2024-02-17 16:06:25 -06:00

796 lines
30 KiB

const axios = require('axios')
const passport = require('passport')
const bcrypt = require('./libs/bcryptjs')
const jwt = require('./libs/jsonwebtoken')
const LocalStrategy = require('./libs/passportLocal')
const JwtStrategy = require('passport-jwt').Strategy
const ExtractJwt = require('passport-jwt').ExtractJwt
const OpenIDClient = require('openid-client')
const Database = require('./Database')
const Logger = require('./Logger')
* @class Class for handling all the authentication related functionality.
class Auth {
constructor() {
// Map of openId sessions indexed by oauth2 state-variable
this.openIdAuthSession = new Map()
* Inializes all passportjs strategies and other passportjs ralated initialization.
async initPassportJs() {
// Check if we should load the local strategy (username + password login)
if (global.ServerSettings.authActiveAuthMethods.includes("local")) {
// Check if we should load the openid strategy
if (global.ServerSettings.authActiveAuthMethods.includes("openid")) {
// Load the JwtStrategy (always) -> for bearer token auth
passport.use(new JwtStrategy({
jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromExtractors([ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeaderAsBearerToken(), ExtractJwt.fromUrlQueryParameter('token')]),
secretOrKey: Database.serverSettings.tokenSecret
}, this.jwtAuthCheck.bind(this)))
// define how to seralize a user (to be put into the session)
passport.serializeUser(function (user, cb) {
process.nextTick(function () {
// only store id to session
return cb(null, JSON.stringify({
// define how to deseralize a user (use the ID to get it from the database)
passport.deserializeUser((function (user, cb) {
process.nextTick((async function () {
const parsedUserInfo = JSON.parse(user)
// load the user by ID that is stored in the session
const dbUser = await Database.userModel.getUserById(
return cb(null, dbUser)
* Passport use LocalStrategy
initAuthStrategyPassword() {
passport.use(new LocalStrategy(this.localAuthCheckUserPw.bind(this)))
* Passport use OpenIDClient.Strategy
initAuthStrategyOpenID() {
if (!Database.serverSettings.isOpenIDAuthSettingsValid) {
Logger.error(`[Auth] Cannot init openid auth strategy - invalid settings`)
const openIdIssuerClient = new OpenIDClient.Issuer({
issuer: global.ServerSettings.authOpenIDIssuerURL,
authorization_endpoint: global.ServerSettings.authOpenIDAuthorizationURL,
token_endpoint: global.ServerSettings.authOpenIDTokenURL,
userinfo_endpoint: global.ServerSettings.authOpenIDUserInfoURL,
jwks_uri: global.ServerSettings.authOpenIDJwksURL,
end_session_endpoint: global.ServerSettings.authOpenIDLogoutURL
const openIdClient = new openIdIssuerClient({
client_id: global.ServerSettings.authOpenIDClientID,
client_secret: global.ServerSettings.authOpenIDClientSecret
passport.use('openid-client', new OpenIDClient.Strategy({
client: openIdClient,
params: {
redirect_uri: '/auth/openid/callback',
scope: 'openid profile email'
}, async (tokenset, userinfo, done) => {
Logger.debug(`[Auth] openid callback userinfo=`, userinfo)
let failureMessage = 'Unauthorized'
if (!userinfo.sub) {
Logger.error(`[Auth] openid callback invalid userinfo, no sub`)
return done(null, null, failureMessage)
// First check for matching user by sub
let user = await Database.userModel.getUserByOpenIDSub(userinfo.sub)
if (!user) {
// Optionally match existing by email or username based on server setting "authOpenIDMatchExistingBy"
if (Database.serverSettings.authOpenIDMatchExistingBy === 'email' && && userinfo.email_verified) {`[Auth] openid: User not found, checking existing with email "${}"`)
user = await Database.userModel.getUserByEmail(
// Check that user is not already matched
if (user?.authOpenIDSub) {
Logger.warn(`[Auth] openid: User found with email "${}" but is already matched with sub "${user.authOpenIDSub}"`)
// TODO: Message isn't actually returned to the user yet. Need to override the passport authenticated callback
failureMessage = 'A matching user was found but is already matched with another user from your auth provider'
user = null
} else if (Database.serverSettings.authOpenIDMatchExistingBy === 'username' && userinfo.preferred_username) {`[Auth] openid: User not found, checking existing with username "${userinfo.preferred_username}"`)
user = await Database.userModel.getUserByUsername(userinfo.preferred_username)
// Check that user is not already matched
if (user?.authOpenIDSub) {
Logger.warn(`[Auth] openid: User found with username "${userinfo.preferred_username}" but is already matched with sub "${user.authOpenIDSub}"`)
// TODO: Message isn't actually returned to the user yet. Need to override the passport authenticated callback
failureMessage = 'A matching user was found but is already matched with another user from your auth provider'
user = null
// If existing user was matched and isActive then save sub to user
if (user?.isActive) {`[Auth] openid: New user found matching existing user "${user.username}"`)
user.authOpenIDSub = userinfo.sub
await Database.userModel.updateFromOld(user)
} else if (user && !user.isActive) {
Logger.warn(`[Auth] openid: New user found matching existing user "${user.username}" but that user is deactivated`)
// Optionally auto register the user
if (!user && Database.serverSettings.authOpenIDAutoRegister) {`[Auth] openid: Auto-registering user with sub "${userinfo.sub}"`, userinfo)
user = await Database.userModel.createUserFromOpenIdUserInfo(userinfo, this)
if (!user?.isActive) {
if (user && !user.isActive) {
failureMessage = 'Unauthorized'
// deny login
done(null, null, failureMessage)
// We also have to save the id_token for later (used for logout) because we cannot set cookies here
user.openid_id_token = tokenset.id_token
// permit login
return done(null, user)
* Unuse strategy
* @param {string} name
unuseAuthStrategy(name) {
* Use strategy
* @param {string} name
useAuthStrategy(name) {
if (name === 'openid') {
} else if (name === 'local') {
} else {
Logger.error('[Auth] Invalid auth strategy ' + name)
* Returns if the given auth method is API based.
* @param {string} authMethod
* @returns {boolean}
isAuthMethodAPIBased(authMethod) {
return ['api', 'openid-mobile'].includes(authMethod)
* Stores the client's choice of login callback method in temporary cookies.
* The `authMethod` parameter specifies the authentication strategy and can have the following values:
* - 'local': Standard authentication,
* - 'api': Authentication for API use
* - 'openid': OpenID authentication directly over web
* - 'openid-mobile': OpenID authentication, but done via an mobile device
* @param {import('express').Request} req
* @param {import('express').Response} res
* @param {string} authMethod - The authentication method, default is 'local'.
paramsToCookies(req, res, authMethod = 'local') {
const TWO_MINUTES = 120000 // 2 minutes in milliseconds
const callback = req.query.redirect_uri || req.query.callback
// Additional handling for non-API based authMethod
if (!this.isAuthMethodAPIBased(authMethod)) {
// Store 'auth_state' if present in the request
if (req.query.state) {
res.cookie('auth_state', req.query.state, { maxAge: TWO_MINUTES, httpOnly: true })
// Validate and store the callback URL
if (!callback) {
return res.status(400).send({ message: 'No callback parameter' })
res.cookie('auth_cb', callback, { maxAge: TWO_MINUTES, httpOnly: true })
// Store the authentication method for long
res.cookie('auth_method', authMethod, { maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 10, httpOnly: true })
* Informs the client in the right mode about a successfull login and the token
* (clients choise is restored from cookies).
* @param {import('express').Request} req
* @param {import('express').Response} res
async handleLoginSuccessBasedOnCookie(req, res) {
// get userLogin json (information about the user, server and the session)
const data_json = await this.getUserLoginResponsePayload(req.user)
if (this.isAuthMethodAPIBased(req.cookies.auth_method)) {
// REST request - send data
} else {
// UI request -> check if we have a callback url
// TODO: do we want to somehow limit the values for auth_cb?
if (req.cookies.auth_cb) {
let stateQuery = req.cookies.auth_state ? `&state=${req.cookies.auth_state}` : ''
// UI request -> redirect to auth_cb url and send the jwt token as parameter
res.redirect(302, `${req.cookies.auth_cb}?setToken=${data_json.user.token}${stateQuery}`)
} else {
res.status(400).send('No callback or already expired')
* Creates all (express) routes required for authentication.
* @param {import('express').Router} router
async initAuthRoutes(router) {
// Local strategy login route (takes username and password)'/login', passport.authenticate('local'), async (req, res) => {
// return the user login response json if the login was successfull
res.json(await this.getUserLoginResponsePayload(req.user))
// openid strategy login route (this redirects to the configured openid login provider)
router.get('/auth/openid', (req, res, next) => {
// Get the OIDC client from the strategy
// We need to call the client manually, because the strategy does not support forwarding the code challenge
// for API or mobile clients
const oidcStrategy = passport._strategy('openid-client')
const client = oidcStrategy._client
const sessionKey = oidcStrategy._key
try {
const protocol = || req.get('x-forwarded-proto') === 'https' ? 'https' : 'http'
const hostUrl = new URL(`${protocol}://${req.get('host')}`)
const isMobileFlow = req.query.response_type === 'code' || req.query.redirect_uri || req.query.code_challenge
// Only allow code flow (for mobile clients)
if (req.query.response_type && req.query.response_type !== 'code') {
Logger.debug(`[Auth] OIDC Invalid response_type=${req.query.response_type}`)
return res.status(400).send('Invalid response_type, only code supported')
// Generate a state on web flow or if no state supplied
const state = (!isMobileFlow || !req.query.state) ? OpenIDClient.generators.random() : req.query.state
// Redirect URL for the SSO provider
let redirectUri
if (isMobileFlow) {
// Mobile required redirect uri
// If it is in the whitelist, we will save into this.openIdAuthSession and set the redirect uri to /auth/openid/mobile-redirect
// where we will handle the redirect to it
if (!req.query.redirect_uri || !isValidRedirectUri(req.query.redirect_uri)) {
Logger.debug(`[Auth] Invalid redirect_uri=${req.query.redirect_uri}`)
return res.status(400).send('Invalid redirect_uri')
// We cannot save the supplied redirect_uri in the session, because it the mobile client uses browser instead of the API
// for the request to mobile-redirect and as such the session is not shared
this.openIdAuthSession.set(state, { mobile_redirect_uri: req.query.redirect_uri })
redirectUri = new URL('/auth/openid/mobile-redirect', hostUrl).toString()
} else {
redirectUri = new URL('/auth/openid/callback', hostUrl).toString()
if (req.query.state) {
Logger.debug(`[Auth] Invalid state - not allowed on web openid flow`)
return res.status(400).send('Invalid state, not allowed on web flow')
oidcStrategy._params.redirect_uri = redirectUri
Logger.debug(`[Auth] OIDC redirect_uri=${redirectUri}`)
let { code_challenge, code_challenge_method, code_verifier } = generatePkce(req, isMobileFlow)
req.session[sessionKey] = {
state: state,
max_age: oidcStrategy._params.max_age,
response_type: 'code',
code_verifier: code_verifier, // not null if web flow
mobile: req.query.redirect_uri, // Used in the abs callback later, set mobile if redirect_uri is filled out
sso_redirect_uri: oidcStrategy._params.redirect_uri // Save the redirect_uri (for the SSO Provider) for the callback
const authorizationUrl = client.authorizationUrl({
state: state,
response_type: 'code',
this.paramsToCookies(req, res, isMobileFlow ? 'openid-mobile' : 'openid')
} catch (error) {
Logger.error(`[Auth] Error in /auth/openid route: ${error}`)
res.status(500).send('Internal Server Error')
function generatePkce(req, isMobileFlow) {
if (isMobileFlow) {
if (!req.query.code_challenge) {
throw new Error('code_challenge required for mobile flow (PKCE)')
if (req.query.code_challenge_method && req.query.code_challenge_method !== 'S256') {
throw new Error('Only S256 code_challenge_method method supported')
return {
code_challenge: req.query.code_challenge,
code_challenge_method: req.query.code_challenge_method || 'S256'
} else {
const code_verifier = OpenIDClient.generators.codeVerifier()
const code_challenge = OpenIDClient.generators.codeChallenge(code_verifier)
return { code_challenge, code_challenge_method: 'S256', code_verifier }
function isValidRedirectUri(uri) {
// Check if the redirect_uri is in the whitelist
return Database.serverSettings.authOpenIDMobileRedirectURIs.includes(uri) ||
(Database.serverSettings.authOpenIDMobileRedirectURIs.length === 1 && Database.serverSettings.authOpenIDMobileRedirectURIs[0] === '*')
// This will be the oauth2 callback route for mobile clients
// It will redirect to an app-link like audiobookshelf://oauth
router.get('/auth/openid/mobile-redirect', (req, res) => {
try {
// Extract the state parameter from the request
const { state, code } = req.query
// Check if the state provided is in our list
if (!state || !this.openIdAuthSession.has(state)) {
Logger.error('[Auth] /auth/openid/mobile-redirect route: State parameter mismatch')
return res.status(400).send('State parameter mismatch')
let mobile_redirect_uri = this.openIdAuthSession.get(state).mobile_redirect_uri
if (!mobile_redirect_uri) {
Logger.error('[Auth] No redirect URI')
return res.status(400).send('No redirect URI')
const redirectUri = `${mobile_redirect_uri}?code=${encodeURIComponent(code)}&state=${encodeURIComponent(state)}`
// Redirect to the overwrite URI saved in the map
} catch (error) {
Logger.error(`[Auth] Error in /auth/openid/mobile-redirect route: ${error}`)
res.status(500).send('Internal Server Error')
// openid strategy callback route (this receives the token from the configured openid login provider)
router.get('/auth/openid/callback', (req, res, next) => {
const oidcStrategy = passport._strategy('openid-client')
const sessionKey = oidcStrategy._key
if (!req.session[sessionKey]) {
return res.status(400).send('No session')
// If the client sends us a code_verifier, we will tell passport to use this to send this in the token request
// The code_verifier will be validated by the oauth2 provider by comparing it to the code_challenge in the first request
// Crucial for API/Mobile clients
if (req.query.code_verifier) {
req.session[sessionKey].code_verifier = req.query.code_verifier
function handleAuthError(isMobile, errorCode, errorMessage, logMessage, response) {
if (response) {
// Depending on the error, it can also have a body
// We also log the request header the passport plugin sents for the URL
const header = response.req?._header.replace(/Authorization: [^\r\n]*/i, 'Authorization: REDACTED')
Logger.debug(header + '\n' + response.body?.toString())
if (isMobile) {
return res.status(errorCode).send(errorMessage)
} else {
return res.redirect(`/login?error=${encodeURIComponent(errorMessage)}&autoLaunch=0`)
function passportCallback(req, res, next) {
return (err, user, info) => {
const isMobile = req.session[sessionKey]?.mobile === true
if (err) {
return handleAuthError(isMobile, 500, 'Error in callback', `[Auth] Error in openid callback - ${err}`, err?.response)
if (!user) {
// Info usually contains the error message from the SSO provider
return handleAuthError(isMobile, 401, 'Unauthorized', `[Auth] No data in openid callback - ${info}`, info?.response)
req.logIn(user, (loginError) => {
if (loginError) {
return handleAuthError(isMobile, 500, 'Error during login', `[Auth] Error in openid callback: ${loginError}`)
// The id_token does not provide access to the user, but is used to identify the user to the SSO provider
// instead it containts a JWT with userinfo like user email, username, etc.
// the client will get to know it anyway in the logout url according to the oauth2 spec
// so it is safe to send it to the client, but we use strict settings
res.cookie('openid_id_token', user.openid_id_token, { maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 10, httpOnly: true, secure: true, sameSite: 'Strict' })
// While not required by the standard, the passport plugin re-sends the original redirect_uri in the token request
// We need to set it correctly, as some SSO providers (e.g. keycloak) check that parameter when it is provided
// We set it here again because the passport param can change between requests
return passport.authenticate('openid-client', { redirect_uri: req.session[sessionKey].sso_redirect_uri }, passportCallback(req, res, next))(req, res, next)
// on a successfull login: read the cookies and react like the client requested (callback or json)
* Helper route used to auto-populate the openid URLs in config/authentication
* Takes an issuer URL as a query param and requests the config data at "/.well-known/openid-configuration"
* @example /auth/openid/config?issuer=
router.get('/auth/openid/config', this.isAuthenticated, async (req, res) => {
if (!req.user.isAdminOrUp) {
Logger.error(`[Auth] Non-admin user "${req.user.username}" attempted to get issuer config`)
return res.sendStatus(403)
if (!req.query.issuer) {
return res.status(400).send('Invalid request. Query param \'issuer\' is required')
// Strip trailing slash
let issuerUrl = req.query.issuer
if (issuerUrl.endsWith('/')) issuerUrl = issuerUrl.slice(0, -1)
// Append config pathname and validate URL
let configUrl = null
try {
configUrl = new URL(`${issuerUrl}/.well-known/openid-configuration`)
if (!configUrl.pathname.endsWith('/.well-known/openid-configuration')) {
throw new Error('Invalid pathname')
} catch (error) {
Logger.error(`[Auth] Failed to get openid configuration. Invalid URL "${configUrl}"`, error)
return res.status(400).send('Invalid request. Query param \'issuer\' is invalid')
axios.get(configUrl.toString()).then(({ data }) => {
issuer: data.issuer,
authorization_endpoint: data.authorization_endpoint,
token_endpoint: data.token_endpoint,
userinfo_endpoint: data.userinfo_endpoint,
end_session_endpoint: data.end_session_endpoint,
jwks_uri: data.jwks_uri
}).catch((error) => {
Logger.error(`[Auth] Failed to get openid configuration at "${configUrl}"`, error)
res.status(error.statusCode || 400).send(`${error.code || 'UNKNOWN'}: Failed to get openid configuration`)
// Logout route'/logout', (req, res) => {
// TODO: invalidate possible JWTs
req.logout((err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const authMethod = req.cookies.auth_method
if (authMethod === 'openid' || authMethod === 'openid-mobile') {
// If we are using openid, we need to redirect to the logout endpoint
// node-openid-client does not support doing it over passport
const oidcStrategy = passport._strategy('openid-client')
const client = oidcStrategy._client
let postLogoutRedirectUri = null
if (authMethod === 'openid') {
const protocol = ( || req.get('x-forwarded-proto') === 'https') ? 'https' : 'http'
const host = req.get('host')
// TODO: ABS does currently not support subfolders for installation
// If we want to support it we need to include a config for the serverurl
postLogoutRedirectUri = `${protocol}://${host}/login`
// else for openid-mobile we keep postLogoutRedirectUri on null
// nice would be to redirect to the app here, but for example Authentik does not implement
// the post_logout_redirect_uri parameter at all and for other providers
// we would also need again to implement (and even before get to know somehow for 3rd party apps)
// the correct app link like audiobookshelf://login (and maybe also provide a redirect like mobile-redirect).
// Instead because its null (and this way the parameter will be omitted completly), the client/app can simply append something like
// &post_logout_redirect_uri=audiobookshelf://login to the received logout url by itself which is the simplest solution
// (The URL needs to be whitelisted in the config of the SSO/ID provider)
const logoutUrl = client.endSessionUrl({
id_token_hint: req.cookies.openid_id_token,
post_logout_redirect_uri: postLogoutRedirectUri
// Tell the user agent (browser) to redirect to the authentification provider's logout URL
res.send({ redirect_url: logoutUrl })
} else {
* middleware to use in express to only allow authenticated users.
* @param {import('express').Request} req
* @param {import('express').Response} res
* @param {import('express').NextFunction} next
isAuthenticated(req, res, next) {
// check if session cookie says that we are authenticated
if (req.isAuthenticated()) {
} else {
// try JWT to authenticate
passport.authenticate("jwt")(req, res, next)
* Function to generate a jwt token for a given user
* @param {{ id:string, username:string }} user
* @returns {string} token
generateAccessToken(user) {
return jwt.sign({ userId:, username: user.username }, global.ServerSettings.tokenSecret)
* Function to validate a jwt token for a given user
* @param {string} token
* @returns {Object} tokens data
static validateAccessToken(token) {
try {
return jwt.verify(token, global.ServerSettings.tokenSecret)
catch (err) {
return null
* Generate a token which is used to encrpt/protect the jwts.
async initTokenSecret() {
if (process.env.TOKEN_SECRET) { // User can supply their own token secret
Database.serverSettings.tokenSecret = process.env.TOKEN_SECRET
} else {
Database.serverSettings.tokenSecret = require('crypto').randomBytes(256).toString('base64')
await Database.updateServerSettings()
// New token secret creation added in v2.1.0 so generate new API tokens for each user
const users = await Database.userModel.getOldUsers()
if (users.length) {
for (const user of users) {
user.token = await this.generateAccessToken(user)
await Database.updateBulkUsers(users)
* Checks if the user in the validated jwt_payload really exists and is active.
* @param {Object} jwt_payload
* @param {function} done
async jwtAuthCheck(jwt_payload, done) {
// load user by id from the jwt token
const user = await Database.userModel.getUserByIdOrOldId(jwt_payload.userId)
if (!user?.isActive) {
// deny login
done(null, null)
// approve login
done(null, user)
* Checks if a username and password tuple is valid and the user active.
* @param {string} username
* @param {string} password
* @param {Promise<function>} done
async localAuthCheckUserPw(username, password, done) {
// Load the user given it's username
const user = await Database.userModel.getUserByUsername(username.toLowerCase())
if (!user?.isActive) {
done(null, null)
// Check passwordless root user
if (user.type === 'root' && !user.pash) {
if (password) {
// deny login
done(null, null)
// approve login
done(null, user)
} else if (!user.pash) {
Logger.error(`[Auth] User "${user.username}"/"${user.type}" attempted to login without a password set`)
done(null, null)
// Check password match
const compare = await, user.pash)
if (compare) {
// approve login
done(null, user)
// deny login
done(null, null)
* Hashes a password with bcrypt.
* @param {string} password
* @returns {Promise<string>} hash
hashPass(password) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
bcrypt.hash(password, 8, (err, hash) => {
if (err) {
} else {
* Return the login info payload for a user
* @param {Object} user
* @returns {Promise<Object>} jsonPayload
async getUserLoginResponsePayload(user) {
const libraryIds = await Database.libraryModel.getAllLibraryIds()
return {
user: user.toJSONForBrowser(),
userDefaultLibraryId: user.getDefaultLibraryId(libraryIds),
serverSettings: Database.serverSettings.toJSONForBrowser(),
ereaderDevices: Database.emailSettings.getEReaderDevices(user),
Source: global.Source
* @param {string} password
* @param {import('./models/User')} user
* @returns {Promise<boolean>}
comparePassword(password, user) {
if (user.type === 'root' && !password && !user.pash) return true
if (!password || !user.pash) return false
return, user.pash)
* User changes their password from request
* @param {import('express').Request} req
* @param {import('express').Response} res
async userChangePassword(req, res) {
let { password, newPassword } = req.body
newPassword = newPassword || ''
const matchingUser = req.user
// Only root can have an empty password
if (matchingUser.type !== 'root' && !newPassword) {
return res.json({
error: 'Invalid new password - Only root can have an empty password'
// Check password match
const compare = await this.comparePassword(password, matchingUser)
if (!compare) {
return res.json({
error: 'Invalid password'
let pw = ''
if (newPassword) {
pw = await this.hashPass(newPassword)
if (!pw) {
return res.json({
error: 'Hash failed'
matchingUser.pash = pw
const success = await Database.updateUser(matchingUser)
if (success) {`[Auth] User "${matchingUser.username}" changed password`)
success: true
} else {
error: 'Unknown error'
module.exports = Auth