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995 lines
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const Path = require('path')
const { DataTypes, Model } = require('sequelize')
const fsExtra = require('../libs/fsExtra')
const Logger = require('../Logger')
const libraryFilters = require('../utils/queries/libraryFilters')
const { filePathToPOSIX, getFileTimestampsWithIno } = require('../utils/fileUtils')
const LibraryFile = require('../objects/files/LibraryFile')
const Book = require('./Book')
const Podcast = require('./Podcast')
* @typedef LibraryFileObject
* @property {string} ino
* @property {boolean} isSupplementary
* @property {number} addedAt
* @property {number} updatedAt
* @property {{filename:string, ext:string, path:string, relPath:string, size:number, mtimeMs:number, ctimeMs:number, birthtimeMs:number}} metadata
* @typedef LibraryItemExpandedProperties
* @property {Book.BookExpanded|Podcast.PodcastExpanded} media
* @typedef {LibraryItem & LibraryItemExpandedProperties} LibraryItemExpanded
class LibraryItem extends Model {
constructor(values, options) {
super(values, options)
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {boolean} */
/** @type {Date} */
/** @type {Date} */
/** @type {Date} */
/** @type {BigInt} */
/** @type {Date} */
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {LibraryFileObject[]} */
/** @type {Object} */
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {string} */
/** @type {Date} */
/** @type {Date} */
/** @type {Book.BookExpanded|Podcast.PodcastExpanded} - only set when expanded */
/** @type {string} */
this.title // Only used for sorting
/** @type {string} */
this.titleIgnorePrefix // Only used for sorting
* Gets library items partially expanded, not including podcast episodes
* @todo temporary solution
* @param {number} offset
* @param {number} limit
* @returns {Promise<LibraryItem[]>} LibraryItem
static getLibraryItemsIncrement(offset, limit, where = null) {
return this.findAll({
include: [
model: this.sequelize.models.book,
include: [
model: this.sequelize.models.author,
through: {
attributes: ['createdAt']
model: this.sequelize.models.series,
through: {
attributes: ['id', 'sequence', 'createdAt']
model: this.sequelize.models.podcast
order: [
['createdAt', 'ASC'],
// Ensure author & series stay in the same order
[this.sequelize.models.book, this.sequelize.models.author, this.sequelize.models.bookAuthor, 'createdAt', 'ASC'],
[this.sequelize.models.book, this.sequelize.models.series, 'bookSeries', 'createdAt', 'ASC']
* Remove library item by id
* @param {string} libraryItemId
* @returns {Promise<number>} The number of destroyed rows
static removeById(libraryItemId) {
return this.destroy({
where: {
id: libraryItemId
individualHooks: true
* @param {import('sequelize').WhereOptions} where
* @returns {Promise<LibraryItemExpanded[]>}
static async findAllExpandedWhere(where = null) {
return this.findAll({
include: [
model: this.sequelize.models.book,
include: [
model: this.sequelize.models.author,
through: {
attributes: []
model: this.sequelize.models.series,
through: {
attributes: ['id', 'sequence']
model: this.sequelize.models.podcast,
include: {
model: this.sequelize.models.podcastEpisode
order: [
// Ensure author & series stay in the same order
[this.sequelize.models.book, this.sequelize.models.author, this.sequelize.models.bookAuthor, 'createdAt', 'ASC'],
[this.sequelize.models.book, this.sequelize.models.series, 'bookSeries', 'createdAt', 'ASC']
* @param {string} libraryItemId
* @returns {Promise<LibraryItemExpanded>}
static async getExpandedById(libraryItemId) {
if (!libraryItemId) return null
const libraryItem = await this.findByPk(libraryItemId)
if (!libraryItem) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryItem] Library item not found with id "${libraryItemId}"`)
return null
if (libraryItem.mediaType === 'podcast') {
libraryItem.media = await libraryItem.getMedia({
include: [
model: this.sequelize.models.podcastEpisode
} else {
libraryItem.media = await libraryItem.getMedia({
include: [
model: this.sequelize.models.author,
through: {
attributes: []
model: this.sequelize.models.series,
through: {
attributes: ['id', 'sequence']
order: [
[this.sequelize.models.author, this.sequelize.models.bookAuthor, 'createdAt', 'ASC'],
[this.sequelize.models.series, 'bookSeries', 'createdAt', 'ASC']
if (!libraryItem.media) return null
return libraryItem
* @param {import('sequelize').WhereOptions} where
* @param {import('sequelize').BindOrReplacements} [replacements]
* @param {import('sequelize').IncludeOptions} [include]
* @returns {Promise<LibraryItemExpanded>}
static async findOneExpanded(where, replacements = null, include = null) {
const libraryItem = await this.findOne({
if (!libraryItem) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryItem] Library item not found`)
return null
if (libraryItem.mediaType === 'podcast') {
libraryItem.media = await libraryItem.getMedia({
include: [
model: this.sequelize.models.podcastEpisode
} else {
libraryItem.media = await libraryItem.getMedia({
include: [
model: this.sequelize.models.author,
through: {
attributes: []
model: this.sequelize.models.series,
through: {
attributes: ['id', 'sequence']
order: [
[this.sequelize.models.author, this.sequelize.models.bookAuthor, 'createdAt', 'ASC'],
[this.sequelize.models.series, 'bookSeries', 'createdAt', 'ASC']
if (!libraryItem.media) return null
return libraryItem
* Get library items using filter and sort
* @param {import('./Library')} library
* @param {import('./User')} user
* @param {object} options
* @returns {{ libraryItems:Object[], count:number }}
static async getByFilterAndSort(library, user, options) {
let start = Date.now()
const { libraryItems, count } = await libraryFilters.getFilteredLibraryItems(library.id, user, options)
Logger.debug(`Loaded ${libraryItems.length} of ${count} items for libary page in ${((Date.now() - start) / 1000).toFixed(2)}s`)
return {
libraryItems: libraryItems.map((li) => {
const oldLibraryItem = li.toOldJSONMinified()
if (li.collapsedSeries) {
oldLibraryItem.collapsedSeries = li.collapsedSeries
if (li.series) {
oldLibraryItem.media.metadata.series = li.series
if (li.rssFeed) {
oldLibraryItem.rssFeed = li.rssFeed.toOldJSONMinified()
if (li.media.numEpisodes) {
oldLibraryItem.media.numEpisodes = li.media.numEpisodes
if (li.size && !oldLibraryItem.media.size) {
oldLibraryItem.media.size = li.size
if (li.numEpisodesIncomplete) {
oldLibraryItem.numEpisodesIncomplete = li.numEpisodesIncomplete
if (li.mediaItemShare) {
oldLibraryItem.mediaItemShare = li.mediaItemShare
return oldLibraryItem
* Get home page data personalized shelves
* @param {import('./Library')} library
* @param {import('./User')} user
* @param {string[]} include
* @param {number} limit
* @returns {object[]} array of shelf objects
static async getPersonalizedShelves(library, user, include, limit) {
const fullStart = Date.now() // Used for testing load times
const shelves = []
// "Continue Listening" shelf
const itemsInProgressPayload = await libraryFilters.getMediaItemsInProgress(library, user, include, limit, false)
if (itemsInProgressPayload.items.length) {
const ebookOnlyItemsInProgress = itemsInProgressPayload.items.filter((li) => li.media.ebookFormat && !li.media.numTracks)
const audioItemsInProgress = itemsInProgressPayload.items.filter((li) => li.media.numTracks || li.mediaType === 'podcast')
if (audioItemsInProgress.length) {
id: 'continue-listening',
label: 'Continue Listening',
labelStringKey: 'LabelContinueListening',
type: library.isPodcast ? 'episode' : 'book',
entities: audioItemsInProgress,
total: itemsInProgressPayload.count
if (ebookOnlyItemsInProgress.length) {
// "Continue Reading" shelf
id: 'continue-reading',
label: 'Continue Reading',
labelStringKey: 'LabelContinueReading',
type: 'book',
entities: ebookOnlyItemsInProgress,
total: itemsInProgressPayload.count
Logger.debug(`Loaded ${itemsInProgressPayload.items.length} of ${itemsInProgressPayload.count} items for "Continue Listening/Reading" in ${((Date.now() - fullStart) / 1000).toFixed(2)}s`)
let start = Date.now()
if (library.isBook) {
start = Date.now()
// "Continue Series" shelf
const continueSeriesPayload = await libraryFilters.getLibraryItemsContinueSeries(library, user, include, limit)
if (continueSeriesPayload.libraryItems.length) {
id: 'continue-series',
label: 'Continue Series',
labelStringKey: 'LabelContinueSeries',
type: 'book',
entities: continueSeriesPayload.libraryItems,
total: continueSeriesPayload.count
Logger.debug(`Loaded ${continueSeriesPayload.libraryItems.length} of ${continueSeriesPayload.count} items for "Continue Series" in ${((Date.now() - start) / 1000).toFixed(2)}s`)
} else if (library.isPodcast) {
// "Newest Episodes" shelf
const newestEpisodesPayload = await libraryFilters.getNewestPodcastEpisodes(library, user, limit)
if (newestEpisodesPayload.libraryItems.length) {
id: 'newest-episodes',
label: 'Newest Episodes',
labelStringKey: 'LabelNewestEpisodes',
type: 'episode',
entities: newestEpisodesPayload.libraryItems,
total: newestEpisodesPayload.count
Logger.debug(`Loaded ${newestEpisodesPayload.libraryItems.length} of ${newestEpisodesPayload.count} episodes for "Newest Episodes" in ${((Date.now() - start) / 1000).toFixed(2)}s`)
start = Date.now()
// "Recently Added" shelf
const mostRecentPayload = await libraryFilters.getLibraryItemsMostRecentlyAdded(library, user, include, limit)
if (mostRecentPayload.libraryItems.length) {
id: 'recently-added',
label: 'Recently Added',
labelStringKey: 'LabelRecentlyAdded',
type: library.mediaType,
entities: mostRecentPayload.libraryItems,
total: mostRecentPayload.count
Logger.debug(`Loaded ${mostRecentPayload.libraryItems.length} of ${mostRecentPayload.count} items for "Recently Added" in ${((Date.now() - start) / 1000).toFixed(2)}s`)
if (library.isBook) {
start = Date.now()
// "Recent Series" shelf
const seriesMostRecentPayload = await libraryFilters.getSeriesMostRecentlyAdded(library, user, include, 5)
if (seriesMostRecentPayload.series.length) {
id: 'recent-series',
label: 'Recent Series',
labelStringKey: 'LabelRecentSeries',
type: 'series',
entities: seriesMostRecentPayload.series,
total: seriesMostRecentPayload.count
Logger.debug(`Loaded ${seriesMostRecentPayload.series.length} of ${seriesMostRecentPayload.count} series for "Recent Series" in ${((Date.now() - start) / 1000).toFixed(2)}s`)
start = Date.now()
// "Discover" shelf
const discoverLibraryItemsPayload = await libraryFilters.getLibraryItemsToDiscover(library, user, include, limit)
if (discoverLibraryItemsPayload.libraryItems.length) {
id: 'discover',
label: 'Discover',
labelStringKey: 'LabelDiscover',
type: library.mediaType,
entities: discoverLibraryItemsPayload.libraryItems,
total: discoverLibraryItemsPayload.count
Logger.debug(`Loaded ${discoverLibraryItemsPayload.libraryItems.length} of ${discoverLibraryItemsPayload.count} items for "Discover" in ${((Date.now() - start) / 1000).toFixed(2)}s`)
start = Date.now()
// "Listen Again" shelf
const mediaFinishedPayload = await libraryFilters.getMediaFinished(library, user, include, limit)
if (mediaFinishedPayload.items.length) {
const ebookOnlyItemsInProgress = mediaFinishedPayload.items.filter((li) => li.media.ebookFormat && !li.media.numTracks)
const audioItemsInProgress = mediaFinishedPayload.items.filter((li) => li.media.numTracks || li.mediaType === 'podcast')
if (audioItemsInProgress.length) {
id: 'listen-again',
label: 'Listen Again',
labelStringKey: 'LabelListenAgain',
type: library.isPodcast ? 'episode' : 'book',
entities: audioItemsInProgress,
total: mediaFinishedPayload.count
// "Read Again" shelf
if (ebookOnlyItemsInProgress.length) {
id: 'read-again',
label: 'Read Again',
labelStringKey: 'LabelReadAgain',
type: 'book',
entities: ebookOnlyItemsInProgress,
total: mediaFinishedPayload.count
Logger.debug(`Loaded ${mediaFinishedPayload.items.length} of ${mediaFinishedPayload.count} items for "Listen/Read Again" in ${((Date.now() - start) / 1000).toFixed(2)}s`)
if (library.isBook) {
start = Date.now()
// "Newest Authors" shelf
const newestAuthorsPayload = await libraryFilters.getNewestAuthors(library, user, limit)
if (newestAuthorsPayload.authors.length) {
id: 'newest-authors',
label: 'Newest Authors',
labelStringKey: 'LabelNewestAuthors',
type: 'authors',
entities: newestAuthorsPayload.authors,
total: newestAuthorsPayload.count
Logger.debug(`Loaded ${newestAuthorsPayload.authors.length} of ${newestAuthorsPayload.count} authors for "Newest Authors" in ${((Date.now() - start) / 1000).toFixed(2)}s`)
Logger.debug(`Loaded ${shelves.length} personalized shelves in ${((Date.now() - fullStart) / 1000).toFixed(2)}s`)
return shelves
* Get book library items for author, optional use user permissions
* @param {import('./Author')} author
* @param {import('./User')} user
* @returns {Promise<LibraryItemExpanded[]>}
static async getForAuthor(author, user = null) {
const { libraryItems } = await libraryFilters.getLibraryItemsForAuthor(author, user, undefined, undefined)
return libraryItems
* Check if library item exists
* @param {string} libraryItemId
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
static async checkExistsById(libraryItemId) {
return (await this.count({ where: { id: libraryItemId } })) > 0
* @param {string} libraryItemId
* @returns {Promise<string>}
static async getCoverPath(libraryItemId) {
const libraryItem = await this.findByPk(libraryItemId, {
attributes: ['id', 'mediaType', 'mediaId', 'libraryId'],
include: [
model: this.sequelize.models.book,
attributes: ['id', 'coverPath']
model: this.sequelize.models.podcast,
attributes: ['id', 'coverPath']
if (!libraryItem) {
Logger.warn(`[LibraryItem] getCoverPath: Library item "${libraryItemId}" does not exist`)
return null
return libraryItem.media.coverPath
* @returns {Promise}
async saveMetadataFile() {
let metadataPath = Path.join(global.MetadataPath, 'items', this.id)
let storeMetadataWithItem = global.ServerSettings.storeMetadataWithItem
if (storeMetadataWithItem && !this.isFile) {
metadataPath = this.path
} else {
// Make sure metadata book dir exists
storeMetadataWithItem = false
await fsExtra.ensureDir(metadataPath)
const metadataFilePath = Path.join(metadataPath, `metadata.${global.ServerSettings.metadataFileFormat}`)
// Expanded with series, authors, podcastEpisodes
const mediaExpanded = this.media || (await this.getMediaExpanded())
let jsonObject = {}
if (this.mediaType === 'book') {
jsonObject = {
tags: mediaExpanded.tags || [],
chapters: mediaExpanded.chapters?.map((c) => ({ ...c })) || [],
title: mediaExpanded.title,
subtitle: mediaExpanded.subtitle,
authors: mediaExpanded.authors.map((a) => a.name),
narrators: mediaExpanded.narrators,
series: mediaExpanded.series.map((se) => {
const sequence = se.bookSeries?.sequence || ''
if (!sequence) return se.name
return `${se.name} #${sequence}`
genres: mediaExpanded.genres || [],
publishedYear: mediaExpanded.publishedYear,
publishedDate: mediaExpanded.publishedDate,
publisher: mediaExpanded.publisher,
description: mediaExpanded.description,
isbn: mediaExpanded.isbn,
asin: mediaExpanded.asin,
language: mediaExpanded.language,
explicit: !!mediaExpanded.explicit,
abridged: !!mediaExpanded.abridged
} else {
jsonObject = {
tags: mediaExpanded.tags || [],
title: mediaExpanded.title,
author: mediaExpanded.author,
description: mediaExpanded.description,
releaseDate: mediaExpanded.releaseDate,
genres: mediaExpanded.genres || [],
feedURL: mediaExpanded.feedURL,
imageURL: mediaExpanded.imageURL,
itunesPageURL: mediaExpanded.itunesPageURL,
itunesId: mediaExpanded.itunesId,
itunesArtistId: mediaExpanded.itunesArtistId,
asin: mediaExpanded.asin,
language: mediaExpanded.language,
explicit: !!mediaExpanded.explicit,
podcastType: mediaExpanded.podcastType
return fsExtra
.writeFile(metadataFilePath, JSON.stringify(jsonObject, null, 2))
.then(async () => {
// Add metadata.json to libraryFiles array if it is new
let metadataLibraryFile = this.libraryFiles.find((lf) => lf.metadata.path === filePathToPOSIX(metadataFilePath))
if (storeMetadataWithItem) {
if (!metadataLibraryFile) {
const newLibraryFile = new LibraryFile()
await newLibraryFile.setDataFromPath(metadataFilePath, `metadata.json`)
metadataLibraryFile = newLibraryFile.toJSON()
} else {
const fileTimestamps = await getFileTimestampsWithIno(metadataFilePath)
if (fileTimestamps) {
metadataLibraryFile.metadata.mtimeMs = fileTimestamps.mtimeMs
metadataLibraryFile.metadata.ctimeMs = fileTimestamps.ctimeMs
metadataLibraryFile.metadata.size = fileTimestamps.size
metadataLibraryFile.ino = fileTimestamps.ino
const libraryItemDirTimestamps = await getFileTimestampsWithIno(this.path)
if (libraryItemDirTimestamps) {
this.mtime = libraryItemDirTimestamps.mtimeMs
this.ctime = libraryItemDirTimestamps.ctimeMs
let size = 0
this.libraryFiles.forEach((lf) => (size += !isNaN(lf.metadata.size) ? Number(lf.metadata.size) : 0))
this.size = size
await this.save()
Logger.debug(`[LibraryItem] Saved metadata for "${this.media.title}" file to "${metadataFilePath}"`)
return metadataLibraryFile
.catch((error) => {
Logger.error(`Failed to save json file at "${metadataFilePath}"`, error)
return null
* Initialize model
* @param {import('../Database').sequelize} sequelize
static init(sequelize) {
id: {
type: DataTypes.UUID,
defaultValue: DataTypes.UUIDV4,
primaryKey: true
ino: DataTypes.STRING,
path: DataTypes.STRING,
relPath: DataTypes.STRING,
mediaId: DataTypes.UUID,
mediaType: DataTypes.STRING,
isFile: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
isMissing: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
isInvalid: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
mtime: DataTypes.DATE(6),
ctime: DataTypes.DATE(6),
birthtime: DataTypes.DATE(6),
size: DataTypes.BIGINT,
lastScan: DataTypes.DATE,
lastScanVersion: DataTypes.STRING,
libraryFiles: DataTypes.JSON,
extraData: DataTypes.JSON,
title: DataTypes.STRING,
titleIgnorePrefix: DataTypes.STRING
modelName: 'libraryItem',
indexes: [
fields: ['createdAt']
fields: ['mediaId']
fields: ['libraryId', 'mediaType']
fields: ['libraryId', 'mediaType', 'size']
fields: ['libraryId', 'mediaType', 'createdAt']
fields: ['libraryId', 'mediaType', { name: 'title', collate: 'NOCASE' }]
fields: ['libraryId', 'mediaType', { name: 'titleIgnorePrefix', collate: 'NOCASE' }]
fields: ['libraryId', 'mediaId', 'mediaType']
fields: ['birthtime']
fields: ['mtime']
const { library, libraryFolder, book, podcast } = sequelize.models
book.hasOne(LibraryItem, {
foreignKey: 'mediaId',
constraints: false,
scope: {
mediaType: 'book'
LibraryItem.belongsTo(book, { foreignKey: 'mediaId', constraints: false })
podcast.hasOne(LibraryItem, {
foreignKey: 'mediaId',
constraints: false,
scope: {
mediaType: 'podcast'
LibraryItem.belongsTo(podcast, { foreignKey: 'mediaId', constraints: false })
LibraryItem.addHook('afterFind', (findResult) => {
if (!findResult) return
if (!Array.isArray(findResult)) findResult = [findResult]
for (const instance of findResult) {
if (instance.mediaType === 'book' && instance.book !== undefined) {
instance.media = instance.book
instance.dataValues.media = instance.dataValues.book
} else if (instance.mediaType === 'podcast' && instance.podcast !== undefined) {
instance.media = instance.podcast
instance.dataValues.media = instance.dataValues.podcast
// To prevent mistakes:
delete instance.book
delete instance.dataValues.book
delete instance.podcast
delete instance.dataValues.podcast
LibraryItem.addHook('afterDestroy', async (instance) => {
if (!instance) return
const media = await instance.getMedia()
if (media) {
get isBook() {
return this.mediaType === 'book'
get isPodcast() {
return this.mediaType === 'podcast'
get hasAudioTracks() {
return this.media.hasAudioTracks()
* @param {import('sequelize').FindOptions} options
* @returns {Promise<Book|Podcast>}
getMedia(options) {
if (!this.mediaType) return Promise.resolve(null)
const mixinMethodName = `get${this.sequelize.uppercaseFirst(this.mediaType)}`
return this[mixinMethodName](options)
* @returns {Promise<Book|Podcast>}
getMediaExpanded() {
if (this.mediaType === 'podcast') {
return this.getMedia({
include: [
model: this.sequelize.models.podcastEpisode
} else {
return this.getMedia({
include: [
model: this.sequelize.models.author,
through: {
attributes: []
model: this.sequelize.models.series,
through: {
attributes: ['sequence']
order: [
[this.sequelize.models.author, this.sequelize.models.bookAuthor, 'createdAt', 'ASC'],
[this.sequelize.models.series, 'bookSeries', 'createdAt', 'ASC']
* Check if book or podcast library item has audio tracks
* Requires expanded library item
* @returns {boolean}
hasAudioTracks() {
if (!this.media) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryItem] hasAudioTracks: Library item "${this.id}" does not have media`)
return false
if (this.isBook) {
return this.media.audioFiles?.length > 0
} else {
return this.media.podcastEpisodes?.length > 0
* @param {string} ino
* @returns {import('./Book').AudioFileObject}
getAudioFileWithIno(ino) {
if (!this.media) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryItem] getAudioFileWithIno: Library item "${this.id}" does not have media`)
return null
if (this.isBook) {
return this.media.audioFiles.find((af) => af.ino === ino)
} else {
return this.media.podcastEpisodes.find((pe) => pe.audioFile?.ino === ino)?.audioFile
* Get the track list to be used in client audio players
* AudioTrack is the AudioFile with startOffset and contentUrl
* Podcasts must have an episodeId to get the track list
* @param {string} [episodeId]
* @returns {import('./Book').AudioTrack[]}
getTrackList(episodeId) {
if (!this.media) {
Logger.error(`[LibraryItem] getTrackList: Library item "${this.id}" does not have media`)
return []
return this.media.getTracklist(this.id, episodeId)
* @param {string} ino
* @returns {LibraryFile}
getLibraryFileWithIno(ino) {
const libraryFile = this.libraryFiles.find((lf) => lf.ino === ino)
if (!libraryFile) return null
return new LibraryFile(libraryFile)
getLibraryFiles() {
return this.libraryFiles.map((lf) => new LibraryFile(lf))
getLibraryFilesJson() {
return this.libraryFiles.map((lf) => new LibraryFile(lf).toJSON())
toOldJSON() {
if (!this.media) {
throw new Error(`[LibraryItem] Cannot convert to old JSON without media for library item "${this.id}"`)
return {
id: this.id,
ino: this.ino,
oldLibraryItemId: this.extraData?.oldLibraryItemId || null,
libraryId: this.libraryId,
folderId: this.libraryFolderId,
path: this.path,
relPath: this.relPath,
isFile: this.isFile,
mtimeMs: this.mtime?.valueOf(),
ctimeMs: this.ctime?.valueOf(),
birthtimeMs: this.birthtime?.valueOf(),
addedAt: this.createdAt.valueOf(),
updatedAt: this.updatedAt.valueOf(),
lastScan: this.lastScan?.valueOf(),
scanVersion: this.lastScanVersion,
isMissing: !!this.isMissing,
isInvalid: !!this.isInvalid,
mediaType: this.mediaType,
media: this.media.toOldJSON(this.id),
// LibraryFile JSON includes a fileType property that may not be saved in libraryFiles column in the database
libraryFiles: this.getLibraryFilesJson()
toOldJSONMinified() {
if (!this.media) {
throw new Error(`[LibraryItem] Cannot convert to old JSON without media for library item "${this.id}"`)
return {
id: this.id,
ino: this.ino,
oldLibraryItemId: this.extraData?.oldLibraryItemId || null,
libraryId: this.libraryId,
folderId: this.libraryFolderId,
path: this.path,
relPath: this.relPath,
isFile: this.isFile,
mtimeMs: this.mtime?.valueOf(),
ctimeMs: this.ctime?.valueOf(),
birthtimeMs: this.birthtime?.valueOf(),
addedAt: this.createdAt.valueOf(),
updatedAt: this.updatedAt.valueOf(),
isMissing: !!this.isMissing,
isInvalid: !!this.isInvalid,
mediaType: this.mediaType,
media: this.media.toOldJSONMinified(),
numFiles: this.libraryFiles.length,
size: this.size
toOldJSONExpanded() {
return {
id: this.id,
ino: this.ino,
oldLibraryItemId: this.extraData?.oldLibraryItemId || null,
libraryId: this.libraryId,
folderId: this.libraryFolderId,
path: this.path,
relPath: this.relPath,
isFile: this.isFile,
mtimeMs: this.mtime?.valueOf(),
ctimeMs: this.ctime?.valueOf(),
birthtimeMs: this.birthtime?.valueOf(),
addedAt: this.createdAt.valueOf(),
updatedAt: this.updatedAt.valueOf(),
lastScan: this.lastScan?.valueOf(),
scanVersion: this.lastScanVersion,
isMissing: !!this.isMissing,
isInvalid: !!this.isInvalid,
mediaType: this.mediaType,
media: this.media.toOldJSONExpanded(this.id),
// LibraryFile JSON includes a fileType property that may not be saved in libraryFiles column in the database
libraryFiles: this.getLibraryFilesJson(),
size: this.size
module.exports = LibraryItem