import logging import threading from typing import Any, Callable import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt from paho.mqtt.enums import CallbackAPIVersion from frigate.comms.dispatcher import Communicator from frigate.config import FrigateConfig logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MqttClient(Communicator): # type: ignore[misc] """Frigate wrapper for mqtt client.""" def __init__(self, config: FrigateConfig) -> None: self.config = config self.mqtt_config = config.mqtt self.connected: bool = False def subscribe(self, receiver: Callable) -> None: """Wrapper for allowing dispatcher to subscribe.""" self._dispatcher = receiver self._start() def publish(self, topic: str, payload: Any, retain: bool = False) -> None: """Wrapper for publishing when client is in valid state.""" if not self.connected: logger.error(f"Unable to publish to {topic}: client is not connected") return self.client.publish( f"{self.mqtt_config.topic_prefix}/{topic}", payload, retain=retain ) def stop(self) -> None: self.client.disconnect() def _set_initial_topics(self) -> None: """Set initial state topics.""" for camera_name, camera in self.config.cameras.items(): self.publish( f"{camera_name}/recordings/state", "ON" if camera.record.enabled_in_config else "OFF", retain=True, ) self.publish( f"{camera_name}/snapshots/state", "ON" if camera.snapshots.enabled else "OFF", retain=True, ) self.publish( f"{camera_name}/audio/state", "ON" if else "OFF", retain=True, ) self.publish( f"{camera_name}/detect/state", "ON" if camera.detect.enabled else "OFF", retain=True, ) self.publish( f"{camera_name}/motion/state", "ON", retain=True, ) self.publish( f"{camera_name}/improve_contrast/state", "ON" if camera.motion.improve_contrast else "OFF", # type: ignore[union-attr] retain=True, ) self.publish( f"{camera_name}/ptz_autotracker/state", "ON" if camera.onvif.autotracking.enabled_in_config else "OFF", retain=True, ) self.publish( f"{camera_name}/motion_threshold/state", camera.motion.threshold, # type: ignore[union-attr] retain=True, ) self.publish( f"{camera_name}/motion_contour_area/state", camera.motion.contour_area, # type: ignore[union-attr] retain=True, ) self.publish( f"{camera_name}/motion", "OFF", retain=False, ) self.publish( f"{camera_name}/birdseye/state", "ON" if camera.birdseye.enabled else "OFF", retain=True, ) self.publish( f"{camera_name}/birdseye_mode/state", ( camera.birdseye.mode.value.upper() if camera.birdseye.enabled else "OFF" ), retain=True, ) if self.config.notifications.enabled_in_config: self.publish( "notifications/state", "ON" if self.config.notifications.enabled else "OFF", retain=True, ) self.publish("available", "online", retain=True) def on_mqtt_command( self, client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, message: mqtt.MQTTMessage ) -> None: self._dispatcher( message.topic.replace(f"{self.mqtt_config.topic_prefix}/", "", 1), message.payload.decode(), ) def _on_connect( self, client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, flags: Any, reason_code: mqtt.ReasonCode, properties: Any, ) -> None: """Mqtt connection callback.""" threading.current_thread().name = "mqtt" if reason_code != 0: if reason_code == "Server Unavailable": logger.error( "Unable to connect to MQTT server: MQTT Server unavailable" ) elif reason_code == "Bad user name or password": logger.error( "Unable to connect to MQTT server: MQTT Bad username or password" ) elif reason_code == "Not authorized": logger.error("Unable to connect to MQTT server: MQTT Not authorized") else: logger.error( "Unable to connect to MQTT server: Connection refused. Error code: " + reason_code.getName() ) self.connected = True logger.debug("MQTT connected") client.subscribe(f"{self.mqtt_config.topic_prefix}/#") self._set_initial_topics() def _on_disconnect( self, client: mqtt.Client, userdata: Any, flags: Any, reason_code: mqtt.ReasonCode, properties: Any, ) -> None: """Mqtt disconnection callback.""" self.connected = False logger.error("MQTT disconnected") def _start(self) -> None: """Start mqtt client.""" self.client = mqtt.Client( callback_api_version=CallbackAPIVersion.VERSION2, client_id=self.mqtt_config.client_id, ) self.client.on_connect = self._on_connect self.client.will_set( self.mqtt_config.topic_prefix + "/available", payload="offline", qos=1, retain=True, ) # register callbacks callback_types = [ "recordings", "snapshots", "detect", "audio", "motion", "improve_contrast", "ptz_autotracker", "motion_threshold", "motion_contour_area", "birdseye", "birdseye_mode", ] for name in self.config.cameras.keys(): for callback in callback_types: # We need to pre-clear existing set topics because in previous # versions the webUI retained on the /set topic but this is # no longer the case. self.client.publish( f"{self.mqtt_config.topic_prefix}/{name}/{callback}/set", None, retain=True, ) self.client.message_callback_add( f"{self.mqtt_config.topic_prefix}/{name}/{callback}/set", self.on_mqtt_command, ) if self.config.cameras[name] self.client.message_callback_add( f"{self.mqtt_config.topic_prefix}/{name}/ptz", self.on_mqtt_command, ) if self.config.notifications.enabled_in_config: self.client.message_callback_add( f"{self.mqtt_config.topic_prefix}/notifications/set", self.on_mqtt_command, ) self.client.message_callback_add( f"{self.mqtt_config.topic_prefix}/restart", self.on_mqtt_command ) if self.mqtt_config.tls_ca_certs is not None: if ( self.mqtt_config.tls_client_cert is not None and self.mqtt_config.tls_client_key is not None ): self.client.tls_set( self.mqtt_config.tls_ca_certs, self.mqtt_config.tls_client_cert, self.mqtt_config.tls_client_key, ) else: self.client.tls_set(self.mqtt_config.tls_ca_certs) if self.mqtt_config.tls_insecure is not None: self.client.tls_insecure_set(self.mqtt_config.tls_insecure) if self.mqtt_config.user is not None: self.client.username_pw_set( self.mqtt_config.user, password=self.mqtt_config.password ) try: # # with connect_async, retries are handled automatically self.client.connect_async(, self.mqtt_config.port, 60) self.client.loop_start() except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Unable to connect to MQTT server: {e}") return