import asyncio import json import logging import threading import time import psutil import shutil import os import requests from typing import Optional, Any from multiprocessing.synchronize import Event as MpEvent from frigate.comms.dispatcher import Dispatcher from frigate.config import FrigateConfig from frigate.const import DRIVER_AMD, DRIVER_ENV_VAR, RECORD_DIR, CLIPS_DIR, CACHE_DIR from frigate.types import StatsTrackingTypes, CameraMetricsTypes from frigate.util import get_amd_gpu_stats, get_intel_gpu_stats, get_nvidia_gpu_stats from frigate.version import VERSION from frigate.util import get_cpu_stats from frigate.object_detection import ObjectDetectProcess logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def get_latest_version() -> str: try: request = requests.get( "", timeout=10, ) except: return "unknown" response = request.json() if request.ok and response and "tag_name" in response: return str(response.get("tag_name").replace("v", "")) else: return "unknown" def stats_init( camera_metrics: dict[str, CameraMetricsTypes], detectors: dict[str, ObjectDetectProcess], ) -> StatsTrackingTypes: stats_tracking: StatsTrackingTypes = { "camera_metrics": camera_metrics, "detectors": detectors, "started": int(time.time()), "latest_frigate_version": get_latest_version(), } return stats_tracking def get_fs_type(path: str) -> str: bestMatch = "" fsType = "" for part in psutil.disk_partitions(all=True): if path.startswith(part.mountpoint) and len(bestMatch) < len(part.mountpoint): fsType = part.fstype bestMatch = part.mountpoint return fsType def read_temperature(path: str) -> Optional[float]: if os.path.isfile(path): with open(path) as f: line = f.readline().strip() return int(line) / 1000 return None def get_temperatures() -> dict[str, float]: temps = {} # Get temperatures for all attached Corals base = "/sys/class/apex/" if os.path.isdir(base): for apex in os.listdir(base): temp = read_temperature(os.path.join(base, apex, "temp")) if temp is not None: temps[apex] = temp return temps def get_processing_stats(config: FrigateConfig, stats: dict[str, str]) -> None: """Get stats for cpu / gpu.""" async def run_tasks() -> None: await asyncio.wait( [ asyncio.create_task(set_gpu_stats(config, stats)), asyncio.create_task(set_cpu_stats(stats)), ] ) loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() asyncio.set_event_loop(loop) loop.run_until_complete(run_tasks()) loop.close() async def set_cpu_stats(all_stats: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Set cpu usage from top.""" cpu_stats = get_cpu_stats() if cpu_stats: all_stats["cpu_usages"] = cpu_stats async def set_gpu_stats(config: FrigateConfig, all_stats: dict[str, Any]) -> None: """Parse GPUs from hwaccel args and use for stats.""" hwaccel_args = [] for camera in config.cameras.values(): args = camera.ffmpeg.hwaccel_args if isinstance(args, list): args = " ".join(args) if args and args not in hwaccel_args: hwaccel_args.append(args) stats: dict[str, dict] = {} for args in hwaccel_args: if "cuvid" in args or "nvidia" in args: # nvidia GPU nvidia_usage = get_nvidia_gpu_stats() if nvidia_usage: name = nvidia_usage["name"] del nvidia_usage["name"] stats[name] = nvidia_usage else: stats["nvidia-gpu"] = {"gpu": -1, "mem": -1} elif "qsv" in args: # intel QSV GPU intel_usage = get_intel_gpu_stats() if intel_usage: stats["intel-qsv"] = intel_usage else: stats["intel-qsv"] = {"gpu": -1, "mem": -1} elif "vaapi" in args: driver = os.environ.get(DRIVER_ENV_VAR) if driver == DRIVER_AMD: # AMD VAAPI GPU amd_usage = get_amd_gpu_stats() if amd_usage: stats["amd-vaapi"] = amd_usage else: stats["amd-vaapi"] = {"gpu": -1, "mem": -1} else: # intel VAAPI GPU intel_usage = get_intel_gpu_stats() if intel_usage: stats["intel-vaapi"] = intel_usage else: stats["intel-vaapi"] = {"gpu": -1, "mem": -1} elif "v4l2m2m" in args or "rpi" in args: # RPi v4l2m2m is currently not able to get usage stats stats["rpi-v4l2m2m"] = {"gpu": -1, "mem": -1} if stats: all_stats["gpu_usages"] = stats def stats_snapshot( config: FrigateConfig, stats_tracking: StatsTrackingTypes ) -> dict[str, Any]: """Get a snapshot of the current stats that are being tracked.""" camera_metrics = stats_tracking["camera_metrics"] stats: dict[str, Any] = {} total_detection_fps = 0 for name, camera_stats in camera_metrics.items(): total_detection_fps += camera_stats["detection_fps"].value pid = camera_stats["process"].pid if camera_stats["process"] else None ffmpeg_pid = ( camera_stats["ffmpeg_pid"].value if camera_stats["ffmpeg_pid"] else None ) cpid = ( camera_stats["capture_process"].pid if camera_stats["capture_process"] else None ) stats[name] = { "camera_fps": round(camera_stats["camera_fps"].value, 2), "process_fps": round(camera_stats["process_fps"].value, 2), "skipped_fps": round(camera_stats["skipped_fps"].value, 2), "detection_fps": round(camera_stats["detection_fps"].value, 2), "pid": pid, "capture_pid": cpid, "ffmpeg_pid": ffmpeg_pid, } stats["detectors"] = {} for name, detector in stats_tracking["detectors"].items(): pid = if detector.detect_process else None stats["detectors"][name] = { "inference_speed": round(detector.avg_inference_speed.value * 1000, 2), "detection_start": detector.detection_start.value, "pid": pid, } stats["detection_fps"] = round(total_detection_fps, 2) get_processing_stats(config, stats) stats["service"] = { "uptime": (int(time.time()) - stats_tracking["started"]), "version": VERSION, "latest_version": stats_tracking["latest_frigate_version"], "storage": {}, "temperatures": get_temperatures(), } for path in [RECORD_DIR, CLIPS_DIR, CACHE_DIR, "/dev/shm"]: storage_stats = shutil.disk_usage(path) stats["service"]["storage"][path] = { "total": round( / 1000000, 1), "used": round(storage_stats.used / 1000000, 1), "free": round( / 1000000, 1), "mount_type": get_fs_type(path), } return stats class StatsEmitter(threading.Thread): def __init__( self, config: FrigateConfig, stats_tracking: StatsTrackingTypes, dispatcher: Dispatcher, stop_event: MpEvent, ): threading.Thread.__init__(self) = "frigate_stats_emitter" self.config = config self.stats_tracking = stats_tracking self.dispatcher = dispatcher self.stop_event = stop_event def run(self) -> None: time.sleep(10) while not self.stop_event.wait(self.config.mqtt.stats_interval): stats = stats_snapshot(self.config, self.stats_tracking) self.dispatcher.publish("stats", json.dumps(stats), retain=False)"Exiting watchdog...")