"""Manage camera activity and updating listeners.""" from collections import Counter from typing import Callable from frigate.config.config import FrigateConfig class CameraActivityManager: def __init__( self, config: FrigateConfig, publish: Callable[[str, any], None] ) -> None: self.config = config self.publish = publish self.last_camera_activity: dict[str, dict[str, any]] = {} self.camera_all_object_counts: dict[str, Counter] = {} self.camera_active_object_counts: dict[str, Counter] = {} self.zone_all_object_counts: dict[str, Counter] = {} self.zone_active_object_counts: dict[str, Counter] = {} self.all_zone_labels: dict[str, set[str]] = {} for camera_config in config.cameras.values(): if not camera_config.enabled_in_config: continue self.last_camera_activity[camera_config.name] = {} self.camera_all_object_counts[camera_config.name] = Counter() self.camera_active_object_counts[camera_config.name] = Counter() for zone, zone_config in camera_config.zones.items(): if zone not in self.all_zone_labels: self.zone_all_object_counts[zone] = Counter() self.zone_active_object_counts[zone] = Counter() self.all_zone_labels[zone] = set() self.all_zone_labels[zone].update( zone_config.objects if zone_config.objects else camera_config.objects.track ) def update_activity(self, new_activity: dict[str, dict[str, any]]) -> None: all_objects: list[dict[str, any]] = [] for camera in new_activity.keys(): new_objects = new_activity[camera].get("objects", []) all_objects.extend(new_objects) if self.last_camera_activity.get(camera, {}).get("objects") != new_objects: self.compare_camera_activity(camera, new_objects) # run through every zone, getting a count of objects in that zone right now for zone, labels in self.all_zone_labels.items(): all_zone_objects = Counter( obj["label"].replace("-verified", "") for obj in all_objects if zone in obj["current_zones"] ) active_zone_objects = Counter( obj["label"].replace("-verified", "") for obj in all_objects if zone in obj["current_zones"] and not obj["stationary"] ) any_changed = False # run through each object and check what topics need to be updated for this zone for label in labels: new_count = all_zone_objects[label] new_active_count = active_zone_objects[label] if ( new_count != self.zone_all_object_counts[zone][label] or label not in self.zone_all_object_counts[zone] ): any_changed = True self.publish(f"{zone}/{label}", new_count) self.zone_all_object_counts[zone][label] = new_count if ( new_active_count != self.zone_active_object_counts[zone][label] or label not in self.zone_active_object_counts[zone] ): any_changed = True self.publish(f"{zone}/{label}/active", new_active_count) self.zone_active_object_counts[zone][label] = new_active_count if any_changed: self.publish(f"{zone}/all", sum(list(all_zone_objects.values()))) self.publish( f"{zone}/all/active", sum(list(active_zone_objects.values())) ) self.last_camera_activity = new_activity def compare_camera_activity( self, camera: str, new_activity: dict[str, any] ) -> None: all_objects = Counter( obj["label"].replace("-verified", "") for obj in new_activity ) active_objects = Counter( obj["label"].replace("-verified", "") for obj in new_activity if not obj["stationary"] ) any_changed = False # run through each object and check what topics need to be updated for label in self.config.cameras[camera].objects.track: if label in self.config.model.non_logo_attributes: continue new_count = all_objects[label] new_active_count = active_objects[label] if ( new_count != self.camera_all_object_counts[camera][label] or label not in self.camera_all_object_counts[camera] ): any_changed = True self.publish(f"{camera}/{label}", new_count) self.camera_all_object_counts[camera][label] = new_count if ( new_active_count != self.camera_active_object_counts[camera][label] or label not in self.camera_active_object_counts[camera] ): any_changed = True self.publish(f"{camera}/{label}/active", new_active_count) self.camera_active_object_counts[camera][label] = new_active_count if any_changed: self.publish(f"{camera}/all", sum(list(all_objects.values()))) self.publish(f"{camera}/all/active", sum(list(active_objects.values())))