import { baseUrl } from "@/api/baseUrl"; import { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from "react"; type MSEPlayerProps = { camera: string; className?: string; playbackEnabled?: boolean; audioEnabled?: boolean; pip?: boolean; onPlaying?: () => void; }; function MSEPlayer({ camera, className, playbackEnabled = true, audioEnabled = false, pip = false, onPlaying, }: MSEPlayerProps) { let connectTS: number = 0; const RECONNECT_TIMEOUT: number = 30000; const CODECS: string[] = [ "avc1.640029", // H.264 high 4.1 (Chromecast 1st and 2nd Gen) "avc1.64002A", // H.264 high 4.2 (Chromecast 3rd Gen) "avc1.640033", // H.264 high 5.1 (Chromecast with Google TV) "hvc1.1.6.L153.B0", // H.265 main 5.1 (Chromecast Ultra) "mp4a.40.2", // AAC LC "mp4a.40.5", // AAC HE "flac", // FLAC (PCM compatible) "opus", // OPUS Chrome, Firefox ]; const visibilityThreshold: number = 0; const visibilityCheck: boolean = true; const [wsState, setWsState] = useState<number>(WebSocket.CLOSED); const videoRef = useRef<HTMLVideoElement>(null); const wsRef = useRef<WebSocket | null>(null); const reconnectTIDRef = useRef<number | null>(null); const ondataRef = useRef<((data: ArrayBufferLike) => void) | null>(null); const onmessageRef = useRef<{ [key: string]: (msg: { value: string; type: string }) => void; }>({}); const msRef = useRef<MediaSource | null>(null); const wsURL = useMemo(() => { return `${baseUrl.replace(/^http/, "ws")}live/mse/api/ws?src=${camera}`; }, [camera]); const play = () => { const currentVideo = videoRef.current; if (currentVideo) { { name: string }) => { if ( === "NotAllowedError" && !currentVideo.muted) { currentVideo.muted = true; => {}); } }); } }; const send = useCallback( (value: object) => { if (wsRef.current) wsRef.current.send(JSON.stringify(value)); }, [wsRef], ); const codecs = useCallback((isSupported: (type: string) => boolean) => { return CODECS.filter((codec) => isSupported(`video/mp4; codecs="${codec}"`), ).join(); // we know that these deps are correct // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); const onConnect = useCallback(() => { if (!videoRef.current?.isConnected || !wsURL || wsRef.current) return false; setWsState(WebSocket.CONNECTING); // TODO may need to check this later // eslint-disable-next-line connectTS =; wsRef.current = new WebSocket(wsURL); wsRef.current.binaryType = "arraybuffer"; wsRef.current.addEventListener("open", () => onOpen()); wsRef.current.addEventListener("close", () => onClose()); }, [wsURL]); const onDisconnect = useCallback(() => { setWsState(WebSocket.CLOSED); if (wsRef.current) { wsRef.current.close(); wsRef.current = null; } }, []); const onOpen = useCallback(() => { setWsState(WebSocket.OPEN); wsRef.current?.addEventListener("message", (ev) => { if (typeof === "string") { const msg = JSON.parse(; for (const mode in onmessageRef.current) { onmessageRef.current[mode](msg); } } else { ondataRef.current?.(; } }); ondataRef.current = null; onmessageRef.current = {}; onMse(); // only run once // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, []); const onClose = useCallback(() => { if (wsState === WebSocket.CLOSED) return; setWsState(WebSocket.CONNECTING); wsRef.current = null; const delay = Math.max(RECONNECT_TIMEOUT - ( - connectTS), 0); reconnectTIDRef.current = window.setTimeout(() => { reconnectTIDRef.current = null; onConnect(); }, delay); }, [wsState, connectTS, onConnect]); const onMse = () => { if ("ManagedMediaSource" in window) { const MediaSource = window.ManagedMediaSource; msRef.current?.addEventListener( "sourceopen", () => { send({ type: "mse", // @ts-expect-error for typing value: codecs(MediaSource.isTypeSupported), }); }, { once: true }, ); if (videoRef.current) { videoRef.current.disableRemotePlayback = true; videoRef.current.srcObject = msRef.current; } } else { msRef.current?.addEventListener( "sourceopen", () => { URL.revokeObjectURL(videoRef.current?.src || ""); send({ type: "mse", value: codecs(MediaSource.isTypeSupported), }); }, { once: true }, ); videoRef.current!.src = URL.createObjectURL(msRef.current!); videoRef.current!.srcObject = null; } play(); onmessageRef.current["mse"] = (msg) => { if (msg.type !== "mse") return; const sb = msRef.current?.addSourceBuffer(msg.value); sb?.addEventListener("updateend", () => { if (sb.updating) return; try { if (bufLen > 0) { const data = buf.slice(0, bufLen); bufLen = 0; sb.appendBuffer(data); } else if (sb.buffered && sb.buffered.length) { const end = sb.buffered.end(sb.buffered.length - 1) - 15; const start = sb.buffered.start(0); if (end > start) { sb.remove(start, end); msRef.current?.setLiveSeekableRange(end, end + 15); } } } catch (e) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.debug(e); } }); const buf = new Uint8Array(2 * 1024 * 1024); let bufLen = 0; ondataRef.current = (data) => { if (sb?.updating || bufLen > 0) { const b = new Uint8Array(data); buf.set(b, bufLen); bufLen += b.byteLength; // console.debug("VideoRTC.buffer", b.byteLength, bufLen); } else { try { sb?.appendBuffer(data); } catch (e) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.debug(e); } } }; }; }; useEffect(() => { if (!playbackEnabled) { return; } // iOS 17.1+ uses ManagedMediaSource const MediaSourceConstructor = "ManagedMediaSource" in window ? window.ManagedMediaSource : MediaSource; // @ts-expect-error for typing msRef.current = new MediaSourceConstructor(); if ("hidden" in document && visibilityCheck) { document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", () => { if (document.hidden) { onDisconnect(); } else if (videoRef.current?.isConnected) { onConnect(); } }); } if ("IntersectionObserver" in window && visibilityThreshold) { const observer = new IntersectionObserver( (entries) => { entries.forEach((entry) => { if (!entry.isIntersecting) { onDisconnect(); } else if (videoRef.current?.isConnected) { onConnect(); } }); }, { threshold: visibilityThreshold }, ); observer.observe(videoRef.current!); } onConnect(); return () => { onDisconnect(); }; // we know that these deps are correct // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [playbackEnabled, onDisconnect, onConnect]); // control pip useEffect(() => { if (!videoRef.current || !pip) { return; } videoRef.current.requestPictureInPicture(); }, [pip, videoRef]); return ( <video ref={videoRef} className={className} playsInline preload="auto" onLoadedData={onPlaying} muted={!audioEnabled} /> ); } export default MSEPlayer;