"""Test camera user and password cleanup."""

import unittest

from frigate.output import get_canvas_shape

class TestBirdseye(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_16x9(self):
        """Test 16x9 aspect ratio works as expected for birdseye."""
        width = 1280
        height = 720
        canvas_width, canvas_height = get_canvas_shape(width, height)
        assert canvas_width == width
        assert canvas_height == height

    def test_4x3(self):
        """Test 4x3 aspect ratio works as expected for birdseye."""
        width = 1280
        height = 960
        canvas_width, canvas_height = get_canvas_shape(width, height)
        assert canvas_width == width
        assert canvas_height == height

    def test_32x9(self):
        """Test 32x9 aspect ratio works as expected for birdseye."""
        width = 2560
        height = 720
        canvas_width, canvas_height = get_canvas_shape(width, height)
        assert canvas_width == width
        assert canvas_height == height

    def test_9x16(self):
        """Test 9x16 aspect ratio works as expected for birdseye."""
        width = 720
        height = 1280
        canvas_width, canvas_height = get_canvas_shape(width, height)
        assert canvas_width == width
        assert canvas_height == height

    def test_non_16x9(self):
        """Test non 16x9 aspect ratio fails for birdseye."""
        width = 1280
        height = 840
        canvas_width, canvas_height = get_canvas_shape(width, height)
        assert canvas_width == width  # width will be the same
        assert canvas_height != height