"""Handle outputting low res / fps preview segments from decoded frames.""" import datetime import logging import os import subprocess as sp import threading from pathlib import Path import cv2 import numpy as np from frigate.comms.inter_process import InterProcessRequestor from frigate.config import CameraConfig, RecordQualityEnum from frigate.const import CACHE_DIR, CLIPS_DIR, INSERT_PREVIEW, PREVIEW_FRAME_TYPE from frigate.ffmpeg_presets import ( FPS_VFR_PARAM, EncodeTypeEnum, parse_preset_hardware_acceleration_encode, ) from frigate.models import Previews from frigate.object_processing import TrackedObject from frigate.util.image import copy_yuv_to_position, get_yuv_crop logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) FOLDER_PREVIEW_FRAMES = "preview_frames" PREVIEW_CACHE_DIR = os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, FOLDER_PREVIEW_FRAMES) PREVIEW_SEGMENT_DURATION = 3600 # one hour # important to have lower keyframe to maintain scrubbing performance PREVIEW_KEYFRAME_INTERVAL = 40 PREVIEW_HEIGHT = 180 PREVIEW_QUALITY_WEBP = { RecordQualityEnum.very_low: 70, RecordQualityEnum.low: 80, RecordQualityEnum.medium: 80, RecordQualityEnum.high: 80, RecordQualityEnum.very_high: 86, } PREVIEW_QUALITY_BIT_RATES = { RecordQualityEnum.very_low: 7168, RecordQualityEnum.low: 8196, RecordQualityEnum.medium: 9216, RecordQualityEnum.high: 9864, RecordQualityEnum.very_high: 10096, } def get_cache_image_name(camera: str, frame_time: float) -> str: """Get the image name in cache.""" return os.path.join( CACHE_DIR, f"{FOLDER_PREVIEW_FRAMES}/preview_{camera}-{frame_time}.{PREVIEW_FRAME_TYPE}", ) class FFMpegConverter(threading.Thread): """Convert a list of still frames into a vfr mp4.""" def __init__( self, config: CameraConfig, frame_times: list[float], requestor: InterProcessRequestor, ): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.name = f"{config.name}_preview_converter" self.config = config self.frame_times = frame_times self.requestor = requestor self.path = os.path.join( CLIPS_DIR, f"previews/{self.config.name}/{self.frame_times[0]}-{self.frame_times[-1]}.mp4", ) # write a PREVIEW at fps and 1 key frame per clip self.ffmpeg_cmd = parse_preset_hardware_acceleration_encode( config.ffmpeg.hwaccel_args, input="-f concat -y -protocol_whitelist pipe,file -safe 0 -i /dev/stdin", output=f"-g {PREVIEW_KEYFRAME_INTERVAL} -fpsmax 2 -bf 0 -b:v {PREVIEW_QUALITY_BIT_RATES[self.config.record.preview.quality]} {FPS_VFR_PARAM} -movflags +faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p {self.path}", type=EncodeTypeEnum.preview, ) def run(self) -> None: # generate input list item_count = len(self.frame_times) playlist = [] for t_idx in range(0, item_count): if t_idx == item_count - 1: # last frame does not get a duration playlist.append( f"file '{get_cache_image_name(self.config.name, self.frame_times[t_idx])}'" ) continue playlist.append( f"file '{get_cache_image_name(self.config.name, self.frame_times[t_idx])}'" ) playlist.append( f"duration {self.frame_times[t_idx + 1] - self.frame_times[t_idx]}" ) p = sp.run( self.ffmpeg_cmd.split(" "), input="\n".join(playlist), encoding="ascii", capture_output=True, ) start = self.frame_times[0] end = self.frame_times[-1] if p.returncode == 0: logger.debug("successfully saved preview") self.requestor.send_data( INSERT_PREVIEW, { Previews.id: f"{self.config.name}_{end}", Previews.camera: self.config.name, Previews.path: self.path, Previews.start_time: start, Previews.end_time: end, Previews.duration: end - start, }, ) else: logger.error(f"Error saving preview for {self.config.name} :: {p.stderr}") # unlink files from cache # don't delete last frame as it will be used as first frame in next segment for t in self.frame_times[0:-1]: Path(get_cache_image_name(self.config.name, t)).unlink(missing_ok=True) class PreviewRecorder: def __init__(self, config: CameraConfig) -> None: self.config = config self.start_time = 0 self.last_output_time = 0 self.output_frames = [] self.out_height = PREVIEW_HEIGHT self.out_width = ( int((config.detect.width / config.detect.height) * self.out_height) // 4 * 4 ) # create communication for finished previews self.requestor = InterProcessRequestor() y, u1, u2, v1, v2 = get_yuv_crop( self.config.frame_shape_yuv, ( 0, 0, self.config.frame_shape[1], self.config.frame_shape[0], ), ) self.channel_dims = { "y": y, "u1": u1, "u2": u2, "v1": v1, "v2": v2, } # end segment at end of hour self.segment_end = ( (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)) .replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) .timestamp() ) Path(PREVIEW_CACHE_DIR).mkdir(exist_ok=True) Path(os.path.join(CLIPS_DIR, f"previews/{config.name}")).mkdir( parents=True, exist_ok=True ) # check for existing items in cache start_ts = ( datetime.datetime.now() .replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) .timestamp() ) file_start = f"preview_{config.name}" start_file = f"{file_start}-{start_ts}.webp" for file in sorted(os.listdir(os.path.join(CACHE_DIR, FOLDER_PREVIEW_FRAMES))): if not file.startswith(file_start): continue if file < start_file: os.unlink(os.path.join(PREVIEW_CACHE_DIR, file)) continue ts = float(file.split("-")[1][: -(len(PREVIEW_FRAME_TYPE) + 1)]) if self.start_time == 0: self.start_time = ts self.last_output_time = ts self.output_frames.append(ts) def should_write_frame( self, current_tracked_objects: list[dict[str, any]], motion_boxes: list[list[int]], frame_time: float, ) -> bool: """Decide if this frame should be added to PREVIEW.""" active_objs = get_active_objects( frame_time, self.config, current_tracked_objects ) preview_output_fps = 2 if any(o["label"] == "car" for o in active_objs) else 1 # limit output to 1 fps if (frame_time - self.last_output_time) < 1 / preview_output_fps: return False # send frame if a non-stationary object is in a zone if len(active_objs) > 0: self.last_output_time = frame_time return True if len(motion_boxes) > 0: self.last_output_time = frame_time return True # ensure that at least 2 frames are written every minute if frame_time - self.last_output_time > 30: self.last_output_time = frame_time return True return False def write_frame_to_cache(self, frame_time: float, frame) -> None: # resize yuv frame small_frame = np.zeros((self.out_height * 3 // 2, self.out_width), np.uint8) copy_yuv_to_position( small_frame, (0, 0), (self.out_height, self.out_width), frame, self.channel_dims, cv2.INTER_AREA, ) small_frame = cv2.cvtColor( small_frame, cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR_I420, ) cv2.imwrite( get_cache_image_name(self.config.name, frame_time), small_frame, [ int(cv2.IMWRITE_WEBP_QUALITY), PREVIEW_QUALITY_WEBP[self.config.record.preview.quality], ], ) def write_data( self, current_tracked_objects: list[dict[str, any]], motion_boxes: list[list[int]], frame_time: float, frame, ) -> None: # always write the first frame if self.start_time == 0: self.start_time = frame_time self.output_frames.append(frame_time) self.write_frame_to_cache(frame_time, frame) return # check if PREVIEW clip should be generated and cached frames reset if frame_time >= self.segment_end: # save last frame to ensure consistent duration self.output_frames.append(frame_time) self.write_frame_to_cache(frame_time, frame) FFMpegConverter( self.config, self.output_frames, self.requestor, ).start() # reset frame cache self.segment_end = ( (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)) .replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) .timestamp() ) self.start_time = frame_time self.last_output_time = frame_time self.output_frames = [] # include first frame to ensure consistent duration self.output_frames.append(frame_time) self.write_frame_to_cache(frame_time, frame) elif self.should_write_frame(current_tracked_objects, motion_boxes, frame_time): self.output_frames.append(frame_time) self.write_frame_to_cache(frame_time, frame) def stop(self) -> None: self.requestor.stop() def get_active_objects( frame_time: float, camera_config: CameraConfig, all_objects: list[TrackedObject] ) -> list[TrackedObject]: """get active objects for detection.""" return [ o for o in all_objects if o["motionless_count"] < camera_config.detect.stationary.threshold and o["position_changes"] > 0 and o["frame_time"] == frame_time and not o["false_positive"] ]