mirror of https://github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf.git synced 2025-03-19 00:18:34 +01:00

694 lines
25 KiB

const Path = require('path')
const fs = require('../libs/fsExtra')
const filePerms = require('../utils/filePerms')
const Logger = require('../Logger')
const SocketAuthority = require('../SocketAuthority')
const Library = require('../objects/Library')
const libraryHelpers = require('../utils/libraryHelpers')
const { sort, createNewSortInstance } = require('../libs/fastSort')
const naturalSort = createNewSortInstance({
comparer: new Intl.Collator(undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare
class LibraryController {
constructor() { }
async create(req, res) {
const newLibraryPayload = {
if (!newLibraryPayload.name || !newLibraryPayload.folders || !newLibraryPayload.folders.length) {
return res.status(500).send('Invalid request')
// Validate folder paths exist or can be created & resolve rel paths
// returns 400 if a folder fails to access
newLibraryPayload.folders = newLibraryPayload.folders.map(f => {
f.fullPath = Path.resolve(f.fullPath)
return f
for (const folder of newLibraryPayload.folders) {
try {
const direxists = await fs.pathExists(folder.fullPath)
if (!direxists) { // If folder does not exist try to make it and set file permissions/owner
await fs.mkdir(folder.fullPath)
await filePerms.setDefault(folder.fullPath)
} catch (error) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryController] Failed to ensure folder dir "${folder.fullPath}"`, error)
return res.status(400).send(`Invalid folder directory "${folder.fullPath}"`)
const library = new Library()
newLibraryPayload.displayOrder = this.db.libraries.length + 1
await this.db.insertEntity('library', library)
// Only emit to users with access to library
const userFilter = (user) => {
return user.checkCanAccessLibrary && user.checkCanAccessLibrary(library.id)
SocketAuthority.emitter('library_added', library.toJSON(), userFilter)
// Add library watcher
findAll(req, res) {
const librariesAccessible = req.user.librariesAccessible || []
if (librariesAccessible && librariesAccessible.length) {
return res.json(this.db.libraries.filter(lib => librariesAccessible.includes(lib.id)).map(lib => lib.toJSON()))
libraries: this.db.libraries.map(lib => lib.toJSON())
async findOne(req, res) {
const includeArray = (req.query.include || '').split(',')
if (includeArray.includes('filterdata')) {
return res.json({
filterdata: libraryHelpers.getDistinctFilterDataNew(req.libraryItems),
issues: req.libraryItems.filter(li => li.hasIssues).length,
numUserPlaylists: this.db.playlists.filter(p => p.userId === req.user.id && p.libraryId === req.library.id).length,
library: req.library
return res.json(req.library)
async update(req, res) {
const library = req.library
// Validate new folder paths exist or can be created & resolve rel paths
// returns 400 if a new folder fails to access
if (req.body.folders) {
const newFolderPaths = []
req.body.folders = req.body.folders.map(f => {
if (!f.id) {
f.fullPath = Path.resolve(f.fullPath)
return f
for (const path of newFolderPaths) {
const pathExists = await fs.pathExists(path)
if (!pathExists) {
// Ensure dir will recursively create directories which might be preferred over mkdir
const success = await fs.ensureDir(path).then(() => true).catch((error) => {
Logger.error(`[LibraryController] Failed to ensure folder dir "${path}"`, error)
return false
if (!success) {
return res.status(400).send(`Invalid folder directory "${path}"`)
// Set permissions on newly created path
await filePerms.setDefault(path)
const hasUpdates = library.update(req.body)
// TODO: Should check if this is an update to folder paths or name only
if (hasUpdates) {
// Update watcher
// Update auto scan cron
// Remove libraryItems no longer in library
const itemsToRemove = this.db.libraryItems.filter(li => li.libraryId === library.id && !library.checkFullPathInLibrary(li.path))
if (itemsToRemove.length) {
Logger.info(`[Scanner] Updating library, removing ${itemsToRemove.length} items`)
for (let i = 0; i < itemsToRemove.length; i++) {
await this.handleDeleteLibraryItem(itemsToRemove[i])
await this.db.updateEntity('library', library)
// Only emit to users with access to library
const userFilter = (user) => {
return user.checkCanAccessLibrary && user.checkCanAccessLibrary(library.id)
SocketAuthority.emitter('library_updated', library.toJSON(), userFilter)
return res.json(library.toJSON())
async delete(req, res) {
const library = req.library
// Remove library watcher
// Remove collections for library
const collections = this.db.collections.filter(c => c.libraryId === library.id)
for (const collection of collections) {
Logger.info(`[Server] deleting collection "${collection.name}" for library "${library.name}"`)
await this.db.removeEntity('collection', collection.id)
// Remove items in this library
const libraryItems = this.db.libraryItems.filter(li => li.libraryId === library.id)
Logger.info(`[Server] deleting library "${library.name}" with ${libraryItems.length} items"`)
for (let i = 0; i < libraryItems.length; i++) {
await this.handleDeleteLibraryItem(libraryItems[i])
const libraryJson = library.toJSON()
await this.db.removeEntity('library', library.id)
SocketAuthority.emitter('library_removed', libraryJson)
return res.json(libraryJson)
// api/libraries/:id/items
// TODO: Optimize this method, items are iterated through several times but can be combined
getLibraryItems(req, res) {
var libraryItems = req.libraryItems
var payload = {
results: [],
total: libraryItems.length,
limit: req.query.limit && !isNaN(req.query.limit) ? Number(req.query.limit) : 0,
page: req.query.page && !isNaN(req.query.page) ? Number(req.query.page) : 0,
sortBy: req.query.sort,
sortDesc: req.query.desc === '1',
filterBy: req.query.filter,
mediaType: req.library.mediaType,
minified: req.query.minified === '1',
collapseseries: req.query.collapseseries === '1'
const mediaIsBook = payload.mediaType === 'book'
// Step 1 - Filter the retrieved library items
let filterSeries = null
if (payload.filterBy) {
libraryItems = libraryHelpers.getFilteredLibraryItems(libraryItems, payload.filterBy, req.user, this.rssFeedManager.feedsArray)
payload.total = libraryItems.length
// Determining if we are filtering titles by a series, and if so, which series
filterSeries = (mediaIsBook && payload.filterBy.startsWith('series.')) ? libraryHelpers.decode(payload.filterBy.replace('series.', '')) : null
if (filterSeries === 'no-series') filterSeries = null
// Step 2 - If selected, collapse library items by the series they belong to.
// If also filtering by series, will not collapse the filtered series as this would lead
// to series having a collapsed series that is just that series.
if (payload.collapseseries) {
let collapsedItems = libraryHelpers.collapseBookSeries(libraryItems, this.db.series, filterSeries)
if (!(collapsedItems.length == 1 && collapsedItems[0].collapsedSeries)) {
libraryItems = collapsedItems
// Get accurate total entities
// let uniqueEntities = new Set()
// libraryItems.forEach((item) => {
// if (item.collapsedSeries) {
// item.collapsedSeries.books.forEach(book => uniqueEntities.add(book.id))
// } else {
// uniqueEntities.add(item.id)
// }
// })
payload.total = libraryItems.length
// Step 3 - Sort the retrieved library items.
var sortArray = []
// When on the series page, sort by sequence only
if (payload.sortBy === 'book.volumeNumber') payload.sortBy = null // TODO: Remove temp fix after mobile release 0.9.60
if (filterSeries && !payload.sortBy) {
sortArray.push({ asc: (li) => li.media.metadata.getSeries(filterSeries).sequence })
if (payload.sortBy) {
// old sort key TODO: should be mutated in dbMigration
let sortKey = payload.sortBy
if (sortKey.startsWith('book.')) {
sortKey = sortKey.replace('book.', 'media.metadata.')
// Handle server setting sortingIgnorePrefix
const sortByTitle = sortKey === 'media.metadata.title'
if (sortByTitle && this.db.serverSettings.sortingIgnorePrefix) {
// BookMetadata.js has titleIgnorePrefix getter
sortKey += 'IgnorePrefix'
// If series are collapsed and not sorting by title or sequence,
// sort all collapsed series to the end in alphabetical order
const sortBySequence = filterSeries && (sortKey === 'sequence')
if (payload.collapseseries && !(sortByTitle || sortBySequence)) {
asc: (li) => {
if (li.collapsedSeries) {
return this.db.serverSettings.sortingIgnorePrefix ?
li.collapsedSeries.nameIgnorePrefix :
} else {
return ''
// Sort series based on the sortBy attribute
const direction = payload.sortDesc ? 'desc' : 'asc'
[direction]: (li) => {
if (mediaIsBook && sortBySequence) {
return li.media.metadata.getSeries(filterSeries).sequence
} else if (mediaIsBook && sortByTitle && li.collapsedSeries) {
return this.db.serverSettings.sortingIgnorePrefix ?
li.collapsedSeries.nameIgnorePrefix :
} else {
// Supports dot notation strings i.e. "media.metadata.title"
return sortKey.split('.').reduce((a, b) => a[b], li)
// Secondary sort when sorting by book author use series sort title
if (mediaIsBook && payload.sortBy.includes('author')) {
asc: (li) => {
if (li.media.metadata.series && li.media.metadata.series.length) {
return li.media.metadata.getSeriesSortTitle(li.media.metadata.series[0])
return null
if (sortArray.length) {
libraryItems = naturalSort(libraryItems).by(sortArray)
// Step 3.5: Limit items
if (payload.limit) {
var startIndex = payload.page * payload.limit
libraryItems = libraryItems.slice(startIndex, startIndex + payload.limit)
// Step 4 - Transform the items to pass to the client side
payload.results = libraryItems.map(li => {
let json = payload.minified ? li.toJSONMinified() : li.toJSON()
if (li.collapsedSeries) {
json.collapsedSeries = {
id: li.collapsedSeries.id,
name: li.collapsedSeries.name,
nameIgnorePrefix: li.collapsedSeries.nameIgnorePrefix,
libraryItemIds: li.collapsedSeries.books.map(b => b.id),
numBooks: li.collapsedSeries.books.length
// If collapsing by series and filtering by a series, generate the list of sequences the collapsed
// series represents in the filtered series
if (filterSeries) {
json.collapsedSeries.seriesSequenceList =
naturalSort(li.collapsedSeries.books.map(b => b.filterSeriesSequence)).asc()
.reduce((ranges, currentSequence) => {
let lastRange = ranges.at(-1)
let isNumber = /^(\d+|\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)$/.test(currentSequence)
if (isNumber) currentSequence = parseFloat(currentSequence)
if (lastRange && isNumber && lastRange.isNumber && ((lastRange.end + 1) == currentSequence)) {
lastRange.end = currentSequence
else {
ranges.push({ start: currentSequence, end: currentSequence, isNumber: isNumber })
return ranges
}, [])
.map(r => r.start == r.end ? r.start : `${r.start}-${r.end}`)
.join(', ')
} else if (filterSeries) {
// If filtering by series, make sure to include the series metadata
json.media.metadata.series = li.media.metadata.getSeries(filterSeries)
return json
async removeLibraryItemsWithIssues(req, res) {
const libraryItemsWithIssues = req.libraryItems.filter(li => li.hasIssues)
if (!libraryItemsWithIssues.length) {
Logger.warn(`[LibraryController] No library items have issues`)
return res.sendStatus(200)
Logger.info(`[LibraryController] Removing ${libraryItemsWithIssues.length} items with issues`)
for (const libraryItem of libraryItemsWithIssues) {
Logger.info(`[LibraryController] Removing library item "${libraryItem.media.metadata.title}"`)
await this.handleDeleteLibraryItem(libraryItem)
// api/libraries/:id/series
async getAllSeriesForLibrary(req, res) {
const libraryItems = req.libraryItems
const payload = {
results: [],
total: 0,
limit: req.query.limit && !isNaN(req.query.limit) ? Number(req.query.limit) : 0,
page: req.query.page && !isNaN(req.query.page) ? Number(req.query.page) : 0,
sortBy: req.query.sort,
sortDesc: req.query.desc === '1',
filterBy: req.query.filter,
minified: req.query.minified === '1'
let series = libraryHelpers.getSeriesFromBooks(libraryItems, this.db.series, null, payload.filterBy, req.user, payload.minified)
const direction = payload.sortDesc ? 'desc' : 'asc'
series = naturalSort(series).by([
[direction]: (se) => {
if (payload.sortBy === 'numBooks') {
return se.books.length
} else if (payload.sortBy === 'totalDuration') {
return se.totalDuration
} else if (payload.sortBy === 'addedAt') {
return se.addedAt
} else { // sort by name
return this.db.serverSettings.sortingIgnorePrefix ? se.nameIgnorePrefixSort : se.name
payload.total = series.length
if (payload.limit) {
var startIndex = payload.page * payload.limit
series = series.slice(startIndex, startIndex + payload.limit)
payload.results = series
// api/libraries/:id/collections
async getCollectionsForLibrary(req, res) {
var libraryItems = req.libraryItems
var payload = {
results: [],
total: 0,
limit: req.query.limit && !isNaN(req.query.limit) ? Number(req.query.limit) : 0,
page: req.query.page && !isNaN(req.query.page) ? Number(req.query.page) : 0,
sortBy: req.query.sort,
sortDesc: req.query.desc === '1',
filterBy: req.query.filter,
minified: req.query.minified === '1'
var collections = this.db.collections.filter(c => c.libraryId === req.library.id).map(c => {
var expanded = c.toJSONExpanded(libraryItems, payload.minified)
// If all books restricted to user in this collection then hide this collection
if (!expanded.books.length && c.books.length) return null
return expanded
}).filter(c => !!c)
payload.total = collections.length
if (payload.limit) {
var startIndex = payload.page * payload.limit
collections = collections.slice(startIndex, startIndex + payload.limit)
payload.results = collections
// api/libraries/:id/playlists
async getUserPlaylistsForLibrary(req, res) {
let playlistsForUser = this.db.playlists.filter(p => p.userId === req.user.id && p.libraryId === req.library.id).map(p => p.toJSONExpanded(this.db.libraryItems))
const payload = {
results: [],
total: playlistsForUser.length,
limit: req.query.limit && !isNaN(req.query.limit) ? Number(req.query.limit) : 0,
page: req.query.page && !isNaN(req.query.page) ? Number(req.query.page) : 0
if (payload.limit) {
const startIndex = payload.page * payload.limit
playlistsForUser = playlistsForUser.slice(startIndex, startIndex + payload.limit)
payload.results = playlistsForUser
async getLibraryFilterData(req, res) {
// api/libraries/:id/personalized
// New and improved personalized call only loops through library items once
async getLibraryUserPersonalizedOptimal(req, res) {
const mediaType = req.library.mediaType
const libraryItems = req.libraryItems
const limitPerShelf = req.query.limit && !isNaN(req.query.limit) ? Number(req.query.limit) : 10
const categories = libraryHelpers.buildPersonalizedShelves(req.user, libraryItems, mediaType, this.db.series, this.db.authors, limitPerShelf)
// PATCH: Change the order of libraries
async reorder(req, res) {
if (!req.user.isAdminOrUp) {
Logger.error('[LibraryController] ReorderLibraries invalid user', req.user)
return res.sendStatus(403)
var orderdata = req.body
var hasUpdates = false
for (let i = 0; i < orderdata.length; i++) {
var library = this.db.libraries.find(lib => lib.id === orderdata[i].id)
if (!library) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryController] Invalid library not found in reorder ${orderdata[i].id}`)
return res.sendStatus(500)
if (library.update({ displayOrder: orderdata[i].newOrder })) {
hasUpdates = true
await this.db.updateEntity('library', library)
if (hasUpdates) {
this.db.libraries.sort((a, b) => a.displayOrder - b.displayOrder)
Logger.debug(`[LibraryController] Updated library display orders`)
} else {
Logger.debug(`[LibraryController] Library orders were up to date`)
libraries: this.db.libraries.map(lib => lib.toJSON())
// GET: Global library search
search(req, res) {
if (!req.query.q) {
return res.status(400).send('No query string')
var libraryItems = req.libraryItems
var maxResults = req.query.limit && !isNaN(req.query.limit) ? Number(req.query.limit) : 12
var itemMatches = []
var authorMatches = {}
var seriesMatches = {}
var tagMatches = {}
libraryItems.forEach((li) => {
var queryResult = li.searchQuery(req.query.q)
if (queryResult.matchKey) {
libraryItem: li.toJSONExpanded(),
matchKey: queryResult.matchKey,
matchText: queryResult.matchText
if (queryResult.series && queryResult.series.length) {
queryResult.series.forEach((se) => {
if (!seriesMatches[se.id]) {
var _series = this.db.series.find(_se => _se.id === se.id)
if (_series) seriesMatches[se.id] = { series: _series.toJSON(), books: [li.toJSON()] }
} else {
if (queryResult.authors && queryResult.authors.length) {
queryResult.authors.forEach((au) => {
if (!authorMatches[au.id]) {
var _author = this.db.authors.find(_au => _au.id === au.id)
if (_author) {
authorMatches[au.id] = _author.toJSON()
authorMatches[au.id].numBooks = 1
} else {
if (queryResult.tags && queryResult.tags.length) {
queryResult.tags.forEach((tag) => {
if (!tagMatches[tag]) {
tagMatches[tag] = { name: tag, books: [li.toJSON()] }
} else {
var itemKey = req.library.mediaType
var results = {
[itemKey]: itemMatches.slice(0, maxResults),
tags: Object.values(tagMatches).slice(0, maxResults),
authors: Object.values(authorMatches).slice(0, maxResults),
series: Object.values(seriesMatches).slice(0, maxResults)
async stats(req, res) {
var libraryItems = req.libraryItems
var authorsWithCount = libraryHelpers.getAuthorsWithCount(libraryItems)
var genresWithCount = libraryHelpers.getGenresWithCount(libraryItems)
var durationStats = libraryHelpers.getItemDurationStats(libraryItems)
var stats = {
totalItems: libraryItems.length,
totalAuthors: Object.keys(authorsWithCount).length,
totalGenres: Object.keys(genresWithCount).length,
totalDuration: durationStats.totalDuration,
longestItems: durationStats.longestItems,
numAudioTracks: durationStats.numAudioTracks,
totalSize: libraryHelpers.getLibraryItemsTotalSize(libraryItems),
async getAuthors(req, res) {
var libraryItems = req.libraryItems
var authors = {}
libraryItems.forEach((li) => {
if (li.media.metadata.authors && li.media.metadata.authors.length) {
li.media.metadata.authors.forEach((au) => {
if (!authors[au.id]) {
var _author = this.db.authors.find(_au => _au.id === au.id)
if (_author) {
authors[au.id] = _author.toJSON()
authors[au.id].numBooks = 1
} else {
authors: naturalSort(Object.values(authors)).asc(au => au.name)
async matchAll(req, res) {
if (!req.user.isAdminOrUp) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryController] Non-root user attempted to match library items`, req.user)
return res.sendStatus(403)
// GET: api/libraries/:id/scan
async scan(req, res) {
if (!req.user.isAdminOrUp) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryController] Non-root user attempted to scan library`, req.user)
return res.sendStatus(403)
var options = {
forceRescan: req.query.force == 1
await this.scanner.scan(req.library, options)
Logger.info('[LibraryController] Scan complete')
// GET: api/libraries/:id/recent-episode
async getRecentEpisodes(req, res) {
if (!req.library.isPodcast) {
return res.sendStatus(404)
const payload = {
episodes: [],
total: 0,
limit: req.query.limit && !isNaN(req.query.limit) ? Number(req.query.limit) : 0,
page: req.query.page && !isNaN(req.query.page) ? Number(req.query.page) : 0,
var allUnfinishedEpisodes = []
for (const libraryItem of req.libraryItems) {
const unfinishedEpisodes = libraryItem.media.episodes.filter(ep => {
const userProgress = req.user.getMediaProgress(libraryItem.id, ep.id)
return !userProgress || !userProgress.isFinished
}).map(_ep => {
const ep = _ep.toJSONExpanded()
ep.podcast = libraryItem.media.toJSONMinified()
ep.libraryItemId = libraryItem.id
ep.libraryId = libraryItem.libraryId
return ep
payload.total = allUnfinishedEpisodes.length
allUnfinishedEpisodes = sort(allUnfinishedEpisodes).desc(ep => ep.publishedAt)
if (payload.limit) {
var startIndex = payload.page * payload.limit
allUnfinishedEpisodes = allUnfinishedEpisodes.slice(startIndex, startIndex + payload.limit)
payload.episodes = allUnfinishedEpisodes
middleware(req, res, next) {
if (!req.user.checkCanAccessLibrary(req.params.id)) {
Logger.warn(`[LibraryController] Library ${req.params.id} not accessible to user ${req.user.username}`)
return res.sendStatus(404)
var library = this.db.libraries.find(lib => lib.id === req.params.id)
if (!library) {
return res.status(404).send('Library not found')
req.library = library
req.libraryItems = this.db.libraryItems.filter(li => {
return li.libraryId === library.id && req.user.checkCanAccessLibraryItem(li)
module.exports = new LibraryController()