mirror of https://github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf.git synced 2025-03-28 00:21:47 +01:00

1040 lines
39 KiB

<div ref="card" :id="`book-card-${index}`" :style="{ minWidth: width + 'px', maxWidth: width + 'px', height: height + 'px' }" class="rounded-sm z-10 bg-primary cursor-pointer box-shadow-book" @mousedown.prevent @mouseup.prevent @mousemove.prevent @mouseover="mouseover" @mouseleave="mouseleave" @click="clickCard">
<!-- When cover image does not fill -->
<div v-show="showCoverBg" class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full overflow-hidden rounded-sm bg-primary">
<div class="absolute cover-bg" ref="coverBg" />
<!-- Alternative bookshelf title/author/sort -->
<div v-if="isAlternativeBookshelfView || isAuthorBookshelfView" class="absolute left-0 z-50 w-full" :style="{ bottom: `-${titleDisplayBottomOffset}rem` }">
<div :style="{ fontSize: 0.9 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">
<div class="flex items-center">
<span class="truncate">{{ displayTitle }}</span>
<widgets-explicit-indicator :explicit="isExplicit" />
<p class="truncate text-gray-400" :style="{ fontSize: 0.8 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">{{ displayLineTwo || '&nbsp;' }}</p>
<p v-if="displaySortLine" class="truncate text-gray-400" :style="{ fontSize: 0.8 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">{{ displaySortLine }}</p>
<div v-if="seriesSequenceList" class="absolute rounded-lg bg-black bg-opacity-90 box-shadow-md z-20 text-right" :style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', padding: `${0.1 * sizeMultiplier}rem ${0.25 * sizeMultiplier}rem` }" style="background-color: #78350f">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }">#{{ seriesSequenceList }}</p>
<div v-else-if="booksInSeries" class="absolute rounded-lg bg-black bg-opacity-90 box-shadow-md z-20" :style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', padding: `${0.1 * sizeMultiplier}rem ${0.25 * sizeMultiplier}rem` }" style="background-color: #cd9d49dd">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }">{{ booksInSeries }}</p>
<div class="w-full h-full absolute top-0 left-0 rounded overflow-hidden z-10">
<div v-show="libraryItem && !imageReady" class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full flex items-center justify-center" :style="{ padding: sizeMultiplier * 0.5 + 'rem' }">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }" class="text-gray-300 text-center">{{ title }}</p>
<!-- Cover Image -->
<img v-show="libraryItem" ref="cover" :src="bookCoverSrc" class="w-full h-full transition-opacity duration-300" :class="showCoverBg ? 'object-contain' : 'object-fill'" @load="imageLoaded" :style="{ opacity: imageReady ? 1 : 0 }" />
<!-- Placeholder Cover Title & Author -->
<div v-if="!hasCover" class="absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 bottom-0 w-full h-full flex items-center justify-center" :style="{ padding: placeholderCoverPadding + 'rem' }">
<p class="text-center" style="color: rgb(247 223 187)" :style="{ fontSize: titleFontSize + 'rem' }">
{{ titleCleaned }}
<div v-if="!hasCover" class="absolute left-0 right-0 w-full flex items-center justify-center" :style="{ padding: placeholderCoverPadding + 'rem', bottom: authorBottom + 'rem' }">
<p class="text-center" style="color: rgb(247 223 187); opacity: 0.75" :style="{ fontSize: authorFontSize + 'rem' }">{{ authorCleaned }}</p>
<!-- No progress shown for collapsed series in library and podcasts (unless showing podcast episode) -->
<div v-if="!booksInSeries && (!isPodcast || episodeProgress)" class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 h-1 shadow-sm max-w-full z-10 rounded-b" :class="itemIsFinished ? 'bg-success' : 'bg-yellow-400'" :style="{ width: width * userProgressPercent + 'px' }"></div>
<!-- Finished progress bar for collapsed series -->
<div v-else-if="booksInSeries && seriesIsFinished" class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 h-1 shadow-sm max-w-full z-10 rounded-b bg-success" :style="{ width: width * userProgressPercent + 'px' }"></div>
<!-- Overlay is not shown if collapsing series in library -->
<div v-show="!booksInSeries && libraryItem && (isHovering || isSelectionMode || isMoreMenuOpen) && !processing" class="w-full h-full absolute top-0 left-0 z-10 bg-black rounded hidden md:block" :class="overlayWrapperClasslist">
<div v-show="showPlayButton" class="h-full flex items-center justify-center pointer-events-none">
<div class="hover:text-white text-gray-200 hover:scale-110 transform duration-200 pointer-events-auto" @click.stop.prevent="play">
<span class="material-icons" :style="{ fontSize: playIconFontSize + 'rem' }">play_circle_filled</span>
<div v-show="showReadButton" class="h-full flex items-center justify-center pointer-events-none">
<div class="hover:text-white text-gray-200 hover:scale-110 transform duration-200 pointer-events-auto" @click.stop.prevent="clickReadEBook">
<span class="material-icons" :style="{ fontSize: playIconFontSize + 'rem' }">auto_stories</span>
<div v-if="userCanUpdate" v-show="!isSelectionMode" class="absolute cursor-pointer hover:text-yellow-300 hover:scale-125 transform duration-150 top-0 right-0" :style="{ padding: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }" @click.stop.prevent="editClick">
<span class="material-icons" :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">edit</span>
<div class="absolute cursor-pointer hover:text-yellow-300 hover:scale-125 transform duration-100" :style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', left: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }" @click.stop.prevent="selectBtnClick">
<span class="material-icons" :class="selected ? 'text-yellow-400' : ''" :style="{ fontSize: 1.25 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">{{ selected ? 'radio_button_checked' : 'radio_button_unchecked' }}</span>
<!-- More Menu Icon -->
<div ref="moreIcon" v-show="!isSelectionMode && moreMenuItems.length" class="hidden md:block absolute cursor-pointer hover:text-yellow-300 300 hover:scale-125 transform duration-150" :style="{ bottom: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }" @click.stop.prevent="clickShowMore">
<span class="material-icons" :style="{ fontSize: 1.2 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">more_vert</span>
<div v-if="ebookFormat" class="absolute" :style="{ bottom: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', left: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">
<span class="text-white/80" :style="{ fontSize: 0.8 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">{{ ebookFormat }}</span>
<!-- Processing/loading spinner overlay -->
<div v-if="processing" class="w-full h-full absolute top-0 left-0 z-10 bg-black bg-opacity-40 rounded flex items-center justify-center">
<widgets-loading-spinner size="la-lg" />
<!-- Series name overlay -->
<div v-if="booksInSeries && libraryItem && isHovering" class="w-full h-full absolute top-0 left-0 z-10 bg-black bg-opacity-60 rounded flex items-center justify-center" :style="{ padding: sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">
<p class="text-gray-200 text-center" :style="{ fontSize: 1.1 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">{{ series }}</p>
<!-- Error widget -->
<ui-tooltip v-if="showError" :text="errorText" class="absolute bottom-4 left-0 z-10">
<div :style="{ height: 1.5 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', width: 2.5 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }" class="bg-error rounded-r-full shadow-md flex items-center justify-end border-r border-b border-red-300">
<span class="material-icons text-red-100 pr-1" :style="{ fontSize: 0.875 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">priority_high</span>
<div v-if="rssFeed && !isSelectionMode && !isHovering" class="absolute text-success top-0 left-0 z-10" :style="{ padding: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">
<span class="material-icons" :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 1.5 + 'rem' }">rss_feed</span>
<!-- Series sequence -->
<div v-if="seriesSequence && !isHovering && !isSelectionMode" class="absolute rounded-lg bg-black bg-opacity-90 box-shadow-md z-10" :style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', padding: `${0.1 * sizeMultiplier}rem ${0.25 * sizeMultiplier}rem` }">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }">#{{ seriesSequence }}</p>
<!-- Podcast Episode # -->
<div v-if="recentEpisodeNumber !== null && !isHovering && !isSelectionMode && !processing" class="absolute rounded-lg bg-black bg-opacity-90 box-shadow-md z-10" :style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', padding: `${0.1 * sizeMultiplier}rem ${0.25 * sizeMultiplier}rem` }">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }">
Episode<span v-if="recentEpisodeNumber"> #{{ recentEpisodeNumber }}</span>
<!-- Podcast Num Episodes -->
<div v-else-if="!numEpisodesIncomplete && numEpisodes && !isHovering && !isSelectionMode" class="absolute rounded-full bg-black bg-opacity-90 box-shadow-md z-10 flex items-center justify-center" :style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', width: 1.25 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', height: 1.25 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }">{{ numEpisodes }}</p>
<!-- Podcast Num Episodes -->
<div v-else-if="numEpisodesIncomplete && !isHovering && !isSelectionMode" class="absolute rounded-full bg-yellow-400 text-black font-semibold box-shadow-md z-10 flex items-center justify-center" :style="{ top: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', right: 0.375 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', width: 1.25 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem', height: 1.25 * sizeMultiplier + 'rem' }">
<p :style="{ fontSize: sizeMultiplier * 0.8 + 'rem' }">{{ numEpisodesIncomplete }}</p>
import Vue from 'vue'
import MoreMenu from '@/components/widgets/MoreMenu'
export default {
props: {
index: Number,
width: {
type: Number,
default: 120
height: {
type: Number,
default: 192
bookCoverAspectRatio: Number,
bookshelfView: Number,
bookMount: {
// Book can be passed as prop or set with setEntity()
type: Object,
default: () => null
orderBy: String,
filterBy: String,
sortingIgnorePrefix: Boolean,
continueListeningShelf: Boolean
data() {
return {
isHovering: false,
isMoreMenuOpen: false,
processing: false,
libraryItem: null,
imageReady: false,
selected: false,
isSelectionMode: false,
showCoverBg: false
watch: {
bookMount: {
handler(newVal) {
if (newVal) {
this.libraryItem = newVal
computed: {
dateFormat() {
return this.store.state.serverSettings.dateFormat
_libraryItem() {
return this.libraryItem || {}
isFile() {
// Library item is not in a folder
return this._libraryItem.isFile
media() {
return this._libraryItem.media || {}
mediaMetadata() {
return this.media.metadata || {}
mediaType() {
return this._libraryItem.mediaType
isPodcast() {
return this.mediaType === 'podcast'
isMusic() {
return this.mediaType === 'music'
isExplicit() {
return this.mediaMetadata.explicit || false
placeholderUrl() {
const config = this.$config || this.$nuxt.$config
return `${config.routerBasePath}/book_placeholder.jpg`
bookCoverSrc() {
return this.store.getters['globals/getLibraryItemCoverSrc'](this._libraryItem, this.placeholderUrl)
libraryItemId() {
return this._libraryItem.id
series() {
// Only included when filtering by series or collapse series or Continue Series shelf on home page
return this.mediaMetadata.series
seriesSequence() {
return this.series?.sequence || null
libraryId() {
return this._libraryItem.libraryId
ebookFormat() {
return this.media.ebookFormat
numTracks() {
if (this.media.tracks) return this.media.tracks.length
return this.media.numTracks || 0 // toJSONMinified
numEpisodes() {
return this.media.numEpisodes || 0
numEpisodesIncomplete() {
return this._libraryItem.numEpisodesIncomplete || 0
processingBatch() {
return this.store.state.processingBatch
recentEpisode() {
// Only added to item when getting currently listening podcasts
return this._libraryItem.recentEpisode
recentEpisodeNumber() {
if (!this.recentEpisode) return null
if (this.recentEpisode.episode) {
return this.recentEpisode.episode.replace(/^#/, '')
return ''
collapsedSeries() {
// Only added to item object when collapseSeries is enabled
return this._libraryItem.collapsedSeries
booksInSeries() {
// Only added to item object when collapseSeries is enabled
return this.collapsedSeries?.numBooks || 0
seriesSequenceList() {
return this.collapsedSeries?.seriesSequenceList || null
libraryItemIdsInSeries() {
// Only added to item object when collapseSeries is enabled
return this.collapsedSeries?.libraryItemIds || []
hasCover() {
return !!this.media.coverPath
squareAspectRatio() {
return this.bookCoverAspectRatio === 1
sizeMultiplier() {
const baseSize = this.squareAspectRatio ? 192 : 120
return this.width / baseSize
title() {
return this.mediaMetadata.title || ''
playIconFontSize() {
return Math.max(2, 3 * this.sizeMultiplier)
author() {
if (this.isPodcast) return this.mediaMetadata.author
return this.mediaMetadata.authorName
authorLF() {
return this.mediaMetadata.authorNameLF
artist() {
const artists = this.mediaMetadata.artists || []
return artists.join(', ')
displayTitle() {
if (this.recentEpisode) return this.recentEpisode.title
const ignorePrefix = this.orderBy === 'media.metadata.title' && this.sortingIgnorePrefix
if (this.collapsedSeries) return ignorePrefix ? this.collapsedSeries.nameIgnorePrefix : this.collapsedSeries.name
return ignorePrefix ? this.mediaMetadata.titleIgnorePrefix : this.title
displayLineTwo() {
if (this.recentEpisode) return this.title
if (this.isPodcast) return this.author
if (this.isMusic) return this.artist
if (this.collapsedSeries) return ''
if (this.isAuthorBookshelfView) {
return this.mediaMetadata.publishedYear || ''
if (this.orderBy === 'media.metadata.authorNameLF') return this.authorLF
return this.author
displaySortLine() {
if (this.collapsedSeries) return null
if (this.orderBy === 'mtimeMs') return 'Modified ' + this.$formatDate(this._libraryItem.mtimeMs, this.dateFormat)
if (this.orderBy === 'birthtimeMs') return 'Born ' + this.$formatDate(this._libraryItem.birthtimeMs, this.dateFormat)
if (this.orderBy === 'addedAt') return 'Added ' + this.$formatDate(this._libraryItem.addedAt, this.dateFormat)
if (this.orderBy === 'media.duration') return 'Duration: ' + this.$elapsedPrettyExtended(this.media.duration, false)
if (this.orderBy === 'size') return 'Size: ' + this.$bytesPretty(this._libraryItem.size)
if (this.orderBy === 'media.numTracks') return `${this.numEpisodes} Episodes`
if (this.orderBy === 'media.metadata.publishedYear' && this.mediaMetadata.publishedYear) return 'Published ' + this.mediaMetadata.publishedYear
return null
episodeProgress() {
// Only used on home page currently listening podcast shelf
if (!this.recentEpisode) return null
return this.store.getters['user/getUserMediaProgress'](this.libraryItemId, this.recentEpisode.id)
userProgress() {
if (this.isMusic) return null
if (this.episodeProgress) return this.episodeProgress
return this.store.getters['user/getUserMediaProgress'](this.libraryItemId)
isEBookOnly() {
return !this.numTracks && this.ebookFormat
useEBookProgress() {
if (!this.userProgress || this.userProgress.progress) return false
return this.userProgress.ebookProgress > 0
userProgressPercent() {
if (this.useEBookProgress) return Math.max(Math.min(1, this.userProgress.ebookProgress), 0)
return this.userProgress ? Math.max(Math.min(1, this.userProgress.progress), 0) || 0 : 0
itemIsFinished() {
return this.userProgress ? !!this.userProgress.isFinished : false
seriesIsFinished() {
return !this.libraryItemIdsInSeries.some((lid) => {
const progress = this.store.getters['user/getUserMediaProgress'](lid)
return !progress || !progress.isFinished
showError() {
if (this.recentEpisode) return false // Dont show podcast error on episode card
return this.numInvalidAudioFiles || this.numMissingParts || this.isMissing || this.isInvalid
libraryItemIdStreaming() {
return this.store.getters['getLibraryItemIdStreaming']
isStreaming() {
return this.libraryItemIdStreaming === this.libraryItemId
isQueued() {
const episodeId = this.recentEpisode ? this.recentEpisode.id : null
return this.store.getters['getIsMediaQueued'](this.libraryItemId, episodeId)
isStreamingFromDifferentLibrary() {
return this.store.getters['getIsStreamingFromDifferentLibrary']
showReadButton() {
return !this.isSelectionMode && !this.showPlayButton && this.ebookFormat
showPlayButton() {
return !this.isSelectionMode && !this.isMissing && !this.isInvalid && !this.isStreaming && (this.numTracks || this.recentEpisode || this.isMusic)
showSmallEBookIcon() {
return !this.isSelectionMode && this.ebookFormat
isMissing() {
return this._libraryItem.isMissing
isInvalid() {
return this._libraryItem.isInvalid
numMissingParts() {
if (this.isPodcast) return 0
return this.media.numMissingParts
numInvalidAudioFiles() {
if (this.isPodcast) return 0
return this.media.numInvalidAudioFiles
errorText() {
if (this.isMissing) return 'Item directory is missing!'
else if (this.isInvalid) {
if (this.isPodcast) return 'Podcast has no episodes'
return 'Item has no audio tracks & ebook'
let txt = ''
if (this.numMissingParts) {
txt += `${this.numMissingParts} missing parts.`
if (this.numInvalidAudioFiles) {
if (txt) txt += ' '
txt += `${this.numInvalidAudioFiles} invalid audio files.`
return txt || 'Unknown Error'
overlayWrapperClasslist() {
const classes = []
if (this.isSelectionMode) classes.push('bg-opacity-60')
else classes.push('bg-opacity-40')
if (this.selected) {
classes.push('border-2 border-yellow-400')
return classes
store() {
return this.$store || this.$nuxt.$store
userCanUpdate() {
return this.store.getters['user/getUserCanUpdate']
userCanDelete() {
return this.store.getters['user/getUserCanDelete']
userCanDownload() {
return this.store.getters['user/getUserCanDownload']
userIsAdminOrUp() {
return this.store.getters['user/getIsAdminOrUp']
moreMenuItems() {
if (this.isMusic) return []
if (this.recentEpisode) {
const items = [
func: 'editPodcast',
text: this.$strings.ButtonEditPodcast
func: 'toggleFinished',
text: this.itemIsFinished ? this.$strings.MessageMarkAsNotFinished : this.$strings.MessageMarkAsFinished
func: 'openPlaylists',
text: this.$strings.LabelAddToPlaylist
if (this.continueListeningShelf) {
func: 'removeFromContinueListening',
text: this.$strings.ButtonRemoveFromContinueListening
if (this.libraryItemIdStreaming && !this.isStreamingFromDifferentLibrary) {
if (!this.isQueued) {
func: 'addToQueue',
text: this.$strings.ButtonQueueAddItem
} else if (!this.isStreaming) {
func: 'removeFromQueue',
text: this.$strings.ButtonQueueRemoveItem
return items
let items = []
if (!this.isPodcast) {
items = [
func: 'toggleFinished',
text: this.itemIsFinished ? this.$strings.MessageMarkAsNotFinished : this.$strings.MessageMarkAsFinished
if (this.userCanUpdate) {
func: 'openCollections',
text: this.$strings.LabelAddToCollection
if (this.numTracks) {
func: 'openPlaylists',
text: this.$strings.LabelAddToPlaylist
if (this.ebookFormat && this.store.state.libraries.ereaderDevices?.length) {
text: this.$strings.LabelSendEbookToDevice,
subitems: this.store.state.libraries.ereaderDevices.map((d) => {
return {
text: d.name,
func: 'sendToDevice',
data: d.name
if (this.userCanUpdate) {
func: 'showEditModalFiles',
text: this.$strings.HeaderFiles
func: 'showEditModalMatch',
text: this.$strings.HeaderMatch
if (this.userIsAdminOrUp && !this.isFile) {
func: 'rescan',
text: this.$strings.ButtonReScan
if (this.series && this.bookMount) {
func: 'removeSeriesFromContinueListening',
text: this.$strings.ButtonRemoveSeriesFromContinueSeries
if (this.continueListeningShelf) {
func: 'removeFromContinueListening',
text: this.isEBookOnly ? this.$strings.ButtonRemoveFromContinueReading : this.$strings.ButtonRemoveFromContinueListening
if (!this.isPodcast) {
if (this.libraryItemIdStreaming && !this.isStreamingFromDifferentLibrary) {
if (!this.isQueued) {
func: 'addToQueue',
text: this.$strings.ButtonQueueAddItem
} else if (!this.isStreaming) {
func: 'removeFromQueue',
text: this.$strings.ButtonQueueRemoveItem
if (this.userCanDelete) {
func: 'deleteLibraryItem',
text: this.$strings.ButtonDelete
return items
_socket() {
return this.$root.socket || this.$nuxt.$root.socket
titleFontSize() {
return 0.75 * this.sizeMultiplier
authorFontSize() {
return 0.6 * this.sizeMultiplier
placeholderCoverPadding() {
return 0.8 * this.sizeMultiplier
authorBottom() {
return 0.75 * this.sizeMultiplier
titleCleaned() {
if (!this.title) return ''
if (this.title.length > 60) {
return this.title.slice(0, 57) + '...'
return this.title
authorCleaned() {
if (!this.author) return ''
if (this.author.length > 30) {
return this.author.slice(0, 27) + '...'
return this.author
isAlternativeBookshelfView() {
const constants = this.$constants || this.$nuxt.$constants
return this.bookshelfView === constants.BookshelfView.DETAIL
isAuthorBookshelfView() {
const constants = this.$constants || this.$nuxt.$constants
return this.bookshelfView === constants.BookshelfView.AUTHOR
titleDisplayBottomOffset() {
if (!this.isAlternativeBookshelfView && !this.isAuthorBookshelfView) return 0
else if (!this.displaySortLine) return 3 * this.sizeMultiplier
return 4.25 * this.sizeMultiplier
rssFeed() {
if (this.booksInSeries) return null
return this._libraryItem.rssFeed || null
methods: {
setSelectionMode(val) {
this.isSelectionMode = val
if (!val) this.selected = false
setEntity(_libraryItem) {
var libraryItem = _libraryItem
// this code block is only necessary when showing a selected series with sequence #
// it will update the selected series so we get realtime updates for series sequence changes
if (this.series) {
// i know.. but the libraryItem passed to this func cannot be modified so we need to create a copy
libraryItem = {
media: {
metadata: {
var mediaMetadata = libraryItem.media.metadata
if (mediaMetadata.series && Array.isArray(mediaMetadata.series)) {
var newSeries = mediaMetadata.series.find((se) => se.id === this.series.id)
if (newSeries) {
// update selected series
libraryItem.media.metadata.series = newSeries
this.libraryItem = libraryItem
this.libraryItem = libraryItem
clickCard(e) {
if (this.processing) return
if (this.isSelectionMode) {
} else {
var router = this.$router || this.$nuxt.$router
if (router) {
if (this.collapsedSeries) router.push(`/library/${this.libraryId}/series/${this.collapsedSeries.id}`)
else router.push(`/item/${this.libraryItemId}`)
editClick() {
if (this.recentEpisode) {
return this.$emit('edit', { libraryItem: this.libraryItem, episode: this.recentEpisode })
this.$emit('edit', this.libraryItem)
toggleFinished(confirmed = false) {
if (!this.itemIsFinished && this.userProgressPercent > 0 && !confirmed) {
const payload = {
message: `Are you sure you want to mark "${this.displayTitle}" as finished?`,
callback: (confirmed) => {
if (confirmed) {
type: 'yesNo'
this.store.commit('globals/setConfirmPrompt', payload)
var updatePayload = {
isFinished: !this.itemIsFinished
this.processing = true
var apiEndpoint = `/api/me/progress/${this.libraryItemId}`
if (this.recentEpisode) apiEndpoint += `/${this.recentEpisode.id}`
var toast = this.$toast || this.$nuxt.$toast
var axios = this.$axios || this.$nuxt.$axios
.$patch(apiEndpoint, updatePayload)
.then(() => {
this.processing = false
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed', error)
this.processing = false
toast.error(updatePayload.isFinished ? this.$strings.ToastItemMarkedAsFinishedFailed : this.$strings.ToastItemMarkedAsNotFinishedFailed)
editPodcast() {
this.$emit('editPodcast', this.libraryItem)
rescan() {
if (this.processing) return
const axios = this.$axios || this.$nuxt.$axios
this.processing = true
.then((data) => {
var result = data.result
if (!result) {
this.$toast.error(`Re-Scan Failed for "${this.title}"`)
} else if (result === 'UPDATED') {
this.$toast.success(`Re-Scan complete item was updated`)
} else if (result === 'UPTODATE') {
this.$toast.success(`Re-Scan complete item was up to date`)
} else if (result === 'REMOVED') {
this.$toast.error(`Re-Scan complete item was removed`)
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed to scan library item', error)
this.$toast.error('Failed to scan library item')
.finally(() => {
this.processing = false
showEditModalFiles() {
// More menu func
this.store.commit('showEditModalOnTab', { libraryItem: this.libraryItem, tab: 'files' })
showEditModalMatch() {
// More menu func
this.store.commit('showEditModalOnTab', { libraryItem: this.libraryItem, tab: 'match' })
sendToDevice(deviceName) {
// More menu func
const payload = {
// message: `Are you sure you want to send ${this.ebookFormat} ebook "${this.title}" to device "${deviceName}"?`,
message: this.$getString('MessageConfirmSendEbookToDevice', [this.ebookFormat, this.title, deviceName]),
callback: (confirmed) => {
if (confirmed) {
const payload = {
libraryItemId: this.libraryItemId,
this.processing = true
const axios = this.$axios || this.$nuxt.$axios
.$post(`/api/emails/send-ebook-to-device`, payload)
.then(() => {
this.$toast.success(this.$getString('ToastSendEbookToDeviceSuccess', [deviceName]))
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed to send ebook to device', error)
.finally(() => {
this.processing = false
type: 'yesNo'
this.store.commit('globals/setConfirmPrompt', payload)
removeSeriesFromContinueListening() {
if (!this.series) return
const axios = this.$axios || this.$nuxt.$axios
this.processing = true
.then((data) => {
console.log('User updated', data)
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed to remove series from home', error)
this.$toast.error('Failed to update user')
.finally(() => {
this.processing = false
removeFromContinueListening() {
if (!this.userProgress) return
const axios = this.$axios || this.$nuxt.$axios
this.processing = true
.then((data) => {
console.log('User updated', data)
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed to hide item from home', error)
this.$toast.error('Failed to update user')
.finally(() => {
this.processing = false
addToQueue() {
var queueItem = {}
if (this.recentEpisode) {
queueItem = {
libraryItemId: this.libraryItemId,
libraryId: this.libraryId,
episodeId: this.recentEpisode.id,
title: this.recentEpisode.title,
subtitle: this.mediaMetadata.title,
caption: this.recentEpisode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(this.recentEpisode.publishedAt, this.dateFormat)}` : 'Unknown publish date',
duration: this.recentEpisode.audioFile.duration || null,
coverPath: this.media.coverPath || null
} else {
queueItem = {
libraryItemId: this.libraryItemId,
libraryId: this.libraryId,
episodeId: null,
title: this.title,
subtitle: this.author,
caption: '',
duration: this.media.duration || null,
coverPath: this.media.coverPath || null
this.store.commit('addItemToQueue', queueItem)
removeFromQueue() {
const episodeId = this.recentEpisode ? this.recentEpisode.id : null
this.store.commit('removeItemFromQueue', { libraryItemId: this.libraryItemId, episodeId })
openCollections() {
this.store.commit('setSelectedLibraryItem', this.libraryItem)
this.store.commit('globals/setShowCollectionsModal', true)
openPlaylists() {
this.store.commit('globals/setSelectedPlaylistItems', [{ libraryItem: this.libraryItem, episode: this.recentEpisode }])
this.store.commit('globals/setShowPlaylistsModal', true)
deleteLibraryItem() {
const payload = {
message: 'This will delete the library item from the database and your file system. Are you sure?',
checkboxLabel: 'Delete from file system. Uncheck to only remove from database.',
yesButtonText: this.$strings.ButtonDelete,
yesButtonColor: 'error',
checkboxDefaultValue: true,
callback: (confirmed, hardDelete) => {
if (confirmed) {
this.processing = true
const axios = this.$axios || this.$nuxt.$axios
.$delete(`/api/items/${this.libraryItemId}?hard=${hardDelete ? 1 : 0}`)
.then(() => {
this.$toast.success('Item deleted')
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed to delete item', error)
this.$toast.error('Failed to delete item')
.finally(() => {
this.processing = false
type: 'yesNo'
this.store.commit('globals/setConfirmPrompt', payload)
createMoreMenu() {
if (!this.$refs.moreIcon) return
var ComponentClass = Vue.extend(MoreMenu)
var _this = this
var instance = new ComponentClass({
propsData: {
items: this.moreMenuItems
created() {
this.$on('action', (action) => {
if (action.func && _this[action.func]) _this[action.func](action.data)
this.$on('close', () => {
_this.isMoreMenuOpen = false
var wrapperBox = this.$refs.moreIcon.getBoundingClientRect()
var el = instance.$el
var elHeight = this.moreMenuItems.length * 28 + 10
var elWidth = 130
var bottomOfIcon = wrapperBox.top + wrapperBox.height
var rightOfIcon = wrapperBox.left + wrapperBox.width
var elTop = bottomOfIcon
var elLeft = rightOfIcon
if (bottomOfIcon + elHeight > window.innerHeight - 100) {
elTop = wrapperBox.top - elHeight
elLeft = wrapperBox.left
if (rightOfIcon + elWidth > window.innerWidth - 100) {
elLeft = rightOfIcon - elWidth
el.style.top = elTop + 'px'
el.style.left = elLeft + 'px'
this.isMoreMenuOpen = true
clickShowMore() {
async clickReadEBook() {
const axios = this.$axios || this.$nuxt.$axios
var libraryItem = await axios.$get(`/api/items/${this.libraryItemId}?expanded=1`).catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed to get lirbary item', this.libraryItemId)
return null
if (!libraryItem) return
this.store.commit('showEReader', { libraryItem, keepProgress: true })
selectBtnClick(evt) {
if (this.processingBatch) return
this.selected = !this.selected
this.$emit('select', { entity: this.libraryItem, shiftKey: evt.shiftKey })
async play() {
var eventBus = this.$eventBus || this.$nuxt.$eventBus
const queueItems = []
// Podcast episode load queue items
if (this.recentEpisode) {
const axios = this.$axios || this.$nuxt.$axios
this.processing = true
const fullLibraryItem = await axios.$get(`/api/items/${this.libraryItemId}`).catch((err) => {
console.error('Failed to fetch library item', err)
return null
this.processing = false
if (fullLibraryItem && fullLibraryItem.media.episodes) {
const episodes = fullLibraryItem.media.episodes || []
// Sort from least recent to most recent
episodes.sort((a, b) => String(a.publishedAt).localeCompare(String(b.publishedAt), undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }))
const episodeIndex = episodes.findIndex((ep) => ep.id === this.recentEpisode.id)
if (episodeIndex >= 0) {
for (let i = episodeIndex; i < episodes.length; i++) {
const episode = episodes[i]
const podcastProgress = this.store.getters['user/getUserMediaProgress'](this.libraryItemId, episode.id)
if (!podcastProgress || !podcastProgress.isFinished) {
libraryItemId: this.libraryItemId,
libraryId: this.libraryId,
episodeId: episode.id,
title: episode.title,
subtitle: this.mediaMetadata.title,
caption: episode.publishedAt ? `Published ${this.$formatDate(episode.publishedAt, this.dateFormat)}` : 'Unknown publish date',
duration: episode.audioFile.duration || null,
coverPath: this.media.coverPath || null
} else {
const queueItem = {
libraryItemId: this.libraryItemId,
libraryId: this.libraryId,
episodeId: null,
title: this.title,
subtitle: this.author,
caption: '',
duration: this.media.duration || null,
coverPath: this.media.coverPath || null
eventBus.$emit('play-item', {
libraryItemId: this.libraryItemId,
episodeId: this.recentEpisode ? this.recentEpisode.id : null,
mouseover() {
this.isHovering = true
mouseleave() {
this.isHovering = false
destroy() {
// destroy the vue listeners, etc
// remove the element from the DOM
if (this.$el && this.$el.parentNode) {
} else if (this.$el && this.$el.remove) {
setCoverBg() {
if (this.$refs.coverBg) {
this.$refs.coverBg.style.backgroundImage = `url("${this.bookCoverSrc}")`
imageLoaded() {
this.imageReady = true
if (this.$refs.cover && this.bookCoverSrc !== this.placeholderUrl) {
var { naturalWidth, naturalHeight } = this.$refs.cover
var aspectRatio = naturalHeight / naturalWidth
var arDiff = Math.abs(aspectRatio - this.bookCoverAspectRatio)
// If image aspect ratio is <= 1.45 or >= 1.75 then use cover bg, otherwise stretch to fit
if (arDiff > 0.15) {
this.showCoverBg = true
} else {
this.showCoverBg = false
mounted() {
if (this.bookMount) {