<template> <div class="w-full h-full"> <div class="bg-bg rounded-md shadow-lg border border-white border-opacity-5 p-4 mb-8"> <div class="flex items-center mb-2"> <h1 class="text-xl">Listening Sessions</h1> </div> <div class="flex justify-end mb-2"> <ui-dropdown v-model="selectedUser" :items="userItems" label="Filter by User" small class="max-w-48" @input="updateUserFilter" /> </div> <div v-if="listeningSessions.length" class="block max-w-full"> <table class="userSessionsTable"> <tr class="bg-primary bg-opacity-40"> <th class="w-48 min-w-48 text-left">Item</th> <th class="w-20 min-w-20 text-left hidden md:table-cell">User</th> <th class="w-32 min-w-32 text-left hidden md:table-cell">Play Method</th> <th class="w-32 min-w-32 text-left hidden sm:table-cell">Device Info</th> <th class="w-32 min-w-32">Listened</th> <th class="w-16 min-w-16">Last Time</th> <th class="flex-grow hidden sm:table-cell">Last Update</th> </tr> <tr v-for="session in listeningSessions" :key="session.id" class="cursor-pointer" @click="showSession(session)"> <td class="py-1 max-w-48"> <p class="text-xs text-gray-200 truncate">{{ session.displayTitle }}</p> <p class="text-xs text-gray-400 truncate">{{ session.displayAuthor }}</p> </td> <td class="hidden md:table-cell"> <p v-if="filteredUserUsername" class="text-xs">{{ filteredUserUsername }}</p> <p v-else class="text-xs">{{ session.user ? session.user.username : 'N/A' }}</p> </td> <td class="hidden md:table-cell"> <p class="text-xs">{{ getPlayMethodName(session.playMethod) }}</p> </td> <td class="hidden sm:table-cell"> <p class="text-xs" v-html="getDeviceInfoString(session.deviceInfo)" /> </td> <td class="text-center"> <p class="text-xs font-mono">{{ $elapsedPretty(session.timeListening) }}</p> </td> <td class="text-center hover:underline" @click.stop="clickCurrentTime(session)"> <p class="text-xs font-mono">{{ $secondsToTimestamp(session.currentTime) }}</p> </td> <td class="text-center hidden sm:table-cell"> <ui-tooltip v-if="session.updatedAt" direction="top" :text="$formatDate(session.updatedAt, 'MMMM do, yyyy HH:mm')"> <p class="text-xs text-gray-200">{{ $dateDistanceFromNow(session.updatedAt) }}</p> </ui-tooltip> </td> </tr> </table> <div class="flex items-center justify-end my-2"> <ui-icon-btn icon="arrow_back_ios_new" :size="7" icon-font-size="1rem" class="mx-1" :disabled="currentPage === 0" @click="prevPage" /> <p class="text-sm mx-1">Page {{ currentPage + 1 }} of {{ numPages }}</p> <ui-icon-btn icon="arrow_forward_ios" :size="7" icon-font-size="1rem" class="mx-1" :disabled="currentPage >= numPages - 1" @click="nextPage" /> </div> </div> <p v-else class="text-white text-opacity-50">No sessions yet...</p> </div> <modals-listening-session-modal v-model="showSessionModal" :session="selectedSession" /> </div> </template> <script> export default { async asyncData({ params, redirect, app }) { var users = await app.$axios .$get('/api/users') .then((users) => { return users.sort((a, b) => { return a.createdAt - b.createdAt }) }) .catch((error) => { console.error('Failed', error) return [] }) return { users } }, data() { return { showSessionModal: false, selectedSession: null, listeningSessions: [], numPages: 0, total: 0, currentPage: 0, userFilter: null, selectedUser: '', processingGoToTimestamp: false } }, computed: { username() { return this.user.username }, userOnline() { return this.$store.getters['users/getIsUserOnline'](this.user.id) }, userItems() { var userItems = [{ value: '', text: 'All Users' }] return userItems.concat(this.users.map((u) => ({ value: u.id, text: u.username }))) }, filteredUserUsername() { if (!this.userFilter) return null var user = this.users.find((u) => u.id === this.userFilter) return user ? user.username : null } }, methods: { async clickCurrentTime(session) { if (this.processingGoToTimestamp) return this.processingGoToTimestamp = true const libraryItem = await this.$axios.$get(`/api/items/${session.libraryItemId}`).catch((error) => { console.error('Failed to get library item', error) return null }) if (!libraryItem) { this.$toast.error('Failed to get library item') this.processingGoToTimestamp = false return } if (session.episodeId && !libraryItem.media.episodes.find((ep) => ep.id === session.episodeId)) { this.$toast.error('Failed to get podcast episode') this.processingGoToTimestamp = false return } const payload = { message: `Start playback for "${session.displayTitle}" at ${this.$secondsToTimestamp(session.currentTime)}?`, callback: (confirmed) => { if (confirmed) { this.$eventBus.$emit('play-item', { libraryItemId: libraryItem.id, episodeId: session.episodeId || null, startTime: session.currentTime }) } this.processingGoToTimestamp = false }, type: 'yesNo' } this.$store.commit('globals/setConfirmPrompt', payload) }, updateUserFilter() { this.loadSessions(0) }, prevPage() { this.loadSessions(this.currentPage - 1) }, nextPage() { this.loadSessions(this.currentPage + 1) }, showSession(session) { this.selectedSession = session this.showSessionModal = true }, getDeviceInfoString(deviceInfo) { if (!deviceInfo) return '' var lines = [] if (deviceInfo.osName) lines.push(`${deviceInfo.osName} ${deviceInfo.osVersion}`) if (deviceInfo.browserName) lines.push(deviceInfo.browserName) if (deviceInfo.manufacturer && deviceInfo.model) lines.push(`${deviceInfo.manufacturer} ${deviceInfo.model}`) if (deviceInfo.sdkVersion) lines.push(`SDK Version: ${deviceInfo.sdkVersion}`) return lines.join('<br>') }, getPlayMethodName(playMethod) { if (playMethod === this.$constants.PlayMethod.DIRECTPLAY) return 'Direct Play' else if (playMethod === this.$constants.PlayMethod.TRANSCODE) return 'Transcode' else if (playMethod === this.$constants.PlayMethod.DIRECTSTREAM) return 'Direct Stream' else if (playMethod === this.$constants.PlayMethod.LOCAL) return 'Local' return 'Unknown' }, async loadSessions(page) { var userFilterQuery = this.selectedUser ? `&user=${this.selectedUser}` : '' const data = await this.$axios.$get(`/api/sessions?page=${page}&itemsPerPage=10${userFilterQuery}`).catch((err) => { console.error('Failed to load listening sesions', err) return null }) if (!data) { this.$toast.error('Failed to load listening sessions') return } this.numPages = data.numPages this.total = data.total this.currentPage = data.page this.listeningSessions = data.sessions this.userFilter = data.userFilter }, init() { this.loadSessions(0) } }, mounted() { this.init() } } </script> <style scoped> .userSessionsTable { border-collapse: collapse; width: 100%; max-width: 100%; border: 1px solid #474747; } .userSessionsTable tr:first-child { background-color: #272727; } .userSessionsTable tr:not(:first-child) { background-color: #373838; } .userSessionsTable tr:not(:first-child):nth-child(odd) { background-color: #2f2f2f; } .userSessionsTable tr:hover:not(:first-child) { background-color: #474747; } .userSessionsTable td { padding: 4px 8px; } .userSessionsTable th { padding: 4px 8px; font-size: 0.75rem; } </style>