import base64 from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone import copy import glob import logging import json import os import subprocess as sp import pytz import time import traceback from functools import reduce from pathlib import Path from tzlocal import get_localzone_name from urllib.parse import unquote import cv2 import numpy as np from flask import ( Blueprint, Flask, Response, current_app, jsonify, make_response, request, ) from peewee import SqliteDatabase, operator, fn, DoesNotExist from playhouse.shortcuts import model_to_dict from frigate.config import FrigateConfig from frigate.const import CLIPS_DIR, MAX_SEGMENT_DURATION, RECORD_DIR from frigate.models import Event, Recordings from frigate.object_processing import TrackedObject from frigate.stats import stats_snapshot from frigate.util import ( clean_camera_user_pass, ffprobe_stream, restart_frigate, vainfo_hwaccel, get_tz_modifiers, ) from import StorageMaintainer from frigate.version import VERSION logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) bp = Blueprint("frigate", __name__) def create_app( frigate_config, database: SqliteDatabase, stats_tracking, detected_frames_processor, storage_maintainer: StorageMaintainer, plus_api, ): app = Flask(__name__) @app.before_request def _db_connect(): if database.is_closed(): database.connect() @app.teardown_request def _db_close(exc): if not database.is_closed(): database.close() app.frigate_config = frigate_config app.stats_tracking = stats_tracking app.detected_frames_processor = detected_frames_processor app.storage_maintainer = storage_maintainer app.plus_api = plus_api app.camera_error_image = None app.hwaccel_errors = [] app.register_blueprint(bp) return app @bp.route("/") def is_healthy(): return "Frigate is running. Alive and healthy!" @bp.route("/events/summary") def events_summary(): tz_name = request.args.get("timezone", default="utc", type=str) hour_modifier, minute_modifier = get_tz_modifiers(tz_name) has_clip = request.args.get("has_clip", type=int) has_snapshot = request.args.get("has_snapshot", type=int) clauses = [] if not has_clip is None: clauses.append((Event.has_clip == has_clip)) if not has_snapshot is None: clauses.append((Event.has_snapshot == has_snapshot)) if len(clauses) == 0: clauses.append((True)) groups = (, Event.label, fn.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d", fn.datetime( Event.start_time, "unixepoch", hour_modifier, minute_modifier ), ).alias("day"), Event.zones, fn.COUNT("count"), ) .where(reduce(operator.and_, clauses)) .group_by(, Event.label, fn.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d", fn.datetime( Event.start_time, "unixepoch", hour_modifier, minute_modifier ), ), Event.zones, ) ) return jsonify([e for e in groups.dicts()]) @bp.route("/events/<id>", methods=("GET",)) def event(id): try: return model_to_dict(Event.get( == id)) except DoesNotExist: return "Event not found", 404 @bp.route("/events/<id>/retain", methods=("POST",)) def set_retain(id): try: event = Event.get( == id) except DoesNotExist: return make_response( jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Event " + id + " not found"}), 404 ) event.retain_indefinitely = True return make_response( jsonify({"success": True, "message": "Event " + id + " retained"}), 200 ) @bp.route("/events/<id>/plus", methods=("POST",)) def send_to_plus(id): if not current_app.plus_api.is_active(): message = "PLUS_API_KEY environment variable is not set" logger.error(message) return make_response( jsonify( { "success": False, "message": message, } ), 400, ) try: event = Event.get( == id) except DoesNotExist: message = f"Event {id} not found" logger.error(message) return make_response(jsonify({"success": False, "message": message}), 404) if event.plus_id: message = "Already submitted to plus" logger.error(message) return make_response(jsonify({"success": False, "message": message}), 400) # load clean.png try: filename = f"{}-{}-clean.png" image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(CLIPS_DIR, filename)) except Exception: logger.error(f"Unable to load clean png for event: {}") return make_response( jsonify( {"success": False, "message": "Unable to load clean png for event"} ), 400, ) try: plus_id = current_app.plus_api.upload_image(image, except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) return make_response( jsonify({"success": False, "message": str(ex)}), 400, ) # store image id in the database event.plus_id = plus_id return make_response(jsonify({"success": True, "plus_id": plus_id}), 200) @bp.route("/events/<id>/retain", methods=("DELETE",)) def delete_retain(id): try: event = Event.get( == id) except DoesNotExist: return make_response( jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Event " + id + " not found"}), 404 ) event.retain_indefinitely = False return make_response( jsonify({"success": True, "message": "Event " + id + " un-retained"}), 200 ) @bp.route("/events/<id>/sub_label", methods=("POST",)) def set_sub_label(id): try: event: Event = Event.get( == id) except DoesNotExist: return make_response( jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Event " + id + " not found"}), 404 ) if request.json: new_sub_label = request.json.get("subLabel") else: new_sub_label = None if new_sub_label and len(new_sub_label) > 20: return make_response( jsonify( { "success": False, "message": new_sub_label + " exceeds the 20 character limit for sub_label", } ), 400, ) if not event.end_time: tracked_obj: TrackedObject = ( current_app.detected_frames_processor.camera_states[ ].tracked_objects.get( ) if tracked_obj: tracked_obj.obj_data["sub_label"] = new_sub_label event.sub_label = new_sub_label return make_response( jsonify( { "success": True, "message": "Event " + id + " sub label set to " + new_sub_label, } ), 200, ) @bp.route("/sub_labels") def get_sub_labels(): split_joined = request.args.get("split_joined", type=int) try: events = except Exception as e: return jsonify( {"success": False, "message": f"Failed to get sub_labels: {e}"}, "404" ) sub_labels = [e.sub_label for e in events] if None in sub_labels: sub_labels.remove(None) if split_joined: for label in sub_labels: if "," in label: sub_labels.remove(label) parts = label.split(",") for part in parts: if not (part.strip()) in sub_labels: sub_labels.append(part.strip()) return jsonify(sub_labels) @bp.route("/events/<id>", methods=("DELETE",)) def delete_event(id): try: event = Event.get( == id) except DoesNotExist: return make_response( jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Event " + id + " not found"}), 404 ) media_name = f"{}-{}" if event.has_snapshot: media = Path(f"{os.path.join(CLIPS_DIR, media_name)}.jpg") media.unlink(missing_ok=True) media = Path(f"{os.path.join(CLIPS_DIR, media_name)}-clean.png") media.unlink(missing_ok=True) if event.has_clip: media = Path(f"{os.path.join(CLIPS_DIR, media_name)}.mp4") media.unlink(missing_ok=True) event.delete_instance() return make_response( jsonify({"success": True, "message": "Event " + id + " deleted"}), 200 ) @bp.route("/events/<id>/thumbnail.jpg") def event_thumbnail(id, max_cache_age=2592000): format = request.args.get("format", "ios") thumbnail_bytes = None event_complete = False try: event = Event.get( == id) if not event.end_time is None: event_complete = True thumbnail_bytes = base64.b64decode(event.thumbnail) except DoesNotExist: # see if the object is currently being tracked try: camera_states = current_app.detected_frames_processor.camera_states.values() for camera_state in camera_states: if id in camera_state.tracked_objects: tracked_obj = camera_state.tracked_objects.get(id) if not tracked_obj is None: thumbnail_bytes = tracked_obj.get_thumbnail() except: return "Event not found", 404 if thumbnail_bytes is None: return "Event not found", 404 # android notifications prefer a 2:1 ratio if format == "android": jpg_as_np = np.frombuffer(thumbnail_bytes, dtype=np.uint8) img = cv2.imdecode(jpg_as_np, flags=1) thumbnail = cv2.copyMakeBorder( img, 0, 0, int(img.shape[1] * 0.5), int(img.shape[1] * 0.5), cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, (0, 0, 0), ) ret, jpg = cv2.imencode(".jpg", thumbnail, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 70]) thumbnail_bytes = jpg.tobytes() response = make_response(thumbnail_bytes) response.headers["Content-Type"] = "image/jpeg" if event_complete: response.headers["Cache-Control"] = f"private, max-age={max_cache_age}" else: response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-store" return response @bp.route("/<camera_name>/<label>/best.jpg") @bp.route("/<camera_name>/<label>/thumbnail.jpg") def label_thumbnail(camera_name, label): label = unquote(label) if label == "any": event_query = ( .where( == camera_name) .order_by(Event.start_time.desc()) ) else: event_query = ( .where( == camera_name) .where(Event.label == label) .order_by(Event.start_time.desc()) ) try: event = event_query.get() return event_thumbnail(, 60) except DoesNotExist: frame = np.zeros((175, 175, 3), np.uint8) ret, jpg = cv2.imencode(".jpg", frame, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 70]) response = make_response(jpg.tobytes()) response.headers["Content-Type"] = "image/jpeg" response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-store" return response @bp.route("/events/<id>/snapshot.jpg") def event_snapshot(id): download = request.args.get("download", type=bool) event_complete = False jpg_bytes = None try: event = Event.get( == id, Event.end_time != None) event_complete = True if not event.has_snapshot: return "Snapshot not available", 404 # read snapshot from disk with open( os.path.join(CLIPS_DIR, f"{}-{id}.jpg"), "rb" ) as image_file: jpg_bytes = except DoesNotExist: # see if the object is currently being tracked try: camera_states = current_app.detected_frames_processor.camera_states.values() for camera_state in camera_states: if id in camera_state.tracked_objects: tracked_obj = camera_state.tracked_objects.get(id) if not tracked_obj is None: jpg_bytes = tracked_obj.get_jpg_bytes( timestamp=request.args.get("timestamp", type=int), bounding_box=request.args.get("bbox", type=int), crop=request.args.get("crop", type=int), height=request.args.get("h", type=int), quality=request.args.get("quality", default=70, type=int), ) except: return "Event not found", 404 except: return "Event not found", 404 if jpg_bytes is None: return "Event not found", 404 response = make_response(jpg_bytes) response.headers["Content-Type"] = "image/jpeg" if event_complete: response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "private, max-age=31536000" else: response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-store" if download: response.headers[ "Content-Disposition" ] = f"attachment; filename=snapshot-{id}.jpg" return response @bp.route("/<camera_name>/<label>/snapshot.jpg") def label_snapshot(camera_name, label): label = unquote(label) if label == "any": event_query = ( .where( == camera_name) .where(Event.has_snapshot == True) .order_by(Event.start_time.desc()) ) else: event_query = ( .where( == camera_name) .where(Event.label == label) .where(Event.has_snapshot == True) .order_by(Event.start_time.desc()) ) try: event = event_query.get() return event_snapshot( except DoesNotExist: frame = np.zeros((720, 1280, 3), np.uint8) ret, jpg = cv2.imencode(".jpg", frame, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 70]) response = make_response(jpg.tobytes()) response.headers["Content-Type"] = "image/jpeg" return response @bp.route("/events/<id>/clip.mp4") def event_clip(id): download = request.args.get("download", type=bool) try: event: Event = Event.get( == id) except DoesNotExist: return "Event not found.", 404 if not event.has_clip: return "Clip not available", 404 file_name = f"{}-{id}.mp4" clip_path = os.path.join(CLIPS_DIR, file_name) if not os.path.isfile(clip_path): end_ts = ( if event.end_time is None else event.end_time ) return recording_clip(, event.start_time, end_ts) response = make_response() response.headers["Content-Description"] = "File Transfer" response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache" response.headers["Content-Type"] = "video/mp4" if download: response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=%s" % file_name response.headers["Content-Length"] = os.path.getsize(clip_path) response.headers[ "X-Accel-Redirect" ] = f"/clips/{file_name}" # nginx: return response @bp.route("/events") def events(): camera = request.args.get("camera", "all") cameras = request.args.get("cameras", "all") # handle old camera arg if cameras == "all" and camera != "all": cameras = camera label = unquote(request.args.get("label", "all")) labels = request.args.get("labels", "all") # handle old label arg if labels == "all" and label != "all": labels = label sub_label = request.args.get("sub_label", "all") sub_labels = request.args.get("sub_labels", "all") # handle old sub_label arg if sub_labels == "all" and sub_label != "all": sub_labels = sub_label zone = request.args.get("zone", "all") zones = request.args.get("zones", "all") # handle old label arg if zones == "all" and zone != "all": zones = zone limit = request.args.get("limit", 100) after = request.args.get("after", type=float) before = request.args.get("before", type=float) has_clip = request.args.get("has_clip", type=int) has_snapshot = request.args.get("has_snapshot", type=int) in_progress = request.args.get("in_progress", type=int) include_thumbnails = request.args.get("include_thumbnails", default=1, type=int) favorites = request.args.get("favorites", type=int) clauses = [] excluded_fields = [] selected_columns = [,, Event.label, Event.zones, Event.start_time, Event.end_time, Event.has_clip, Event.has_snapshot, Event.plus_id, Event.retain_indefinitely, Event.sub_label, Event.top_score, ] if camera != "all": clauses.append(( == camera)) if cameras != "all": camera_list = cameras.split(",") clauses.append(( << camera_list)) if labels != "all": label_list = labels.split(",") clauses.append((Event.label << label_list)) if sub_labels != "all": # use matching so joined sub labels are included # for example a sub label 'bob' would get events # with sub labels 'bob' and 'bob, john' sub_label_clauses = [] filtered_sub_labels = sub_labels.split(",") if "None" in filtered_sub_labels: filtered_sub_labels.remove("None") sub_label_clauses.append((Event.sub_label.is_null())) for label in filtered_sub_labels: sub_label_clauses.append((Event.sub_label.cast("text") % f"*{label}*")) sub_label_clause = reduce(operator.or_, sub_label_clauses) clauses.append((sub_label_clause)) if zones != "all": # use matching so events with multiple zones # still match on a search where any zone matches zone_clauses = [] filtered_zones = zones.split(",") if "None" in filtered_zones: filtered_zones.remove("None") zone_clauses.append((Event.zones.length() == 0)) for zone in filtered_zones: zone_clauses.append((Event.zones.cast("text") % f'*"{zone}"*')) zone_clause = reduce(operator.or_, zone_clauses) clauses.append((zone_clause)) if after: clauses.append((Event.start_time > after)) if before: clauses.append((Event.start_time < before)) if not has_clip is None: clauses.append((Event.has_clip == has_clip)) if not has_snapshot is None: clauses.append((Event.has_snapshot == has_snapshot)) if not in_progress is None: clauses.append((Event.end_time.is_null(in_progress))) if not include_thumbnails: excluded_fields.append(Event.thumbnail) else: selected_columns.append(Event.thumbnail) if favorites: clauses.append((Event.retain_indefinitely == favorites)) if len(clauses) == 0: clauses.append((True)) events = (*selected_columns) .where(reduce(operator.and_, clauses)) .order_by(Event.start_time.desc()) .limit(limit) ) return jsonify([model_to_dict(e, exclude=excluded_fields) for e in events]) @bp.route("/config") def config(): config = current_app.frigate_config.dict() for camera_name, camera in current_app.frigate_config.cameras.items(): camera_dict = config["cameras"][camera_name] # clean paths for input in camera_dict.get("ffmpeg", {}).get("inputs", []): input["path"] = clean_camera_user_pass(input["path"]) # add clean ffmpeg_cmds camera_dict["ffmpeg_cmds"] = copy.deepcopy(camera.ffmpeg_cmds) for cmd in camera_dict["ffmpeg_cmds"]: cmd["cmd"] = clean_camera_user_pass(" ".join(cmd["cmd"])) config["plus"] = {"enabled": current_app.plus_api.is_active()} return jsonify(config) @bp.route("/config/raw") def config_raw(): config_file = os.environ.get("CONFIG_FILE", "/config/config.yml") # Check if we can use .yaml instead of .yml config_file_yaml = config_file.replace(".yml", ".yaml") if os.path.isfile(config_file_yaml): config_file = config_file_yaml if not os.path.isfile(config_file): return "Could not find file", 410 with open(config_file, "r") as f: raw_config = f.close() return raw_config, 200 @bp.route("/config/save", methods=["POST"]) def config_save(): save_option = request.args.get("save_option") new_config = request.get_data().decode() if not new_config: return "Config with body param is required", 400 # Validate the config schema try: new_yaml = FrigateConfig.parse_raw(new_config) except Exception as e: return make_response( jsonify( { "success": False, "message": f"\nConfig Error:\n\n{str(traceback.format_exc())}", } ), 400, ) # Save the config to file try: config_file = os.environ.get("CONFIG_FILE", "/config/config.yml") # Check if we can use .yaml instead of .yml config_file_yaml = config_file.replace(".yml", ".yaml") if os.path.isfile(config_file_yaml): config_file = config_file_yaml with open(config_file, "w") as f: f.write(new_config) f.close() except Exception as e: return make_response( jsonify( { "success": False, "message": f"Could not write config file, be sure that Frigate has write permission on the config file.", } ), 400, ) if save_option == "restart": try: restart_frigate() except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error restarting Frigate: {e}") return "Config successfully saved, unable to restart Frigate", 200 return ( "Config successfully saved, restarting (this can take up to one minute)...", 200, ) else: return "Config successfully saved.", 200 @bp.route("/config/schema.json") def config_schema(): return current_app.response_class( current_app.frigate_config.schema_json(), mimetype="application/json" ) @bp.route("/version") def version(): return VERSION @bp.route("/stats") def stats(): stats = stats_snapshot( current_app.frigate_config, current_app.stats_tracking, current_app.hwaccel_errors, ) return jsonify(stats) @bp.route("/<camera_name>") def mjpeg_feed(camera_name): fps = int(request.args.get("fps", "3")) height = int(request.args.get("h", "360")) draw_options = { "bounding_boxes": request.args.get("bbox", type=int), "timestamp": request.args.get("timestamp", type=int), "zones": request.args.get("zones", type=int), "mask": request.args.get("mask", type=int), "motion_boxes": request.args.get("motion", type=int), "regions": request.args.get("regions", type=int), } if camera_name in current_app.frigate_config.cameras: # return a multipart response return Response( imagestream( current_app.detected_frames_processor, camera_name, fps, height, draw_options, ), mimetype="multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=frame", ) else: return "Camera named {} not found".format(camera_name), 404 @bp.route("/<camera_name>/latest.jpg") def latest_frame(camera_name): draw_options = { "bounding_boxes": request.args.get("bbox", type=int), "timestamp": request.args.get("timestamp", type=int), "zones": request.args.get("zones", type=int), "mask": request.args.get("mask", type=int), "motion_boxes": request.args.get("motion", type=int), "regions": request.args.get("regions", type=int), } resize_quality = request.args.get("quality", default=70, type=int) if camera_name in current_app.frigate_config.cameras: frame = current_app.detected_frames_processor.get_current_frame( camera_name, draw_options ) if frame is None or > ( current_app.detected_frames_processor.get_current_frame_time(camera_name) + 10 ): if current_app.camera_error_image is None: error_image = glob.glob("/opt/frigate/frigate/images/camera-error.jpg") if len(error_image) > 0: current_app.camera_error_image = cv2.imread( error_image[0], cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED ) frame = current_app.camera_error_image height = int(request.args.get("h", str(frame.shape[0]))) width = int(height * frame.shape[1] / frame.shape[0]) frame = cv2.resize(frame, dsize=(width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) ret, jpg = cv2.imencode( ".jpg", frame, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), resize_quality] ) response = make_response(jpg.tobytes()) response.headers["Content-Type"] = "image/jpeg" response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-store" return response elif camera_name == "birdseye" and current_app.frigate_config.birdseye.restream: frame = cv2.cvtColor( current_app.detected_frames_processor.get_current_frame(camera_name), cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR_I420, ) height = int(request.args.get("h", str(frame.shape[0]))) width = int(height * frame.shape[1] / frame.shape[0]) frame = cv2.resize(frame, dsize=(width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA) ret, jpg = cv2.imencode( ".jpg", frame, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), resize_quality] ) response = make_response(jpg.tobytes()) response.headers["Content-Type"] = "image/jpeg" response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-store" return response else: return "Camera named {} not found".format(camera_name), 404 @bp.route("/recordings/storage", methods=["GET"]) def get_recordings_storage_usage(): recording_stats = stats_snapshot( current_app.frigate_config, current_app.stats_tracking, current_app.hwaccel_errors, )["service"]["storage"][RECORD_DIR] if not recording_stats: return jsonify({}) total_mb = recording_stats["total"] camera_usages: dict[ str, dict ] = current_app.storage_maintainer.calculate_camera_usages() for camera_name in camera_usages.keys(): if camera_usages.get(camera_name, {}).get("usage"): camera_usages[camera_name]["usage_percent"] = ( camera_usages.get(camera_name, {}).get("usage", 0) / total_mb ) * 100 return jsonify(camera_usages) # return hourly summary for recordings of camera @bp.route("/<camera_name>/recordings/summary") def recordings_summary(camera_name): tz_name = request.args.get("timezone", default="utc", type=str) hour_modifier, minute_modifier = get_tz_modifiers(tz_name) recording_groups = ( fn.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H", fn.datetime( Recordings.start_time, "unixepoch", hour_modifier, minute_modifier ), ).alias("hour"), fn.SUM(Recordings.duration).alias("duration"), fn.SUM(Recordings.motion).alias("motion"), fn.SUM(Recordings.objects).alias("objects"), ) .where( == camera_name) .group_by( fn.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H", fn.datetime( Recordings.start_time, "unixepoch", hour_modifier, minute_modifier ), ) ) .order_by( fn.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d H", fn.datetime( Recordings.start_time, "unixepoch", hour_modifier, minute_modifier ), ).desc() ) ) event_groups = ( fn.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H", fn.datetime( Event.start_time, "unixepoch", hour_modifier, minute_modifier ), ).alias("hour"), fn.COUNT("count"), ) .where( == camera_name, Event.has_clip) .group_by( fn.strftime( "%Y-%m-%d %H", fn.datetime( Event.start_time, "unixepoch", hour_modifier, minute_modifier ), ), ) .objects() ) event_map = {g.hour: g.count for g in event_groups} days = {} for recording_group in recording_groups.objects(): parts = recording_group.hour.split() hour = parts[1] day = parts[0] events_count = event_map.get(recording_group.hour, 0) hour_data = { "hour": hour, "events": events_count, "motion": recording_group.motion, "objects": recording_group.objects, "duration": round(recording_group.duration), } if day not in days: days[day] = {"events": events_count, "hours": [hour_data], "day": day} else: days[day]["events"] += events_count days[day]["hours"].append(hour_data) return jsonify(list(days.values())) # return hour of recordings data for camera @bp.route("/<camera_name>/recordings") def recordings(camera_name): after = request.args.get( "after", type=float, default=( - timedelta(hours=1)).timestamp() ) before = request.args.get("before", type=float, recordings = (, Recordings.start_time, Recordings.end_time, Recordings.segment_size, Recordings.motion, Recordings.objects, ) .where( == camera_name, Recordings.end_time >= after, Recordings.start_time <= before, ) .order_by(Recordings.start_time) ) return jsonify([e for e in recordings.dicts()]) @bp.route("/<camera_name>/start/<int:start_ts>/end/<int:end_ts>/clip.mp4") @bp.route("/<camera_name>/start/<float:start_ts>/end/<float:end_ts>/clip.mp4") def recording_clip(camera_name, start_ts, end_ts): download = request.args.get("download", type=bool) recordings = ( .where( (Recordings.start_time.between(start_ts, end_ts)) | (Recordings.end_time.between(start_ts, end_ts)) | ((start_ts > Recordings.start_time) & (end_ts < Recordings.end_time)) ) .where( == camera_name) .order_by(Recordings.start_time.asc()) ) playlist_lines = [] clip: Recordings for clip in recordings: playlist_lines.append(f"file '{clip.path}'") # if this is the starting clip, add an inpoint if clip.start_time < start_ts: playlist_lines.append(f"inpoint {int(start_ts - clip.start_time)}") # if this is the ending clip, add an outpoint if clip.end_time > end_ts: playlist_lines.append(f"outpoint {int(end_ts - clip.start_time)}") file_name = f"clip_{camera_name}_{start_ts}-{end_ts}.mp4" path = f"/tmp/cache/{file_name}" if not os.path.exists(path): ffmpeg_cmd = [ "ffmpeg", "-y", "-protocol_whitelist", "pipe,file", "-f", "concat", "-safe", "0", "-i", "/dev/stdin", "-c", "copy", "-movflags", "+faststart", path, ] p = ffmpeg_cmd, input="\n".join(playlist_lines), encoding="ascii", capture_output=True, ) if p.returncode != 0: logger.error(p.stderr) return f"Could not create clip from recordings for {camera_name}.", 500 else: logger.debug( f"Ignoring subsequent request for {path} as it already exists in the cache." ) response = make_response() response.headers["Content-Description"] = "File Transfer" response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-cache" response.headers["Content-Type"] = "video/mp4" if download: response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=%s" % file_name response.headers["Content-Length"] = os.path.getsize(path) response.headers[ "X-Accel-Redirect" ] = f"/cache/{file_name}" # nginx: return response @bp.route("/vod/<camera_name>/start/<int:start_ts>/end/<int:end_ts>") @bp.route("/vod/<camera_name>/start/<float:start_ts>/end/<float:end_ts>") def vod_ts(camera_name, start_ts, end_ts): recordings = ( .where( Recordings.start_time.between(start_ts, end_ts) | Recordings.end_time.between(start_ts, end_ts) | ((start_ts > Recordings.start_time) & (end_ts < Recordings.end_time)) ) .where( == camera_name) .order_by(Recordings.start_time.asc()) ) clips = [] durations = [] max_duration_ms = MAX_SEGMENT_DURATION * 1000 recording: Recordings for recording in recordings: clip = {"type": "source", "path": recording.path} duration = int(recording.duration * 1000) # Determine if we need to end the last clip early if recording.end_time > end_ts: duration -= int((recording.end_time - end_ts) * 1000) if 0 < duration < max_duration_ms: clip["keyFrameDurations"] = [duration] clips.append(clip) durations.append(duration) else: logger.warning(f"Recording clip is missing or empty: {recording.path}") if not clips: logger.error("No recordings found for the requested time range") return "No recordings found.", 404 hour_ago = - timedelta(hours=1) return jsonify( { "cache": hour_ago.timestamp() > start_ts, "discontinuity": False, "consistentSequenceMediaInfo": True, "durations": durations, "segment_duration": max(durations), "sequences": [{"clips": clips}], } ) @bp.route("/vod/<year_month>/<day>/<hour>/<camera_name>") def vod_hour_no_timezone(year_month, day, hour, camera_name): return vod_hour( year_month, day, hour, camera_name, get_localzone_name().replace("/", ",") ) # TODO make this nicer when vod module is removed @bp.route("/vod/<year_month>/<day>/<hour>/<camera_name>/<tz_name>") def vod_hour(year_month, day, hour, camera_name, tz_name): parts = year_month.split("-") start_date = ( datetime(int(parts[0]), int(parts[1]), int(day), int(hour), tzinfo=timezone.utc) -",", "/"))).utcoffset() ) end_date = start_date + timedelta(hours=1) - timedelta(milliseconds=1) start_ts = start_date.timestamp() end_ts = end_date.timestamp() return vod_ts(camera_name, start_ts, end_ts) @bp.route("/vod/event/<id>") def vod_event(id): try: event: Event = Event.get( == id) except DoesNotExist: logger.error(f"Event not found: {id}") return "Event not found.", 404 if not event.has_clip: logger.error(f"Event does not have recordings: {id}") return "Recordings not available", 404 clip_path = os.path.join(CLIPS_DIR, f"{}-{id}.mp4") if not os.path.isfile(clip_path): end_ts = ( if event.end_time is None else event.end_time ) vod_response = vod_ts(, event.start_time, end_ts) # If the recordings are not found, set has_clip to false if ( type(vod_response) == tuple and len(vod_response) == 2 and vod_response[1] == 404 ): Event.update(has_clip=False).where( == id).execute() return vod_response duration = int((event.end_time - event.start_time) * 1000) return jsonify( { "cache": True, "discontinuity": False, "durations": [duration], "sequences": [{"clips": [{"type": "source", "path": clip_path}]}], } ) def imagestream(detected_frames_processor, camera_name, fps, height, draw_options): while True: # max out at specified FPS time.sleep(1 / fps) frame = detected_frames_processor.get_current_frame(camera_name, draw_options) if frame is None: frame = np.zeros((height, int(height * 16 / 9), 3), np.uint8) width = int(height * frame.shape[1] / frame.shape[0]) frame = cv2.resize(frame, dsize=(width, height), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR) ret, jpg = cv2.imencode(".jpg", frame, [int(cv2.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY), 70]) yield ( b"--frame\r\n" b"Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n" + jpg.tobytes() + b"\r\n\r\n" ) @bp.route("/ffprobe", methods=["GET"]) def ffprobe(): path_param = request.args.get("paths", "") if not path_param: return jsonify( {"success": False, "message": f"Path needs to be provided."}, "404" ) if path_param.startswith("camera"): camera = path_param[7:] if camera not in current_app.frigate_config.cameras.keys(): return jsonify( {"success": False, "message": f"{camera} is not a valid camera."}, "404" ) if not current_app.frigate_config.cameras[camera].enabled: return jsonify( {"success": False, "message": f"{camera} is not enabled."}, "404" ) paths = map( lambda input: input.path, current_app.frigate_config.cameras[camera].ffmpeg.inputs, ) elif "," in clean_camera_user_pass(path_param): paths = path_param.split(",") else: paths = [path_param] # user has multiple streams output = [] for path in paths: ffprobe = ffprobe_stream(path.strip()) output.append( { "return_code": ffprobe.returncode, "stderr": json.loads(ffprobe.stderr.decode("unicode_escape").strip()) if ffprobe.stderr.decode() else {}, "stdout": json.loads(ffprobe.stdout.decode("unicode_escape").strip()) if ffprobe.stdout.decode() else {}, } ) return jsonify(output) @bp.route("/vainfo", methods=["GET"]) def vainfo(): vainfo = vainfo_hwaccel() return jsonify( { "return_code": vainfo.returncode, "stderr": vainfo.stderr.decode("unicode_escape").strip() if vainfo.returncode != 0 else "", "stdout": vainfo.stdout.decode("unicode_escape").strip() if vainfo.returncode == 0 else "", } ) @bp.route("/logs/<service>", methods=["GET"]) def logs(service: str): log_locations = { "frigate": "/dev/shm/logs/frigate/current", "go2rtc": "/dev/shm/logs/go2rtc/current", "nginx": "/dev/shm/logs/nginx/current", } service_location = log_locations.get(service) if not service: return f"{service} is not a valid service", 404 try: file = open(service_location, "r") contents = file.close() return contents, 200 except FileNotFoundError as e: return f"Could not find log file: {e}", 500