mirror of https://github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf.git synced 2025-03-28 00:21:47 +01:00
2022-07-06 17:38:19 -05:00

193 lines
6.7 KiB

// node-rss
// SOURCE: https://github.com/dylang/node-rss
// LICENSE: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
'use strict';
var mime = require('mime-types');
var xml = require('../xml');
var fs = require('fs');
function ifTruePush(bool, array, data) {
if (bool) {
function ifTruePushArray(bool, array, dataArray) {
if (!bool) {
dataArray.forEach(function (item) {
ifTruePush(item, array, item);
function getSize(filename) {
if (typeof fs === 'undefined') {
return 0;
return fs.statSync(filename).size;
function generateXML(data) {
var channel = [];
channel.push({ title: { _cdata: data.title } });
channel.push({ description: { _cdata: data.description || data.title } });
channel.push({ link: data.site_url || 'https://github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf' });
// image_url set?
if (data.image_url) {
channel.push({ image: [{ url: data.image_url }, { title: data.title }, { link: data.site_url }] });
channel.push({ generator: data.generator });
channel.push({ lastBuildDate: new Date().toUTCString() });
ifTruePush(data.feed_url, channel, { 'atom:link': { _attr: { href: data.feed_url, rel: 'self', type: 'application/rss+xml' } } });
ifTruePush(data.author, channel, { 'author': { _cdata: data.author } });
ifTruePush(data.pubDate, channel, { 'pubDate': new Date(data.pubDate).toGMTString() });
ifTruePush(data.copyright, channel, { 'copyright': { _cdata: data.copyright } });
ifTruePush(data.language, channel, { 'language': { _cdata: data.language } });
ifTruePush(data.managingEditor, channel, { 'managingEditor': { _cdata: data.managingEditor } });
ifTruePush(data.webMaster, channel, { 'webMaster': { _cdata: data.webMaster } });
ifTruePush(data.docs, channel, { 'docs': data.docs });
ifTruePush(data.ttl, channel, { 'ttl': data.ttl });
ifTruePush(data.hub, channel, { 'atom:link': { _attr: { href: data.hub, rel: 'hub' } } });
if (data.categories) {
data.categories.forEach(function (category) {
ifTruePush(category, channel, { category: { _cdata: category } });
ifTruePushArray(data.custom_elements, channel, data.custom_elements);
data.items.forEach(function (item) {
var item_values = [
{ title: { _cdata: item.title } }
ifTruePush(item.description, item_values, { description: { _cdata: item.description } });
ifTruePush(item.url, item_values, { link: item.url });
ifTruePush(item.link || item.guid || item.title, item_values, { guid: [{ _attr: { isPermaLink: !item.guid && !!item.url } }, item.guid || item.url || item.title] });
item.categories.forEach(function (category) {
ifTruePush(category, item_values, { category: { _cdata: category } });
ifTruePush(item.author || data.author, item_values, { 'dc:creator': { _cdata: item.author || data.author } });
ifTruePush(item.date, item_values, { pubDate: new Date(item.date).toGMTString() });
//Set GeoRSS to true if lat and long are set
data.geoRSS = data.geoRSS || (item.lat && item.long);
ifTruePush(item.lat, item_values, { 'geo:lat': item.lat });
ifTruePush(item.long, item_values, { 'geo:long': item.long });
if (item.enclosure && item.enclosure.url) {
if (item.enclosure.file) {
enclosure: {
_attr: {
url: item.enclosure.url,
length: item.enclosure.size || getSize(item.enclosure.file),
type: item.enclosure.type || mime.lookup(item.enclosure.file)
} else {
enclosure: {
_attr: {
url: item.enclosure.url,
length: item.enclosure.size || 0,
type: item.enclosure.type || mime.lookup(item.enclosure.url)
ifTruePushArray(item.custom_elements, item_values, item.custom_elements);
channel.push({ item: item_values });
//set up the attributes for the RSS feed.
var _attr = {
'xmlns:dc': 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/',
'xmlns:content': 'http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/',
'xmlns:atom': 'http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom',
version: '2.0'
Object.keys(data.custom_namespaces).forEach(function (name) {
_attr['xmlns:' + name] = data.custom_namespaces[name];
//only add namespace if GeoRSS is true
if (data.geoRSS) {
_attr['xmlns:geo'] = 'http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wgs84_pos#';
return {
rss: [
{ _attr: _attr },
{ channel: channel }
function RSS(options, items) {
options = options || {};
this.title = options.title || 'Untitled RSS Feed';
this.description = options.description || '';
this.generator = options.generator || 'RSS for Node';
this.feed_url = options.feed_url;
this.site_url = options.site_url;
this.image_url = options.image_url;
this.author = options.author;
this.categories = options.categories;
this.pubDate = options.pubDate;
this.hub = options.hub;
this.docs = options.docs;
this.copyright = options.copyright;
this.language = options.language;
this.managingEditor = options.managingEditor;
this.webMaster = options.webMaster;
this.ttl = options.ttl;
//option to return feed as GeoRSS is set automatically if feed.lat/long is used
this.geoRSS = options.geoRSS || false;
this.custom_namespaces = options.custom_namespaces || {};
this.custom_elements = options.custom_elements || [];
this.items = items || [];
this.item = function (options) {
options = options || {};
var item = {
title: options.title || 'No title',
description: options.description || '',
url: options.url,
guid: options.guid,
categories: options.categories || [],
author: options.author,
date: options.date,
lat: options.lat,
long: options.long,
enclosure: options.enclosure || false,
custom_elements: options.custom_elements || []
return this;
this.xml = function (indent) {
return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' +
xml(generateXML(this), indent);
module.exports = RSS;