mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 00:18:34 +01:00
375 lines
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375 lines
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import { sort } from '@/assets/fastSort'
import { decode } from '@/plugins/init.client'
const STANDARD_GENRES = ['Adventure', 'Autobiography', 'Biography', 'Childrens', 'Comedy', 'Crime', 'Dystopian', 'Fantasy', 'Fiction', 'Health', 'History', 'Horror', 'Mystery', 'New Adult', 'Nonfiction', 'Philosophy', 'Politics', 'Religion', 'Romance', 'Sci-Fi', 'Self-Help', 'Short Story', 'Technology', 'Thriller', 'True Crime', 'Western', 'Young Adult']
export const state = () => ({
audiobooks: [],
loadedLibraryId: '',
lastLoad: 0,
listeners: [],
genres: [...STANDARD_GENRES],
tags: [],
series: [],
keywordFilter: null,
selectedSeries: null,
libraryPage: null,
searchResults: {},
searchResultAudiobooks: []
export const getters = {
getAudiobook: (state) => id => {
return state.audiobooks.find(ab => ab.id === id)
getAudiobooksWithIssues: (state) => {
return state.audiobooks.filter(ab => {
return ab.hasMissingParts || ab.hasInvalidParts || ab.isMissing || ab.isIncomplete
getEntitiesShowing: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => () => {
if (!state.libraryPage) {
return getters.getFiltered()
} else if (state.libraryPage === 'search') {
return state.searchResultAudiobooks
} else if (state.libraryPage === 'series') {
var series = getters.getSeriesGroups()
if (state.selectedSeries) {
var _series = series.find(__series => __series.name === state.selectedSeries)
if (!_series) return []
return _series.books || []
return series
return []
getFiltered: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => () => {
var filtered = state.audiobooks
var settings = rootState.user.settings || {}
var filterBy = settings.filterBy || ''
var searchGroups = ['genres', 'tags', 'series', 'authors', 'progress', 'narrators']
var group = searchGroups.find(_group => filterBy.startsWith(_group + '.'))
if (group) {
var filterVal = filterBy.replace(`${group}.`, '')
var filter = decode(filterVal)
if (group === 'genres') filtered = filtered.filter(ab => ab.book && ab.book.genres.includes(filter))
else if (group === 'tags') filtered = filtered.filter(ab => ab.tags.includes(filter))
else if (group === 'series') {
if (filter === 'No Series') filtered = filtered.filter(ab => ab.book && !ab.book.series)
else filtered = filtered.filter(ab => ab.book && ab.book.series === filter)
else if (group === 'authors') filtered = filtered.filter(ab => ab.book && ab.book.authorFL === filter)
else if (group === 'narrators') filtered = filtered.filter(ab => ab.book && ab.book.narrator === filter)
else if (group === 'progress') {
filtered = filtered.filter(ab => {
var userAudiobook = rootGetters['user/getUserAudiobook'](ab.id)
var isRead = userAudiobook && userAudiobook.isRead
if (filter === 'Read' && isRead) return true
if (filter === 'Unread' && !isRead) return true
if (filter === 'In Progress' && (userAudiobook && !userAudiobook.isRead && userAudiobook.progress > 0)) return true
return false
} else if (filterBy === 'issues') {
filtered = filtered.filter(ab => {
return ab.hasMissingParts || ab.hasInvalidParts || ab.isMissing || ab.isIncomplete
if (state.keywordFilter) {
const keywordFilterKeys = ['title', 'subtitle', 'author', 'series', 'narrator']
const keyworkFilter = state.keywordFilter.toLowerCase()
return filtered.filter(ab => {
if (!ab.book) return false
return !!keywordFilterKeys.find(key => (ab.book[key] && ab.book[key].toLowerCase().includes(keyworkFilter)))
return filtered
getFilteredAndSorted: (state, getters, rootState) => () => {
var settings = rootState.user.settings
var direction = settings.orderDesc ? 'desc' : 'asc'
var filtered = getters.getFiltered()
var orderByNumber = settings.orderBy === 'book.volumeNumber'
return sort(filtered)[direction]((ab) => {
// Supports dot notation strings i.e. "book.title"
var value = settings.orderBy.split('.').reduce((a, b) => a[b], ab)
if (orderByNumber && !isNaN(value)) return Number(value)
return value
getSeriesGroups: (state, getters, rootState) => () => {
var series = {}
state.audiobooks.forEach((audiobook) => {
if (audiobook.book && audiobook.book.series) {
if (series[audiobook.book.series]) {
var bookLastUpdate = audiobook.book.lastUpdate
if (bookLastUpdate > series[audiobook.book.series].lastUpdate) series[audiobook.book.series].lastUpdate = bookLastUpdate
} else {
series[audiobook.book.series] = {
type: 'series',
name: audiobook.book.series || '',
books: [audiobook],
lastUpdate: audiobook.book.lastUpdate
var seriesArray = Object.values(series).map((_series) => {
_series.books = sort(_series.books)['asc']((ab) => {
return ab.book && ab.book.volumeNumber && !isNaN(ab.book.volumeNumber) ? Number(ab.book.volumeNumber) : null
return _series
if (state.keywordFilter) {
const keywordFilter = state.keywordFilter.toLowerCase()
return seriesArray.filter((_series) => _series.name.toLowerCase().includes(keywordFilter))
return seriesArray
getUniqueAuthors: (state) => {
var _authors = state.audiobooks.filter(ab => !!(ab.book && ab.book.authorFL)).map(ab => ab.book.authorFL)
return [...new Set(_authors)].sort((a, b) => a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1)
getUniqueNarrators: (state) => {
var _narrators = state.audiobooks.filter(ab => !!(ab.book && ab.book.narrator)).map(ab => ab.book.narrator)
return [...new Set(_narrators)].sort((a, b) => a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1)
getGenresUsed: (state) => {
var _genres = []
state.audiobooks.filter(ab => !!(ab.book && ab.book.genres)).forEach(ab => _genres = _genres.concat(ab.book.genres))
return [...new Set(_genres)].sort((a, b) => a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1)
getBookCoverSrc: (state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) => (bookItem, placeholder = '/book_placeholder.jpg') => {
var book = bookItem.book
if (!book || !book.cover || book.cover === placeholder) return placeholder
var cover = book.cover
// Absolute URL covers (should no longer be used)
if (cover.startsWith('http:') || cover.startsWith('https:')) return cover
// Server hosted covers
try {
// Ensure cover is refreshed if cached
var bookLastUpdate = book.lastUpdate || Date.now()
var userToken = rootGetters['user/getToken']
cover = cover.replace(/\\/g, '/')
// Map old covers to new format /s/book/{bookid}/*
if (cover.startsWith('/local')) {
cover = cover.replace('local', `s/book/${bookItem.id}`)
if (cover.includes(bookItem.path + '/')) { // Remove book path
cover = cover.replace(bookItem.path + '/', '')
// Easier to replace these special characters then to encodeUriComponent of the filename
var encodedCover = cover.replace(/%/g, '%25').replace(/#/g, '%23')
var url = new URL(encodedCover, document.baseURI)
return url.href + `?token=${userToken}&ts=${bookLastUpdate}`
} catch (err) {
return placeholder
export const actions = {
// Return true if calling load
load({ state, commit, rootState }) {
if (!rootState.user || !rootState.user.user) {
console.error('audiobooks/load - User not set')
return false
var currentLibraryId = rootState.libraries.currentLibraryId
if (currentLibraryId === state.loadedLibraryId) {
// Don't load again if already loaded in the last 5 minutes
var lastLoadDiff = Date.now() - state.lastLoad
if (lastLoadDiff < 5 * 60 * 1000) {
// Already up to date
return false
commit('setLoadedLibrary', currentLibraryId)
.then((data) => {
commit('set', data)
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Failed', error)
commit('set', [])
return true
export const mutations = {
setLoadedLibrary(state, val) {
state.loadedLibraryId = val
setLastLoad(state) {
state.lastLoad = Date.now()
setKeywordFilter(state, val) {
state.keywordFilter = val
setSelectedSeries(state, val) {
state.selectedSeries = val
setLibraryPage(state, val) {
state.libraryPage = val
setSearchResults(state, val) {
state.searchResults = val
state.searchResultAudiobooks = val && val.audiobooks ? val.audiobooks.map(ab => ab.audiobook) : []
set(state, audiobooks) {
var genres = [...state.genres]
audiobooks.forEach((ab) => {
if (!ab.book) return
genres = genres.concat(ab.book.genres)
state.genres = [...new Set(genres)] // Remove Duplicates
state.genres.sort((a, b) => a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1)
var tags = []
audiobooks.forEach((ab) => {
tags = tags.concat(ab.tags)
state.tags = [...new Set(tags)] // Remove Duplicates
state.tags.sort((a, b) => a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1)
var series = []
audiobooks.forEach((ab) => {
if (!ab.book || !ab.book.series || series.includes(ab.book.series)) return
state.series = series
state.series.sort((a, b) => a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1)
state.audiobooks = audiobooks
state.listeners.forEach((listener) => {
addUpdate(state, audiobook) {
if (state.loadedLibraryId && audiobook.libraryId !== state.loadedLibraryId) {
console.warn('Invalid library', audiobook, 'loaded library', state.loadedLibraryId, '"')
var index = state.audiobooks.findIndex(a => a.id === audiobook.id)
var origAudiobook = null
if (index >= 0) {
origAudiobook = { ...state.audiobooks[index] }
state.audiobooks.splice(index, 1, audiobook)
} else {
if (audiobook.book) {
var newGenres = []
audiobook.book.genres.forEach((genre) => {
if (!state.genres.includes(genre)) newGenres.push(genre)
if (newGenres.length) {
state.genres = state.genres.concat(newGenres)
state.genres.sort((a, b) => a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1)
if (audiobook.book.series && !state.series.includes(audiobook.book.series)) {
state.series.sort((a, b) => a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1)
if (origAudiobook && origAudiobook.book && origAudiobook.book.series) {
var isInAB = state.audiobooks.find(ab => ab.book && ab.book.series === origAudiobook.book.series)
if (!isInAB) state.series = state.series.filter(series => series !== origAudiobook.book.series)
var newTags = []
audiobook.tags.forEach((tag) => {
if (!state.tags.includes(tag)) newTags.push(tag)
if (newTags.length) {
state.tags = state.tags.concat(newTags)
state.tags.sort((a, b) => a.toLowerCase() < b.toLowerCase() ? -1 : 1)
state.listeners.forEach((listener) => {
if (!listener.audiobookId || listener.audiobookId === audiobook.id) {
remove(state, audiobook) {
state.audiobooks = state.audiobooks.filter(a => a.id !== audiobook.id)
if (audiobook.book) {
audiobook.book.genres.forEach((genre) => {
if (!STANDARD_GENRES.includes(genre)) {
var isInOtherAB = state.audiobooks.find(ab => {
return ab.book && ab.book.genres.includes(genre)
if (!isInOtherAB) {
// Genre is not used by any other audiobook - remove it
state.genres = state.genres.filter(g => g !== genre)
if (audiobook.book.series) {
var isInOtherAB = state.audiobooks.find(ab => ab.book && ab.book.series === audiobook.book.series)
if (!isInOtherAB) {
// Series not used in any other audiobook - remove it
state.series = state.series.filter(s => s !== audiobook.book.series)
audiobook.tags.forEach((tag) => {
var isInOtherAB = state.audiobooks.find(ab => {
return ab.tags.includes(tag)
if (!isInOtherAB) {
// Tag is not used by any other audiobook - remove it
state.tags = state.tags.filter(t => t !== tag)
state.listeners.forEach((listener) => {
if (!listener.audiobookId || listener.audiobookId === audiobook.id) {
addListener(state, listener) {
var index = state.listeners.findIndex(l => l.id === listener.id)
if (index >= 0) state.listeners.splice(index, 1, listener)
else state.listeners.push(listener)
removeListener(state, listenerId) {
state.listeners = state.listeners.filter(l => l.id !== listenerId)
} |