* __main__.py
* app.py
* models.py
* plus.py
* stats.py
In addition a new module was introduced: types
There all TypedDicts are included. Bitte geben Sie eine Commit-Beschreibung für Ihre Änderungen ein. Zeilen,
Generally eliminate the `while True` loops while waiting for a stop
event and prefer to condition the loops on if the stop event is set,
blocking on that where it makes sense. This generally comes in 3
flavors. First and simplest, when there is a sleep and the stop event
is the only thing the loop blocks on, instead do a check using
`stop_event.wait(timeout)` to instead block on the stop event for the
designated amount of time. Second, when there is a different event that
is blocking in the loop, condition the loop on `stop_event.is_set()`
rather than breaking when it is set. Finally, when there is a separate
internal condition that requires a counter, have the loop iterate over
the counter and use `if stop_event.wait(timeout)` internal to the loop.