* recordings data pub/sub
* function to process recording stream frames
* model runner
* lpr model runner
* refactor to mixin class and use model runner
* separate out realtime and post processors
* move model and mixin folders
* basic postprocessor
* clean up
* docs
* postprocessing logic
* clean up
* return none if recordings are disabled
* run postprocessor handle_requests too
* tweak expansion
* add put endpoint
* postprocessor tweaks with endpoint
* Add basic config and face recognition table
* Reconfigure updates processing to handle face
* Crop frame to face box
* Implement face embedding calculation
* Get matching face embeddings
* Add support face recognition based on existing faces
* Use arcface face embeddings instead of generic embeddings model
* Add apis for managing faces
* Implement face uploading API
* Build out more APIs
* Add min area config
* Handle larger images
* Add more debug logs
* fix calculation
* Reduce timeout
* Small tweaks
* Use webp images
* Use facenet model