mirror of https://github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf.git synced 2025-03-10 00:17:21 +01:00
Greg Lorenzen 43b7ccd61a
WIP: Add adjustable skip amount ()
* Add playback settings string to en-us

* Add playback settings UI for jump forwards and jump backwards

* Remove jump forwards and jump backwards settings

* Remove jump forwards and jump backwards en-us strings

* Update player UI to include player settings button

* Add label view player settings string

* Add PlayerSettingsModal component

Includes a toggle switch for enabling/disabling the chapter track feature.

* Add player settings modal component to MediaPlayerContainer

* Handle useChapterTrack changes in PlayerUI

* Add jump forwards and jump backwards settings to user store

* Add jump forwards and jump backwards label strings

* Add jump forwards and jump backwards settings to PlayerSettingsModal

* Update jump forwards and jump backwards to handle user state values in PlayerHandler

* Update jump backwards icon in PlayerPlaybackControls

* Add playback settings string to en-us

* Add playback settings UI for jump forwards and jump backwards

* Remove jump forwards and jump backwards settings

* Remove jump forwards and jump backwards en-us strings

* Update player UI to include player settings button

* Add label view player settings string

* Add PlayerSettingsModal component

Includes a toggle switch for enabling/disabling the chapter track feature.

* Add player settings modal component to MediaPlayerContainer

* Handle useChapterTrack changes in PlayerUI

* Add jump forwards and jump backwards settings to user store

* Add jump forwards and jump backwards label strings

* Add jump forwards and jump backwards settings to PlayerSettingsModal

* Update jump forwards and jump backwards to handle user state values in PlayerHandler

* Update jump backwards icon in PlayerPlaybackControls

* Add jump amounts to playback controls tooltips

* Fix merge issues and add new Material Symbols to player ui

* Alphabetize strings in en-us.json

* Update dropdown component with SelectInput to support menu overflowing modal

* Update localization for player settings

* Update en-us strings order


Co-authored-by: advplyr <advplyr@protonmail.com>
2024-07-12 17:52:48 -05:00

378 lines
14 KiB

<div class="w-full -mt-6">
<div class="w-full relative mb-1">
<div class="absolute -top-10 lg:top-0 right-0 lg:right-2 flex items-center h-full">
<!-- <span class="material-symbols text-2xl cursor-pointer" @click="toggleFullscreen(true)">expand_less</span> -->
<ui-tooltip direction="top" :text="$strings.LabelVolume">
<controls-volume-control ref="volumeControl" v-model="volume" @input="setVolume" class="mx-2 hidden sm:block" />
<ui-tooltip v-if="!hideSleepTimer" direction="top" :text="$strings.LabelSleepTimer">
<button :aria-label="$strings.LabelSleepTimer" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-white mx-1 lg:mx-2" @mousedown.prevent @mouseup.prevent @click.stop="$emit('showSleepTimer')">
<span v-if="!sleepTimerSet" class="material-symbols text-2xl">snooze</span>
<div v-else class="flex items-center">
<span class="material-symbols text-lg text-warning">snooze</span>
<p class="text-xl text-warning font-mono font-semibold text-center px-0.5 pb-0.5" style="min-width: 30px">{{ sleepTimerRemainingString }}</p>
<ui-tooltip v-if="!isPodcast && !hideBookmarks" direction="top" :text="$strings.LabelViewBookmarks">
<button :aria-label="$strings.LabelViewBookmarks" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-white mx-1 lg:mx-2" @mousedown.prevent @mouseup.prevent @click.stop="$emit('showBookmarks')">
<span class="material-symbols text-2xl">{{ bookmarks.length ? 'bookmarks' : 'bookmark_border' }}</span>
<ui-tooltip v-if="chapters.length" direction="top" :text="$strings.LabelViewChapters">
<button :aria-label="$strings.LabelViewChapters" class="text-gray-300 hover:text-white mx-1 lg:mx-2" @mousedown.prevent @mouseup.prevent @click.stop="showChapters">
<span class="material-symbols text-2xl">format_list_bulleted</span>
<ui-tooltip v-if="playerQueueItems.length" direction="top" :text="$strings.LabelViewQueue">
<button :aria-label="$strings.LabelViewQueue" class="outline-none text-gray-300 mx-1 lg:mx-2 hover:text-white" @mousedown.prevent @mouseup.prevent @click.stop="$emit('showPlayerQueueItems')">
<span class="material-symbols text-2.5xl sm:text-3xl">playlist_play</span>
<ui-tooltip direction="top" :text="$strings.LabelViewPlayerSettings">
<button :aria-label="$strings.LabelViewPlayerSettings" class="outline-none text-gray-300 mx-1 lg:mx-2 hover:text-white" @mousedown.prevent @mouseup.prevent @click.stop="$emit('showPlayerSettings')">
<span class="material-symbols text-2xl sm:text-2.5xl">settings_slow_motion</span>
<player-playback-controls :loading="loading" :seek-loading="seekLoading" :playback-rate.sync="playbackRate" :paused="paused" :has-next-chapter="hasNextChapter" @prevChapter="prevChapter" @nextChapter="nextChapter" @jumpForward="jumpForward" @jumpBackward="jumpBackward" @setPlaybackRate="setPlaybackRate" @playPause="playPause" />
<player-track-bar ref="trackbar" :loading="loading" :chapters="chapters" :duration="duration" :current-chapter="currentChapter" :playback-rate="playbackRate" @seek="seek" />
<div class="flex">
<p ref="currentTimestamp" class="font-mono text-xxs sm:text-sm text-gray-100 pointer-events-auto">00:00:00</p>
<p class="font-mono text-sm hidden sm:block text-gray-100 pointer-events-auto">&nbsp;/&nbsp;{{ progressPercent }}%</p>
<div class="flex-grow" />
<p class="text-xs sm:text-sm text-gray-300 pt-0.5 px-2 truncate">
{{ currentChapterName }} <span v-if="useChapterTrack" class="text-xs text-gray-400">&nbsp;({{ $getString('LabelPlayerChapterNumberMarker', [currentChapterIndex + 1, chapters.length]) }})</span>
<div class="flex-grow" />
<p class="font-mono text-xxs sm:text-sm text-gray-100 pointer-events-auto">{{ timeRemainingPretty }}</p>
<modals-chapters-modal v-model="showChaptersModal" :current-chapter="currentChapter" :playback-rate="playbackRate" :chapters="chapters" @select="selectChapter" />
export default {
props: {
loading: Boolean,
paused: Boolean,
chapters: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
bookmarks: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
sleepTimerSet: Boolean,
sleepTimerRemaining: Number,
isPodcast: Boolean,
hideBookmarks: Boolean,
hideSleepTimer: Boolean
data() {
return {
volume: 1,
playbackRate: 1,
audioEl: null,
seekLoading: false,
showChaptersModal: false,
currentTime: 0,
duration: 0
watch: {
playbackRate() {
useChapterTrack() {
if (this.$refs.trackbar) this.$refs.trackbar.setUseChapterTrack(this.useChapterTrack)
computed: {
sleepTimerRemainingString() {
var rounded = Math.round(this.sleepTimerRemaining)
if (rounded < 90) {
return `${rounded}s`
var minutesRounded = Math.round(rounded / 60)
if (minutesRounded < 90) {
return `${minutesRounded}m`
var hoursRounded = Math.round(minutesRounded / 60)
return `${hoursRounded}h`
token() {
return this.$store.getters['user/getToken']
timeRemaining() {
if (this.useChapterTrack && this.currentChapter) {
var currChapTime = this.currentTime - this.currentChapter.start
return (this.currentChapterDuration - currChapTime) / this.playbackRate
return (this.duration - this.currentTime) / this.playbackRate
timeRemainingPretty() {
if (this.timeRemaining < 0) {
return this.$secondsToTimestamp(this.timeRemaining * -1)
return '-' + this.$secondsToTimestamp(this.timeRemaining)
progressPercent() {
const duration = this.useChapterTrack ? this.currentChapterDuration : this.duration
const time = this.useChapterTrack ? Math.max(this.currentTime - this.currentChapterStart) : this.currentTime
if (!duration) return 0
return Math.round((100 * time) / duration)
currentChapter() {
return this.chapters.find((chapter) => chapter.start <= this.currentTime && this.currentTime < chapter.end)
currentChapterName() {
return this.currentChapter ? this.currentChapter.title : ''
currentChapterDuration() {
if (!this.currentChapter) return 0
return this.currentChapter.end - this.currentChapter.start
currentChapterStart() {
if (!this.currentChapter) return 0
return this.currentChapter.start
isFullscreen() {
return this.$store.state.playerIsFullscreen
currentChapterIndex() {
if (!this.currentChapter) return 0
return this.chapters.findIndex((ch) => ch.id === this.currentChapter.id)
hasNextChapter() {
if (!this.chapters.length) return false
return this.currentChapterIndex < this.chapters.length - 1
playerQueueItems() {
return this.$store.state.playerQueueItems || []
useChapterTrack() {
const _useChapterTrack = this.$store.getters['user/getUserSetting']('useChapterTrack') || false
return this.chapters.length ? _useChapterTrack : false
methods: {
toggleFullscreen(isFullscreen) {
this.$store.commit('setPlayerIsFullscreen', isFullscreen)
var videoPlayerEl = document.getElementById('video-player')
if (videoPlayerEl) {
if (isFullscreen) {
videoPlayerEl.style.width = '100vw'
videoPlayerEl.style.height = '100vh'
videoPlayerEl.style.top = '0px'
videoPlayerEl.style.left = '0px'
} else {
videoPlayerEl.style.width = '384px'
videoPlayerEl.style.height = '216px'
videoPlayerEl.style.top = 'unset'
videoPlayerEl.style.bottom = '80px'
videoPlayerEl.style.left = '16px'
setDuration(duration) {
this.duration = duration
setCurrentTime(time) {
this.currentTime = time
if (this.$refs.trackbar) this.$refs.trackbar.setCurrentTime(time)
playPause() {
jumpBackward() {
jumpForward() {
increaseVolume() {
if (this.volume >= 1) return
this.volume = Math.min(1, this.volume + 0.1)
decreaseVolume() {
if (this.volume <= 0) return
this.volume = Math.max(0, this.volume - 0.1)
setVolume(volume) {
this.$emit('setVolume', volume)
toggleMute() {
if (this.$refs.volumeControl && this.$refs.volumeControl.toggleMute) {
increasePlaybackRate() {
if (this.playbackRate >= 10) return
this.playbackRate = Number((this.playbackRate + 0.1).toFixed(1))
decreasePlaybackRate() {
if (this.playbackRate <= 0.5) return
this.playbackRate = Number((this.playbackRate - 0.1).toFixed(1))
setPlaybackRate(playbackRate) {
this.$emit('setPlaybackRate', playbackRate)
selectChapter(chapter) {
this.showChaptersModal = false
setUseChapterTrack() {
this.useChapterTrack = !this.useChapterTrack
if (this.$refs.trackbar) this.$refs.trackbar.setUseChapterTrack(this.useChapterTrack)
this.$store.dispatch('user/updateUserSettings', { useChapterTrack: this.useChapterTrack })
checkUpdateChapterTrack() {
// Changing media in player may not have chapters
if (!this.chapters.length && this.useChapterTrack) {
this.useChapterTrack = false
if (this.$refs.trackbar) this.$refs.trackbar.setUseChapterTrack(this.useChapterTrack)
seek(time) {
this.$emit('seek', time)
restart() {
prevChapter() {
if (!this.currentChapter || this.currentChapterIndex === 0) {
return this.restart()
var timeInCurrentChapter = this.currentTime - this.currentChapter.start
if (timeInCurrentChapter <= 3 && this.chapters[this.currentChapterIndex - 1]) {
var prevChapter = this.chapters[this.currentChapterIndex - 1]
} else {
nextChapter() {
if (!this.currentChapter || !this.hasNextChapter) return
var nextChapter = this.chapters[this.currentChapterIndex + 1]
setStreamReady() {
if (this.$refs.trackbar) this.$refs.trackbar.setPercentageReady(1)
setChunksReady(chunks, numSegments) {
var largestSeg = 0
for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
var chunk = chunks[i]
if (typeof chunk === 'string') {
var chunkRange = chunk.split('-').map((c) => Number(c))
if (chunkRange.length < 2) continue
if (chunkRange[1] > largestSeg) largestSeg = chunkRange[1]
} else if (chunk > largestSeg) {
largestSeg = chunk
var percentageReady = largestSeg / numSegments
if (this.$refs.trackbar) this.$refs.trackbar.setPercentageReady(percentageReady)
updateTimestamp() {
const ts = this.$refs.currentTimestamp
if (!ts) {
console.error('No timestamp el')
const time = this.useChapterTrack ? Math.max(0, this.currentTime - this.currentChapterStart) : this.currentTime
ts.innerText = this.$secondsToTimestamp(time / this.playbackRate)
setBufferTime(bufferTime) {
if (this.$refs.trackbar) this.$refs.trackbar.setBufferTime(bufferTime)
showChapters() {
if (!this.chapters.length) return
this.showChaptersModal = !this.showChaptersModal
init() {
this.playbackRate = this.$store.getters['user/getUserSetting']('playbackRate') || 1
if (this.$refs.trackbar) this.$refs.trackbar.setUseChapterTrack(this.useChapterTrack)
settingsUpdated(settings) {
if (settings.playbackRate && this.playbackRate !== settings.playbackRate) {
closePlayer() {
if (this.isFullscreen) {
if (this.loading) return
hotkey(action) {
if (action === this.$hotkeys.AudioPlayer.PLAY_PAUSE) this.playPause()
else if (action === this.$hotkeys.AudioPlayer.JUMP_FORWARD) this.jumpForward()
else if (action === this.$hotkeys.AudioPlayer.JUMP_BACKWARD) this.jumpBackward()
else if (action === this.$hotkeys.AudioPlayer.VOLUME_UP) this.increaseVolume()
else if (action === this.$hotkeys.AudioPlayer.VOLUME_DOWN) this.decreaseVolume()
else if (action === this.$hotkeys.AudioPlayer.MUTE_UNMUTE) this.toggleMute()
else if (action === this.$hotkeys.AudioPlayer.SHOW_CHAPTERS) this.showChapters()
else if (action === this.$hotkeys.AudioPlayer.INCREASE_PLAYBACK_RATE) this.increasePlaybackRate()
else if (action === this.$hotkeys.AudioPlayer.DECREASE_PLAYBACK_RATE) this.decreasePlaybackRate()
else if (action === this.$hotkeys.AudioPlayer.CLOSE) this.closePlayer()
mounted() {
this.$eventBus.$on('player-hotkey', this.hotkey)
this.$eventBus.$on('user-settings', this.settingsUpdated)
beforeDestroy() {
this.$eventBus.$off('player-hotkey', this.hotkey)
this.$eventBus.$off('user-settings', this.settingsUpdated)
.loadingTrack {
animation-name: loadingTrack;
animation-duration: 1s;
animation-iteration-count: infinite;
@keyframes loadingTrack {
0% {
left: -25%;
100% {
left: 100%;