mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 00:21:47 +01:00
252 lines
8.0 KiB
252 lines
8.0 KiB
const Path = require('path')
const fs = require('../libs/fsExtra')
const workerThreads = require('worker_threads')
const Logger = require('../Logger')
const Task = require('../objects/Task')
const filePerms = require('../utils/filePerms')
const { writeConcatFile } = require('../utils/ffmpegHelpers')
const toneHelpers = require('../utils/toneHelpers')
class AbMergeManager {
constructor(db, taskManager, clientEmitter) {
this.db = db
this.taskManager = taskManager
this.clientEmitter = clientEmitter
this.itemsCacheDir = Path.join(global.MetadataPath, 'cache/items')
this.downloadDirPath = Path.join(global.MetadataPath, 'downloads')
this.downloadDirPathExist = false
this.pendingTasks = []
getPendingTaskByLibraryItemId(libraryItemId) {
return this.pendingTasks.find(t => t.task.data.libraryItemId === libraryItemId)
cancelEncode(task) {
return this.removeTask(task, true)
async ensureDownloadDirPath() { // Creates download path if necessary and sets owner and permissions
if (this.downloadDirPathExist) return
var pathCreated = false
if (!(await fs.pathExists(this.downloadDirPath))) {
await fs.mkdir(this.downloadDirPath)
pathCreated = true
if (pathCreated) {
await filePerms.setDefault(this.downloadDirPath)
this.downloadDirPathExist = true
async startAudiobookMerge(user, libraryItem) {
const task = new Task()
const audiobookDirname = Path.basename(libraryItem.path)
const targetFilename = audiobookDirname + '.m4b'
const itemCachePath = Path.join(this.itemsCacheDir, libraryItem.id)
const tempFilepath = Path.join(itemCachePath, targetFilename)
const taskData = {
libraryItemId: libraryItem.id,
libraryItemPath: libraryItem.path,
userId: user.id,
originalTrackPaths: libraryItem.media.tracks.map(t => t.metadata.path),
targetFilepath: Path.join(libraryItem.path, targetFilename),
toneJsonObject: null
const taskDescription = `Encoding audiobook "${libraryItem.media.metadata.title}" into a single m4b file.`
task.setData('encode-m4b', 'Encoding M4b', taskDescription, taskData)
Logger.info(`Start m4b encode for ${libraryItem.id} - TaskId: ${task.id}`)
if (!await fs.pathExists(taskData.itemCachePath)) {
await fs.mkdir(taskData.itemCachePath)
this.runAudiobookMerge(libraryItem, task)
async runAudiobookMerge(libraryItem, task) {
// If changing audio file type then encoding is needed
var audioTracks = libraryItem.media.tracks
var audioRequiresEncode = audioTracks[0].metadata.ext !== '.m4b'
var firstTrackIsM4b = audioTracks[0].metadata.ext.toLowerCase() === '.m4b'
var isOneTrack = audioTracks.length === 1
const ffmpegInputs = []
if (!isOneTrack) {
var concatFilePath = Path.join(task.data.itemCachePath, 'files.txt')
await writeConcatFile(audioTracks, concatFilePath)
input: concatFilePath,
options: ['-safe 0', '-f concat']
} else {
input: audioTracks[0].metadata.path,
options: firstTrackIsM4b ? ['-f mp4'] : []
const logLevel = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? 'error' : 'warning'
var ffmpegOptions = [`-loglevel ${logLevel}`]
var ffmpegOutputOptions = ['-f mp4']
if (audioRequiresEncode) {
ffmpegOptions = ffmpegOptions.concat([
'-map 0:a',
'-acodec aac',
'-ac 2',
'-b:a 64k'
} else {
ffmpegOptions.push('-max_muxing_queue_size 1000')
if (isOneTrack && firstTrackIsM4b) {
ffmpegOptions.push('-c copy')
} else {
ffmpegOptions.push('-c:a copy')
var toneJsonPath = null
try {
toneJsonPath = Path.join(task.data.itemCachePath, 'metadata.json')
await toneHelpers.writeToneMetadataJsonFile(libraryItem, libraryItem.media.chapters, toneJsonPath, 1)
} catch (error) {
Logger.error(`[AbMergeManager] Write metadata.json failed`, error)
toneJsonPath = null
task.data.toneJsonObject = {
'ToneJsonFile': toneJsonPath,
'TrackNumber': 1,
var workerData = {
inputs: ffmpegInputs,
options: ffmpegOptions,
outputOptions: ffmpegOutputOptions,
output: task.data.tempFilepath
var worker = null
try {
var workerPath = Path.join(global.appRoot, 'server/utils/downloadWorker.js')
worker = new workerThreads.Worker(workerPath, { workerData })
} catch (error) {
Logger.error(`[AbMergeManager] Start worker thread failed`, error)
task.setFailed('Failed to start worker thread')
this.removeTask(task, true)
worker.on('message', (message) => {
if (message != null && typeof message === 'object') {
if (message.type === 'RESULT') {
this.sendResult(task, message)
} else if (message.type === 'FFMPEG') {
if (Logger[message.level]) {
id: task.id,
async sendResult(task, result) {
// Remove pending task
this.pendingTasks = this.pendingTasks.filter(d => d.id !== task.id)
if (result.isKilled) {
task.setFailed('Ffmpeg task killed')
this.removeTask(task, true)
if (!result.success) {
task.setFailed('Encoding failed')
this.removeTask(task, true)
// Write metadata to merged file
const success = await toneHelpers.tagAudioFile(task.data.tempFilepath, task.data.toneJsonObject)
if (!success) {
Logger.error(`[AbMergeManager] Failed to write metadata to file "${task.data.tempFilepath}"`)
task.setFailed('Failed to write metadata to m4b file')
this.removeTask(task, true)
// Move library item tracks to cache
for (const trackPath of task.data.originalTrackPaths) {
const trackFilename = Path.basename(trackPath)
const moveToPath = Path.join(task.data.itemCachePath, trackFilename)
Logger.debug(`[AbMergeManager] Backing up original track "${trackPath}" to ${moveToPath}`)
await fs.move(trackPath, moveToPath, { overwrite: true }).catch((err) => {
Logger.error(`[AbMergeManager] Failed to move track "${trackPath}" to "${moveToPath}"`, err)
// Move m4b to target
Logger.debug(`[AbMergeManager] Moving m4b from ${task.data.tempFilepath} to ${task.data.targetFilepath}`)
await fs.move(task.data.tempFilepath, task.data.targetFilepath)
// Set file permissions and ownership
await filePerms.setDefault(task.data.targetFilepath)
await filePerms.setDefault(task.data.itemCachePath)
await this.removeTask(task, false)
Logger.info(`[AbMergeManager] Ab task finished ${task.id}`)
async removeTask(task, removeTempFilepath = false) {
Logger.info('[AbMergeManager] Removing task ' + task.id)
const pendingDl = this.pendingTasks.find(d => d.id === task.id)
if (pendingDl) {
this.pendingTasks = this.pendingTasks.filter(d => d.id !== task.id)
Logger.warn(`[AbMergeManager] Removing download in progress - stopping worker`)
if (pendingDl.worker) {
try {
} catch (error) {
Logger.error('[AbMergeManager] Error posting stop message to worker', error)
if (removeTempFilepath) { // On failed tasks remove the bad file if it exists
if (await fs.pathExists(task.data.tempFilepath)) {
await fs.remove(task.data.tempFilepath).then(() => {
Logger.info('[AbMergeManager] Deleted target file', task.data.tempFilepath)
}).catch((err) => {
Logger.error('[AbMergeManager] Failed to delete target file', err)
module.exports = AbMergeManager