#!/command/with-contenv bash # shellcheck shell=bash # Start the go2rtc service set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail # Logs should be sent to stdout so that s6 can collect them function get_ip_and_port_from_supervisor() { local ip_address # Example: local ip_regex='^([0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3})/[0-9]{1,2}$' if ip_address=$( curl -fsSL \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${SUPERVISOR_TOKEN}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ http://supervisor/network/interface/default/info | jq --exit-status --raw-output '.data.ipv4.address[0]' ) && [[ "${ip_address}" =~ ${ip_regex} ]]; then ip_address="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" echo "[INFO] Got IP address from supervisor: ${ip_address}" else echo "[WARN] Failed to get IP address from supervisor" return 0 fi local webrtc_port local port_regex='^([0-9]{1,5})$' if webrtc_port=$( curl -fsSL \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ${SUPERVISOR_TOKEN}" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ http://supervisor/addons/self/info | jq --exit-status --raw-output '.data.network["8555/tcp"]' ) && [[ "${webrtc_port}" =~ ${port_regex} ]]; then webrtc_port="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" echo "[INFO] Got WebRTC port from supervisor: ${webrtc_port}" else echo "[WARN] Failed to get WebRTC port from supervisor" return 0 fi export FRIGATE_GO2RTC_WEBRTC_CANDIDATE_INTERNAL="${ip_address}:${webrtc_port}" } export LIBAVFORMAT_VERSION_MAJOR=$(ffmpeg -version | grep -Po 'libavformat\W+\K\d+') if [[ ! -f "/dev/shm/go2rtc.yaml" ]]; then echo "[INFO] Preparing go2rtc config..." if [[ -n "${SUPERVISOR_TOKEN:-}" ]]; then # Running as a Home Assistant add-on, infer the IP address and port get_ip_and_port_from_supervisor fi python3 /usr/local/go2rtc/create_config.py fi readonly config_path="/config" if [[ -x "${config_path}/go2rtc" ]]; then readonly binary_path="${config_path}/go2rtc" echo "[WARN] Using go2rtc binary from '${binary_path}' instead of the embedded one" else readonly binary_path="/usr/local/go2rtc/bin/go2rtc" fi echo "[INFO] Starting go2rtc..." # Replace the bash process with the go2rtc process, redirecting stderr to stdout exec 2>&1 exec "${binary_path}" -config=/dev/shm/go2rtc.yaml