mirror of https://github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf.git synced 2025-03-05 00:18:30 +01:00

329 lines
11 KiB

const sequelize = require('sequelize')
const fs = require('../libs/fsExtra')
const { createNewSortInstance } = require('../libs/fastSort')
const Logger = require('../Logger')
const SocketAuthority = require('../SocketAuthority')
const Database = require('../Database')
const CacheManager = require('../managers/CacheManager')
const CoverManager = require('../managers/CoverManager')
const AuthorFinder = require('../finders/AuthorFinder')
const { reqSupportsWebp } = require('../utils/index')
const naturalSort = createNewSortInstance({
comparer: new Intl.Collator(undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' }).compare
class AuthorController {
constructor() { }
async findOne(req, res) {
const include = (req.query.include || '').split(',')
const authorJson = req.author.toJSON()
// Used on author landing page to include library items and items grouped in series
if (include.includes('items')) {
authorJson.libraryItems = await Database.libraryItemModel.getForAuthor(req.author, req.user)
if (include.includes('series')) {
const seriesMap = {}
// Group items into series
authorJson.libraryItems.forEach((li) => {
if (li.media.metadata.series) {
li.media.metadata.series.forEach((series) => {
const itemWithSeries = li.toJSONMinified()
itemWithSeries.media.metadata.series = series
if (seriesMap[series.id]) {
} else {
seriesMap[series.id] = {
id: series.id,
name: series.name,
items: [itemWithSeries]
// Sort series items
for (const key in seriesMap) {
seriesMap[key].items = naturalSort(seriesMap[key].items).asc(li => li.media.metadata.series.sequence)
authorJson.series = Object.values(seriesMap)
// Minify library items
authorJson.libraryItems = authorJson.libraryItems.map(li => li.toJSONMinified())
return res.json(authorJson)
async update(req, res) {
const payload = req.body
let hasUpdated = false
// author imagePath must be set through other endpoints as of v2.4.5
if (payload.imagePath !== undefined) {
Logger.warn(`[AuthorController] Updating local author imagePath is not supported`)
delete payload.imagePath
const authorNameUpdate = payload.name !== undefined && payload.name !== req.author.name
// Check if author name matches another author and merge the authors
let existingAuthor = null
if (authorNameUpdate) {
const author = await Database.authorModel.findOne({
where: {
id: {
[sequelize.Op.not]: req.author.id
name: payload.name
existingAuthor = author?.getOldAuthor()
if (existingAuthor) {
const bookAuthorsToCreate = []
const itemsWithAuthor = await Database.libraryItemModel.getForAuthor(req.author)
itemsWithAuthor.forEach(libraryItem => { // Replace old author with merging author for each book
libraryItem.media.metadata.replaceAuthor(req.author, existingAuthor)
bookId: libraryItem.media.id,
authorId: existingAuthor.id
if (itemsWithAuthor.length) {
await Database.removeBulkBookAuthors(req.author.id) // Remove all old BookAuthor
await Database.createBulkBookAuthors(bookAuthorsToCreate) // Create all new BookAuthor
SocketAuthority.emitter('items_updated', itemsWithAuthor.map(li => li.toJSONExpanded()))
// Remove old author
await Database.removeAuthor(req.author.id)
SocketAuthority.emitter('author_removed', req.author.toJSON())
// Update filter data
Database.removeAuthorFromFilterData(req.author.libraryId, req.author.id)
// Send updated num books for merged author
const numBooks = (await Database.libraryItemModel.getForAuthor(existingAuthor)).length
SocketAuthority.emitter('author_updated', existingAuthor.toJSONExpanded(numBooks))
author: existingAuthor.toJSON(),
merged: true
} else { // Regular author update
if (req.author.update(payload)) {
hasUpdated = true
if (hasUpdated) {
req.author.updatedAt = Date.now()
const itemsWithAuthor = await Database.libraryItemModel.getForAuthor(req.author)
if (authorNameUpdate) { // Update author name on all books
itemsWithAuthor.forEach(libraryItem => {
if (itemsWithAuthor.length) {
SocketAuthority.emitter('items_updated', itemsWithAuthor.map(li => li.toJSONExpanded()))
await Database.updateAuthor(req.author)
SocketAuthority.emitter('author_updated', req.author.toJSONExpanded(itemsWithAuthor.length))
author: req.author.toJSON(),
updated: hasUpdated
* DELETE: /api/authors/:id
* Remove author from all books and delete
* @param {import('express').Request} req
* @param {import('express').Response} res
async delete(req, res) {
Logger.info(`[AuthorController] Removing author "${req.author.name}"`)
await Database.authorModel.removeById(req.author.id)
if (req.author.imagePath) {
await CacheManager.purgeImageCache(req.author.id) // Purge cache
SocketAuthority.emitter('author_removed', req.author.toJSON())
// Update filter data
Database.removeAuthorFromFilterData(req.author.libraryId, req.author.id)
* POST: /api/authors/:id/image
* Upload author image from web URL
* @param {import('express').Request} req
* @param {import('express').Response} res
async uploadImage(req, res) {
if (!req.user.canUpload) {
Logger.warn('User attempted to upload an image without permission', req.user)
return res.sendStatus(403)
if (!req.body.url) {
Logger.error(`[AuthorController] Invalid request payload. 'url' not in request body`)
return res.status(400).send(`Invalid request payload. 'url' not in request body`)
if (!req.body.url.startsWith?.('http:') && !req.body.url.startsWith?.('https:')) {
Logger.error(`[AuthorController] Invalid request payload. Invalid url "${req.body.url}"`)
return res.status(400).send(`Invalid request payload. Invalid url "${req.body.url}"`)
Logger.debug(`[AuthorController] Requesting download author image from url "${req.body.url}"`)
const result = await AuthorFinder.saveAuthorImage(req.author.id, req.body.url)
if (result?.error) {
return res.status(400).send(result.error)
} else if (!result?.path) {
return res.status(500).send('Unknown error occurred')
if (req.author.imagePath) {
await CacheManager.purgeImageCache(req.author.id) // Purge cache
req.author.imagePath = result.path
await Database.authorModel.updateFromOld(req.author)
const numBooks = (await Database.libraryItemModel.getForAuthor(req.author)).length
SocketAuthority.emitter('author_updated', req.author.toJSONExpanded(numBooks))
author: req.author.toJSON()
* DELETE: /api/authors/:id/image
* Remove author image & delete image file
* @param {import('express').Request} req
* @param {import('express').Response} res
async deleteImage(req, res) {
if (!req.author.imagePath) {
Logger.error(`[AuthorController] Author "${req.author.imagePath}" has no imagePath set`)
return res.status(400).send('Author has no image path set')
Logger.info(`[AuthorController] Removing image for author "${req.author.name}" at "${req.author.imagePath}"`)
await CacheManager.purgeImageCache(req.author.id) // Purge cache
await CoverManager.removeFile(req.author.imagePath)
req.author.imagePath = null
await Database.authorModel.updateFromOld(req.author)
const numBooks = (await Database.libraryItemModel.getForAuthor(req.author)).length
SocketAuthority.emitter('author_updated', req.author.toJSONExpanded(numBooks))
author: req.author.toJSON()
async match(req, res) {
let authorData = null
const region = req.body.region || 'us'
if (req.body.asin) {
authorData = await AuthorFinder.findAuthorByASIN(req.body.asin, region)
} else {
authorData = await AuthorFinder.findAuthorByName(req.body.q, region)
if (!authorData) {
return res.status(404).send('Author not found')
Logger.debug(`[AuthorController] match author with "${req.body.q || req.body.asin}"`, authorData)
let hasUpdates = false
if (authorData.asin && req.author.asin !== authorData.asin) {
req.author.asin = authorData.asin
hasUpdates = true
// Only updates image if there was no image before or the author ASIN was updated
if (authorData.image && (!req.author.imagePath || hasUpdates)) {
await CacheManager.purgeImageCache(req.author.id)
const imageData = await AuthorFinder.saveAuthorImage(req.author.id, authorData.image)
if (imageData?.path) {
req.author.imagePath = imageData.path
hasUpdates = true
if (authorData.description && req.author.description !== authorData.description) {
req.author.description = authorData.description
hasUpdates = true
if (hasUpdates) {
req.author.updatedAt = Date.now()
await Database.updateAuthor(req.author)
const numBooks = (await Database.libraryItemModel.getForAuthor(req.author)).length
SocketAuthority.emitter('author_updated', req.author.toJSONExpanded(numBooks))
updated: hasUpdates,
author: req.author
// GET api/authors/:id/image
async getImage(req, res) {
const { query: { width, height, format, raw }, author } = req
if (raw) { // any value
if (!author.imagePath || !await fs.pathExists(author.imagePath)) {
return res.sendStatus(404)
return res.sendFile(author.imagePath)
const options = {
format: format || (reqSupportsWebp(req) ? 'webp' : 'jpeg'),
height: height ? parseInt(height) : null,
width: width ? parseInt(width) : null
return CacheManager.handleAuthorCache(res, author, options)
async middleware(req, res, next) {
const author = await Database.authorModel.getOldById(req.params.id)
if (!author) return res.sendStatus(404)
if (req.method == 'DELETE' && !req.user.canDelete) {
Logger.warn(`[AuthorController] User attempted to delete without permission`, req.user)
return res.sendStatus(403)
} else if ((req.method == 'PATCH' || req.method == 'POST') && !req.user.canUpdate) {
Logger.warn('[AuthorController] User attempted to update without permission', req.user)
return res.sendStatus(403)
req.author = author
module.exports = new AuthorController()