mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 00:16:39 +01:00
333 lines
13 KiB
333 lines
13 KiB
const Path = require('path')
const AudioFile = require('../objects/files/AudioFile')
const VideoFile = require('../objects/files/VideoFile')
const prober = require('../utils/prober')
const toneProber = require('../utils/toneProber')
const Logger = require('../Logger')
const { LogLevel } = require('../utils/constants')
class MediaFileScanner {
constructor() { }
getTrackAndDiscNumberFromFilename(mediaMetadataFromScan, audioLibraryFile) {
const { title, author, series, publishedYear } = mediaMetadataFromScan
const { filename, path } = audioLibraryFile.metadata
let partbasename = Path.basename(filename, Path.extname(filename))
// Remove title, author, series, and publishedYear from filename if there
if (title) partbasename = partbasename.replace(title, '')
if (author) partbasename = partbasename.replace(author, '')
if (series) partbasename = partbasename.replace(series, '')
if (publishedYear) partbasename = partbasename.replace(publishedYear)
// Look for disc number
let discNumber = null
const discMatch = partbasename.match(/\b(disc|cd) ?(\d\d?)\b/i)
if (discMatch && discMatch.length > 2 && discMatch[2]) {
if (!isNaN(discMatch[2])) {
discNumber = Number(discMatch[2])
// Remove disc number from filename
partbasename = partbasename.replace(/\b(disc|cd) ?(\d\d?)\b/i, '')
// Look for disc number in folder path e.g. /Book Title/CD01/audiofile.mp3
const pathdir = Path.dirname(path).split('/').pop()
if (pathdir && /^cd\d{1,3}$/i.test(pathdir)) {
const discFromFolder = Number(pathdir.replace(/cd/i, ''))
if (!isNaN(discFromFolder) && discFromFolder !== null) discNumber = discFromFolder
const numbersinpath = partbasename.match(/\d{1,4}/g)
const trackNumber = numbersinpath && numbersinpath.length ? parseInt(numbersinpath[0]) : null
return {
getAverageScanDurationMs(results) {
if (!results.length) return 0
let total = 0
for (let i = 0; i < results.length; i++) total += results[i].elapsed
return Math.floor(total / results.length)
async scan(mediaType, libraryFile, mediaMetadataFromScan, verbose = false) {
const probeStart = Date.now()
const probeData = await prober.probe(libraryFile.metadata.path, verbose)
if (probeData.error) {
Logger.error(`[MediaFileScanner] ${probeData.error} : "${libraryFile.metadata.path}"`)
return null
if (mediaType === 'video') {
if (!probeData.videoStream) {
Logger.error('[MediaFileScanner] Invalid video file no video stream')
return null
const videoFile = new VideoFile()
videoFile.setDataFromProbe(libraryFile, probeData)
return {
elapsed: Date.now() - probeStart
} else {
if (!probeData.audioStream) {
Logger.error('[MediaFileScanner] Invalid audio file no audio stream')
return null
const audioFile = new AudioFile()
audioFile.trackNumFromMeta = probeData.audioMetaTags.trackNumber
audioFile.discNumFromMeta = probeData.audioMetaTags.discNumber
if (mediaType === 'book') {
const { trackNumber, discNumber } = this.getTrackAndDiscNumberFromFilename(mediaMetadataFromScan, libraryFile)
audioFile.trackNumFromFilename = trackNumber
audioFile.discNumFromFilename = discNumber
audioFile.setDataFromProbe(libraryFile, probeData)
return {
elapsed: Date.now() - probeStart
// Returns array of { MediaFile, elapsed, averageScanDuration } from audio file scan objects
async executeMediaFileScans(libraryItem, mediaLibraryFiles) {
const mediaType = libraryItem.mediaType
const scanStart = Date.now()
const mediaMetadata = libraryItem.media.metadata || null
const batchSize = 32
const results = []
for (let batch = 0; batch < mediaLibraryFiles.length; batch += batchSize) {
const proms = []
for (let i = batch; i < Math.min(batch + batchSize, mediaLibraryFiles.length); i++) {
proms.push(this.scan(mediaType, mediaLibraryFiles[i], mediaMetadata))
results.push(...await Promise.all(proms).then((scanResults) => scanResults.filter(sr => sr)))
return {
audioFiles: results.filter(r => r.audioFile).map(r => r.audioFile),
videoFiles: results.filter(r => r.videoFile).map(r => r.videoFile),
elapsed: Date.now() - scanStart,
averageScanDuration: this.getAverageScanDurationMs(results)
isSequential(nums) {
if (!nums || !nums.length) return false
if (nums.length === 1) return true
let prev = nums[0]
for (let i = 1; i < nums.length; i++) {
if (nums[i] - prev > 1) return false
prev = nums[i]
return true
removeDupes(nums) {
if (!nums || !nums.length) return []
if (nums.length === 1) return nums
var nodupes = [nums[0]]
nums.forEach((num) => {
if (num > nodupes[nodupes.length - 1]) nodupes.push(num)
return nodupes
runSmartTrackOrder(libraryItem, audioFiles) {
var discsFromFilename = []
var tracksFromFilename = []
var discsFromMeta = []
var tracksFromMeta = []
audioFiles.forEach((af) => {
if (af.discNumFromFilename !== null) discsFromFilename.push(af.discNumFromFilename)
if (af.discNumFromMeta !== null) discsFromMeta.push(af.discNumFromMeta)
if (af.trackNumFromFilename !== null) tracksFromFilename.push(af.trackNumFromFilename)
if (af.trackNumFromMeta !== null) tracksFromMeta.push(af.trackNumFromMeta)
discsFromFilename.sort((a, b) => a - b)
discsFromMeta.sort((a, b) => a - b)
tracksFromFilename.sort((a, b) => a - b)
tracksFromMeta.sort((a, b) => a - b)
var discKey = null
if (discsFromMeta.length === audioFiles.length && this.isSequential(discsFromMeta)) {
discKey = 'discNumFromMeta'
} else if (discsFromFilename.length === audioFiles.length && this.isSequential(discsFromFilename)) {
discKey = 'discNumFromFilename'
var trackKey = null
tracksFromFilename = this.removeDupes(tracksFromFilename)
tracksFromMeta = this.removeDupes(tracksFromMeta)
if (tracksFromFilename.length > tracksFromMeta.length) {
trackKey = 'trackNumFromFilename'
} else {
trackKey = 'trackNumFromMeta'
if (discKey !== null) {
Logger.debug(`[MediaFileScanner] Smart track order for "${libraryItem.media.metadata.title}" using disc key ${discKey} and track key ${trackKey}`)
audioFiles.sort((a, b) => {
let Dx = a[discKey] - b[discKey]
if (Dx === 0) Dx = a[trackKey] - b[trackKey]
return Dx
} else {
Logger.debug(`[MediaFileScanner] Smart track order for "${libraryItem.media.metadata.title}" using track key ${trackKey}`)
audioFiles.sort((a, b) => a[trackKey] - b[trackKey])
for (let i = 0; i < audioFiles.length; i++) {
audioFiles[i].index = i + 1
var existingAF = libraryItem.media.findFileWithInode(audioFiles[i].ino)
if (existingAF) {
if (existingAF.updateFromScan) existingAF.updateFromScan(audioFiles[i])
} else {
* Scans media files for a library item and adds them as audio tracks and sets library item metadata
* @async
* @param {Array<LibraryFile>} mediaLibraryFiles - Media files for this library item
* @param {LibraryItem} libraryItem
* @param {LibraryScan} [libraryScan=null] - Optional when doing a library scan to use LibraryScan config/logs
* @return {Promise<Boolean>} True if any updates were made
async scanMediaFiles(mediaLibraryFiles, libraryItem, libraryScan = null) {
const preferAudioMetadata = libraryScan ? !!libraryScan.preferAudioMetadata : !!global.ServerSettings.scannerPreferAudioMetadata
let hasUpdated = false
const mediaScanResult = await this.executeMediaFileScans(libraryItem, mediaLibraryFiles)
if (libraryItem.mediaType === 'video') {
if (mediaScanResult.videoFiles.length) {
// TODO: Check for updates etc
hasUpdated = true
} else if (mediaScanResult.audioFiles.length) {
if (libraryScan) {
libraryScan.addLog(LogLevel.DEBUG, `Library Item "${libraryItem.path}" Media file scan took ${mediaScanResult.elapsed}ms for ${mediaScanResult.audioFiles.length} with average time of ${mediaScanResult.averageScanDuration}ms per MB`)
Logger.debug(`Library Item "${libraryItem.path}" Media file scan took ${mediaScanResult.elapsed}ms with ${mediaScanResult.audioFiles.length} audio files averaging ${mediaScanResult.averageScanDuration}ms per MB`)
const newAudioFiles = mediaScanResult.audioFiles.filter(af => {
return !libraryItem.media.findFileWithInode(af.ino)
// Book: Adding audio files to book media
if (libraryItem.mediaType === 'book') {
const mediaScanFileInodes = mediaScanResult.audioFiles.map(af => af.ino)
// Filter for existing valid track audio files not included in the audio files scanned
const existingAudioFiles = libraryItem.media.audioFiles.filter(af => af.isValidTrack && !mediaScanFileInodes.includes(af.ino))
if (newAudioFiles.length) {
// Single Track Audiobooks
if (mediaScanFileInodes.length + existingAudioFiles.length === 1) {
const af = mediaScanResult.audioFiles[0]
af.index = 1
hasUpdated = true
} else {
const allAudioFiles = existingAudioFiles.concat(mediaScanResult.audioFiles)
this.runSmartTrackOrder(libraryItem, allAudioFiles)
hasUpdated = true
} else {
// Only update metadata not index
mediaScanResult.audioFiles.forEach((af) => {
const existingAF = libraryItem.media.findFileWithInode(af.ino)
if (existingAF) {
af.index = existingAF.index
if (existingAF.updateFromScan && existingAF.updateFromScan(af)) {
hasUpdated = true
// Set book details from audio file ID3 tags, optional prefer
if (libraryItem.media.setMetadataFromAudioFile(preferAudioMetadata)) {
hasUpdated = true
if (hasUpdated) {
} else if (libraryItem.mediaType === 'podcast') { // Podcast Media Type
const existingAudioFiles = mediaScanResult.audioFiles.filter(af => libraryItem.media.findFileWithInode(af.ino))
if (newAudioFiles.length) {
let newIndex = Math.max(...libraryItem.media.episodes.filter(ep => ep.index == null || isNaN(ep.index)).map(ep => Number(ep.index))) + 1
newAudioFiles.forEach((newAudioFile) => {
libraryItem.media.addNewEpisodeFromAudioFile(newAudioFile, newIndex++)
hasUpdated = true
// Update audio file metadata for audio files already there
existingAudioFiles.forEach((af) => {
const podcastEpisode = libraryItem.media.findEpisodeWithInode(af.ino)
af.index = 1
if (podcastEpisode?.audioFile.updateFromScan(af)) {
hasUpdated = true
podcastEpisode.setDataFromAudioMetaTags(podcastEpisode.audioFile.metaTags, false)
if (libraryItem.media.setMetadataFromAudioFile(preferAudioMetadata)) {
hasUpdated = true
} else if (libraryItem.mediaType === 'music') { // Music
// Only one audio file in library item
if (newAudioFiles.length) { // New audio file
hasUpdated = true
} else if (libraryItem.media.audioFile && libraryItem.media.audioFile.updateFromScan(mediaScanResult.audioFiles[0])) {
hasUpdated = true
console.log('Updated from scan')
if (libraryItem.media.setMetadataFromAudioFile()) {
hasUpdated = true
// If the audio track has no title meta tag then use the audio file name
if (!libraryItem.media.metadata.title && libraryItem.media.audioFile) {
const audioFileName = libraryItem.media.audioFile.metadata.filename
libraryItem.media.metadata.title = Path.basename(audioFileName, Path.extname(audioFileName))
hasUpdated = true
return hasUpdated
probeAudioFile(audioFile) {
Logger.debug(`[MediaFileScanner] Running ffprobe for audio file at "${audioFile.metadata.path}"`)
return prober.rawProbe(audioFile.metadata.path)
module.exports = new MediaFileScanner() |