"""Utils for reading and writing object detection data.""" import datetime import logging import math from collections import defaultdict import cv2 import numpy as np from peewee import DoesNotExist from frigate.config import DetectConfig, ModelConfig from frigate.const import ( LABEL_CONSOLIDATION_DEFAULT, LABEL_CONSOLIDATION_MAP, LABEL_NMS_DEFAULT, LABEL_NMS_MAP, ) from frigate.detectors.detector_config import PixelFormatEnum from frigate.models import Event, Regions, Timeline from frigate.util.image import ( area, calculate_region, clipped, intersection, intersection_over_union, yuv_region_2_bgr, yuv_region_2_rgb, yuv_region_2_yuv, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) GRID_SIZE = 8 def get_camera_regions_grid( name: str, detect: DetectConfig, min_region_size: int, ) -> list[list[dict[str, any]]]: """Build a grid of expected region sizes for a camera.""" # get grid from db if available try: regions: Regions = Regions.select().where(Regions.camera == name).get() grid = regions.grid last_update = regions.last_update except DoesNotExist: grid = [] for x in range(GRID_SIZE): row = [] for y in range(GRID_SIZE): row.append({"sizes": []}) grid.append(row) last_update = 0 # get events for timeline entries events = ( Event.select(Event.id) .where(Event.camera == name) .where((Event.false_positive == None) | (Event.false_positive == False)) .where(Event.start_time > last_update) ) valid_event_ids = [e["id"] for e in events.dicts()] logger.debug(f"Found {len(valid_event_ids)} new events for {name}") # no new events, return as is if not valid_event_ids: return grid new_update = datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() timeline = ( Timeline.select( *[ Timeline.camera, Timeline.source, Timeline.data, ] ) .where(Timeline.source_id << valid_event_ids) .limit(10000) .dicts() ) logger.debug(f"Found {len(timeline)} new entries for {name}") width = detect.width height = detect.height for t in timeline: if t.get("source") != "tracked_object": continue box = t["data"]["box"] # calculate centroid position x = box[0] + (box[2] / 2) y = box[1] + (box[3] / 2) x_pos = int(x * GRID_SIZE) y_pos = int(y * GRID_SIZE) calculated_region = calculate_region( (height, width), box[0] * width, box[1] * height, (box[0] + box[2]) * width, (box[1] + box[3]) * height, min_region_size, 1.35, ) # save width of region to grid as relative grid[x_pos][y_pos]["sizes"].append( (calculated_region[2] - calculated_region[0]) / width ) for x in range(GRID_SIZE): for y in range(GRID_SIZE): cell = grid[x][y] if len(cell["sizes"]) == 0: continue std_dev = np.std(cell["sizes"]) mean = np.mean(cell["sizes"]) logger.debug(f"std dev: {std_dev} mean: {mean}") cell["x"] = x cell["y"] = y cell["std_dev"] = std_dev cell["mean"] = mean # update db with new grid region = { Regions.camera: name, Regions.grid: grid, Regions.last_update: new_update, } ( Regions.insert(region) .on_conflict( conflict_target=[Regions.camera], update=region, ) .execute() ) return grid def get_cluster_region_from_grid(frame_shape, min_region, cluster, boxes, region_grid): min_x = frame_shape[1] min_y = frame_shape[0] max_x = 0 max_y = 0 for b in cluster: min_x = min(boxes[b][0], min_x) min_y = min(boxes[b][1], min_y) max_x = max(boxes[b][2], max_x) max_y = max(boxes[b][3], max_y) return get_region_from_grid( frame_shape, [min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y], min_region, region_grid ) def get_region_from_grid( frame_shape: tuple[int], cluster: list[int], min_region: int, region_grid: list[list[dict[str, any]]], ) -> list[int]: """Get a region for a box based on the region grid.""" box = calculate_region( frame_shape, cluster[0], cluster[1], cluster[2], cluster[3], min_region ) centroid = ( box[0] + (min(frame_shape[1], box[2]) - box[0]) / 2, box[1] + (min(frame_shape[0], box[3]) - box[1]) / 2, ) grid_x = int(centroid[0] / frame_shape[1] * GRID_SIZE) grid_y = int(centroid[1] / frame_shape[0] * GRID_SIZE) cell = region_grid[grid_x][grid_y] # if there is no known data, use original region calculation if not cell or not cell["sizes"]: return box # convert the calculated region size to relative calc_size = (box[2] - box[0]) / frame_shape[1] # if region is within expected size, don't resize if ( (cell["mean"] - cell["std_dev"]) <= calc_size <= (cell["mean"] + cell["std_dev"]) ): return box # TODO not sure how to handle case where cluster is larger than expected region elif calc_size > (cell["mean"] + cell["std_dev"]): return box size = cell["mean"] * frame_shape[1] # get region based on grid size return calculate_region( frame_shape, max(0, centroid[0] - size / 2), max(0, centroid[1] - size / 2), min(frame_shape[1], centroid[0] + size / 2), min(frame_shape[0], centroid[1] + size / 2), min_region, ) def is_object_filtered(obj, objects_to_track, object_filters): object_name = obj[0] object_score = obj[1] object_box = obj[2] object_area = obj[3] object_ratio = obj[4] if object_name not in objects_to_track: return True if object_name in object_filters: obj_settings = object_filters[object_name] # if the min area is larger than the # detected object, don't add it to detected objects if obj_settings.min_area > object_area: return True # if the detected object is larger than the # max area, don't add it to detected objects if obj_settings.max_area < object_area: return True # if the score is lower than the min_score, skip if obj_settings.min_score > object_score: return True # if the object is not proportionally wide enough if obj_settings.min_ratio > object_ratio: return True # if the object is proportionally too wide if obj_settings.max_ratio < object_ratio: return True if obj_settings.mask is not None: # compute the coordinates of the object and make sure # the location isn't outside the bounds of the image (can happen from rounding) object_xmin = object_box[0] object_xmax = object_box[2] object_ymax = object_box[3] y_location = min(int(object_ymax), len(obj_settings.mask) - 1) x_location = min( int((object_xmax + object_xmin) / 2.0), len(obj_settings.mask[0]) - 1, ) # if the object is in a masked location, don't add it to detected objects if obj_settings.mask[y_location][x_location] == 0: return True return False def get_min_region_size(model_config: ModelConfig) -> int: """Get the min region size.""" return max(model_config.height, model_config.width) def create_tensor_input(frame, model_config: ModelConfig, region): if model_config.input_pixel_format == PixelFormatEnum.rgb: cropped_frame = yuv_region_2_rgb(frame, region) elif model_config.input_pixel_format == PixelFormatEnum.bgr: cropped_frame = yuv_region_2_bgr(frame, region) else: cropped_frame = yuv_region_2_yuv(frame, region) # Resize if needed if cropped_frame.shape != (model_config.height, model_config.width, 3): cropped_frame = cv2.resize( cropped_frame, dsize=(model_config.width, model_config.height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, ) # Expand dimensions since the model expects images to have shape: [1, height, width, 3] return np.expand_dims(cropped_frame, axis=0) def box_overlaps(b1, b2): if b1[2] < b2[0] or b1[0] > b2[2] or b1[1] > b2[3] or b1[3] < b2[1]: return False return True def box_inside(b1, b2): # check if b2 is inside b1 if b2[0] >= b1[0] and b2[1] >= b1[1] and b2[2] <= b1[2] and b2[3] <= b1[3]: return True return False def reduce_boxes(boxes, iou_threshold=0.0): clusters = [] for box in boxes: matched = 0 for cluster in clusters: if intersection_over_union(box, cluster) > iou_threshold: matched = 1 cluster[0] = min(cluster[0], box[0]) cluster[1] = min(cluster[1], box[1]) cluster[2] = max(cluster[2], box[2]) cluster[3] = max(cluster[3], box[3]) if not matched: clusters.append(list(box)) return [tuple(c) for c in clusters] def average_boxes(boxes: list[list[int, int, int, int]]) -> list[int, int, int, int]: """Return a box that is the average of a list of boxes.""" x_mins = [] y_mins = [] x_max = [] y_max = [] for box in boxes: x_mins.append(box[0]) y_mins.append(box[1]) x_max.append(box[2]) y_max.append(box[3]) return [np.mean(x_mins), np.mean(y_mins), np.mean(x_max), np.mean(y_max)] def median_of_boxes(boxes: list[list[int, int, int, int]]) -> list[int, int, int, int]: """Return a box that is the median of a list of boxes.""" sorted_boxes = sorted(boxes, key=lambda x: area(x)) return sorted_boxes[int(len(sorted_boxes) / 2.0)] def intersects_any(box_a, boxes): for box in boxes: if box_overlaps(box_a, box): return True return False def inside_any(box_a, boxes): for box in boxes: # check if box_a is inside of box if box_inside(box, box_a): return True return False def get_cluster_boundary(box, min_region): # compute the max region size for the current box (box is 10% of region) box_width = box[2] - box[0] box_height = box[3] - box[1] max_region_area = abs(box_width * box_height) / 0.1 max_region_size = max(min_region, int(math.sqrt(max_region_area))) centroid = (box_width / 2 + box[0], box_height / 2 + box[1]) max_x_dist = int(max_region_size - box_width / 2 * 1.1) max_y_dist = int(max_region_size - box_height / 2 * 1.1) return [ int(centroid[0] - max_x_dist), int(centroid[1] - max_y_dist), int(centroid[0] + max_x_dist), int(centroid[1] + max_y_dist), ] def get_cluster_candidates(frame_shape, min_region, boxes): # and create a cluster of other boxes using it's max region size # only include boxes where the region is an appropriate(except the region could possibly be smaller?) # size in the cluster. in order to be in the cluster, the furthest corner needs to be within x,y offset # determined by the max_region size minus half the box + 20% # TODO: see if we can do this with numpy cluster_candidates = [] used_boxes = [] # loop over each box for current_index, b in enumerate(boxes): if current_index in used_boxes: continue cluster = [current_index] used_boxes.append(current_index) cluster_boundary = get_cluster_boundary(b, min_region) # find all other boxes that fit inside the boundary for compare_index, compare_box in enumerate(boxes): if compare_index in used_boxes: continue # if the box is not inside the potential cluster area, cluster them if not box_inside(cluster_boundary, compare_box): continue # get the region if you were to add this box to the cluster potential_cluster = cluster + [compare_index] cluster_region = get_cluster_region( frame_shape, min_region, potential_cluster, boxes ) # if region could be smaller and either box would be too small # for the resulting region, dont cluster should_cluster = True if (cluster_region[2] - cluster_region[0]) > min_region: for b in potential_cluster: box = boxes[b] # boxes should be more than 5% of the area of the region if area(box) / area(cluster_region) < 0.05: should_cluster = False break if should_cluster: cluster.append(compare_index) used_boxes.append(compare_index) cluster_candidates.append(cluster) # return the unique clusters only unique = {tuple(sorted(c)) for c in cluster_candidates} return [list(tup) for tup in unique] def get_cluster_region(frame_shape, min_region, cluster, boxes): min_x = frame_shape[1] min_y = frame_shape[0] max_x = 0 max_y = 0 for b in cluster: min_x = min(boxes[b][0], min_x) min_y = min(boxes[b][1], min_y) max_x = max(boxes[b][2], max_x) max_y = max(boxes[b][3], max_y) return calculate_region( frame_shape, min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, min_region, multiplier=1.35 ) def get_startup_regions( frame_shape: tuple[int], region_min_size: int, region_grid: list[list[dict[str, any]]], ) -> list[list[int]]: """Get a list of regions to run on startup.""" # return 8 most popular regions for the camera all_cells = np.concatenate(region_grid).flat startup_cells = sorted(all_cells, key=lambda c: len(c["sizes"]), reverse=True)[0:8] regions = [] for cell in startup_cells: # rest of the cells are empty if not cell["sizes"]: break x = frame_shape[1] / GRID_SIZE * (0.5 + cell["x"]) y = frame_shape[0] / GRID_SIZE * (0.5 + cell["y"]) size = cell["mean"] * frame_shape[1] regions.append( calculate_region( frame_shape, x - size / 2, y - size / 2, x + size / 2, y + size / 2, region_min_size, multiplier=1, ) ) return regions def reduce_detections( frame_shape: tuple[int], all_detections: list[tuple[any]], ) -> list[tuple[any]]: """Take a list of detections and reduce overlaps to create a list of confident detections.""" def reduce_overlapping_detections(detections: list[tuple[any]]) -> list[tuple[any]]: """apply non-maxima suppression to suppress weak, overlapping bounding boxes.""" detected_object_groups = defaultdict(lambda: []) for detection in detections: detected_object_groups[detection[0]].append(detection) selected_objects = [] for group in detected_object_groups.values(): label = group[0][0] # o[2] is the box of the object: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax # apply max/min to ensure values do not exceed the known frame size boxes = [ ( o[2][0], o[2][1], o[2][2] - o[2][0], o[2][3] - o[2][1], ) for o in group ] # reduce confidences for objects that are on edge of region # 0.6 should be used to ensure that the object is still considered and not dropped # due to min score requirement of NMSBoxes confidences = [0.6 if clipped(o, frame_shape) else o[1] for o in group] idxs = cv2.dnn.NMSBoxes( boxes, confidences, 0.5, LABEL_NMS_MAP.get(label, LABEL_NMS_DEFAULT) ) # add objects for index in idxs: index = index if isinstance(index, np.int32) else index[0] obj = group[index] selected_objects.append(obj) # set the detections list to only include top objects return selected_objects def get_consolidated_object_detections(detections: list[tuple[any]]): """Drop detections that overlap too much.""" detected_object_groups = defaultdict(lambda: []) for detection in detections: detected_object_groups[detection[0]].append(detection) consolidated_detections = [] for group in detected_object_groups.values(): # if the group only has 1 item, skip if len(group) == 1: consolidated_detections.append(group[0]) continue # sort smallest to largest by area sorted_by_area = sorted(group, key=lambda g: g[3]) for current_detection_idx in range(0, len(sorted_by_area)): current_detection = sorted_by_area[current_detection_idx] current_label = current_detection[0] current_box = current_detection[2] overlap = 0 for to_check_idx in range( min(current_detection_idx + 1, len(sorted_by_area)), len(sorted_by_area), ): to_check = sorted_by_area[to_check_idx][2] # if area of current detection / area of check < 5% they should not be compared # this covers cases where a large car parked in a driveway doesn't block detections # of cars in the street behind it if area(current_box) / area(to_check) < 0.05: continue intersect_box = intersection(current_box, to_check) # if % of smaller detection is inside of another detection, consolidate if intersect_box is not None and area(intersect_box) / area( current_box ) > LABEL_CONSOLIDATION_MAP.get( current_label, LABEL_CONSOLIDATION_DEFAULT ): overlap = 1 break if overlap == 0: consolidated_detections.append( sorted_by_area[current_detection_idx] ) return consolidated_detections return get_consolidated_object_detections( reduce_overlapping_detections(all_detections) )