* new datepicker
* dev
* dev
* dev
* fix for version 0.10
* added rounded corners for date range
* lint
* Commented out some Select.test.
* improved date range selection
* improved functions with useCallback
* improved Select.test.jsx
* keyboard navigation
* keyboard navigation
* added dropdown menu icon
* Hide filters on xs, Button to show
* check if to far left before right
* Filter button text
* improved local timezone
* fixed position for Dialog
* added eventId to deleted item
* removed page route redirect + New Close Button
* event component added to events list. New delete reducer
* removed event route
* moved delete reducer to event page
* removed redundant event details
* keep aspect ratio
* keep aspect ratio
* removed old buttons - repositioned to top
* removed console.log
* event view function
* removed clip header
* top position
* centered image if no clips avail
* comments
* linting
* lint
* added scrollIntoView when event has been mounted
* added Clip header
* added scrollIntoView to test
* lint
* useRef to scroll event into view
* removed unused functions
* reverted changes to event.test
* scroll into view
* moved delete reducer
* removed commented code
* styling
* moved close button to right side
* Added new close svg icon
Co-authored-by: Bernt Christian Egeland <cbegelan@gmail.com>