import unittest import cv2 import numpy as np from norfair.drawing.color import Palette from norfair.drawing.drawer import Drawer from frigate.util.image import intersection, transliterate_to_latin from frigate.util.object import ( get_cluster_boundary, get_cluster_candidates, get_cluster_region, get_region_from_grid, reduce_detections, ) def draw_box(frame, box, color=(255, 0, 0), thickness=2): cv2.rectangle( frame, (box[0], box[1]), (box[2], box[3]), color, thickness, ) def save_clusters_image(name, boxes, candidates, regions=[]): canvas = np.zeros((1000, 2000, 3), np.uint8) for cluster in candidates: color = Palette.choose_color(np.random.rand()) for b in cluster: box = boxes[b] draw_box(canvas, box, color, 2) # bottom right text_anchor = ( box[2], box[3], ) canvas = Drawer.text( canvas, str(b), position=text_anchor, size=None, color=(255, 255, 255), thickness=None, ) for r in regions: draw_box(canvas, r, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imwrite( f"debug/frames/{name}.jpg", canvas, ) def save_cluster_boundary_image(name, boxes, bounding_boxes): canvas = np.zeros((1000, 2000, 3), np.uint8) color = Palette.choose_color(np.random.rand()) for box in boxes: draw_box(canvas, box, color, 2) for bound in bounding_boxes: draw_box(canvas, bound, (0, 255, 0), 2) cv2.imwrite( f"debug/frames/{name}.jpg", canvas, ) class TestRegion(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.frame_shape = (1000, 2000) self.min_region_size = 160 def test_cluster_candidates(self): boxes = [(100, 100, 200, 200), (202, 150, 252, 200), (900, 900, 950, 950)] cluster_candidates = get_cluster_candidates( self.frame_shape, self.min_region_size, boxes ) # save_clusters_image("cluster_candidates", boxes, cluster_candidates) assert len(cluster_candidates) == 2 def test_transliterate_to_latin(self): self.assertEqual(transliterate_to_latin("frégate"), "fregate") self.assertEqual(transliterate_to_latin("utilité"), "utilite") self.assertEqual(transliterate_to_latin("imágé"), "image") def test_cluster_boundary(self): boxes = [(100, 100, 200, 200), (215, 215, 325, 325)] boundary_boxes = [ get_cluster_boundary(box, self.min_region_size) for box in boxes ] # save_cluster_boundary_image("bound", boxes, boundary_boxes) assert len(boundary_boxes) == 2 def test_cluster_regions(self): boxes = [(100, 100, 200, 200), (202, 150, 252, 200), (900, 900, 950, 950)] cluster_candidates = get_cluster_candidates( self.frame_shape, self.min_region_size, boxes ) regions = [ get_cluster_region(self.frame_shape, self.min_region_size, candidate, boxes) for candidate in cluster_candidates ] # save_clusters_image("regions", boxes, cluster_candidates, regions) assert len(regions) == 2 def test_box_too_small_for_cluster(self): boxes = [(100, 100, 600, 600), (655, 100, 700, 145)] cluster_candidates = get_cluster_candidates( self.frame_shape, self.min_region_size, boxes ) regions = [ get_cluster_region(self.frame_shape, self.min_region_size, candidate, boxes) for candidate in cluster_candidates ] save_clusters_image("too_small", boxes, cluster_candidates, regions) assert len(cluster_candidates) == 2 assert len(regions) == 2 def test_redundant_clusters(self): boxes = [(100, 100, 200, 200), (305, 305, 415, 415)] cluster_candidates = get_cluster_candidates( self.frame_shape, self.min_region_size, boxes ) regions = [ get_cluster_region(self.frame_shape, self.min_region_size, candidate, boxes) for candidate in cluster_candidates ] # save_clusters_image("redundant", boxes, cluster_candidates, regions) assert len(cluster_candidates) == 2 assert all([len(c) == 1 for c in cluster_candidates]) assert len(regions) == 2 def test_combine_boxes(self): boxes = [ (480, 0, 540, 128), (536, 0, 558, 99), ] # boundary_boxes = [get_cluster_boundary(box) for box in boxes] # save_cluster_boundary_image("combine_bound", boxes, boundary_boxes) cluster_candidates = get_cluster_candidates( self.frame_shape, self.min_region_size, boxes ) regions = [ get_cluster_region(self.frame_shape, self.min_region_size, candidate, boxes) for candidate in cluster_candidates ] # save_clusters_image("combine", boxes, cluster_candidates, regions) assert len(regions) == 1 def test_dont_combine_smaller_boxes(self): boxes = [ (460, 0, 561, 144), (565, 0, 586, 71), ] # boundary_boxes = [get_cluster_boundary(box) for box in boxes] # save_cluster_boundary_image("combine_bound", boxes, boundary_boxes) cluster_candidates = get_cluster_candidates( self.frame_shape, self.min_region_size, boxes ) regions = [ get_cluster_region(self.frame_shape, self.min_region_size, candidate, boxes) for candidate in cluster_candidates ] # save_clusters_image("combine", boxes, cluster_candidates, regions) assert len(regions) == 2 def test_dont_combine_boxes(self): boxes = [ (460, 0, 532, 129), (586, 0, 606, 46), ] # boundary_boxes = [get_cluster_boundary(box) for box in boxes] # save_cluster_boundary_image("dont_combine_bound", boxes, boundary_boxes) cluster_candidates = get_cluster_candidates( self.frame_shape, self.min_region_size, boxes ) regions = [ get_cluster_region(self.frame_shape, self.min_region_size, candidate, boxes) for candidate in cluster_candidates ] # save_clusters_image("dont_combine", boxes, cluster_candidates, regions) assert len(regions) == 2 class TestObjectBoundingBoxes(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: pass def test_box_intersection(self): box_a = [2012, 191, 2031, 205] box_b = [887, 92, 985, 151] box_c = [899, 128, 1080, 175] assert intersection(box_a, box_b) == None assert intersection(box_b, box_c) == (899, 128, 985, 151) def test_overlapping_objects_reduced(self): """Test that object not on edge of region is used when a higher scoring object at the edge of region is provided.""" detections = [ ( "car", 0.81, (1209, 73, 1437, 163), 20520, 2.53333333, (1150, 0, 1500, 200), ), ( "car", 0.88, (1238, 73, 1401, 171), 15974, 1.663265306122449, (1242, 0, 1602, 360), ), ] frame_shape = (720, 2560) consolidated_detections = reduce_detections(frame_shape, detections) assert consolidated_detections == [ ( "car", 0.81, (1209, 73, 1437, 163), 20520, 2.53333333, (1150, 0, 1500, 200), ) ] def test_non_overlapping_objects_not_reduced(self): """Test that non overlapping objects are not reduced.""" detections = [ ( "car", 0.81, (1209, 73, 1437, 163), 20520, 2.53333333, (1150, 0, 1500, 200), ), ( "car", 0.83203125, (1121, 55, 1214, 100), 4185, 2.066666666666667, (922, 0, 1242, 320), ), ( "car", 0.85546875, (1414, 97, 1571, 186), 13973, 1.7640449438202248, (1248, 0, 1568, 320), ), ] frame_shape = (720, 2560) consolidated_detections = reduce_detections(frame_shape, detections) assert len(consolidated_detections) == len(detections) def test_overlapping_different_size_objects_not_reduced(self): """Test that overlapping objects that are significantly different in size are not reduced.""" detections = [ ( "car", 0.81, (164, 279, 816, 719), 286880, 1.48, (90, 0, 910, 820), ), ( "car", 0.83203125, (248, 340, 328, 385), 3600, 1.777, (0, 0, 460, 460), ), ] frame_shape = (720, 2560) consolidated_detections = reduce_detections(frame_shape, detections) assert len(consolidated_detections) == len(detections) def test_vert_stacked_cars_not_reduced(self): detections = [ ("car", 0.8, (954, 312, 1247, 475), 498512, 1.48, (800, 200, 1400, 600)), ("car", 0.85, (970, 380, 1273, 610), 698752, 1.56, (800, 200, 1400, 700)), ] frame_shape = (720, 1280) consolidated_detections = reduce_detections(frame_shape, detections) assert len(consolidated_detections) == len(detections) class TestRegionGrid(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self) -> None: pass def test_region_in_range(self): """Test that region is kept at minimal size when within std dev.""" frame_shape = (720, 1280) box = [450, 450, 550, 550] region_grid = [ [], [], [], [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {"sizes": [0.25], "mean": 0.26, "std_dev": 0.01}], ] region = get_region_from_grid(frame_shape, box, 320, region_grid) assert region[2] - region[0] == 320 def test_region_out_of_range(self): """Test that region is upsized when outside of std dev.""" frame_shape = (720, 1280) box = [450, 450, 550, 550] region_grid = [ [], [], [], [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {"sizes": [0.5], "mean": 0.5, "std_dev": 0.1}], ] region = get_region_from_grid(frame_shape, box, 320, region_grid) assert region[2] - region[0] > 320