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synced 2025-03-01 00:15:54 +01:00
272 lines
8.8 KiB
272 lines
8.8 KiB
const AudioBookmark = require('./AudioBookmark')
const MediaProgress = require('./MediaProgress')
class User {
constructor(user) {
this.id = null
this.oldUserId = null // TODO: Temp for keeping old access tokens
this.username = null
this.email = null
this.pash = null
this.type = null
this.token = null
this.isActive = true
this.isLocked = false
this.lastSeen = null
this.createdAt = null
this.mediaProgress = []
this.seriesHideFromContinueListening = [] // Series IDs that should not show on home page continue listening
this.bookmarks = []
this.permissions = {}
this.librariesAccessible = [] // Library IDs (Empty if ALL libraries)
this.itemTagsSelected = [] // Empty if ALL item tags accessible
this.authOpenIDSub = null
if (user) {
get isRoot() {
return this.type === 'root'
get isAdmin() {
return this.type === 'admin'
get isUser() {
return this.type === 'user'
get isGuest() {
return this.type === 'guest'
get isAdminOrUp() {
return this.isAdmin || this.isRoot
get canDelete() {
return !!this.permissions.delete && this.isActive
get canUpdate() {
return !!this.permissions.update && this.isActive
get canDownload() {
return !!this.permissions.download && this.isActive
get canUpload() {
return !!this.permissions.upload && this.isActive
get canAccessExplicitContent() {
return !!this.permissions.accessExplicitContent && this.isActive
get hasPw() {
return !!this.pash && !!this.pash.length
getDefaultUserPermissions() {
return {
download: true,
update: this.type === 'root' || this.type === 'admin',
delete: this.type === 'root',
upload: this.type === 'root' || this.type === 'admin',
accessAllLibraries: true,
accessAllTags: true,
accessExplicitContent: true
toJSON() {
return {
id: this.id,
oldUserId: this.oldUserId,
username: this.username,
email: this.email,
pash: this.pash,
type: this.type,
token: this.token,
mediaProgress: this.mediaProgress ? this.mediaProgress.map((li) => li.toJSON()) : [],
seriesHideFromContinueListening: [...this.seriesHideFromContinueListening],
bookmarks: this.bookmarks ? this.bookmarks.map((b) => b.toJSON()) : [],
isActive: this.isActive,
isLocked: this.isLocked,
lastSeen: this.lastSeen,
createdAt: this.createdAt,
permissions: this.permissions,
librariesAccessible: [...this.librariesAccessible],
itemTagsSelected: [...this.itemTagsSelected],
authOpenIDSub: this.authOpenIDSub
toJSONForBrowser(hideRootToken = false, minimal = false) {
const json = {
id: this.id,
oldUserId: this.oldUserId,
username: this.username,
email: this.email,
type: this.type,
token: this.type === 'root' && hideRootToken ? '' : this.token,
mediaProgress: this.mediaProgress ? this.mediaProgress.map((li) => li.toJSON()) : [],
seriesHideFromContinueListening: [...this.seriesHideFromContinueListening],
bookmarks: this.bookmarks ? this.bookmarks.map((b) => b.toJSON()) : [],
isActive: this.isActive,
isLocked: this.isLocked,
lastSeen: this.lastSeen,
createdAt: this.createdAt,
permissions: this.permissions,
librariesAccessible: [...this.librariesAccessible],
itemTagsSelected: [...this.itemTagsSelected],
hasOpenIDLink: !!this.authOpenIDSub
if (minimal) {
delete json.mediaProgress
delete json.bookmarks
return json
* User data for clients
* @param {[oldPlaybackSession[]]} sessions optional array of open playback sessions
* @returns {object}
toJSONForPublic(sessions) {
const userSession = sessions?.find((s) => s.userId === this.id) || null
const session = userSession?.toJSONForClient() || null
return {
id: this.id,
oldUserId: this.oldUserId,
username: this.username,
type: this.type,
lastSeen: this.lastSeen,
createdAt: this.createdAt
construct(user) {
this.id = user.id
this.oldUserId = user.oldUserId
this.username = user.username
this.email = user.email || null
this.pash = user.pash
this.type = user.type
this.token = user.token
this.mediaProgress = []
if (user.mediaProgress) {
this.mediaProgress = user.mediaProgress.map((li) => new MediaProgress(li)).filter((lip) => lip.id)
this.bookmarks = []
if (user.bookmarks) {
this.bookmarks = user.bookmarks.filter((bm) => typeof bm.libraryItemId == 'string').map((bm) => new AudioBookmark(bm))
this.seriesHideFromContinueListening = []
if (user.seriesHideFromContinueListening) this.seriesHideFromContinueListening = [...user.seriesHideFromContinueListening]
this.isActive = user.isActive === undefined || user.type === 'root' ? true : !!user.isActive
this.isLocked = user.type === 'root' ? false : !!user.isLocked
this.lastSeen = user.lastSeen || null
this.createdAt = user.createdAt || Date.now()
this.permissions = user.permissions || this.getDefaultUserPermissions()
// Upload permission added v1.1.13, make sure root user has upload permissions
if (this.type === 'root' && !this.permissions.upload) this.permissions.upload = true
// Library restriction permissions added v1.4.14, defaults to all libraries
if (this.permissions.accessAllLibraries === undefined) this.permissions.accessAllLibraries = true
// Library restriction permissions added v2.0, defaults to all libraries
if (this.permissions.accessAllTags === undefined) this.permissions.accessAllTags = true
// Explicit content restriction permission added v2.0.18
if (this.permissions.accessExplicitContent === undefined) this.permissions.accessExplicitContent = true
// itemTagsAccessible was renamed to itemTagsSelected in version v2.2.20
if (user.itemTagsAccessible?.length) {
this.permissions.selectedTagsNotAccessible = false
user.itemTagsSelected = user.itemTagsAccessible
this.librariesAccessible = [...(user.librariesAccessible || [])]
this.itemTagsSelected = [...(user.itemTagsSelected || [])]
this.authOpenIDSub = user.authOpenIDSub || null
update(payload) {
var hasUpdates = false
// Update the following keys:
const keysToCheck = ['pash', 'type', 'username', 'email', 'isActive']
keysToCheck.forEach((key) => {
if (payload[key] !== undefined) {
if (key === 'isActive' || payload[key]) {
// pash, type, username must evaluate to true (cannot be null or empty)
if (payload[key] !== this[key]) {
hasUpdates = true
this[key] = payload[key]
if (payload.seriesHideFromContinueListening && Array.isArray(payload.seriesHideFromContinueListening)) {
if (this.seriesHideFromContinueListening.join(',') !== payload.seriesHideFromContinueListening.join(',')) {
hasUpdates = true
this.seriesHideFromContinueListening = [...payload.seriesHideFromContinueListening]
// And update permissions
if (payload.permissions) {
for (const key in payload.permissions) {
if (payload.permissions[key] !== this.permissions[key]) {
hasUpdates = true
this.permissions[key] = payload.permissions[key]
// Update accessible libraries
if (this.permissions.accessAllLibraries) {
// Access all libraries
if (this.librariesAccessible.length) {
this.librariesAccessible = []
hasUpdates = true
} else if (payload.librariesAccessible !== undefined) {
if (payload.librariesAccessible.length) {
if (payload.librariesAccessible.join(',') !== this.librariesAccessible.join(',')) {
hasUpdates = true
this.librariesAccessible = [...payload.librariesAccessible]
} else if (this.librariesAccessible.length > 0) {
hasUpdates = true
this.librariesAccessible = []
// Update accessible tags
if (this.permissions.accessAllTags) {
// Access all tags
if (this.itemTagsSelected.length) {
this.itemTagsSelected = []
this.permissions.selectedTagsNotAccessible = false
hasUpdates = true
} else if (payload.itemTagsSelected !== undefined) {
if (payload.itemTagsSelected.length) {
if (payload.itemTagsSelected.join(',') !== this.itemTagsSelected.join(',')) {
hasUpdates = true
this.itemTagsSelected = [...payload.itemTagsSelected]
} else if (this.itemTagsSelected.length > 0) {
hasUpdates = true
this.itemTagsSelected = []
this.permissions.selectedTagsNotAccessible = false
return hasUpdates
module.exports = User