"""Auth apis.""" import base64 import hashlib import ipaddress import json import logging import os import re import secrets import time from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from flask import Blueprint, current_app, jsonify, make_response, redirect, request from flask_limiter import Limiter from joserfc import jwt from peewee import DoesNotExist from frigate.config import AuthConfig, ProxyConfig from frigate.const import CONFIG_DIR, JWT_SECRET_ENV_VAR, PASSWORD_HASH_ALGORITHM from frigate.models import User logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) AuthBp = Blueprint("auth", __name__) def get_remote_addr(): route = list(reversed(request.headers.get("x-forwarded-for").split(","))) logger.debug(f"IP Route: {[r for r in route]}") trusted_proxies = [] for proxy in current_app.frigate_config.auth.trusted_proxies: try: network = ipaddress.ip_network(proxy) except ValueError: logger.warn(f"Unable to parse trusted network: {proxy}") trusted_proxies.append(network) # return the first remote address that is not trusted for addr in route: ip = ipaddress.ip_address(addr.strip()) logger.debug(f"Checking {ip} (v{ip.version})") trusted = False for trusted_proxy in trusted_proxies: logger.debug( f"Checking against trusted proxy: {trusted_proxy} (v{trusted_proxy.version})" ) if trusted_proxy.version == 4: ipv4 = ip.ipv4_mapped if ip.version == 6 else ip if ipv4 in trusted_proxy: trusted = True logger.debug(f"Trusted: {str(ip)} by {str(trusted_proxy)}") break elif trusted_proxy.version == 6 and ip.version == 6: if ip in trusted_proxy: trusted = True logger.debug(f"Trusted: {str(ip)} by {str(trusted_proxy)}") break if trusted: logger.debug(f"{ip} is trusted") continue else: logger.debug(f"First untrusted IP: {str(ip)}") return str(ip) # if there wasn't anything in the route, just return the default return request.remote_addr or "" limiter = Limiter( get_remote_addr, storage_uri="memory://", ) def get_rate_limit(): return current_app.frigate_config.auth.failed_login_rate_limit def get_jwt_secret() -> str: jwt_secret = None # check env var if JWT_SECRET_ENV_VAR in os.environ: logger.debug( f"Using jwt secret from {JWT_SECRET_ENV_VAR} environment variable." ) jwt_secret = os.environ.get(JWT_SECRET_ENV_VAR) # check docker secrets elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join("/run/secrets", JWT_SECRET_ENV_VAR)): logger.debug(f"Using jwt secret from {JWT_SECRET_ENV_VAR} docker secret file.") jwt_secret = ( Path(os.path.join("/run/secrets", JWT_SECRET_ENV_VAR)).read_text().strip() ) # check for the addon options file elif os.path.isfile("/data/options.json"): with open("/data/options.json") as f: raw_options = f.read() logger.debug("Using jwt secret from Home Assistant addon options file.") options = json.loads(raw_options) jwt_secret = options.get("jwt_secret") if jwt_secret is None: jwt_secret_file = os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, ".jwt_secret") # check .jwt_secrets file if not os.path.isfile(jwt_secret_file): logger.debug( "No jwt secret found. Generating one and storing in .jwt_secret file in config directory." ) jwt_secret = secrets.token_hex(64) try: with open(jwt_secret_file, "w") as f: f.write(str(jwt_secret)) except Exception: logger.warn( "Unable to write jwt token file to config directory. A new jwt token will be created at each startup." ) else: logger.debug("Using jwt secret from .jwt_secret file in config directory.") with open(jwt_secret_file) as f: try: jwt_secret = f.readline() except Exception: logger.warn( "Unable to read jwt token from .jwt_secret file in config directory. A new jwt token will be created at each startup." ) jwt_secret = secrets.token_hex(64) if len(jwt_secret) < 64: logger.warn("JWT Secret is recommended to be 64 characters or more") return jwt_secret def hash_password(password, salt=None, iterations=600000): if salt is None: salt = secrets.token_hex(16) assert salt and isinstance(salt, str) and "$" not in salt assert isinstance(password, str) pw_hash = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac( "sha256", password.encode("utf-8"), salt.encode("utf-8"), iterations ) b64_hash = base64.b64encode(pw_hash).decode("ascii").strip() return "{}${}${}${}".format(PASSWORD_HASH_ALGORITHM, iterations, salt, b64_hash) def verify_password(password, password_hash): if (password_hash or "").count("$") != 3: return False algorithm, iterations, salt, b64_hash = password_hash.split("$", 3) iterations = int(iterations) assert algorithm == PASSWORD_HASH_ALGORITHM compare_hash = hash_password(password, salt, iterations) return secrets.compare_digest(password_hash, compare_hash) def create_encoded_jwt(user, expiration, secret): return jwt.encode({"alg": "HS256"}, {"sub": user, "exp": expiration}, secret) def set_jwt_cookie(response, cookie_name, encoded_jwt, expiration, secure): # TODO: ideally this would set secure as well, but that requires TLS response.set_cookie( cookie_name, encoded_jwt, httponly=True, expires=expiration, secure=secure ) # Endpoint for use with nginx auth_request @AuthBp.route("/auth") def auth(): auth_config: AuthConfig = current_app.frigate_config.auth proxy_config: ProxyConfig = current_app.frigate_config.proxy success_response = make_response({}, 202) # dont require auth if the request is on the internal port # this header is set by Frigate's nginx proxy, so it cant be spoofed if request.headers.get("x-server-port", 0, type=int) == 5000: return success_response fail_response = make_response({}, 401) # ensure the proxy secret matches if configured if ( proxy_config.auth_secret is not None and request.headers.get("x-proxy-secret", "", type=str) != proxy_config.auth_secret ): logger.debug("X-Proxy-Secret header does not match configured secret value") return fail_response # if auth is disabled, just apply the proxy header map and return success if not auth_config.enabled: # pass the user header value from the upstream proxy if a mapping is specified # or use anonymous if none are specified if proxy_config.header_map.user is not None: upstream_user_header_value = request.headers.get( proxy_config.header_map.user, type=str, default="anonymous", ) success_response.headers["remote-user"] = upstream_user_header_value else: success_response.headers["remote-user"] = "anonymous" return success_response # now apply authentication fail_response.headers["location"] = "/login" JWT_COOKIE_NAME = current_app.frigate_config.auth.cookie_name JWT_COOKIE_SECURE = current_app.frigate_config.auth.cookie_secure JWT_REFRESH = current_app.frigate_config.auth.refresh_time JWT_SESSION_LENGTH = current_app.frigate_config.auth.session_length jwt_source = None encoded_token = None if "authorization" in request.headers and request.headers[ "authorization" ].startswith("Bearer "): jwt_source = "authorization" logger.debug("Found authorization header") encoded_token = request.headers["authorization"].replace("Bearer ", "") elif JWT_COOKIE_NAME in request.cookies: jwt_source = "cookie" logger.debug("Found jwt cookie") encoded_token = request.cookies[JWT_COOKIE_NAME] if encoded_token is None: logger.debug("No jwt token found") return fail_response try: token = jwt.decode(encoded_token, current_app.jwt_token) if "sub" not in token.claims: logger.debug("user not set in jwt token") return fail_response if "exp" not in token.claims: logger.debug("exp not set in jwt token") return fail_response user = token.claims.get("sub") current_time = int(time.time()) # if the jwt is expired expiration = int(token.claims.get("exp")) logger.debug( f"current time: {datetime.fromtimestamp(current_time).strftime('%c')}" ) logger.debug( f"jwt expires at: {datetime.fromtimestamp(expiration).strftime('%c')}" ) logger.debug( f"jwt refresh at: {datetime.fromtimestamp(expiration - JWT_REFRESH).strftime('%c')}" ) if expiration <= current_time: logger.debug("jwt token expired") return fail_response # if the jwt cookie is expiring soon elif jwt_source == "cookie" and expiration - JWT_REFRESH <= current_time: logger.debug("jwt token expiring soon, refreshing cookie") # ensure the user hasn't been deleted try: User.get_by_id(user) except DoesNotExist: return fail_response new_expiration = current_time + JWT_SESSION_LENGTH new_encoded_jwt = create_encoded_jwt( user, new_expiration, current_app.jwt_token ) set_jwt_cookie( success_response, JWT_COOKIE_NAME, new_encoded_jwt, new_expiration, JWT_COOKIE_SECURE, ) success_response.headers["remote-user"] = user return success_response except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error parsing jwt: {e}") return fail_response @AuthBp.route("/profile") def profile(): username = request.headers.get("remote-user", type=str) return jsonify({"username": username}) @AuthBp.route("/logout") def logout(): auth_config: AuthConfig = current_app.frigate_config.auth response = make_response(redirect("/login", code=303)) response.delete_cookie(auth_config.cookie_name) return response @AuthBp.route("/login", methods=["POST"]) @limiter.limit(get_rate_limit, deduct_when=lambda response: response.status_code == 400) def login(): JWT_COOKIE_NAME = current_app.frigate_config.auth.cookie_name JWT_COOKIE_SECURE = current_app.frigate_config.auth.cookie_secure JWT_SESSION_LENGTH = current_app.frigate_config.auth.session_length content = request.get_json() user = content["user"] password = content["password"] try: db_user: User = User.get_by_id(user) except DoesNotExist: return make_response({"message": "Login failed"}, 400) password_hash = db_user.password_hash if verify_password(password, password_hash): expiration = int(time.time()) + JWT_SESSION_LENGTH encoded_jwt = create_encoded_jwt(user, expiration, current_app.jwt_token) response = make_response({}, 200) set_jwt_cookie( response, JWT_COOKIE_NAME, encoded_jwt, expiration, JWT_COOKIE_SECURE ) return response return make_response({"message": "Login failed"}, 400) @AuthBp.route("/users") def get_users(): exports = User.select(User.username).order_by(User.username).dicts().iterator() return jsonify([e for e in exports]) @AuthBp.route("/users", methods=["POST"]) def create_user(): HASH_ITERATIONS = current_app.frigate_config.auth.hash_iterations request_data = request.get_json() if not re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9._]+$", request_data.get("username", "")): make_response({"message": "Invalid username"}, 400) password_hash = hash_password(request_data["password"], iterations=HASH_ITERATIONS) User.insert( { User.username: request_data["username"], User.password_hash: password_hash, } ).execute() return jsonify({"username": request_data["username"]}) @AuthBp.route("/users/<username>", methods=["DELETE"]) def delete_user(username: str): User.delete_by_id(username) return jsonify({"success": True}) @AuthBp.route("/users/<username>/password", methods=["PUT"]) def update_password(username: str): HASH_ITERATIONS = current_app.frigate_config.auth.hash_iterations request_data = request.get_json() password_hash = hash_password(request_data["password"], iterations=HASH_ITERATIONS) User.set_by_id( username, { User.password_hash: password_hash, }, ) return jsonify({"success": True})