diff --git a/064d4f6f.4310906d.js b/064d4f6f.5da71045.js
similarity index 50%
rename from 064d4f6f.4310906d.js
rename to 064d4f6f.5da71045.js
index 94dd6c58a..3d4550067 100644
--- a/064d4f6f.4310906d.js
+++ b/064d4f6f.5da71045.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
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HomeAssistant needs access to port 5000 (api) and 1935 (rtmp) for all features. The integration will setup the following entities within HomeAssistant:",source:"@site/docs/usage/home-assistant.md",slug:"/usage/home-assistant",permalink:"/frigate/usage/home-assistant",editUrl:"https://github.com/blakeblackshear/frigate/edit/master/docs/docs/usage/home-assistant.md",version:"current",sidebar_label:"Home Assistant",sidebar:"docs",previous:{title:"Advanced",permalink:"/frigate/configuration/advanced"},next:{title:"Web Interface",permalink:"/frigate/usage/web"}},l=[{value:"Sensors:",id:"sensors",children:[]},{value:"Cameras:",id:"cameras",children:[]},{value:"Media Browser:",id:"media-browser",children:[]},{value:"API:",id:"api",children:[{value:"Notifications",id:"notifications",children:[]}]}],c={toc:l};function p(e){var t=e.components,a=Object(r.a)(e,["components"]);return Object(i.b)("wrapper",Object(n.a)({},c,a,{components:t,mdxType:"MDXLayout"}),Object(i.b)("p",null,"The best way to integrate with HomeAssistant is to use the ",Object(i.b)("a",Object(n.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"https://github.com/blakeblackshear/frigate-hass-integration"}),"official integration"),". When configuring the integration, you will be asked for the ",Object(i.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"Host")," of your frigate instance. This value should be the url you use to access Frigate in the browser and will look like ",Object(i.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"http://:5000/"),". If you are using HassOS with the addon, the host should be ",Object(i.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"http://ccab4aaf-frigate:5000")," (or ",Object(i.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"http://ccab4aaf-frigate-beta:5000")," if your are using the beta version of the addon). HomeAssistant needs access to port 5000 (api) and 1935 (rtmp) for all features. The integration will setup the following entities within HomeAssistant:"),Object(i.b)("h2",{id:"sensors"},"Sensors:"),Object(i.b)("ul",null,Object(i.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Stats to monitor frigate performance"),Object(i.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Object counts for all zones and cameras")),Object(i.b)("h2",{id:"cameras"},"Cameras:"),Object(i.b)("ul",null,Object(i.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Cameras for image of the last detected object for each camera"),Object(i.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Camera entities with stream support (requires RTMP)")),Object(i.b)("h2",{id:"media-browser"},"Media Browser:"),Object(i.b)("ul",null,Object(i.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Rich UI with thumbnails for browsing event clips"),Object(i.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Rich UI for browsing 24/7 recordings by month, day, camera, time")),Object(i.b)("h2",{id:"api"},"API:"),Object(i.b)("ul",null,Object(i.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Notification API with public facing endpoints for images in notifications")),Object(i.b)("h3",{id:"notifications"},"Notifications"),Object(i.b)("p",null,"Frigate publishes event information in the form of a change feed via MQTT. This allows lots of customization for notifications to meet your needs. Event changes are published with ",Object(i.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"before")," and ",Object(i.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"after")," information as shown ",Object(i.b)("a",Object(n.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"#frigateevents"}),"here"),"."),Object(i.b)("p",null,'Here is a simple example of a notification automation of events which will update the existing notification for each change. This means the image you see in the notification will update as frigate finds a "better" image.'),Object(i.b)("pre",null,Object(i.b)("code",Object(n.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-yaml"}),'automation:\n - alias: Notify of events\n trigger:\n platform: mqtt\n topic: frigate/events\n action:\n - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_3\n data_template:\n message: \'A {{trigger.payload_json["after"]["label"]}} was detected.\'\n data:\n image: \'https://your.public.hass.address.com/api/frigate/notifications/{{trigger.payload_json["after"]["id"]}}/thumbnail.jpg?format=android\'\n tag: \'{{trigger.payload_json["after"]["id"]}}\'\n')),Object(i.b)("pre",null,Object(i.b)("code",Object(n.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-yaml"}),"automation:\n - alias: When a person enters a zone named yard\n trigger:\n platform: mqtt\n topic: frigate/events\n conditions:\n - \"{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['label'] == 'person' }}\"\n - \"{{ 'yard' in trigger.payload_json['after']['entered_zones'] }}\"\n action:\n - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_3\n data_template:\n message: \"A {{trigger.payload_json['after']['label']}} has entered the yard.\"\n data:\n image: \"https://url.com/api/frigate/notifications/{{trigger.payload_json['after']['id']}}/thumbnail.jpg\"\n tag: \"{{trigger.payload_json['after']['id']}}\"\n")),Object(i.b)("pre",null,Object(i.b)("code",Object(n.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-yaml"}),"- alias: When a person leaves a zone named yard\n trigger:\n platform: mqtt\n topic: frigate/events\n conditions:\n - \"{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['label'] == 'person' }}\"\n - \"{{ 'yard' in trigger.payload_json['before']['current_zones'] }}\"\n - \"{{ not 'yard' in trigger.payload_json['after']['current_zones'] }}\"\n action:\n - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_3\n data_template:\n message: \"A {{trigger.payload_json['after']['label']}} has left the yard.\"\n data:\n image: \"https://url.com/api/frigate/notifications/{{trigger.payload_json['after']['id']}}/thumbnail.jpg\"\n tag: \"{{trigger.payload_json['after']['id']}}\"\n")),Object(i.b)("pre",null,Object(i.b)("code",Object(n.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-yaml"}),"- alias: Notify for dogs in the front with a high top score\n trigger:\n platform: mqtt\n topic: frigate/events\n conditions:\n - \"{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['label'] == 'dog' }}\"\n - \"{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['camera'] == 'front' }}\"\n - \"{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['top_score'] > 0.98 }}\"\n action:\n - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_3\n data_template:\n message: 'High confidence dog detection.'\n data:\n image: \"https://url.com/api/frigate/notifications/{{trigger.payload_json['after']['id']}}/thumbnail.jpg\"\n tag: \"{{trigger.payload_json['after']['id']}}\"\n")),Object(i.b)("p",null,"If you are using telegram, you can fetch the image directly from Frigate:"),Object(i.b)("pre",null,Object(i.b)("code",Object(n.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-yaml"}),'automation:\n - alias: Notify of events\n trigger:\n platform: mqtt\n topic: frigate/events\n action:\n - service: notify.telegram_full\n data_template:\n message: \'A {{trigger.payload_json["after"]["label"]}} was detected.\'\n data:\n photo:\n # this url should work for addon users\n - url: \'http://ccab4aaf-frigate:5000/api/events/{{trigger.payload_json["after"]["id"]}}/thumbnail.jpg\'\n caption: \'A {{trigger.payload_json["after"]["label"]}} was detected on {{ trigger.payload_json["after"]["camera"] }} camera\'\n')))}p.isMDXComponent=!0},96:function(e,t,a){"use strict";a.d(t,"a",(function(){return f})),a.d(t,"b",(function(){return u}));var n=a(0),r=a.n(n);function i(e,t,a){return t in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:a,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=a,e}function o(e,t){var a=Object.keys(e);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var n=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);t&&(n=n.filter((function(t){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,t).enumerable}))),a.push.apply(a,n)}return a}function s(e){for(var t=1;t=0||(r[a]=e[a]);return r}(e,t);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var i=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);for(n=0;n=0||Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e,a)&&(r[a]=e[a])}return r}var c=r.a.createContext({}),p=function(e){var t=r.a.useContext(c),a=t;return e&&(a="function"==typeof e?e(t):s(s({},t),e)),a},f=function(e){var t=p(e.components);return r.a.createElement(c.Provider,{value:t},e.children)},d={inlineCode:"code",wrapper:function(e){var t=e.children;return r.a.createElement(r.a.Fragment,{},t)}},g=r.a.forwardRef((function(e,t){var a=e.components,n=e.mdxType,i=e.originalType,o=e.parentName,c=l(e,["components","mdxType","originalType","parentName"]),f=p(a),g=n,u=f["".concat(o,".").concat(g)]||f[g]||d[g]||i;return a?r.a.createElement(u,s(s({ref:t},c),{},{components:a})):r.a.createElement(u,s({ref:t},c))}));function u(e,t){var a=arguments,n=t&&t.mdxType;if("string"==typeof e||n){var i=a.length,o=new Array(i);o[0]=g;var s={};for(var l in t)hasOwnProperty.call(t,l)&&(s[l]=t[l]);s.originalType=e,s.mdxType="string"==typeof e?e:n,o[1]=s;for(var c=2;c:5000/"),". If you are using HassOS with the addon, the host should be ",Object(i.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"http://ccab4aaf-frigate:5000")," (or ",Object(i.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"http://ccab4aaf-frigate-beta:5000")," if your are using the beta version of the addon). HomeAssistant needs access to port 5000 (api) and 1935 (rtmp) for all features. The integration will setup the following entities within HomeAssistant:"),Object(i.b)("h2",{id:"sensors"},"Sensors:"),Object(i.b)("ul",null,Object(i.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Stats to monitor frigate performance"),Object(i.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Object counts for all zones and cameras")),Object(i.b)("h2",{id:"cameras"},"Cameras:"),Object(i.b)("ul",null,Object(i.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Cameras for image of the last detected object for each camera"),Object(i.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Camera entities with stream support (requires RTMP)")),Object(i.b)("h2",{id:"media-browser"},"Media Browser:"),Object(i.b)("ul",null,Object(i.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Rich UI with thumbnails for browsing event clips"),Object(i.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Rich UI for browsing 24/7 recordings by month, day, camera, time")),Object(i.b)("h2",{id:"api"},"API:"),Object(i.b)("ul",null,Object(i.b)("li",{parentName:"ul"},"Notification API with public facing endpoints for images in notifications")),Object(i.b)("h3",{id:"notifications"},"Notifications"),Object(i.b)("p",null,"Frigate publishes event information in the form of a change feed via MQTT. This allows lots of customization for notifications to meet your needs. Event changes are published with ",Object(i.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"before")," and ",Object(i.b)("inlineCode",{parentName:"p"},"after")," information as shown ",Object(i.b)("a",Object(n.a)({parentName:"p"},{href:"#frigateevents"}),"here"),"."),Object(i.b)("p",null,'Here is a simple example of a notification automation of events which will update the existing notification for each change. This means the image you see in the notification will update as frigate finds a "better" image.'),Object(i.b)("pre",null,Object(i.b)("code",Object(n.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-yaml"}),'automation:\n - alias: Notify of events\n trigger:\n platform: mqtt\n topic: frigate/events\n action:\n - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_3\n data_template:\n message: \'A {{trigger.payload_json["after"]["label"]}} was detected.\'\n data:\n image: \'https://your.public.hass.address.com/api/frigate/notifications/{{trigger.payload_json["after"]["id"]}}/thumbnail.jpg?format=android\'\n tag: \'{{trigger.payload_json["after"]["id"]}}\'\n')),Object(i.b)("pre",null,Object(i.b)("code",Object(n.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-yaml"}),"automation:\n - alias: When a person enters a zone named yard\n trigger:\n platform: mqtt\n topic: frigate/events\n condition:\n - \"{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['label'] == 'person' }}\"\n - \"{{ 'yard' in trigger.payload_json['after']['entered_zones'] }}\"\n action:\n - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_3\n data_template:\n message: \"A {{trigger.payload_json['after']['label']}} has entered the yard.\"\n data:\n image: \"https://url.com/api/frigate/notifications/{{trigger.payload_json['after']['id']}}/thumbnail.jpg\"\n tag: \"{{trigger.payload_json['after']['id']}}\"\n")),Object(i.b)("pre",null,Object(i.b)("code",Object(n.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-yaml"}),"- alias: When a person leaves a zone named yard\n trigger:\n platform: mqtt\n topic: frigate/events\n condition:\n - \"{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['label'] == 'person' }}\"\n - \"{{ 'yard' in trigger.payload_json['before']['current_zones'] }}\"\n - \"{{ not 'yard' in trigger.payload_json['after']['current_zones'] }}\"\n action:\n - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_3\n data_template:\n message: \"A {{trigger.payload_json['after']['label']}} has left the yard.\"\n data:\n image: \"https://url.com/api/frigate/notifications/{{trigger.payload_json['after']['id']}}/thumbnail.jpg\"\n tag: \"{{trigger.payload_json['after']['id']}}\"\n")),Object(i.b)("pre",null,Object(i.b)("code",Object(n.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-yaml"}),"- alias: Notify for dogs in the front with a high top score\n trigger:\n platform: mqtt\n topic: frigate/events\n condition:\n - \"{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['label'] == 'dog' }}\"\n - \"{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['camera'] == 'front' }}\"\n - \"{{ trigger.payload_json['after']['top_score'] > 0.98 }}\"\n action:\n - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_3\n data_template:\n message: 'High confidence dog detection.'\n data:\n image: \"https://url.com/api/frigate/notifications/{{trigger.payload_json['after']['id']}}/thumbnail.jpg\"\n tag: \"{{trigger.payload_json['after']['id']}}\"\n")),Object(i.b)("p",null,"If you are using telegram, you can fetch the image directly from Frigate:"),Object(i.b)("pre",null,Object(i.b)("code",Object(n.a)({parentName:"pre"},{className:"language-yaml"}),'automation:\n - alias: Notify of events\n trigger:\n platform: mqtt\n topic: frigate/events\n action:\n - service: notify.telegram_full\n data_template:\n message: \'A {{trigger.payload_json["after"]["label"]}} was detected.\'\n data:\n photo:\n # this url should work for addon users\n - url: \'http://ccab4aaf-frigate:5000/api/events/{{trigger.payload_json["after"]["id"]}}/thumbnail.jpg\'\n caption: \'A {{trigger.payload_json["after"]["label"]}} was detected on {{ trigger.payload_json["after"]["camera"] }} camera\'\n')))}p.isMDXComponent=!0},96:function(e,t,a){"use strict";a.d(t,"a",(function(){return f})),a.d(t,"b",(function(){return u}));var n=a(0),r=a.n(n);function i(e,t,a){return t in e?Object.defineProperty(e,t,{value:a,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):e[t]=a,e}function o(e,t){var a=Object.keys(e);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var n=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);t&&(n=n.filter((function(t){return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,t).enumerable}))),a.push.apply(a,n)}return a}function s(e){for(var t=1;t=0||(r[a]=e[a]);return r}(e,t);if(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols){var i=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);for(n=0;n=0||Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e,a)&&(r[a]=e[a])}return r}var c=r.a.createContext({}),p=function(e){var t=r.a.useContext(c),a=t;return e&&(a="function"==typeof e?e(t):s(s({},t),e)),a},f=function(e){var t=p(e.components);return r.a.createElement(c.Provider,{value:t},e.children)},d={inlineCode:"code",wrapper:function(e){var t=e.children;return r.a.createElement(r.a.Fragment,{},t)}},g=r.a.forwardRef((function(e,t){var a=e.components,n=e.mdxType,i=e.originalType,o=e.parentName,c=l(e,["components","mdxType","originalType","parentName"]),f=p(a),g=n,u=f["".concat(o,".").concat(g)]||f[g]||d[g]||i;return a?r.a.createElement(u,s(s({ref:t},c),{},{components:a})):r.a.createElement(u,s({ref:t},c))}));function u(e,t){var a=arguments,n=t&&t.mdxType;if("string"==typeof e||n){var i=a.length,o=new Array(i);o[0]=g;var s={};for(var l in t)hasOwnProperty.call(t,l)&&(s[l]=t[l]);s.originalType=e,s.mdxType="string"==typeof e?e:n,o[1]=s;for(var c=2;cPage Not Found | Frigate
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
Page Not Found
We could not find what you were looking for.
Please contact the owner of the site that linked you to the original URL and let them know their link is broken.
Event and clip information is managed in a sqlite database at /media/frigate/clips/frigate.db. If that database is deleted, clips will be orphaned and will need to be cleaned up manually. They also won't show up in the Media Browser within HomeAssistant.
If you are storing your clips on a network share (SMB, NFS, etc), you may get a database is locked error message on startup. You can customize the location of the database in the config if necessary.
This may need to be in a custom location if network storage is used for clips.
The labelmap can be customized to your needs. A common reason to do this is to combine multiple object types that are easily confused when you don't need to be as granular such as car/truck. You must retain the same number of labels, but you can change the names. To change:
The default config will look for a USB Coral device. If you do not have a Coral, you will need to configure a CPU detector. If you have PCI or multiple Coral devices, you need to configure your detector devices in the config file. When using multiple detectors, they run in dedicated processes, but pull from a common queue of requested detections across all cameras.
Tune your object filters to adjust false positives: min_area, max_area, min_score, threshold.
For object filters in your configuration, any single detection below min_score will be ignored as a false positive. threshold is based on the median of the history of scores (padded to 3 values) for a tracked object. Consider the following frames when min_score is set to 0.6 and threshold is set to 0.85:
Current Score
Score History
Computed Score
Detected Object
0.0, 0, 0.7
0.0, 0.7, 0.0
0.7, 0.0, 0.85
0.7, 0.85, 0.95, 0.90
0.7, 0.85, 0.95, 0.90, 0.88
0.7, 0.85, 0.95, 0.90, 0.88, 0.95
In frame 2, the score is below the min_score value, so frigate ignores it and it becomes a 0.0. The computed score is the median of the score history (padding to at least 3 values), and only when that computed score crosses the threshold is the object marked as a true positive. That happens in frame 4 in the example.
HassOS users can manage their configuration directly in the addon Configuration tab. For other installations, the default location for the config file is /config/config.yml. This can be overridden with the CONFIG_FILE environment variable. Camera specific ffmpeg parameters are documented here.
It is recommended to start with a minimal configuration and add to it:
Each of your cameras must be configured. The following is the minimum required to register a camera in Frigate. Check the camera configuration page for a complete list of options.
This setting, for example, allows Frigate to consume my 10-15fps camera streams on
my relatively low powered Haswell machine with relatively low cpu usage.
diff --git a/configuration/optimizing/index.html b/configuration/optimizing/index.html
index b02b9c329..c135cae16 100644
--- a/configuration/optimizing/index.html
+++ b/configuration/optimizing/index.html
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
Optimizing performance | Frigate
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
NOTICE: If you are using the addon, ensure you turn off Protection mode for hardware acceleration.
AMD/ATI GPUs (Radeon HD 2000 and newer GPUs) via libva-mesa-driver (https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Hardware/QuickSync)
Note: You also need to set LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=radeonsi as an environment variable on the container.
- vaapi
- /dev/dri/renderD128
Nvidia GPU based decoding via NVDEC is supported, but requires special configuration. See the nvidia NVDEC documentation for more details.
Cameras that output H.264 video and AAC audio will offer the most compatibility with all features of Frigate and HomeAssistant. It is also helpful if your camera supports multiple substreams to allow different resolutions to be used for detection, streaming, clips, and recordings without re-encoding.
A complete and local NVR designed for HomeAssistant with AI object detection. Uses OpenCV and Tensorflow to perform realtime object detection locally for IP cameras.
Use of a Google Coral Accelerator is optional, but highly recommended. The Coral will outperform even the best CPUs and can process 100+ FPS with very little overhead.
Frigate is a Docker container that can be run on any Docker host including as a HassOS Addon. See instructions below for installing the HassOS addon.
For HomeAssistant users, there is also a custom component (aka integration). This custom component adds tighter integration with HomeAssistant by automatically setting up camera entities, sensors, media browser for clips and recordings, and a public API to simplify notifications.
Note that HassOS Addons and custom components are different things. If you are already running Frigate with Docker directly, you do not need the Addon since the Addon would run another instance of Frigate.
The default shm-size of 64m is fine for setups with 3 or less 1080p cameras. If frigate is exiting with "Bus error" messages, it could be because you have too many high resolution cameras and you need to specify a higher shm size.
You can calculate the necessary shm-size for each camera with the following formula:
The shm size cannot be set per container for HomeAssistant Addons. You must set default-shm-size in /etc/docker/daemon.json to increase the default shm size. This will increase the shm size for all of your docker containers. This may or may not cause issues with your setup. https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/dockerd/#daemon-configuration-file
For ideal performance, Frigate needs access to underlying hardware for the Coral and GPU devices for ffmpeg decoding. Running Frigate in a VM on top of Proxmox, ESXi, Virtualbox, etc. is not recommended. The virtualization layer typically introduces a sizable amount of overhead for communication with Coral devices.
How can I get sound or audio in my clips and recordings?#
By default, Frigate removes audio from clips and recordings to reduce the likelihood of failing for invalid data. If you would like to include audio, you need to override the output args to remove -an for where you want to include audio. The default ffmpeg args are shown here.
My mjpeg stream or snapshots look green and crazy#
This almost always means that the width/height defined for your camera are not correct. Double check the resolution with vlc or another player. Also make sure you don't have the width and height values backwards.
"[mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x5639eeb6e140] moov atom not found"#
These messages in the logs are expected in certain situations. Frigate checks the integrity of the video cache before assembling clips. Occasionally these cached files will be invalid and cleaned up automatically.
If you see repeated "On connect called" messages in your config, check for another instance of frigate. This happens when multiple frigate containers are trying to connect to mqtt with the same client_id.
An mjpeg stream for debugging. Keep in mind the mjpeg endpoint is for debugging only and will put additional load on the system when in use.
Accepts the following query string parameters:
Frame rate
Height in pixels
Show bounding boxes for detected objects (0 or 1)
Print the timestamp in the upper left (0 or 1)
Draw the zones on the image (0 or 1)
Overlay the mask on the image (0 or 1)
Draw blue boxes for areas with detected motion (0 or 1)
Draw green boxes for areas where object detection was run (0 or 1)
You can access a higher resolution mjpeg stream by appending h=height-in-pixels to the endpoint. For example http://localhost:5000/back?h=1080. You can also increase the FPS by appending fps=frame-rate to the URL such as http://localhost:5000/back?fps=10 or both with ?fps=10&h=1000.
Returns a thumbnail for the event id optimized for notifications. Works while the event is in progress and after completion. Passing ?format=android will convert the thumbnail to 2:1 aspect ratio.
Returns the snapshot image for the event id. Works while the event is in progress and after completion.
Accepts the following query string parameters, but they are only applied when an event is in progress. After the event is completed, the saved snapshot is returned from disk without modification:
The best way to integrate with HomeAssistant is to use the official integration. When configuring the integration, you will be asked for the Host of your frigate instance. This value should be the url you use to access Frigate in the browser and will look like http://<host>:5000/. If you are using HassOS with the addon, the host should be http://ccab4aaf-frigate:5000 (or http://ccab4aaf-frigate-beta:5000 if your are using the beta version of the addon). HomeAssistant needs access to port 5000 (api) and 1935 (rtmp) for all features. The integration will setup the following entities within HomeAssistant:
Frigate publishes event information in the form of a change feed via MQTT. This allows lots of customization for notifications to meet your needs. Event changes are published with before and after information as shown here.
Here is a simple example of a notification automation of events which will update the existing notification for each change. This means the image you see in the notification will update as frigate finds a "better" image.
-alias: Notify of events
platform: mqtt
topic: frigate/events
-service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_3
message:'A {{trigger.payload_json["after"]["label"]}} was detected.'
The best way to integrate with HomeAssistant is to use the official integration. When configuring the integration, you will be asked for the Host of your frigate instance. This value should be the url you use to access Frigate in the browser and will look like http://<host>:5000/. If you are using HassOS with the addon, the host should be http://ccab4aaf-frigate:5000 (or http://ccab4aaf-frigate-beta:5000 if your are using the beta version of the addon). HomeAssistant needs access to port 5000 (api) and 1935 (rtmp) for all features. The integration will setup the following entities within HomeAssistant:
Frigate publishes event information in the form of a change feed via MQTT. This allows lots of customization for notifications to meet your needs. Event changes are published with before and after information as shown here.
Here is a simple example of a notification automation of events which will update the existing notification for each change. This means the image you see in the notification will update as frigate finds a "better" image.
-alias: Notify of events
platform: mqtt
topic: frigate/events
-service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_3
message:'A {{trigger.payload_json["after"]["label"]}} was detected.'