checkbox v-model="enableAutoDownloadEpisodes" label="Enable" medium checkbox-bg="bg" label-class="pl-2 text-base md:text-lg" /> </div> <div v-if="enableAutoDownloadEpisodes" class="flex items-center py-2"> <ui-text-input ref="maxEpisodesInput" type="number" v-model="newMaxEpisodesToKeep" no-spinner :padding-x="1" text-center class="w-10 text-base" @change="updatedMaxEpisodesToKeep" /> <ui-tooltip text="Value of 0 sets no max limit. After a new episode is auto-downloaded this will delete the oldest episode if you have more than X episodes. <br>This will only delete 1 episode per new download."> <p class="pl-4 text-base"> Max episodes to keep <span class="material-icons icon-text text-sm">info_outlined</span> </p> </ui-tooltip> </div> <widgets-cron-expression-builder ref="cronExpressionBuilder" v-if="enableAutoDownloadEpisodes" v-model="cronExpression" /> </template> </div> <div v-if="feedUrl || autoDownloadEpisodes" class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 w-full py-2 md:py-4 bg-bg border-t border-white border-opacity-5"> <div class="flex items-center px-2 md:px-4"> <div class="flex-grow" /> <ui-btn @click="save" :disabled="!isUpdated" :color="isUpdated ? 'success' : 'primary'" class="mx-2">{{ isUpdated ? 'Save' : 'No update necessary' }}</ui-btn> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> export default { props: { processing: Boolean, libraryItem: { type: Object, default: () => {} } }, data() { return { enableAutoDownloadEpisodes: false, cronExpression: null, newMaxEpisodesToKeep: 0 } }, computed: { isProcessing: { get() { return this.processing }, set(val) { this.$emit('update:processing', val) } }, userIsAdminOrUp() { return this.$store.getters['user/getIsAdminOrUp'] }, media() { return this.libraryItem ? this.libraryItem.media || {} : {} }, mediaMetadata() { return this.media.metadata || {} }, libraryItemId() { return this.libraryItem ? this.libraryItem.id : null }, feedUrl() { return this.mediaMetadata.feedUrl }, autoDownloadEpisodes() { return !!this.media.autoDownloadEpisodes }, autoDownloadSchedule() { return this.media.autoDownloadSchedule }, maxEpisodesToKeep() { return this.media.maxEpisodesToKeep }, isUpdated() { return this.autoDownloadSchedule !== this.cronExpression || this.autoDownloadEpisodes !== this.enableAutoDownloadEpisodes || this.maxEpisodesToKeep !== Number(this.newMaxEpisodesToKeep) } }, methods: { updatedMaxEpisodesToKeep() { if (isNaN(this.newMaxEpisodesToKeep) || this.newMaxEpisodesToKeep < 0) { this.newMaxEpisodesToKeep = 0 } else { this.newMaxEpisodesToKeep = Number(this.newMaxEpisodesToKeep) } }, save() { // If custom expression input is focused then unfocus it instead of submitting if (this.$refs.cronExpressionBuilder && this.$refs.cronExpressionBuilder.checkBlurExpressionInput) { if (this.$refs.cronExpressionBuilder.checkBlurExpressionInput()) { return } } if (this.$refs.maxEpisodesInput && this.$refs.maxEpisodesInput.isFocused) { this.$refs.maxEpisodesInput.blur() return } const updatePayload = { autoDownloadEpisodes: this.enableAutoDownloadEpisodes } if (this.enableAutoDownloadEpisodes) { updatePayload.autoDownloadSchedule = this.cronExpression } if (this.newMaxEpisodesToKeep !== this.maxEpisodesToKeep) { updatePayload.maxEpisodesToKeep = this.newMaxEpisodesToKeep } this.updateDetails(updatePayload) }, async updateDetails(updatePayload) { this.isProcessing = true var updateResult = await this.$axios.$patch(`/api/items/${this.libraryItemId}/media`, updatePayload).catch((error) => { console.error('Failed to update', error) return false }) this.isProcessing = false if (updateResult) { if (updateResult.updated) { this.$toast.success('Item details updated') return true } else { this.$toast.info('No updates were necessary') } } return false }, init() { this.enableAutoDownloadEpisodes = this.autoDownloadEpisodes this.cronExpression = this.autoDownloadSchedule this.newMaxEpisodesToKeep = this.maxEpisodesToKeep } }, mounted() { this.init() } } </script> <style scoped> #scheduleWrapper { height: calc(100% - 80px); max-height: calc(100% - 80px); } </style>