/** * @typedef MigrationContext * @property {import('sequelize').QueryInterface} queryInterface - a suquelize QueryInterface object. * @property {import('../Logger')} logger - a Logger object. * * @typedef MigrationOptions * @property {MigrationContext} context - an object containing the migration context. */ const migrationVersion = '2.17.7' const migrationName = `${migrationVersion}-add-indices` const loggerPrefix = `[${migrationVersion} migration]` /** * This upward migration adds some indices to the libraryItems and books tables to improve query performance * * @param {MigrationOptions} options - an object containing the migration context. * @returns {Promise} - A promise that resolves when the migration is complete. */ async function up({ context: { queryInterface, logger } }) { // Upwards migration script logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} UPGRADE BEGIN: ${migrationName}`) await addIndex(queryInterface, logger, 'libraryItems', ['libraryId', 'mediaType', 'size']) await addIndex(queryInterface, logger, 'books', ['duration']) logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} UPGRADE END: ${migrationName}`) } /** * This downward migration script removes the indices added in the upward migration script * * @param {MigrationOptions} options - an object containing the migration context. * @returns {Promise} - A promise that resolves when the migration is complete. */ async function down({ context: { queryInterface, logger } }) { // Downward migration script logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} DOWNGRADE BEGIN: ${migrationName}`) await removeIndex(queryInterface, logger, 'libraryItems', ['libraryId', 'mediaType', 'size']) await removeIndex(queryInterface, logger, 'books', ['duration']) logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} DOWNGRADE END: ${migrationName}`) } /** * Utility function to add an index to a table. If the index already exists, it logs a message and continues. * * @param {import('sequelize').QueryInterface} queryInterface * @param {import ('../Logger')} logger * @param {string} tableName * @param {string[]} columns */ async function addIndex(queryInterface, logger, tableName, columns) { try { logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} adding index [${columns.join(', ')}] to table "${tableName}"`) await queryInterface.addIndex(tableName, columns) logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} added index [${columns.join(', ')}] to table "${tableName}"`) } catch (error) { if (error.name === 'SequelizeDatabaseError' && error.message.includes('already exists')) { logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} index [${columns.join(', ')}] for table "${tableName}" already exists`) } else { throw error } } } /** * Utility function to remove an index from a table. * Sequelize implemets it using DROP INDEX IF EXISTS, so it won't throw an error if the index doesn't exist. * * @param {import('sequelize').QueryInterface} queryInterface * @param {import ('../Logger')} logger * @param {string} tableName * @param {string[]} columns */ async function removeIndex(queryInterface, logger, tableName, columns) { logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} removing index [${columns.join(', ')}] from table "${tableName}"`) await queryInterface.removeIndex(tableName, columns) logger.info(`${loggerPrefix} removed index [${columns.join(', ')}] from table "${tableName}"`) } module.exports = { up, down }