import os import cv2 import imutils import time import datetime import ctypes import logging import multiprocessing as mp import threading import json from contextlib import closing import numpy as np from object_detection.utils import visualization_utils as vis_util from flask import Flask, Response, make_response, send_file import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt from frigate.util import tonumpyarray from frigate.mqtt import MqttMotionPublisher, MqttObjectPublisher from frigate.objects import ObjectParser, ObjectCleaner, BestPersonFrame from frigate.motion import detect_motion from import fetch_frames, FrameTracker from frigate.object_detection import prep_for_detection, detect_objects RTSP_URL = os.getenv('RTSP_URL') MQTT_HOST = os.getenv('MQTT_HOST') MQTT_USER = os.getenv('MQTT_USER') MQTT_PASS = os.getenv('MQTT_PASS') MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX = os.getenv('MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX') # REGIONS = "350,0,300,50:400,350,250,50:400,750,250,50" # REGIONS = "400,350,250,50" REGIONS = os.getenv('REGIONS') DEBUG = (os.getenv('DEBUG') == '1') def main(): DETECTED_OBJECTS = [] recent_motion_frames = {} # Parse selected regions regions = [] for region_string in REGIONS.split(':'): region_parts = region_string.split(',') region_mask_image = cv2.imread("/config/{}".format(region_parts[5]), cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) region_mask = np.where(region_mask_image==[0]) regions.append({ 'size': int(region_parts[0]), 'x_offset': int(region_parts[1]), 'y_offset': int(region_parts[2]), 'min_person_area': int(region_parts[3]), 'min_object_size': int(region_parts[4]), 'mask': region_mask, # Event for motion detection signaling 'motion_detected': mp.Event(), # create shared array for storing 10 detected objects # note: this must be a double even though the value you are storing # is a float. otherwise it stops updating the value in shared # memory. probably something to do with the size of the memory block 'output_array': mp.Array(ctypes.c_double, 6*10) }) # capture a single frame and check the frame shape so the correct array # size can be allocated in memory video = cv2.VideoCapture(RTSP_URL) ret, frame = if ret: frame_shape = frame.shape else: print("Unable to capture video stream") exit(1) video.release() # compute the flattened array length from the array shape flat_array_length = frame_shape[0] * frame_shape[1] * frame_shape[2] # create shared array for storing the full frame image data shared_arr = mp.Array(ctypes.c_uint8, flat_array_length) # create shared value for storing the frame_time shared_frame_time = mp.Value('d', 0.0) # Lock to control access to the frame frame_lock = mp.Lock() # Condition for notifying that a new frame is ready frame_ready = mp.Condition() # Condition for notifying that motion status changed globally motion_changed = mp.Condition() # Condition for notifying that objects were parsed objects_parsed = mp.Condition() # Queue for detected objects object_queue = mp.Queue() # array for prepped frame with shape (1, 300, 300, 3) prepped_frame_array = mp.Array(ctypes.c_uint8, 300*300*3) # shared value for storing the prepped_frame_time prepped_frame_time = mp.Value('d', 0.0) # Condition for notifying that a new prepped frame is ready prepped_frame_ready = mp.Condition() # Lock to control access to the prepped frame prepped_frame_lock = mp.Lock() # array for prepped frame box [x1, y1, x2, y2] prepped_frame_box = mp.Array(ctypes.c_uint16, 4) # shape current frame so it can be treated as an image frame_arr = tonumpyarray(shared_arr).reshape(frame_shape) # start the process to capture frames from the RTSP stream and store in a shared array capture_process = mp.Process(target=fetch_frames, args=(shared_arr, shared_frame_time, frame_lock, frame_ready, frame_shape, RTSP_URL)) capture_process.daemon = True # for each region, start a separate process for motion detection and object detection detection_prep_processes = [] motion_processes = [] for region in regions: # possibly try putting these on threads and putting prepped # frames in a queue detection_prep_process = mp.Process(target=prep_for_detection, args=(shared_arr, shared_frame_time, frame_lock, frame_ready, region['motion_detected'], frame_shape, region['size'], region['x_offset'], region['y_offset'], prepped_frame_array, prepped_frame_time, prepped_frame_ready, prepped_frame_lock, prepped_frame_box)) detection_prep_process.daemon = True detection_prep_processes.append(detection_prep_process) motion_process = mp.Process(target=detect_motion, args=(shared_arr, shared_frame_time, frame_lock, frame_ready, region['motion_detected'], motion_changed, frame_shape, region['size'], region['x_offset'], region['y_offset'], region['min_object_size'], region['mask'], DEBUG)) motion_process.daemon = True motion_processes.append(motion_process) # create a process for object detection detection_process = mp.Process(target=detect_objects, args=( prepped_frame_array, prepped_frame_time, prepped_frame_lock, prepped_frame_ready, prepped_frame_box, object_queue, DEBUG )) detection_process.daemon = True # start a thread to store recent motion frames for processing frame_tracker = FrameTracker(frame_arr, shared_frame_time, frame_ready, frame_lock, recent_motion_frames, motion_changed, [region['motion_detected'] for region in regions]) frame_tracker.start() # start a thread to store the highest scoring recent person frame best_person_frame = BestPersonFrame(objects_parsed, recent_motion_frames, DETECTED_OBJECTS, motion_changed, [region['motion_detected'] for region in regions]) best_person_frame.start() # start a thread to parse objects from the queue object_parser = ObjectParser(object_queue, objects_parsed, DETECTED_OBJECTS) object_parser.start() # start a thread to expire objects from the detected objects list object_cleaner = ObjectCleaner(objects_parsed, DETECTED_OBJECTS, motion_changed, [region['motion_detected'] for region in regions]) object_cleaner.start() # connect to mqtt and setup last will def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc): print("On connect called") # publish a message to signal that the service is running client.publish(MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX+'/available', 'online', retain=True) client = mqtt.Client() client.on_connect = on_connect client.will_set(MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX+'/available', payload='offline', qos=1, retain=True) if not MQTT_USER is None: client.username_pw_set(MQTT_USER, password=MQTT_PASS) client.connect(MQTT_HOST, 1883, 60) client.loop_start() # start a thread to publish object scores (currently only person) mqtt_publisher = MqttObjectPublisher(client, MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX, objects_parsed, DETECTED_OBJECTS) mqtt_publisher.start() # start thread to publish motion status mqtt_motion_publisher = MqttMotionPublisher(client, MQTT_TOPIC_PREFIX, motion_changed, [region['motion_detected'] for region in regions]) mqtt_motion_publisher.start() # start the process of capturing frames capture_process.start() print("capture_process pid ", # start the object detection prep processes for detection_prep_process in detection_prep_processes: detection_prep_process.start() print("detection_prep_process pid ", detection_process.start() print("detection_process pid ", # start the motion detection processes # for motion_process in motion_processes: # motion_process.start() # print("motion_process pid ", # TEMP: short circuit the motion detection for region in regions: region['motion_detected'].set() with motion_changed: motion_changed.notify_all() # create a flask app that encodes frames a mjpeg on demand app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/best_person.jpg') def best_person(): frame = np.zeros(frame_shape, np.uint8) if best_person_frame.best_frame is None else best_person_frame.best_frame ret, jpg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame) response = make_response(jpg.tobytes()) response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpg' return response @app.route('/') def index(): # return a multipart response return Response(imagestream(), mimetype='multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame') def imagestream(): while True: # max out at 5 FPS time.sleep(0.2) # make a copy of the current detected objects detected_objects = DETECTED_OBJECTS.copy() # lock and make a copy of the current frame with frame_lock: frame = frame_arr.copy() # convert to RGB for drawing frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # draw the bounding boxes on the screen for obj in detected_objects: vis_util.draw_bounding_box_on_image_array(frame, obj['ymin'], obj['xmin'], obj['ymax'], obj['xmax'], color='red', thickness=2, display_str_list=["{}: {}%".format(obj['name'],int(obj['score']*100))], use_normalized_coordinates=False) for region in regions: color = (255,255,255) if region['motion_detected'].is_set(): color = (0,255,0) cv2.rectangle(frame, (region['x_offset'], region['y_offset']), (region['x_offset']+region['size'], region['y_offset']+region['size']), color, 2) # convert back to BGR frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR) # encode the image into a jpg ret, jpg = cv2.imencode('.jpg', frame) yield (b'--frame\r\n' b'Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n' + jpg.tobytes() + b'\r\n\r\n')'', debug=False) capture_process.join() for detection_prep_process in detection_prep_processes: detection_prep_process.join() for motion_process in motion_processes: motion_process.join() detection_process.join() frame_tracker.join() best_person_frame.join() object_parser.join() object_cleaner.join() mqtt_publisher.join() if __name__ == '__main__': main()