import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo } from "react"; import { useLocation, useNavigate, useSearchParams } from "react-router-dom"; import { usePersistence } from "./use-persistence"; export function useOverlayState( key: string, defaultValue: S | undefined = undefined, preserveSearch: boolean = true, ): [S | undefined, (value: S, replace?: boolean) => void] { const location = useLocation(); const navigate = useNavigate(); const currentLocationState = useMemo(() => location.state, [location]); const setOverlayStateValue = useCallback( (value: S, replace: boolean = false) => { const newLocationState = { ...currentLocationState }; newLocationState[key] = value; navigate(location.pathname + (preserveSearch ? : ""), { state: newLocationState, replace, }); }, // we know that these deps are correct // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps [key, currentLocationState, navigate], ); const overlayStateValue = useMemo( () => location.state && location.state[key], [location, key], ); return [overlayStateValue ?? defaultValue, setOverlayStateValue]; } export function usePersistedOverlayState( key: string, defaultValue: S | undefined = undefined, ): [ S | undefined, (value: S | undefined, replace?: boolean) => void, () => void, ] { const location = useLocation(); const navigate = useNavigate(); const currentLocationState = useMemo(() => location.state, [location]); // currently selected value const overlayStateValue = useMemo( () => location.state && location.state[key], [location, key], ); // saved value from previous session const [persistedValue, setPersistedValue, , deletePersistedValue] = usePersistence(key, overlayStateValue); const setOverlayStateValue = useCallback( (value: S | undefined, replace: boolean = false) => { setPersistedValue(value); const newLocationState = { ...currentLocationState }; newLocationState[key] = value; navigate(location.pathname, { state: newLocationState, replace }); }, // we know that these deps are correct // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps [key, currentLocationState, navigate], ); return [ overlayStateValue ?? persistedValue ?? defaultValue, setOverlayStateValue, deletePersistedValue, ]; } export function useHashState(): [ S | undefined, (value: S) => void, ] { const location = useLocation(); const navigate = useNavigate(); const setHash = useCallback( (value: S | undefined) => { if (!value) { navigate(location.pathname); } else { navigate(`${location.pathname}#${value}`, { state: location.state }); } }, // we know that these deps are correct // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps [location, navigate], ); const hash = useMemo( () => location.hash.substring(1) as unknown as S, [location.hash], ); return [hash, setHash]; } export function useSearchEffect( key: string, callback: (value: string) => boolean, ) { const [searchParams, setSearchParams] = useSearchParams(); const param = useMemo(() => { const param = searchParams.get(key); if (!param) { return undefined; } return [key, decodeURIComponent(param)]; }, [searchParams, key]); useEffect(() => { if (!param) { return; } const remove = callback(param[1]); if (remove) { setSearchParams(undefined, { replace: true }); } }, [param, callback, setSearchParams]); }