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import ePub from 'epubjs'
* @typedef {object} EpubReader
* @property {ePub.Book} book
* @property {ePub.Rendition} rendition
export default {
props: {
libraryItem: {
type: Object,
default: () => {}
playerOpen: Boolean,
keepProgress: Boolean,
fileId: String
data() {
return {
windowWidth: 0,
windowHeight: 0,
/** @type {ePub.Book} */
book: null,
/** @type {ePub.Rendition} */
rendition: null,
chapters: [],
ereaderSettings: {
theme: 'dark',
font: 'serif',
fontScale: 100,
lineSpacing: 115,
spread: 'auto',
textStroke: 0
watch: {
playerOpen() {
computed: {
userToken() {
return this.$store.getters['user/getToken']
/** @returns {string} */
libraryItemId() {
return this.libraryItem?.id
allowScriptedContent() {
return this.$store.getters['libraries/getLibraryEpubsAllowScriptedContent']
hasPrev() {
return !this.rendition?.location?.atStart
hasNext() {
return !this.rendition?.location?.atEnd
userMediaProgress() {
if (!this.libraryItemId) return
return this.$store.getters['user/getUserMediaProgress'](this.libraryItemId)
savedEbookLocation() {
if (!this.keepProgress) return null
if (!this.userMediaProgress?.ebookLocation) return null
// Validate ebookLocation is an epubcfi
if (!String(this.userMediaProgress.ebookLocation).startsWith('epubcfi')) return null
return this.userMediaProgress.ebookLocation
localStorageLocationsKey() {
return `ebookLocations-${this.libraryItemId}`
readerWidth() {
if (this.windowWidth < 640) return this.windowWidth
return this.windowWidth - 200
readerHeight() {
if (this.windowHeight < 400 || !this.playerOpen) return this.windowHeight
return this.windowHeight - 164
ebookUrl() {
if (this.fileId) {
return `${this.$config.routerBasePath}/api/items/${this.libraryItemId}/ebook/${this.fileId}`
return `${this.$config.routerBasePath}/api/items/${this.libraryItemId}/ebook`
themeRules() {
const isDark = this.ereaderSettings.theme === 'dark'
const fontColor = isDark ? '#fff' : '#000'
const backgroundColor = isDark ? 'rgb(35 35 35)' : 'rgb(255, 255, 255)'
const lineSpacing = this.ereaderSettings.lineSpacing / 100
const fontScale = this.ereaderSettings.fontScale / 100
const textStroke = this.ereaderSettings.textStroke / 100
return {
'*': {
color: `${fontColor}!important`,
'background-color': `${backgroundColor}!important`,
'line-height': lineSpacing * fontScale + 'rem!important',
'-webkit-text-stroke': textStroke + 'px ' + fontColor + '!important'
a: {
color: `${fontColor}!important`
methods: {
updateSettings(settings) {
this.ereaderSettings = settings
if (!this.rendition) return
const fontScale = settings.fontScale || 100
this.rendition.spread(settings.spread || 'auto')
prev() {
if (!this.rendition?.manager) return
return this.rendition?.prev()
next() {
if (!this.rendition?.manager) return
return this.rendition?.next()
goToChapter(href) {
if (!this.rendition?.manager) return
return this.rendition?.display(href)
/** @returns {object} Returns the chapter that the `position` in the book is in */
findChapterFromPosition(chapters, position) {
let foundChapter
for (let i = 0; i < chapters.length; i++) {
if (position >= chapters[i].start && (!chapters[i + 1] || position < chapters[i + 1].start)) {
foundChapter = chapters[i]
if (chapters[i].subitems && chapters[i].subitems.length > 0) {
return this.findChapterFromPosition(chapters[i].subitems, position, foundChapter)
return foundChapter
/** @returns {Array} Returns an array of chapters that only includes chapters with query results */
async searchBook(query) {
const chapters = structuredClone(await this.chapters)
const searchResults = await Promise.all(this.book.spine.spineItems.map((item) => item.load(this.book.load.bind(this.book)).then(item.find.bind(item, query)).finally(item.unload.bind(item))))
const mergedResults = [].concat(...searchResults)
mergedResults.forEach((chapter) => {
chapter.start = this.book.locations.percentageFromCfi(chapter.cfi)
const foundChapter = this.findChapterFromPosition(chapters, chapter.start)
if (foundChapter) foundChapter.searchResults.push(chapter)
let filteredResults = chapters.filter(function f(o) {
if (o.searchResults.length) return true
if (o.subitems.length) {
return (o.subitems = o.subitems.filter(f)).length
return filteredResults
keyUp(e) {
const rtl = this.book.package.metadata.direction === 'rtl'
if ((e.keyCode || e.which) == 37) {
return rtl ? this.next() : this.prev()
} else if ((e.keyCode || e.which) == 39) {
return rtl ? this.prev() : this.next()
* @param {object} payload
* @param {string} payload.ebookLocation - CFI of the current location
* @param {string} payload.ebookProgress - eBook Progress Percentage
updateProgress(payload) {
if (!this.keepProgress) return
this.$axios.$patch(`/api/me/progress/${this.libraryItemId}`, payload, { progress: false }).catch((error) => {
console.error('EpubReader.updateProgress failed:', error)
getAllEbookLocationData() {
const locations = []
let totalSize = 0 // Total in bytes
for (const key in localStorage) {
if (!localStorage.hasOwnProperty(key) || !key.startsWith('ebookLocations-')) {
try {
const ebookLocations = JSON.parse(localStorage[key])
if (!ebookLocations.locations) throw new Error('Invalid locations object')
ebookLocations.key = key
ebookLocations.size = (localStorage[key].length + key.length) * 2
totalSize += ebookLocations.size
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to parse ebook locations', key, error)
// Sort by oldest lastAccessed first
locations.sort((a, b) => a.lastAccessed - b.lastAccessed)
return {
/** @param {string} locationString */
checkSaveLocations(locationString) {
const maxSizeInBytes = 3000000 // Allow epub locations to take up to 3MB of space
const newLocationsSize = JSON.stringify({ lastAccessed: Date.now(), locations: locationString }).length * 2
// Too large overall
if (newLocationsSize > maxSizeInBytes) {
console.error('Epub locations are too large to store. Size =', newLocationsSize)
const ebookLocationsData = this.getAllEbookLocationData()
let availableSpace = maxSizeInBytes - ebookLocationsData.totalSize
// Remove epub locations until there is room for locations
while (availableSpace < newLocationsSize && ebookLocationsData.locations.length) {
const oldestLocation = ebookLocationsData.locations.shift()
console.log(`Removing cached locations for epub "${oldestLocation.key}" taking up ${oldestLocation.size} bytes`)
availableSpace += oldestLocation.size
console.log(`Cacheing epub locations with key "${this.localStorageLocationsKey}" taking up ${newLocationsSize} bytes`)
/** @param {string} locationString */
saveLocations(locationString) {
lastAccessed: Date.now(),
locations: locationString
loadLocations() {
const locationsObjString = localStorage.getItem(this.localStorageLocationsKey)
if (!locationsObjString) return null
const locationsObject = JSON.parse(locationsObjString)
// Remove invalid location objects
if (!locationsObject.locations) {
console.error('Invalid epub locations stored', this.localStorageLocationsKey)
return null
// Update lastAccessed
return locationsObject.locations
/** @param {string} location - CFI of the new location */
relocated(location) {
if (this.savedEbookLocation === location.start.cfi) {
if (location.end.percentage) {
ebookLocation: location.start.cfi,
ebookProgress: location.end.percentage
} else {
ebookLocation: location.start.cfi
initEpub() {
/** @type {EpubReader} */
const reader = this
/** @type {ePub.Book} */
reader.book = new ePub(reader.ebookUrl, {
width: this.readerWidth,
height: this.readerHeight - 50,
openAs: 'epub',
requestHeaders: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${this.userToken}`
/** @type {ePub.Rendition} */
reader.rendition = reader.book.renderTo('viewer', {
width: this.readerWidth,
height: this.readerHeight * 0.8,
allowScriptedContent: this.allowScriptedContent,
spread: 'auto',
snap: true,
manager: 'continuous',
flow: 'paginated'
// load saved progress
reader.rendition.display(this.savedEbookLocation || reader.book.locations.start)
reader.rendition.on('rendered', () => {
reader.book.ready.then(() => {
// set up event listeners
reader.rendition.on('relocated', reader.relocated)
reader.rendition.on('keydown', reader.keyUp)
reader.rendition.on('touchstart', (event) => {
this.$emit('touchstart', event)
reader.rendition.on('touchend', (event) => {
this.$emit('touchend', event)
// load ebook cfi locations
const savedLocations = this.loadLocations()
if (savedLocations) {
} else {
reader.book.locations.generate().then(() => {
getChapters() {
// Load the list of chapters in the book. See https://github.com/futurepress/epub.js/issues/759
const toc = this.book?.navigation?.toc || []
const tocTree = []
const resolveURL = (url, relativeTo) => {
// see https://github.com/futurepress/epub.js/issues/1084
// HACK-ish: abuse the URL API a little to resolve the path
// the base needs to be a valid URL, or it will throw a TypeError,
// so we just set a random base URI and remove it later
const base = 'https://example.invalid/'
return new URL(url, base + relativeTo).href.replace(base, '')
const basePath = this.book.packaging.navPath || this.book.packaging.ncxPath
const createTree = async (toc, parent) => {
const promises = toc.map(async (tocItem, i) => {
const href = resolveURL(tocItem.href, basePath)
const id = href.split('#')[1]
const item = this.book.spine.get(href)
await item.load(this.book.load.bind(this.book))
const el = id ? item.document.getElementById(id) : item.document.body
const cfi = item.cfiFromElement(el)
parent[i] = {
title: tocItem.label.trim(),
subitems: [],
start: this.book.locations.percentageFromCfi(cfi),
end: null, // set by flattenChapters()
id: null, // set by flattenChapters()
searchResults: []
if (tocItem.subitems) {
await createTree(tocItem.subitems, parent[i].subitems)
await Promise.all(promises)
return createTree(toc, tocTree).then(() => {
this.chapters = tocTree
flattenChapters(chapters) {
// Convert the nested epub chapters into something that looks like audiobook chapters for player-ui
const unwrap = (chapters) => {
return chapters.reduce((acc, chapter) => {
return chapter.subitems ? [...acc, chapter, ...unwrap(chapter.subitems)] : [...acc, chapter]
}, [])
let flattenedChapters = unwrap(chapters)
flattenedChapters = flattenedChapters.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start)
for (let i = 0; i < flattenedChapters.length; i++) {
flattenedChapters[i].id = i
if (i < flattenedChapters.length - 1) {
flattenedChapters[i].end = flattenedChapters[i + 1].start
} else {
flattenedChapters[i].end = 1
return flattenedChapters
resize() {
this.windowWidth = window.innerWidth
this.windowHeight = window.innerHeight
this.rendition?.resize(this.readerWidth, this.readerHeight * 0.8)
applyTheme() {
if (!this.rendition) return
this.rendition.getContents().forEach((c) => {
mounted() {
this.windowWidth = window.innerWidth
this.windowHeight = window.innerHeight
window.addEventListener('resize', this.resize)
beforeDestroy() {
window.removeEventListener('resize', this.resize)